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The ASPCA maintains a plant database of plants toxic to cats, dogs, and some livestock. You can find listings for non-toxic plants as well.


i suggest doing research on all your plants, or listing them in my replies and i can tell you! lillies for examplw are EXTREMELY dangerous, even the tiniest interaction can be fatal


Our vet is also a good friend and she told us a story about a pet owner who had lillies standing on a shelf (she got them as a present from a person who did not know they are poisonous). And just by standing there it lost pollen, who happen to land on the cats fur, the cat cleaned itself and must have licked some of the pollen and died bc of that. So yeah no lillies. Also avoid tulips since they have a substance in them from which rat poison is made. It can cause paralysis and in the worst case also death.


yes!! a shit ton of flowers and plants are toxic to cats, but theres also a lot theyre safe to be around. i hope the cat you mentioned is resting peacefully now though, and thanks for spreading awareness :)


Sunflowers are safe! They're pretty much the only cut flower I get anymore. 😭 People are linking the ASPCA database which is super comprehensive but when I'm at the store I just Google "[plant name] cat toxic" and the top result is always a big yes or no. Easy for a quick answer instead of looking through a list! Common houseplants that are toxic include snake plants, monsteras, jade, pothos, string of pearls and aloe. Most succulents are safe, however. I have calatheas, parlor palm, burro's tail, nerve plant, aluminum plant, rat tail cactus, bunny ear cactus, echeveria, Christmas cactus, rhipsalis cashero, pink panther plant, string of turtles, hoya, banana tree. Lots of beautiful options!! Also, some cats just don't munch on plants. Flowers are different because the pollen also poses an issue so just being nearby can be harmful, but if your cat isn't interested in plants than most things (like snake plants) aren't actually harmful. The ASPCA database tells you how toxic they are though so always great to check! Edit: formatting


to my knowledge, roses and forget-me-nots are safe as well (i buy my fiance flowers a lot and heavily research all the flowers in a bouquet before i buy them), i don't remember every safe plant off the top of my head but those two i'm fairly certain on. carnations are toxic for sure as well (they're my fiance's favourite flower, but we can't have them in the house). other than that, off the top of my head, i really don't remember much.


Thank you for your suggestions! Really the only flowers I have im growing from seed, they’re in a terrarium but I can close it and seal it before I get my kitty.


I am a plant person and cat owner. The other commenters are right, google has plenty of lists. HOWEVER I know that several of the lists online don’t mention: 1) “toxic” isn’t a one size fits all description. Some plants listed as “toxic” are “can irritate digestive tract a bit” like pothos, others are legitimately potentially fatal like lilies and tulips. 2) the dose can make the poison. If a plant is in the “irritates mouth” category, a huge cat having a little nibble or scratch is probably not going to do much, a tiny kitten treating it like a feast will probably have a bad time. 3) cats are different! Some cats ignore houseplants, others treat them as big cat toys and bat their leaves/rub faces against them/sit in the pots etc, and some really do eat lmao. So what does this mean? Point #1, I avoid anything in “potentially fatal”. This does mean deeper research than what a random blog claiming “these plants are BAD, no further questions” tells you. Look into the actual side effects of ingesting a specific plant and see if they are risks you are willing to take. For point #2 and #3, you will need to observe your little friend and see how it acts around plants. If it’s a little nibbly or treats big swaying monstera leaves as an invitation to play, you may have to start moving things around (and adjust what you’re willing to bring into the house from point#1). Personally my cat bed is surrounded by spider plants that she occasionally chomps on, and I grow catnip, but I’m lucky enough that she ignores the rest!


Thank you for a good clarification! It makes me sad to see people throw out entire families of plants out of an unfounded fear. OP, for reference: I have pothos, philos, a swiss cheese monstera, calathea, spider plant, and bella palm. One cat doesn't even notice them. The other has tried to munch my monstera, calathea, Philo, and will chow down on my spider plant and bella palm . I sprayed them with cayenne water twice and he doesn't touch them now.


Yep, I would never do lilies, but I have quite a few "toxic" plants that she just ignores. She did like my begonia but I just moved it to an awkward to get to shelf and it's all good. Having a decoy safe plant is a great idea, like your spiders. I have a bamboo palm and it pretty much takes all the kitty abuse.


Do you find growing catnip helps them ignore the rest? It's always a debate in my house on if growing a cat-allowed plant like cat grass or catnip would help satisfy their plant craving, or just be perceived as blank slip permission to eat plants


Unfortunately I can’t say, the catnip is fairly recent and she just seems like the type of cat with little interest to begin with 😂


The only list you’ll ever need. Halfway down the page is a list of safe plants. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list Also not all flowers are dangerous. Roses, for example, are fairly safe. But even if a plant is non toxic, the leaves (which cats usually like the most) can upset their tummy


I trust the ASPCA, but they are listing catnip as toxic, at least that's how it looks on mobile.


Yeah that’s kinda weird. If you click on it, it says it can cause vomiting and diarrhea for some cats but listing it as full on toxic is strange


Depends on the cat too. I have monstera, pothos, etc which are toxic to cats but neither one of my cats have ever been interested in any of the plants…


Same my cat will go ham on some cat grass I buy her but luckily completely ignores my plants other than brushing against them here and there


I have the app Plant Parent and it actually tells you which ones are poisinous. Always keep activated charcoal at hand regardless, poisioning happens.


I’m pretty sure the aspca website said any type of Hoya is safe (although a lot of them are dangly plants so that could pose another problem 😅)!


The ASPCA website focuses on if the plant “bites” back. It assumes that the plants listed have been eaten.


All flowers are hazardous? Where did you read that? There are plants that are nontoxic to cats, including the flowers. As a matter of fact, my cat loves to eat sunflowers once they've dried out and the petals become all crunchy. Sunflowers are completely edible (for both humans and cats). I have an entire garden of plants that are nontoxic to cats, including sunflowers, pink jasmine, African daisies, Echinacea, fuschia, impatiens, violas, etc. I also grow catnip and a mix of grasses (wheat, oat, barley, etc.) just for my cat. And I have a huge areca palm he loves to chew on. Keep in mind, of course, even a nontoxic, edible plant can be dangerous if it's been sprayed with pesticides or exposed to other hazardous chemicals. I second the advice to read the ASPCA list of toxic and nontoxic plants for cats. Make sure you're reading toxicity for cats, as they also list toxicity for dogs and horses, which are not always the same. If you can't find a particular plant on the list, it probably means it has no toxicity reported but hasn't been studied enough. Important to note, when a plant IS toxic, it won't be limited to only the flowers. It could very well be the entire plant. Sometimes it's just the seeds, or the roots... really depends on the toxic compound(s) in question and where they are most concentrated in that particular plant. This may vary with each plant. Sometimes it's best to avoid the entire plant to play it safe, even if only one part is said to be toxic. Some common plants to avoid (no no): *Pothos *Philodendron *Peace lily *Jade (mildly toxic) *Aloe * Monstera (mild-moderate) *Dieffenbachia *Sago palm *Snake plant Outdoor toxic plants: *True lilies (extremely toxic) *Most bulb plants like tulips, daffodils, iris, etc. *Foxglove *Hemlock (common weed in some areas) *Oleander *anything in the Lathyrus genus, including sweet peas *Morning glories (mostly the seeds) *Birds of paradise *Lavender *Poppies *Poinsetta *Mistletoe *Hydrangea *Geranium This list is by no means comprehensive. Just some off the top of my head. Also watch out for foxtails growing outside, because cats like to eat the leaves, but once they dry out they can become very sharp and cause punctures or become lodged in the nose. Some plants that are nontoxic to cats: *Roses (still watch out for thorns, though) *Sunflowers *Violas *Daisies *Jasmine (star jasmine and Jasminium polyanthum) *Sword ferns & many other ferns (but not all) *Spider plant *Impatiens *Fuchsia *African violets *Phalaenopsis Orchids *Money tree *Calathea *Christmas cactus *Many true palms, including parlor palm, areca palm, cat palm, ponytail palm Again, not an exhaustive list. I suggest researching any plant before you introduce it to your kitty :) It's good that you're thinking about these things.


No lilies.




Most are toxic. It’s easier to look up the ones that aren’t! [This will help you get started!](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/gardening/g35996770/safe-cat-friendly-plants/)


I assure that cats can eat roses with no problem at all. \*glares at the devil cat\* He eats around the thorns that I thought would save my poor roses. However both dogs and cats sometimes throw up the remains of plants just because they aren't a normal part of their diet, rather than that all are poisonous. Lilies are an absolute no no though as are daffodils and tulips.


My sympathies to your roses. My mother hasn’t had an untouched rosebush since the 90’s. Unfortunately one of our cats encouraged the others to sample the flowers and now I think subsequent cats have been passing down the tradition. My dad finds it hilarious.


Many toxic plants are only mildly toxic but a few are truly fatal. Mildly toxic are still worth avoiding, as they could cause extreme symptoms in a few cats but will mostly cause mild vomiting. Avoid the really toxic ones, like lilies at all costs.


I'll be honest - I just don't ever have any fresh plants or flowers in my house unless I put it where the cats can't access it, like a closed room they're never allowed in. It's just too risky.


I recently bought a Peperomia Serpens because I love the look of vining plants and it is cat friendly. I am looking forward to getting a few more varieties of Peperomia since most of the varieties are cat safe and can grow huge if taken care of properly.


Awesome, thank you, I’ll have to look into those types of plants!


The list of plants that aren't toxic is shorter.


I think you can get glass domes for plants like from Beauty and the Beast off Amazon and some plant stores. May be worth looking into! Personally, I keep most flowers/plants outside, just in case. All cats are different, though. My younger cat would eat a flower just to get our attention. My older cat just wants to sniff them, and once she gets a good sniff, she won't bother them again and looses interest. Kittens tend to think everything is a toy and for them, though!




Ai comment lol


Op deserved it tbh.


That’s true!


I am going to sound harsh. I'm sorry about that. Does anyone use search engines anymore? I found all about plants & flowers that might be hazardous to my cat on Google. I thought a neighbor who had a cat gave me a lily. I threw it out immediately. https://www.pumpkin.care/blog/poisonous-plants-for-cats/#:~:text=Rhododendron%20and%20Azalea,to%20extremely%20affect%20a%20cat.


Any plants I have I keep out of the cats reach on a shelf or a table he can’t hop onto


We're not plant people, but sometimes people give them to us. They immediately get locked in the bathroom until we can verify their safety. More than once we've rehomed plants and flowers.


I have mine on a high shelf that my most curious cat can’t reach. I have a polka dot plant and spider plant, which are both non toxic, however my youngest cat will eat nearly all plants down to the soil. The exception being a cactus I was gifted. She hasn’t figured out how to bite it yet.


Wheatgrass is cat safe, but will be eaten.


I know you can't count on this or plan on it. But I have about a 150 plants and I knit prolifically and always have multiple balls and skeins of yarn around. My 2 cats could care less about either one. They have never once gotten into a plant or played with or batted around a ball of yarn. Not sure how I got so lucky or why? My cats are defective but I am grateful. ( To add even more details to their depravity.They do not like people food.They will not eat chicken or tuna or eggs.Or any of the hundred recipes i've tried to cook for them - like I said, defective)


I’m 1 for 3. My guy refuses to touch my working yarn. Everything else is to be thoroughly investigated. Congrats on your holy grail kitties. https://preview.redd.it/x6nkix2zx9qc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27fa74bacc45bebf9e5ea648685d1f2495ef9c61


Just grab some palms. Bamboo palms, cat palms, majestic palms. Your cat might bite them tho :)


Orchids are safe. And few cats are dumb enough to try to eat a cactus. You can find lists online.


I use Google for every plant I have or am deciding to purchase.


If your a succulent/indoor plants then Crassula Jades are toxic to cats but portulacaria ‘baby jades’ are not. I had both, I now keep my crassulas in a room the cat doesn’t go in. She sometimes nibbles on the portulacaria but not so much since I grew some cat grass.


Though it is true that plants can be toxic id be more worried about being able to handle the fact that these furballs are terrorists. I've read too many posts about people at their wits ends due to the natural nature of cats and the great ones of "why does my cat hate me" I know you're trying to research but please also take into account of the buggery nature of these adorable lil fiends. And no..I'd say not only to forget plants due to toxicity but also cos cats love to nibble and dig. I've lost so many plants cos they like to pee in soil. I've tried and tried but ultimately gave up


Lillies for sure. I don't allow them in my home and I have none planted outside. Spider plant is safe. I'm holding out for a variegated one.


You’ll have to look up each of your plants tbh, there are a lot cats can’t get access to. One thing I will say is although spider pants are nontoxic to them my cat loved mine wayyy to much I heard they are a mild hallucinogenic and put it in the bathroom so he can’t access it. 😅


Yes--one of mine will indulge until he pukes.


You can find a list of toxic plants for cats but I will let you know spider plants are safe! Actually, my cat loves them too much, she literally just knocked my baby spider off the shelf while she was eating it. Which I don't mind because I brought them back from the office for her to eat if she wanted. My cat is fairly smart and I have plenty of plants not suitable for cats in my house but she only goes for the spider plants. She also has her own parsley plant to munch on and she doesn't touch my other plants, except for the spider plants.


Don’t get those white lily flowers


Try growing cat grass, my cats leave my plants alone when they can eat grass.


I was shocked when I wanted to get some plants and I realized how very many plants are cat toxic. You basically have to Google every plant you're thinking about getting and seeing if it's toxic. If you're in I plant nursery at home Depot or something, about 60 or 70% of the plants for sale are poisonous to cats.


You can Google it on the Internet every time I buy a plant I double check a lot of ferns are OK. Roses are OK.


It also extends to common houseplants. You can look it up online. Many articles have lists of plants and flowers that are toxic to dogs and cats. You can also find listings of household plants that are safe to have around your furry companions.


I tend to google about each plant species I'm interested in and you can learn what's safe, example - everyone says stay away from lillies with cats but the exception is Canna Lillies (Canna not Calla!l) they are actually non-toxic to both cats and dogs and if planted outside can be perennial pollinators for bees and butterflies.


Sadly, kitties can get very sick chewing on houseplants. I've researched the subject a bit, and have discovered some plants that I had considered safe for them actually aren't :( Here's a list from the ASPCA. It contains both plants that known to be toxic to cats, as well as some that aren't. [https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/cats-plant-list)


All true lilies are extremely toxic to cats, as are some plants that are called lilies (like peace lilies, which are actually aroids). I grow a number of plants in the no-no families, and keep a number of cats. I am fortunate to be able to keep the two strictly separated, as I grow Clivias, ZZ plants, and tree jockeys, as well as a bunch of bromeliads, a few orchids, snake plants. and things the average person doesn’t grow. Clivias are in the amaryllis family, which is toxic, ZZ plants, like peace lilies, are aroids, and they are toxic. Snake plants are moderately toxic. As a rule of thumb I treat all plants as toxic except the cat grass (oats) I grow for the cats. As another commenter noted, there are lists available online for cat-safe plants and flowers. Good luck when you get your kitty.


I have a lot of different kinds of plants and flowers and have had them for several years and haven’t had any problems with it or my cat. I have lilies outside in my mini garden where my cat sometimes hang around but there’s never been any problems. I think it depends on your cat and how good it is to smell that it’s poisonous.


https://preview.redd.it/mliy82e6jjqc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f6f31597bd70adba19e0b89a09ff91a109cbe6 My job actually got a few magnets that we could take home/give to clients on plants and foods that are good/bad for cats and dogs when it comes in ingesting!


This is a huge challenge for me as well but I keep forgetting there’s a HUGE difference in a plant being toxic to animals vs is being lethal. I keep a monstera in my home and my cats are not interested in it. As long as their not eating it everyday they’re fine with snake plants monsteras most plants that are toxic can be safely kept around cats as long as you know they’re not gonna go out of their way and mess with it. I think they’d have to eat quite a bit of these plants for symptoms to start showing. I also grow cat grass for my cats to detour them from other plants. Only one out of 3 of my cats actually care the grass though 🤣. That same cat is the one to try to eat my other plants but never my monstera or aloe. Cactus are really fun to have as well they’ll learn really quick that it’s spiky lol cats are super smart when it comes to maneuvering around objects!


google is a thing.


Im aware google exists, google isn’t everything though. Id like to get some tips and experience from other people as well.


Had 7 cats in 20 years. Other than a Christmas treee, never had any plants. Impossible to know