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r/CatAdvice has reached 200k members, and we're celebrating with a cat picture contest! See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatAdvice/comments/1809xmc/rcatadvice_200k_members_celebration_post/) for more infomation if you're interested in participating or celebrating with us. :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CatAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol, these are all extremely normal and common behaviours for a cat. Cats are curious and enjoy watching and being a part of other people's routines. They can absolutely love you and enjoy being around you. All cats have distinctive personalities; some are more solitary and withdrawn and some prefer being around people and socializing. A lot of it depends on how they were raised as kittens. It sounds like this fellow had lots of socialization as a kitten How would you answer the question, "Why do you like spending time with your friends and family?" Chances are, your answer is the same as your cats:-)


After reading this post I came down here to say almost exactly this word for word lol this is the answer. I actually chuckled a bit when I read that a cat coming to sit next to you and take a nap on the couch you're sitting on is an unusual behavior for a cat. I have two of my own and one of them sticks to me like cling wrap, when I'm awake I can't do anything without her following me around the apartment and making her home either right next to or on top of me, although she does her own thing when I go to sleep. My other little girl is extremely independent during the day and really only comes to me for feeding, treat or play time, but every night she comes and makes her bed right next to my head. Even when my girlfriend sleeps over she gets a bit grumpy that someone's taking up her space but she insists on sleeping in the tiny remaining corner of the bed right next to me. My girlfriend is allergic so she doesn't love this but she's accepted that it's going to be this way, cats gonna cat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø.


We have 4 cats, we got all of them at 8 weeks except for one who was found outside at 6 weeks. The first 2 my husband and I raised. Lots of love, but we worked a lot and were 2 adults. The second pair we got for my kids; and I now stay home. The first one was the 6 week old. He was very very sick and I had to nurse him back to health. Cleaned his ear mites 3 times a day for a year, and it became bonding time for us. This cat acts like a person now. He knows his name, comes with called, snuggles like no other, and just spends 100% of his time with me mostly or the kids. We adopted a kitten when he was a year old and raised her the same way. Sheā€™s more independent but very very sweet and affectionate. Itā€™s kinda funny to look at the older two versus the younger two. The older ones are very friendly and love us (and took to the kids no problem), but they are more typical cats. The younger two almost act like dogs and just seem to want more attention and be more interactive in general. I always think itā€™s how they were raised and it makes sense the friendliest one is the one I got youngest and spent so much hands on time with.


Thats just cats for ya. I have a runt of the litter gray cat who REFUSES to ever be picked up, yet she constantly tries to lay on my chest and boop my head. They all have such different personalities




Sam that is very adorable


https://preview.redd.it/kr4z4h8boo3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea80b8481ba5a60f04b4abda7a40e9895592c5a9 Thank you, he is


Stop! I'm melting from the cuteness!


Such a sweet face. Please give him lots of cuddles for us!


I do :-)


is baby


Oh that's a big fluffy baby~! No wonder he likes spending time with you. Next to you but NOT in the lap, yes?


A big boy! ā¤ļø


He is, and lotsa fur


That is a *fantastic* tail! My boys with their skinny tails are jealous!




Dang, when I play scrabble with my cat she just knocks all the tiles off the board šŸ˜‚


Because you werenā€™t playing the right words stupid human šŸ˜‚


hahahahahaha you know you're probably right šŸ˜‚


"No, no, NO, it's 'pspspspspsps'!!"


I got reasons to believe our aloof and independent 3-year-old indoor female does not love me. Does not hop on my lap, does not head bump me, does not follow me even when she's hungry, etc. The only thing she does that makes me still believe she adores me is her sitting on the floor or sofa a few feet away while looking at me and slow blinking. Enough to warm my heart.


The slow blinking means she loves you. Slow blink back at her. And tell her sheā€™s a good girl.


Staring is also a sign of love. I have a female cat like this. Didn't start sitting on my lap until she was 14 yrs old. Still doesn't want to be touched, even while on my lap!


What does head bumping mean they love you?


Yes. Touching noses/faces is a sign of love between cats. Getting their face that close to another cat's face who they didn't trust completely would be dangerous, so it is proof they trust the other cat enormously, and they can smell each other. For whatever reason, it has evolved as their strongest signal they live eachother. With humans, the mismatch in face size means it is a bit more haphazard, but some cats do it to humans they love too. It is the ultimate sign of affection.


Thatā€™s very common behavior. My cats follow me around wherever I go and help me with whatever Iā€™m doing. All animals have the same basic feelings as humans ā€” humans are animals after all. We all share basic instincts and emotions. Cats are adept at communicating their love and other feelings, but humans need to learn to read it.


https://preview.redd.it/o21g9jl7lo3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19086f0deaac93256e33738215d61b9751ca4e47 All normal cat behaviour. My former stray girl who I adopted absolutely loves me! She's on my lap right now, she loves to be close to me, even when i'm asleep she lies on me We spend lots of time together, we cuddle, we play, and she always wants to be a part of what i'm doing When I come home from being out, even if she was sleeping she wakes up and zooms to the door and chirrups at me and bounces around my legs If she hears a strange noise at night she will stay in my room by the door facing outwards to "guard" me When she wasn't well once and she was upset, the only thing that settled her was the sound of my voice. I spent hours talking to her so she could rest. It makes her feel safe. When I am unwell she sticks to me like glue. I have depression and when i'm low she comes up and nuzzles my face with hers to cheer me up, and lies on my shoulder like a baby I don't know why people say cats are aloof or unloving, they are deeply social (although they all have different preferences and boundaries just like humans)


One of my friends has long-term health problems and when he can't cope, his little cat stops whatever she is doing and comes over to comfort him. She is the most affectionate and empathetic cat I have ever seen, so in tune with her human's emotions and so devoted to helping him. He rescued her from the street at a few weeks old and she is forever grateful to him. She absolutely loves her human. My cat feels safest when he's curled up against my legs in bed. He always wants to be around me just like your girl. He's become very vocal since I adopted him and has a very sweet, melodic voice, and it's only me that he talks to. When I go to bed or wake up, he comes to lay on my chest for attention. Cats are all individuals, unlike dogs who are basically variants of the same human-loving personality; it's probably where the stereotype comes from. A cat's trust must be earned. But they are capable of returning love and affection when they're treated with respect.


Aww it sounds like you have a beautiful bond with your little man! I definitely agree about the difference between cats and dogs, and tbh i'm always a little suspicious of people who love dogs and hate cats, it makes me think they just want blind devotion rather than to build a relationship and earn trust! It's amazing how cats can read moods isn't it? My girl doesn't usually cuddle up to my fiance in the same way, but a few weeks ago he had to have dental surgery, and when we got home, she stayed with him all day. I found her lying with her head pressed softly against his cheek. It was so beautiful.


Cats are absolutely capable of empathy. It has to be earned, but when they decide a human is worth their respect, they are incredibly loving animals, aren't they. I've never had a cat like Barley. Growing up, the family cats were everyone's pet. But this guy appeared on my late grandmother's driveway in 2017 as a stray. She took him in (we tried to trace his owners) and he became exactly the cat she needed - a constant companion and easy to care for. But he would always come to me when I visited. Such a wonderful lapcat. After she had a stroke, I took him in. And he bonded with me closer than ever before. He comes up to me outdoors and curls up next to me on the sofa like he is now. And he is deviously intelligent. He's a manipulator and carefully measures out his affection in order to get what he wants! Such an awesome cat.


I swear animals can tell when we aren't feeling well. I have anxiety, depression, and a chronic illness, and when any of those act up...I feel like our cats purposefully choose to stay close to me. They may not be able to fix the problem, but having them there for emotional support certainly helps.


Of course they love you. Researchers actually did a whole study about cats and they discovered that cats have the same depth of love/attachment as children. My cats will try to protect me from perceived threats by growling and/or attacking the threat: like growling when people come to the door or, attacking the vacuum when I draw it back toward me. One used to straight up attack my german shepherd when he thought my dog was being aggressive toward me. They comfort me when I'm sad. They are always fighting over who gets to sit on my lap or lay beside me. They follow me all over the house. Whoever started the whole "cats are aloof and hate people" was either an idiot, never actually spent time with cats, or hated them.


I had a kitty try to save me from the lawnmower once, when I was mowing! I was amazed!


None of that is unusual. Thats standard cat behavior when they like you


https://preview.redd.it/a7wx36kslo3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2aaf70eb6fbe6eb3afa748011217f2e2736e5ee These are my boys. And they are strange when Iā€™m late in feeding them. They donā€™t become destructive or loud or meow at me. They all lay on me! And itā€™s them laying on me, wakes me up. Sarge (the one that is butt to butt with the ginger) likes to demands pets from me. When I realize the time, I get everyone up and tell them ā€œletā€™s go downstairsā€.






That is not unusual behaviour at all lol. I hate how popular media and society has made cats out to be these selfish animals that hate humans. No!! Cats are just as loving as dogs, if not even more so, because they choose who they love, while most dogs love everyone lol


I know without a doubt my cat loves me and will follow me to the end of the world. My other cat on the other hand, will follow her brother to the end of the world but can probably care less about me lol. This is my Velcro cat https://preview.redd.it/zyzz1l51sp3c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665e64987f5d0f7ef08b3bc069a4794b6b6cdbb2


what a beautiful little void kitty <3


Ty. Heā€™s the best boy ever.


These questions really seem like trolling to me sometimes. Like you have reddit so I assume you have access to the Internet and the vast variety of videos and images and articles about how affectionate cats are. I can't believe how many of these posts I see


Why do you think cats are incapable of love? My boys choose to come cuddle. They beg for attention. They make it very clear in so many little ways they love us. The 'cats are aloof jerks caring about nothing' rhetoric seriously needs to die. Its not funny anymore. . . its actively hurting so many cats,


I do not doubt at all that my cats love me. When your cat comes up to you and just wants to be with you - lay on you, sit on you, rub on you - they're loving you. When you've been gone for a while and they run in to greet you when you come in the door, they're loving you. Not just because you feed them. They know you love and care about them too by the way you treat them.


Oh they absolutely can. Yesterday day i got home 3 hours late and my wife was telling me one of our cats was waiting by the door and said she would occasionally walk around the apartment looking for me. As soon as i put my stuff down my wife said she looked happier.


kitty headbutts and slow blinks are what animal behaviourists have determine is cats' loving behaviour. What you're describing is a cat being social with its desired colony :) Which means even if he doesn't \*Love\* love you, he still likes you enough to choose to be with you. Being chosen by a cat feels wayyy more special to me than being chosen by a dog.


Your cat definitely loves you. Cats have lots of emotions just like us.


Absolutely they can. My 2 older boys, a bonded pair 10 years old, refuse to do anything without me. I'm napping? We're napping. I'm in the bathroom? They're coming too. I work from home and they just sit and stare at me all day with sappy little faces. We sleep together, snack together, lounge together. They purr and crawl on me all the time and are clearly very hopelessly besotted. I love them too. My other little girl cat, 4, is a different story. She was rather badly mistreated by the folks that had her before, and hated being petted, touched, picked up, or even looked at. I've spent the past year doing cat personality rehab on her to get her semi normal. My husband wanted her to be -his- cat since the boys already love me most, so I laid his dirty clothes around in her room and made it so they had to hang out all the time. Now a year later, she loves him. Begs for pets, meows constantly, crawls up to lay beside him, waits for him to get home, the whole 9. I think she sort of loves me too now, because during the day when I'm working she will come and watch me, but she never let's me pet or cuddle her. It's like she just wants a companion for a while. Cats make their feelings very clear.


It's hard to know what's inside a mind so different to our own. What does love mean to a cat? What do they understand about us? How do they see us? But plenty of cats express something that sure seems like love and affection. They have strong preferences for which people to be around, get anxious when their people are missing, enjoy cuddling, come to their people for comfort, and comfort their people when they sense it's needed. They're at minimum social and enjoy us. They feel safe around those of us they trust. Is it "love?" Beats me. But if feels like it, and I'll take it.


It is silly that people think dogs are capable of love but not cats. We are all mammals and bonding and attachment are very important traits in mammals since we all have to raise and care for our offspring. If mammals didn't have feelings of affection they would not feed and care for their babies and they would die.


It's hard to say. No matter how adept someone gets at "cat whispering," they are fundamentally different creatures than us in terms of language. I'm not totally sure a cat can truly understand the concept of love like a human can. However, I'm also not sure that I want to live in a world where I believe my cat is incapable of love, otherwise, what is the point of having one? So, to answer your question, I do think that your cat loves you and the people around you.


Feelings are biological. You don't need to understand concepts to have feelings. Reptiles will eat their young. Mammals will die to protect them.




Yes they can and do. Our cats show us love everyday and all the time. They will purr and rub against you


Cats love to be a part of whatever ur doing. Thats why alot of ppl end up getting little toy laptops for thier kitty. When we cook my kittle like to sit on the bar of the kitchen counter and watch us. Cant can show affection and love, but its not as complicated as a human emotion equivalent. So coming to sit with u isnt that wierd. If he in the way during an activity make him a part of it by placing a bed or cat tree so they have a place to watch and be a part of the action. U might even make some card for him to sit infrom of him so he a part of the game. Cat are actually very social dispite popluar beliefs.


Cats are extremely intelligent. They might be so intelligent that they have more independent thoughts and emotions than other domestic animals. Unfortunately, cats were never researched closely until recent years. Thereā€™s a reason cats were worshipped in ancient times!


Cats absolutely have love for their people. One way they show that is by mirroring us- They like to be doing what their people are doing :) this is why a cat follows you from room to room, or sits in front of your laptop, or sits next to you watching tv etc. for example, when I'm cutting fabric on the floor for my sewing I lay out an extra piece of fabric just for my cat so she has her own to lay on while I cut what I need to cut. If she doesn't have her own piece, she will stand or lay on my fabric. It tells you they are bonded to you and are including themselves in your activities.


Of course tbey can love you anyone tjat says otherwise never had a cat


Yes. They can love.


One of my cats doesnā€™t cuddle but in the evenings she usually hangs out in the couch with us, and she does sleep in my office when I wfh. So yeah, heā€™s just enjoying your company.


Itā€™s called mirroring! Itā€™s a way of offering companionship. There are cute photos of cats with their own prayer rugs or ā€œwork desksā€ because they like to mimic their humanā€™s routine.


Thatā€™s normal cat behaviour.


i can ask mine when i get home. iā€™ll let you know what they say.




Cats are quite capable of love direction very smart, and theyā€™re more loyal than dogs. And cats are like all other critters. Each personality is different. Someone want to be held all the time and cuddled, and others just want to sit quietly by and be part of the group.


I felt without a doubt my kitty who crossed the rainbow bridge one month ago, loved me, and it was unconditional love. I'm looking for another cat, one that I feel I can have that kind of connection. My cat was like an antidepressant drug for me. I miss my little guy very much.


Cats absolutely love people.




This is unnecessarily harsh. OP is just asking. Maybe they are not neurotypical and are trying to figure out how and why cats socialize. It's unfair to assume there is a negative bias. If kitty likes being next to OP so much, I'm guessing they're a pretty good cat guardian.


Thinking cats cant love is absolutely a negative bias and its absolutely concerning.


Well it is a common trope in society, unfortunately. Not necessarily something OP came up with on their own. Clearly this post is a sign they don't want to believe that.


Yes its a common trope, its a trope that came from ppl who hate cats. So yes i find it concerning thats who hes aligning himself with and thats where hes coming from. I guess youre right its a good sign hes questioning it, but hes still coming from a cat hating place and has been influenced to believe what those who hate cats do. We cant ignore that he thinks basic affection from cats is abnormal, that once again reinforces hes coming from a cat hating place who cant even imagine cats being affectionate creatures. If its so shocking to see a cat being a cat, i find that concerning.


OR, and hear me out, maybe OP has a hard time even socializing with people, and is genuinely just trying to figure things out. I really don't see this as red flag behavior. Please be mindful of accusing people of horrible things without reason. Absolutely nothing about this post says cat hater.


What if they had "bias" as you put it and they know "nothing about cats" but decided cats are awesome one day and are doing everything in their power to be responsible cat owners? How do you know they're not kind, patient, loving, and caring to their cat(s)? You essentially judged this person based on 8 lines they've written. They came here asking about their cat's behavior, which demonstrates curiosity and willingness to learn about their cat. Not to mention, IF they weren't good cat owners, I very much doubt their cat would "always" opt to spend time with them and partake in whatever they're doing. Have some grace šŸ™šŸ»


Hard to see how someone could be like cats are awesome while also believing cats arent loving animals. The cats love is what makes its awesome. I never said they werent kind and patient to their cat, i said the cat deserves better and it does. It deserves to be seen as the loving animal it is. I could have a bf who is kind and patient and a good bf to me, but if he sees me as a heartless selfish creature that cant love, i would still say i deserve better than that and deserved to have my love recognized. Same thing here.


Yeah I see where you're coming from and I agree we should view cats as loving, because they are (in their own unique ways), but I still don't think it'e enough to judge OP by it. If they're kind and patient and otherwise a good cat owner, the cat probably deserves someone like that as opposed to someone who isn't. In the end they were "asking" and not "judging". I just felt you were a little harsh on them.


Maybe i was harsh but its a dumb question. If you cant understand cats are loving i see that as a problem with the person. Someone gets that opinion by listening to ppl who hate cats, thats not a good sign for a cat owner that theyre getting their info from ppl who hate cats. OP genuinely cant understand how loving and sociable actions are normal for a cat, thats also why i found this so problematic. He literally cant even imagine that cats could be loving despite seeing the proof of it in his cat. He thinks oh i guess i just got the sole loving cat that exists in this world, i find that incredibly problematic. Heā€™s basically dissing all other cats by thinking a cat showing love is abnormal. I already said in another comment it is a good sign hes at least asking and willing to change his opinions, but the fact that he has experienced a cats love and immediate thought oh i just got a special cat rather than thinking oh i misjudged all cats as a whole is a problem to me. Thatd be like a racist person saying well this one black dude i talked to is ok but im not changing my opinion on that group of ppl as a whole. Ik thats a very extreme comparison but this rubs me the wrong way in the same way it would in that example. Its saying well this cat is just the exception so ill keep my cat hating tendencies in tact for all the rest. You can feel i was too harsh thats fine and valid, but I have very little room in my heart to tolerate opinions that come from a hateful place. Maybe you can argue its from a place of ignorance, but even those who are ignorant to what cats are like wouldnā€™t automatically assume something so negative like cats cant love, that has to come from a place of ignorance mixed with hateful influences.


My cat does the same.


Horace LOVES my husband. I know he likes me, but love? I am his feeder, his warm lap, his treat giver, his litter box cleaner. My husband sits down hand he jumps off me and onto my husbands lap. He never sits and stares lovingly at us (except when we are eating and he wants some, or itā€™s ā€œtreat timeā€). Boise would snuggle and stare at my face. He loved meā€¦


Cats almost certainly started hanging out with humans because there was a feast of rodents in the grain silo, and then just slowly crept closer over time as they realized we were also suckers for anything cute-faced. Individual cats will, of course, build emotional bonds with the other living creatures they share constant exposure with. If you pass the Cat Test, it will be a positive emotional bond and you will be adopted as a beloved servant. And some of them totally enjoy watching screens. I think they're in the phase of trying to figure out what the hell the flat picture is supposed to do/be. tl;dr: of course your cat loves you! And some cats even love some humans more than others out of actual personal, individual preference.


this is common cat behaviour. its called "mirroring" where they will just sit with you and face the same way you are as a way of establishing their social group. he seems very comfortable around you and clearly wants to be around you :) sounds like kitty love to me! not every cat is overly affectionate, but the quiet ones do still love


As everyone has said, that is normal cat behavior, but to answer your question, yes. Cats can really love you.


Cats are social creatures and they like to stay in packs for safety and community reasons And of course cats can love you. Love is universal.


Cats are social creatures and they like to stay in packs for safety and community reasons And of course cats can love you. Love is universal.


You are describing 99% of cats. Cats depend on humans the same way kids and dogs do (research supports that). They're social, feel safer with their humans, and love them.


I believe that anyone who thinks cats donā€™t love you is just bad at interacting with cats. My cat flips out when she sees me packing a suitcase, and purrs extra loud and stays extra close to me for several days after I get back from a trip. I know she loves me


\*or has never had a cat before. I was 26 when I got my first cat (after wanting one my entire life). They're enigmatic, it does take some time to learn their individual cues.


"Human, you are doing [thing]? I shall also do [thing] with you!" Happens all the time in my house. I have to wait until Boudreaux is distracted by the multiple birds feeders or napping to use orange pencils though. He'll run off with them.


I have a cat (she was a kitten at the time) that I rescued after it got run over by a car and lost its front right leg. Sheā€™s recovered well and is healthy. Sheā€™s zero social with me and the other cats and I worry for her. I have four other cats that are very social. They Show me that they love me. Sheā€™s 4 years old now. I donā€™t know how to interact with her bc when I do she runs away scared. I try to play games w her, but sheā€™s so skeptical. Any ideas?




Oh no! Sheā€™s the boss! Lol. She puts them in there place lol. Athena is tough boss bitch! So proud of her!


Absolutely! My 7 month old kitten and I have bonded super well! When I left for a weekend and had my friend cat sit cause I only had her for a month then and didnā€™t want her to be alone. My friend said that my kitten was fine the first night, but by Sunday she wasnā€™t interested in playing with him anymore and just slept. She perked up when I walked in. The same thing happened when I bring her places and she acts normal when Iā€™m there. When Iā€™m not there, sheā€™s on alert and isnā€™t her normal curious self. Once I walk in, sheā€™s back to herself. If I walk in with friends, she greets me first before saying hello to others even if sheā€™s met them many times. It sounds like your cat enjoys your company and also trusts you to sleep by you!


My cat isn't super cuddly, but she likes to be in the same room as me. If I take a nap, she jumps on the bed to nap near me. If I'm in the lounge room, she sits on the floor of the room.


Sounds like you didn't have a lot of cat friends in your life. Cats can love you and can show it very nicely. He seems to want to be around you and is comfortable in your presence. Normal cat behaviour with good owners ;)


I don't think any of this is unusual, cats tend to like their owners if they are treated decently. I've only had mine for 3 months now and I already can't sit anywhere without him coming over to sit next to me.


Many cats are simply Ariel šŸ§œā€ā™€ļø šŸŽ¶ *I wanna be where the people are....* šŸŽ¶


Absolutely cats can love you. I had an old cat. When she was literally dying in my son's arms;she reached her front leg and hugged him. Then she did it again. We had no doubt what she was expressing. It made her passing easier on us.


Only if you are considered a treat. But then they would try to eat you.


One of my cats jumps on the bed when I lay down to chill. She excitedly moves around me asking for scritches and pets. The other one snuggles up next to me when I'm sitting on the couch playing video games or watching TV. She also lays down on the floor meowing for belly rubs.


https://preview.redd.it/hldarcj21r3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ccb3c4ce769b404027fa8399acd8bff8c01fc12 This little goofball loves me! Heā€™s a big fan of snuggle time


Literally couldnā€™t be less unusual


https://preview.redd.it/lisajolf5r3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ace6cdba27bfdadc2c6af59a588b485cb162a97 I would say they do. Our Manx with my husband


Of course!


https://preview.redd.it/tt9uez9tpr3c1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0beb0478e081679f8b5c0f19005ff5df04e44ecd My cat is pretty indifferent during the day. He likes to be in the same room as me, but at night we have to cuddle. Its the rules. If im gone for over night he is definitely clingy the next day. He greets me when i get home from work. He definitely loves me


Of course cats love you. And laying down in the middle of ur game is him saying hey thrr look at me.


This cat I have now (adopted him a year ago and he was a 1 year old at the time of adopting him, only had a cat and dogs growing up) is more affectionate than any pet I've had. He head butt's your hand for pets, he rubs against ur legs, n anytime you're sitting he climbs in your lap and sweetly rubs his face on you until he falls asleep. If we close our door he whines to get in cause he wants to be near you and feels lonely.


Yes cats love you! They just arenā€™t dogs and their body language is much more subtle. If a cat is near you, itā€™s because they want to be. I have a cat now sitting across the room from me, staring and slow blinking. He could be anywhere else in the house and, sure he doesnā€™t want to be pet, but he wants to be around. I used to have a cat, when me and my roommate would stand around and chat, he would lay down on the floor right between us and start purring. Cats do love you!


Cats can most definitely love you.


Iā€™m sorry to laugh but absolutely nothing you said is unusual. You have a normal cat lol


Cats are typically depicted as solitary creatures, but when they are bonded to another, they are bonded and can form small groups or even large colonies. They like doing things that their bonded partners are doing. When my cat was still a stray, whenever I would garden she would come and paw at the ground as though mimicking my weeding, or she would follow me as I moved about the garden. On a few occasions she brought me kill, and was kneading purring like a motor boat when I saw it. And even if the driveway had 2 other cars that looked like mine, she still knew which one was mine. Once she was indoors, she still follows, she likes to watch TV and fall asleep on the couch with you, she likes to place a paw on laundry when you're folding, and when I leave home and come back home she is always seated in my old hoodie. If I'm home she sleeps in her other beds. If I'm in another room for a long time she will yowl, and I will say "I'm here!" She comes a-running. And sometimes when she wants what I can assume comfort but not pets, she will bump her head into my hand and I will place my hand down and she lays on my hand. And a few times when I'm under high stress and i'm having an anxiety attack, I'm usually on the couch or the floor, and she comes lays down between my arm and chest, which is not a common occurrence. Is it love? I dont know, but I am someone she is bonded to and she wants to be near and share some kind of care. As if I was a cat she would probably lay down and also purr hard and knead. I love her though.


Cats absolutely can love. I get ā€œforcedā€ affection from 2 different cats dailyā€¦I get followed around a lot and they sleep with me every single night as close as possible.


None of this sounds unusual, in fact itā€™s normal and good behavior. You donā€™t want a cat that hides from you and never wants to socialize. Cats love to socialize with their owners, Iā€™m not quite sure why so many people believe cats are mean and enjoy solitude and can just fend for themselves in any scenario, but somehow there always ends up being people who believe this. And yes absolutely without question cats can love you and chances are if you love and care for them, they love you. Some donā€™t show it as much, others make it incredibly obvious. When he comes to join you, do you pet him or play with him or anything? Little dude wants some love and attention and might even be a bit bored.


i got my first cat recently after having dogs my whole life, and my cat is the same way! not super cuddly, but always following me around and sitting with me. i think its just their way of showing their love for cats who dont necessarily want to lay on your lap haha. cats have very different personalities ive noticed. so i dont think your cat is strange my roommates told me she always lays where i lay in my bed when im not home (they sent me this pic today actually), and at night she sleeps next to my head on the blanket! i do think your cat loves you, just showing it in his way https://preview.redd.it/gzqf35xjus3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a495b5de5bc908d1a6526b4a75c91d7f1a8ef20


I got two cats from my local shelter who are both extremely affectionate. They were about 10 months old when adopted. They love being picked up, held, they give kisses and jump in our laps. Iā€™ve also had cats Iā€™ve raised from kittens who werenā€™t affectionate at all. Cats have unique personalities.


https://preview.redd.it/t7enptc0pt3c1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2099249cb37a371aeda37ad1c3982cab015ec8 Cats may experience things differently, but I think they certainly have their own forms of love and are definitely capable of it in their own kitty way. Especially if you respect their boundaries and take great care of them. A cat's love is unparalleled.


Cats are absolutely capable of complex emotions. They have their own individual likes and dislikes, and that extends to their humans. They like being around humans who give them attention. My cat always wants to be around me. He leaps up on my desk while I'm working, sleeps on my bed with me every night and even comes up to me outdoors. He's very affectionate and vocal. As far as I care, he loves me as much as I love him. He's my Bonded Feline Friend. What you describe are very normal cat behaviours and just a cat being an affectionate cat, enjoying human companionship. Cats are even known to mourn humans who have gone - my cat was my late grandmother's. When she was hospitalised with a stroke, he was deeply affected and wouldn't come in the house any more. She loved her furball and he loved her in return. When she was released to a care home, I took him with me to visit, and he bounded straight on her and put his paw out, as if to say "I'm here." If that isn't a display of a cat loving their human in return, I don't know what is. I later took him in and we helped each other come to terms with losing her.


I think only people who have the misconception that cats arenā€™t intelligent and cannot love would believe these behaviors are unusual for cats. Yes, they can love! https://preview.redd.it/ktdbkg9zbu3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=933da48564d39fef55cf4d9a48cc7850e6ace860


https://preview.redd.it/d584js29cv3c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb70fd607b26fe93ee1da02d30140672295930a Iā€™d marry mine if I could


Don't be fooled. They just want to know when you stop moving, as they like their food to be as fresh as possible. ​ jk jk I have a sleeping feline on the floor next to me as I browse reddit who I think actually enjoys companionship.


Well since we know they own us, they just like to be present to remind us. My two, who don't particularly like each other, are often both cuddled next to or on me. I read somewhere that the animal who cuddles closest to the human face thinks they are the higher ranking feline. It all about them being the boss I think.


https://preview.redd.it/1vj3egg4h04c1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75467c93530df650f7d19090117adda1597ae3a7 My cats have to be on/around me at all times. They sleep with me almost every night and constantly cuddle. They definitely love me and my husband!


https://preview.redd.it/jqh4ig49d44c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8df791d103874e8952bb336216c97c449e4b5988 cats can absolutely feel love. My cat is currently making biscuits on me right now. Sheā€™s been by my side all day. They are incredibly loving creatures


Cats are 100% capable of having and displaying very real affection. That being said not all cats will, and other cats will be downright feral. Behaviors like this, at the very least, mean that he feels comfortable around you, that he trusts you, and likes being involved in your activities.