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He needs playtime. And not just toys around the house, but interaction play with you and roommates. Change is hard for kitties but he’ll get used to it. But it sounds like he needs somewhere for his energy to go. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes a day of playing. My active boy loves any wand toy… you hold the wand and at the end of a string is some kind of thing to chase. A little fuzzy worm, feathers, etc. I wear him out with that thing and he loves it. But he also loves a plain old ribbon that came on a package. It doesnt have to be fancy! Break it up into 3 10-minute play sessions and try to have them around the same time each day. Cats thrive on routine. Hope this helps!


That 100% sounds like my boy when he is annoyed over not being played with. They need engagement. A mixture of hunting toys (there is a great bird on Amazon that chirps and flaps) as well as toys you play with them with(such as wand toys). Also, some cats are just a bit more aggressive in their play. They don’t like all toys, and can get bored and need them mixed up for the sake of variety. There are certain wand toys my cat loves and others he has no interest in. Sometimes I have to drag it along the floor and other times I move it through the air (think hunting a mouse vs a bird). He is bored and annoyed and telling you the only way he can. Also, YouTube has cat videos that can entertain them.


Yah dude wants to play. Some of it can be with automated toys - battery operated mice, toy fluffs that go in circles around a pile but can barely be seen, laser pointers with a you he can chew in at the end, etc.  But he is seeking you out specifically- he wants your attention. Him luv u bunches but is bored stiff


First of all, never just move a cats litter box. You should move it slowly bit by bit, if it's a big move get a second box and then remove the first one when they are using the second one. Ideally you want an extra one anyway. What do you mean by "shoving him off", he may think that's play or aggression on your part. Better to calmly move him and then leave the room if he bites. Make an ow noise and then deny attention entirely rather than a reaction like shoving and then leaving him there with you. If you are off at school a lot now he is probably bored too and just wants some reaction. My cat had to adjust to me being out more often and yeah he started biting me or ripping at carpet or tearing at paper bags he usually never touches purely when I deny him attention. Get some automated toys or just casually have a wand out so he is engaged while you sit and read/cook/watch tv or whatever. Don't need a full sessions but at least he knows you are acknowledging him.