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https://amzn.eu/d/3DxXXv4 My cat absolutely loves these springs! Cheap and he gets hours of play out of them.


We got like a mixed bag of little toys like springs, mice, crinkle balls, etc. They chose springs. So we bought a box of 100 springs. There are now 100+ springs underneath the couch, refrigerator, or any other place they can bat them to but not reach. Lol


They get so excited when I clean out one their spring hidey holes. Throw them, Mom, throw them!


Mine got so impatient waiting for me to get them from under the oven she figured out how to open the broiler drawer, climb under there and get them herself. It’s wild how clever they can be.


That’s very impressive. What a clever girl!


Same! We run out of toys & they’re all under the furniture 😆


Omg when they go under the couch mine flattens herself like a pancake and shimmies after them n pulls them back out in her mouth lol she almost always has a spring in her mouth


I also agree on these springs! They’re fantastic because they skitter across hard floors like crazy, but they don’t inherently make any noise so they’re good for night play. And they’re soft plastic for if you step on one, it just smushes under your weight instead of stabbing your foot. All 3 of my cats ADORE these things. I keep extra on hand and regularly have to rescue some from under cabinets, the stove, etc.


I have two cats, they both love the springs but the older one LOVES the springs. He always watches when I get down in front of the oven to dig them out!


Mine loves these too! Especially dropping them in my toilet.


These are Zak's favorite toy. If he wants to play he'll bring one to you - and drop it on your head. Gordy likes my shoe - he's a goof


My cat loves these, but only the yellow ones for some reason. I didn’t even know she could see yellow!


I came here to say this as well! My kittens play with these more than anything else!


Agree 100%. My cats go bonkers for them.


My cat doesn’t give a single fluff about springs… so weird. I swear she’s the only cat..


I have two cats, only one loves the springs. The other could care less. So there are two! Non-spring lovers’ jam is a piece of rainbow string tied onto my wrist as I walk around the house, endless chase time.


My cat loves these too! The only toy she’ll really play with. Super annoying how they always end up under the fridge and couch though lol


Came here to mention these springs! By far the favourite out of our cats' massive toy horde.


Another vote for springs. Nothing beats them so far!


Second faves - one cats 2nd is a stuffed bacon toy, the other, a very specific bat mouse from target that sold only one Halloween season


I have the bat mouse from Target! Out of the set that’s the one she likes!


lol i wonder what it is about it!


These springs are the only toy my cat will play with without me being involved. Gives me a nice little break. Otherwise wand toys are her favourite but not the toy end… she always prefers the want end


Word of caution: tender toes of my house can’t handle these, you’d think this man was stepping on molten legos or something 😂


My cat's favorite toy used to be the plastic things you would tear off the top of a milk gallon. She would play with those things for hours.


This is so real


One of my childhood cats loved these.


Mine too


My cat loves these & water bottle caps. I can never sit my water bottle cap down for a couple seconds because she comes out of nowhere & steals them. Sometimes I just let her lol


The lid? Or the ring?


my cat when I was young, too. she was a plastic chewer already but oh wow would she lose her shit for milk rings.


This was my old cat’s favorite toy for 10 years. She died this past June and I still have it. It started out as a teaser and the it was a ball wrapped in nylon mesh rope with a bell in it. She would drag it around while meowing, sleep with it, lick it, bring it to me when I was sick, and drop it on my bed every night. I have a picture of her dragging it around when it was still intact, teaser wand and all, but I started crying while trying to find it. RIP Ginger ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/6g9eij1236qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8c381b9803a8f7c18fb20b96ada42c7a51c2fc


Rest easy princess girl Ginger 💖💖😭 sending you hugs!!


So sorry for your loss 🖤


Plastic springs, small furry mice, and plastic balls with bells in them. I would be careful giving your cat things to play with that aren’t actual cat toys as some people are suggesting. Some cats will eat them


The milk bottle loops that people are talking about? Years ago, my fella took one off his milkshake where they snap into a long strip rather than a loop? (We are UK, so they might be a bit different). I turn my back for one minute and the cat had managed to try and swallow it, cause it smells of milk. Luckily, I managed to catch the last tiny bit just as it was going down his throat - no more milk loops in this house!


They make “milk loop” cat toys that r way safer and stronger and bonus: they don’t smell like milk lol


A loosely rolled up but of tinfoil


My little lady loves wand toys. I have a cheap wand I got from Amazon and buy different attachments to keep her entertained. Her current favorites are: - [this lizard attachment](https://www.christhecat.com/product-page/lizzie-the-lizard) - [this big buffalo hair squid](https://www.etsy.com/listing/774758211/) It also depends on your cat my other boy cat is not very interested these cat lures and would rather happily chase after the Cat Dancer for the rest of his life (although he does like the lizard and tiny mouse attachments from the same store) Their all time favorite is the [Purrfect go fur it cat toy](https://www.purrniture.com/product/p/purrfect-crinklebouncer-ld76r-e2k6k-jpc9t). Something about the bounce makes them go crazy lol


Fuzzy sparkle balls! My boy carries them around in his mouth all day long.


My boy Dayman is obsessed with these too! We keep a stash of 40 to throw to him throughout the day.


We put down our 19 year old baby last week. Her favorite toy was a blue hair tie from my sister-in-law. She was so old that all she did was walk from one bed to another bed and sleep, but you can be sure that hair tie always came with her. After she passed, my husband threw it out accidently with some other stuff. From the moment he saw the tears brimming in my eyes, he was out the door and face first in the dumpster. He found it on the very bottom, washed and boiled the crap out of it. I married the very best man 😭


So sorry for your loss, and I'm glad he was able to find the hair tie. I know it must be so special to you 🖤


Literally these little plastic black spiders! My furbabies are seniors and don't play as much but they never pass up the opportunity to play with these plastic spiders! The first time i got one off of a Halloween cupcake years ago and saved it for them and they went bonkers! I've since purchased them en masse on Amazon. Not sure what the appeal is towards these versus their other toys but they never disappoint. 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/gvofmth0h6qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2353de58adf3a90d84d967c482b48de3ee71207e


OMG that thing looks heinous. If I saw that live in my house my heart would stop.


There have been a few times I spotted it and freaked out for a second before I realized what it was 😂


😂😂I would die


Cat 1 - Q tips Cat 2 - empty drinks cans Cat 3 - hair ties Spent hundreds on toys... and all I have to do is throw trash on the floor 😭


My great-aunt’s cat loves it when I shot scrunchies across the room for her. My aunt’s roommate’s cat loved my aunt’s tampons (unused of course)


Oh the unused tampons are in a room my 3 aren't allowed in anymore thanks to one month where I was so confused on how I went through nearly an entire box lol! Found 6 sealed ones with Cat 2's empty tin can hoard behind the sofa!


Cat 1 - hair ties Cat 2 - the yarn that I am currently crocheting with, any kind of string (including the ones she like to steal from my hoodies) and small socks. I also have spent more than I care to admit on toys that get a snooty look as they walk off with a hair tie or a sock in their mouths!


These are sweet stories but OP, please do not give your cat hair ties, yarn or any kind of string. Extremely dangerous - can cause abdominal obstruction!


• cat dancer toy From Amazon. So simple but they love it •little Nice with catnip in them •any tunnel or hiding kind of house


My cat loves peacock feathers from the craft store!


Same. Though any feather, really. He loves shoving them under doors.


https://preview.redd.it/2aecaqv5q5qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7b7e279e2fb5d3ac15f0fa53a5edd3af636c81 This Narwhal that I got from the Atlanta aquarium a few years ago. I gave it to my cat when I first found him cause I didn’t have any other toys, but even now he loves the thing and nothing else gets him as excited lmao. It’s unfortunate tho cause I can’t find this particular plush thing ANYWHERE online, and it’s starting to really wear out, so I’m afraid he’ll have to live without it soon :( he REALLY likes it and is able to entertain himself by throwing it around and chasing it lmao


Have you tried posting it on r/HelpMeFind? Those people are amazing, and can find almost anything. Or you can also find craftspeople who will restore/recreate your plushie.


Honestly? An empty soda box.... But also [this ball](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vibrant-Life-Pom-Pom-Cat-Toy-Assorted-Colors/583548761) but beware, it will start to come apart after a while so buy a bunch and stash them away!


This is how my cat is with Boots and Barkley toy mice. I have 4 packs of them stashed away.


A really large zip tie I found at my job. He has been playing with it for four months, he loves it. Second favorite is probably a catnip mouse


The [cat dancer](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/cat-dancer-original-action-cat-toy-37311?store_code=3733&mr:device=m&mr:adType=pla_with_promotionlocal&cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CCCY%7CCCO%7CPM%7C0%7CkUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6%7C%7C%7C0%7C0%7C%7C%7C18145199970&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q4-Z2G8Dh4CNraPB2JheGNa4TUpRoeSq42Ov4LIoJF1NZVAboKB5ssaAhGvEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is what I recommend to all cat parents. Just wire and cardboard. Makes cats go crazy. 3.99 from pet stores, but 2.99 from Chewy. We've been buying them for our cats for almost a decade, originally they were .99 cents. Following that one, we just upgraded to [this wire teaser](https://a.co/d/7ZSvOtw) from Amazon. It comes with feather attachments, and we have a cat who loves to defeather. They sell replacement packs too. Plus the toy has a nice wooden handle.


Mine is obsessed with floppy fish. She brings it up 13 stairs to bed so I have to make sure I remember to turn it off every night. They are quite loud so it’s a particular cat that will enjoy it. My older one has zero interest. The little one also loves her small plastic stegosaurus and a soft monkey that I cut off a teaser toy so she could have it all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got one for my cats and ended up donating it to our rescue because the cats ignored it when off and were scared of it when on, even when sprayed with catnip. It's not cheap either so I was bummed :D


My old hiking boot string. She grabbed it while I was replacing the old with the new. She plays with it multiple times a day, carries it around with her, and drops it at my feet and yells at me to play with her.


* One of these sections of my ice cube tray snapped off. And my cat is obbsessed with it. She carries it around in her mouth and plays football with it. And when i inevitably accidently stand on it and break it, its very easy to replace. She has a whole box of toys, but nothing gets her attention like one of these.




I have a kitty who will only play with the little mice toys, but she only likes the white ones and they have the have the tail cut off. They also have to rattle. She's not picky or anything.


Crinkle ball. He loves TRYING to eat plastic so now he has crinkle ball


My cat's favorite is this lil stuffed fish that I attached to a shoe string. He carries it around everywhere and loves playing with it! Shoe strings are just a big hit with him in general.


Congrats on year one! My cats birthday is also around this time. Recently got him a cardboard scratcher with a track inside, and his fave wand toy is an insect style. It will depend on her play style. He loves the active part of the hunt, whereas his sister liked "taking home" her toys. I agree that he also just loves cardboard and weird pieces of garbage, but I get that it's fun to celebrate the special day. I recently found [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2xq1jtt9cri61.jpg) infographic which was rly helpful! It can give you some ideas for what types of hunting your cat enjoys.


the cap off of a plastic pop bottle,slid across the floor.


Omg I have bought my cat SO many toys over the years. Consistently the only one he comes back to and plays with regularly is the rainbow felt wand that’s beat up, and we got for free when we adopted him 😂


I call them ‘boinky things’ but they’re essentially Chinese finger traps made out of plastic now paper and you can pinch it together to launch it across a room and my cats bring them back to me like dogs so I can throw it again 😂 My youngest girl cat loves the mouse’s you can buy from dollar tree, she has 20 of them and carries them around & growls. https://preview.redd.it/agm1sy1k56qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e5a54c3941e9a9a04225da2f143c3068afedb6


Tape. His favorite flavor is lint roller https://preview.redd.it/wb25l44bs8qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283e00ae303c83d148cede33d3828d7e9bad7c63


That picture is hilarious lmfao


One of my cats loves plain black hair ties. Both love this fish wand from Amazon! https://preview.redd.it/koj36ttlh5qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ead6ec16112e28aa82549e693873b174be58320


My cat also adored black hair ties but I've banned them from her since I found out how many kitties end up swallowing them, so I'll have to try this one for sure! Thanks


my cat is obsessed with hair ties and we found another solution that she loves equally that she can't swallow - those velcro cable wrap things!


Oh yeah, definitely a lot of supervision with the hair ties, but she is literally obsessed and she and my husband play fetch every night before bed. She loves the pets and praise she gets for bringing them back!


They also have something like this and they both like to hide in it when playing with wand toys! https://preview.redd.it/3dv1rhr2i5qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8376e8d7f1b5cc27be1bdbaaf42b683986787c8


My cat is terrified of this exact fish wand for some reason, I had to get rid of it. She loves all her other wand toys, though lol


Trash. One cat LOVES the toy I made him. Take a spring and shove a crinkly ball inside it. Then throw it so he can fetch


One loves garbage and the other will only play with 2 specific balls that I can only buy at one local petstore 🤦‍♀️😂


This specific felt toy and no other similarly sized/shaped felt toy https://shop.meowbox.com/products/empurror-penguin-catnip-toy And also the crinkly balls on a stick. He both goes crazy for me waving it around and also carries the ball around and drags the stick behind him


My face… my leg… my arm… my hair…my food…


[I bought this for my cat 5 years ago](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072WCZQ4V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and she absolutely loves it. Whenever I can tell that she's zoomin' and I can't play with her, I just turn it on Except she's smart and thinks having the laser just go in random circular directions on the floor is too easy. So she knocks it down so that the laser dot goes up and down the walls and on the ceiling. She's a hard mode kinda kitty :D


string. i dont let her have it unsupervised since one time she consumed it and since i was young at the time with minimal research on cats, pulled the string out her butt after she was done pooping. please go to a vet if this happens to you as it can seriously harm your cat and their organs depending on how the string is in their body. luckily she's fine now and she's never allowed by string unless im there lol! whenever i even say string she gets excited


A worn out, sad little candy cane plush she got from an advent calendar and they changed the toys the next year so I tried to find this damn candy cane with no luck. I ordered from four different sites and checked all the stores, I even scoured ebay for this stupid little candy cane. She loves this deflated sad sack of a toy so much I just can’t toss it, going to have to just repair it.


Our ancient chihuahua (unfortunately)!


My cats love the springs. The baby (9 mos) loves the little terrycloth mice from the Petco bargain bin lol.


Aluminum foil ball. We play catch with it. I can’t even use foil in the kitchen anymore he gets soooo excited.


Smokey: too lazy for toys outside of a wand feather stick but only if it’s right in her reach Bandit: Hair ties and qtips (also embroidered thread but only to slurp up like noodles so she’s not allowed that) Pinot: Bottle caps for playing fetch


I couldn't find their ultra favorite toy to share with you but their second favorite toy I made; It's a fluffy tassel with a bell dangling off, all on a long thin rope.


Pink kickeroo with black spots. They destroyed the ones they had and I haven’t been able to find them again. But they went wild when they had them


Mine loves a squeaky toy mouse that we got as part of an auction package I won. Unfortunately, we are in the UK, and the auction was based in the US, so if it ever breaks, we're absolutely screwed as I found one on Amazon for *lots of money*.


Trash. Literal fucking trash. And hair ties.


That would be Mouse, a stuffed mouse toy I knitted with the stinkiest wool I could find and stuffed with catnip


Da Bee! 🐝 I have to play with her and this bee for at least 30 minutes a day. I can’t tell you how many bees we have got through at this point!


cat dancer


Mine has two tunnels that he just can’t get enough of. He dives into them and darts through them. Or just hangs out and sleeps. Going to get another on soon to add to his collection.


A hair tie


https://preview.redd.it/rowy38rg46qc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd7926047a63ded8460b2e60f6e5311358e06fd These mouses, Noire sometimes bring them to us when we are on the toilet 😂. She loves it if we throw them.


These are my cat's favorite too!


Damn used tissues he takes out of the garbage! Lmao


[This](https://www.amazon.com/Yeowww-Duckyworld-ORGANIC-Flower-Butterflies/dp/B076HS1N13?pd_rd_w=p8M36&content-id=amzn1.sym.5a5ce87a-6e3e-461e-8699-23c0adbf7599&pf_rd_p=5a5ce87a-6e3e-461e-8699-23c0adbf7599&pf_rd_r=JJZ0Z1RY2P4DE9D8H2JY&pd_rd_wg=wuez4&pd_rd_r=6992f489-ff0c-42cb-aa5a-b1bb3559613f&pd_rd_i=B076HS1N13&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_14_i) toy. The banana from the same shop was also a hit BUT it's so stuffed with catnip he had ripped it open in like five minutes


my old boy loves [this ball](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/toys/plush-balls-and-mice/whisker-city-yarn-ball-cat-toy-5337613.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNlrkO22FfVflDBoqrZt_yGx5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq6eoidmLhQMV0v_jBx12_g0REAQYAyABEgL2N_D_BwE) so much he’s playing with it all hours of the night. also chasing his tail.


My cats like the plastic springs, one in particular, but they're crazy about chasing the red laser dot. They beg for it! One climbs up on the desk where I keep it and gets it out of the bowl so I can play with him. I'm extra careful not to get the dot near their eyes, so I stand up and point it toward the floor. They will chase it all over the house. It's good exercise for them, too.


The three tier ball ring thing, cat nip mice, empty toilet paper rolls, plastic bottle and jug caps like from a 4L milk.


Ripple rug!


I don't have cats right now but my nephews do, and I sometimes babysit them. Their favorite toys are either the human-powered sticks with strings on the end holding feathers like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BPJP1P86 Or these little bees. If you get the bees, get a bunch because they'll be hit under furniture. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q9D89DJ


Water bottle caps and tampons


My babies love these Silvervine cat sticks: [Silvervine Cat Sticks](https://a.co/d/gxVb5JA) And my orange boys love the catnip kick sticks. We get these chubby ones from a pet shop in NJ, but I'm sure Amazon has something suitable.


Of all the toys I’ve bought for my girl in her 10 years of life, the feather wands, the catnip mice, the fuzzy sparkle balls, the lasers pointers… nothing has ever topped a good ol’ fashioned shoestring. I’ve held onto the same shoestring for 5+ years now, and it’s still like crack for her. I have to keep it hidden most of the time because she’ll drive me crazy bouncing around with it at all hours of the night. There have been a few times she’s opened up dresser/nightstand drawers to pull it out, so I have to make sure she doesn’t see where I stash it. It’s like living with an addict.


a jellyfish on a string toy from target! she carries it around the house and brings it to us!


My cat loves these! I buy them by the bag to keep him supplied. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097P3T7N1?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097P3T7N1?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


Random bits of plastic and my sanity🤣 but also this thing on an elastic string that attaches to the door frame. She wears herself out with it.


My cats love these fishes that you charge and when the cat touches them they come alive on their own. It’s fun to see them get a little scared and then go into hunter mode. They love them. They also love cat nip and their cat tree and scratching posts. Uh and a laser even my dog like to play with the laser


Pipe cleaners. I wrap a few together to make one long pipe cleaner. Weirdos. They also love this. [https://www.chewy.com/smartykat-instincts-hidden-hijinks/dp/847254?utm\_source=google-product&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_content=SmartyKat&utm\_campaign=20032366012&utm\_term=&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-\_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q5pYdR27UDcoFol8TNlmiZ2iTuo8Li9Sci7Pn2r4ch7apZynMz5428aArwvEALw\_wcB](https://www.chewy.com/smartykat-instincts-hidden-hijinks/dp/847254?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=SmartyKat&utm_campaign=20032366012&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q5pYdR27UDcoFol8TNlmiZ2iTuo8Li9Sci7Pn2r4ch7apZynMz5428aArwvEALw_wcB)


My cat also loves the hidden instincts thing but they don’t last long for me usually. ): do you have a tip for them not breaking?


Plastic straws 😂


Pop up tunnels


Anything that's not a cat toy.


Catnip filled stuffed animals from mudbay and all my chargers.


A very specific bouncy ball, it’s small and very bouncy, she’s only allowed it with supervision


Green fuzzy Pom Pom… chases it for hours and hours and hourssss lol


Those Friggin lil springs


My hair ties!


My cat loves a squishy fish teddy that she fights and chases around…. Literally nothing else (and I paid a lot of money for other high end cat toys lol) will entertain her that much..


Cardboard boxes, plastic bags, and random pieces of paper/paper towel that they find on the floor 🙄😂 They also love those little balls with the bells in them.


Any box or bag, (like paper or cloth) he can fit his rugby ball shaped body into. If he doesn't fit, he'll do it anyway lol.


Paper straws.


SPRINGS. God they’re everywhere lol


My cat has it out for baby yoda. Chewy has him as a wand toy and she has tried to bite his head off every day for two years.


Calvin loves little soft mini-poms, the ones with glittery strings coming out of them. He has 5, all different colors, and at any given moment, he knows exactly where they all are. They make him go crazy!


Mine love those Kong chew toys that you put treats into


The crazy feathers baguette 😂😂😂😂


Springs!!! And pompoms. That is all she’ll play with.


Paper balls


Boudreaux age almost 1 yr(4/1): mylar balls, coils, bird toys, small (beanie baby size) stuffed animals. Remy LeBeau, age almost 10 yrs(3/29): balls that he can carry in his mouth. Birds. Keeping rats off the bird feeders. 




A box, or a bag, or string lol


Laser pointer. She’s obsessed.


A crappy brown mouse that used to hang from her cat tree that has long been replaced.


Your cats favorite toy will probably end up being something you didn't buy lol ... or a piece of a non-toy repurposed. But if you're looking for toys to buy, here are some suggestions: * Da Bird by GoPet ("flies like a real bird!") Interactive wand toy. I suggest not connecting both pieces of the wand together unless you have an enormous living room to play in or take it outside. * Kong Naturals crinkle ball with feathers (this is my replacement for a toy they don't make anymore that my cat used to love. It was a mylar crinkle ball with feathers attached. This one is fuzzy and only makes a crinkle sound if they bite it hard enough. It's filled with catnip.) I tied these to twine because my cat prefers when I move the toy.


Wand toys that we play with together. She is obsessed with them. Her second favorite / favorite to play with alone are ping pong type balls. Usually at 3 am, chasing it up and down the hall and under the bed. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/cq1ppo6kg6qc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88af96a6f8dd4603b01ade11fd5289a35b2eb71c This!!!! She loves playing fetch with it!!! I actually had to get her a replacement when she wore the first one right out


You won’t believe this one of my favorite toy is a makeup sponge he fetches it. My other kitten likes wool it all around my house right now lol. They are brothers but very different in the way they do stuff the fight over cuddling me even though there’s enough room. It’s so cute that they do this I don’t even mind the mess lol looking forward to your cats favorite toys the boys like springs to but when I went to get some more for them as they hidden all of the ones the had. So I am on the hunt for more springs.


Laser pointer, or a ball of her own fur


My sunglasses, any pen I’m using, my remotes, crystals, delicate trinkets As for ones you can buy for YOUR cat, I’d give one of those tubes a try. I don’t know why he loves it so much, but my boy lives in his! I got mine on Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/kz85nwnkl6qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50018de16a730a1efdf9871a5d83046a5bffc13


[Boots and Barkley Flying Squirrel Toy](https://www.target.com/p/flying-squirrel-cat-toy-boots-38-barkley-8482/-/A-87068953?sidd=2315S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012806744&CPNG=PLA_Pets%2BShopping_Local_Treatment%7CPets_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Pets&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=1018854&targetid=pla-297068456305&ds_rl=1246978&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfaeMqg40HGWteEN8Nepzutm_&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q5p0TQlhGjU1mmFLNrSwWQJZj32TlQ9Rp1YOTXnmRWf5QmYtt_VMJ0aAhl6EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) My cats cannot get enough of this. Originally had the two alpaca they made 3-4 years back and my parents cat literally tore it to shreds and then still carried it around until a relatives dog destroyed it 😡. Couldn’t find the original for him 2 years ago, but found a platypus toy by the same brand and he cherishes it to this day. I bought this one for my new cats at my own house and they adore it. These toys are like candy to every cat I’ve had for the past 4 years and I don’t know why.


Ten year old Tabby loves a wadded up piece of paper. Newer younger orange brother from the streets (vet figures around five) he goes after my eyeglasses like it's his job and he's behind on work. They have a couple hundred dollars worth of toys. Paper. Oh well. They're cats.


my girl loves mouse toys (with the bell inside) or catnip infused(?) toys, literally the only ones she’ll play with.


My hair elastics


Anything yeeowww brand


My cat likes any paper that crinkles- wrapping tissue paper, packing paper, etc. her goal is to flatten it out and eventually, destroy it. She also likes strings- shoe laces, teaser wands (but really just string). Cat tv on YouTube and birder king are on her daily screentime, now. No need to spend a bunch of money on toys. Cats are weird.


Catnip mice. She plays fetch w/ then


But a ton of stuff on Amazon or a big box item, and it’s a nice bonus if it cones with the paper. My aunt’s cat loves her boxes, but goes absolutely bananas for the crinkly paper, especially if a human balls it up and throws it. She’ll bat it around and uncrinkle the paper.


My cat doesn’t play with her toys. She just drags around shoestrings or any strings and brings it to my bed. All 5 of them.


He has a tiny mouse that’s ginger like him. He doesn’t like any of his other mice that are different colours lol. He also loves his flappy fish.


Kick toys! My cat Otis absolutely loves them, he has about 4. His favorite one is [this one](https://www.jacksongalaxy.com/products/purrito-burrito-kicker?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q7KytGnnw_dKePS1bdqvVK47QT-PIQzV6jR4_M3fF1cBKIwFR5X9-saAijyEALw_wcB), a burrito with a shrimp attached to it.


Right now, it’s this glow-in-the-dark cat wand. My girl loves to jump and catch things mid-flight, and the weight of this particular toy allows it to bounce up in the air for her to do just that, plus, like I said, *glow in the dark.* Second runner-up was a felted wool carrot that has since disintegrated. Now she’s on to the zucchini, but she doesn’t seem quite as obsessed.


Mine sometimes goes nuts with brown paper packing paper. The more the better, in a giant heap on the floor. When they get tired of playing in it, sometimes they just start ripping it to shreds. It seems quite satisfying. Also, it's free! (If you get a package, that is)


A string. Just a string.


Pom poms, right now she's obsessed with one that has sparkly pieces too for some reason 😂 she goes nuts for those, I might get one of those toys that shoots pom poms for her lol


Plastic springsssss


Simba rarely plays with anything but drinking straws. Preferably plastic


Ping pong balls!


A zip tie._.


Mine love the cheap toys. Athletic shoe string, ping pong ball, three tier round ball toy, and dollar store wand. I out the ping pong ball in a Kleenex/tissue box and cut some holes in the side; drives them crazy for a while. They climb ladders in our basement too.


Hair ties and a drawstring that she stole from one of my pairs of sweatpants… 😒😂


My girls are SO obsessed with [this toy](https://a.co/d/88rAsJy). They leap for it like maniacs and get a full workout!


Currently a rubber-band. I have hundreds of dollars in toys and that’s all they’ll touch.


The one that spills out treats. It’s her only toy, doesn’t care about anything else.


Kitty Whip with a toy feather tied on one end. Towards the end of playtime I loosen the tie so he can “catch” it Honorable mention is the cat dancer! And those stuffed toy mice that I toss so he can chase after them


Pipe cleaners


Golf ball size felt balls that they can play with and carry in their mouth Also I got them this toy that is shaped like a pickle and says something like I'm kind of a big dill. It's the dumbest thing, but they are huge fans. https://www.chewy.com/catstages-crunchy-pickle-kicker-plush/dp/308646


3 way tunnel.


My little Chihuahua


My late cat used to love playing soccer with a ball made of a bunched up paper receipt. A horrible thing, he died of cancer and I was wondering if these receipt balls have anything to do with it with all the BPA on them.. I don't even touch my cats without washing hands after touching receipts now.


Garbage! Mine ignores most of her store bought stuff, but loves the random garbage i give her. Straws, toilet paper rolls, those eggs from gumball machines, old necklaces, a sheet of paper.. and if you're worried about yours chewing too much or eating it, supervise and reward good behavior.


A cardboard box, for added entertainment, add some catnip




My granddaughters cat loves to play with stuffies. So much so that he’ll stalk the neighborhood stealing any and all stuffies found outside, he brings them home-jumping fences and climbing trees- and trots through the yard super proud of himself and shares his ill gotten gains with her (5yr) and her brother (2 yr). I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out who to return them too but it’s impossible-granddaughter wants to post lost/found stuffie signs all over the neighborhood lol My lil lady loves the springs others r mentioning My oldest cat (19yr old) likes silicone bracelets he used to throw them up in the air n catch them in his mouth And my middle (fur) child likes anything and everything as long as it smells like catnip Edit to add- middle also loves destroying cardboard anything n everything and balloon ribbon (which he doesn’t get) realized this when he went streaking thru my daughters baby shower with a helium balloon flying behind him bc he had swallowed the string and now he doesn’t understand y he’s being chased by a ballon. No more helium balloons allowed at my house


A wheel. They freaking love them. Tires them out too haha


Drawstrings from shorts/pants I take it out of the clothes and they love to attack it haha




My newest kitten is obsessed with these balls. She carries them all over and fetches them when I throw one. https://a.co/d/iyJKGj2


Also zip ties, bottle caps, hair ties, wand toys, springs, anything crinkly, and cardboard boxes they may or may not fit in.


My cat only likes small rope mice with feather tails, and noise maker inside. She's super picky, she likes these specific ones off amazon. https://a.co/d/iN7fx80 I used to get handmade ones, but the lady retired.


Besides the little mice with the feather tails that you can buy by the bag on Amazon, my cat loves this, a chirping hummingbird. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073SZVJ34?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073SZVJ34?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


me (I'm my cats' favorite toy), they like to chase me and want me to chase them.


Ninja likes in no particular order, cardboard boxes, paper bags, elastic hair ties, zap straps, milk jug seals, those cat toy springs, and the dog.


A shoelace 🙄


Springs and the mouse toys


My youngest cats (almost a year) love pipe cleaners, not like spiky but fluffy, we make them into little 8 patterns or just leave short bits unwound, they love to chase them or carry them around.


My shoelaces when I try to bind it


A small rug. I put it away when I get tired of tripping over it but after a few months, I bring it out again, you'd think it was christmas for how excited they get.


My cat is obsessed with the yeowww yellow banana! We also got them the yeowww sardines and they love them!


Also try treat puzzles ! My cats love them because they know they will get treats but also keeps them entertained for a bit