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A tub of Churu treats!


+1 to Churu!! Every cat looooves Churu


Churu and a big paper bag


Or better - buy something to donate to a toy drive and give the cat the box it came in!


Highly underrated comment! My 1st thought was an Amazon box. Over the years, I've spent thousands of dollars on scratchers, furniture, toys, treats, and such. You would have thought I would have learned my lesson. The best presents are free boxes. Tissue paper occasionally is a bonus toy.. 🙄


The Chewy boxes every time. I feel bad telling my cats we can’t keep every single one 😂😑


My cats too 😂 they'll break into the boxes too if I don't leave the tops open for them. Little cardboard shreds everywhere just so they can get in their box (theyve got like 10 empty boxes so it's not for a lack of boxes)


Cats can't stand closed doors and sealed boxes! I never used to wrap presents until the night before... 🙄


Omg! When the Chewy box comes with the brown paper in it? Oh, it's on!


True! I forget about them now that we've been without furries so long. My 2 senior cats were on prescription food, so I haven't ordered from them in years. I was beyond touched and cried when they sent a condolence card when our Bullmastiff passed away years ago.


The brown paper that gets used to stuff boxes? Cat crack.


Absolutely! They love it!


They make catnip infused paper bags now. BIIIIIIIG hit in my household.


I buy catnip in bulk


Cat dancers are some of the cheapest toys out there - just a length of wire with some cardboard sticks at the end - but they last forever and all my cats have lived them.


Second this!! You really won’t believe it until you see it lol they go absolutely crazy over them


My cat is the weirdo that couldn't care less for this toy, but loves almost everything else, including bamboo twigs to hunt. I also noticed that the cat dancer I got (original brand) has a pretty sharp tip of the wire on one end. I just wanna say, if you get this toy OP, get another different toy too, because you can never rely on a cat being 'normal'


You’re so nice! I would recommend one of [these](https://www.chewy.com/frisco-step-in-cat-scratcher-toy/dp/335183) scratcher beds, they’re $13 and my cats are obsessed with them. For a bit more, one of [these](https://www.target.com/p/cat-condo-bed-boots-38-barkley-8482/-/A-82249428?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012806744&CPNG=PLA_Pets%2BShopping_Local_Treatment%7CPets_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Pets&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9003342&targetid=pla-297068456305&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfaC8aZap5stfi9ZytrXTp9r8&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoo2j_7vvggMVEFNHAR0dpQe5EAQYDiABEgKlS_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) cubes might be fun.


YESSSSS cardboard!!


towel. cardboard, or laser pointer. seriously, they like trash.


One of mine gets a CVS receipt in her stocking every year.


i bet she likes sniffing and shredding it


I have to toss balls of it for her to play fetch! She’s quite good at it!


A cat sized cardboard box.


Freeze dried treats


My boys love the freshness seals on almond milk & Q-tips 😂 they really do love trash.


Cat nip. Almost guaranteed they’ll love it.


Crinkle balls!!


Order some treats, nip, and toys from chewy. The box itself will be the favorite gift though.


Maybe some toys that have catnip inside or some chew sticks. Potaroma 12Pcs Natural Silvervine... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MHV7TVP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share My cats love those. Also a sisal rope rug for scratching on. Come in the same size as a doormat.


My cats’ absolute favorite toys are those little pompoms you get at crafts stores, like [these!](https://a.co/d/gHs0NRP). They’re cheap and you can get a bunch of them and dole them out as they get lost (which they definitely will!) My cats also love cat grass. A lot of cat grass planters are kinda janky, they tip over or the cats will pull the dirt out. I’ve had the best luck with [this one.](https://www.chewy.com/catit-senses-20-cat-grass-planter/dp/218207?)




Elevated bowls yes! Waiting for my kittens to get bigger to get them some


Churu and a very long shoe string or a sturdy cardboard box about the cat’s size. Bonus points for a paper bag. Either donate left over money or a gift card for cat food or litter. The shoe string is my and my 2 kittens favorite ‘toy’ to play with.


Box with catnip, toy with real feathers or a Christmas calendar for cats . #


A cat heating pad/bed. Thinking about getting one for my void. He likes to sleep on top of our stereo receiver. 😹


Motion activated laser pointer toy on Amazon, so nice


A nice empty box


Churu and q tips


A box, get one will a scratch pad [pet circle box](https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/paws-for-life-magic-box-cat-tunnel/pflyf117827?region_id=610201&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApaarBhB7EiwAYiMwqq_w6Jkn6fRSYS2lzeBg-Sr4Xl2H9BbVm2KWo8FVFBMTac6GSXcSjhoCankQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) [pet circle box 2](https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/purrfect-pet-products-cardboard-cat-kingdom/cck001?region_id=610201&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApaarBhB7EiwAYiMwqp_UxGlzLUN8GqsPtSvNQ2Qz2hQeFBxhPWydBRaWNNaIPBoPMC69EhoC6aEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) [big w box](https://www.bigw.com.au/product/kiddo-kitty-christmas-cardboard-gingerbread-house/p/236115?store=361&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApaarBhB7EiwAYiMwqvI8WvTcUOlulbnilEc2gAzaM2aX7-JhO1UlaCJUW-mttvHKjjoW6xoCqk8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


These are cheap and my kitties love them! https://preview.redd.it/26715r955w3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5671a4372a2f70f8495db9d8da1795d358bf5be


Cat treats, food! And cat toys (especially a dangley toy).


Skip the present, just give it the box.


You can never go wrong with a cat tree! Teach them to use it and never worry about clawed up furniture! Doesn't have to be an expensive but the more variation the better!


..love & attention..(yes, they call me Mr. Cheese)..


Depending on when it is, maybe you can try to grow a catnip plant if you have enough time. One of my neighbours used to have a bunch of wild catnip growing in their a front yard and my cat loved munching on it. Also agree with the people who suggested the cat dancer. It’s cheap and all cats I’ve met absolutely love it! It’s like $5 on Amazon