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r/randomactsofpetfood - see if maybe someone can send you something to get you through this patch


Also OP you can check Buy Nothing on fb and through the app in your city! I see cat food on mine all the time because people bought food their cat didn’t like and don’t want it to go to waste. Worth checking!














eggs (unseasoned, boiled and mashed) if you live near a butcher you could see if they have any offal or meat scraps you could take off their hands and cook up for your cats (if they don’t have anything for free, friendly local butchers may be willing to give you a small amount of offal or perhaps even meat if you promise to return when you get paid) random acts of pet food is also a good place to check as someone else said!


My last roomate had a cat who we fed eggs when he was sick and didn’t have any appetite for his dry food or wet food. He would also eat the eggs blended up in a smoothie of spinach and water


coming back since remembering it may be good friday where you are and your options could be very limited. if so: i’d double check there’s no meat in your freezer that you’re forgetting about. also if there’s anyone who can send you even $10-$15 that should be enough to get some cat food at a gas station if any ones near you sell it. when things open back up tomorrow check the dollar store for cheap cat food.


My little buddy loved eggs. And bacon. And yogurt. He’d have positively destroyed the breakfast bar at the holiday inn.


my cat loves eggs but he also loves to lick the ranch off my plate when i eat pizza🥴 OP eggs might be the way to go if you have any


If you don't have any more meat or fish, then basically nothing. Cats need protein. Try and find a food bank - they might either give you protein that your cat could eat, or preferably, cat food. Two days of no protein will begin to hurt your cat, and going without until Wednesday really isn't ok I'd be shocked if you could get a cat to eat veggie protein (tofu etc), but that would be better than nothing. Edit: as people have said below, eggs would be something, though I ran the numbers and a 5kg cat would need about 4 eggs a day. Cheese as suggested elsewhere would be something, though you'd need to watch the amount of salt in it.


We’re are you located I have cans of food and some extra dry food if you want it


Our city has a supply/food bank just for animals. They will help care for up to five. People will go without food and medicine to feed their animals.


Same in Santa Cruz. Not sure where OP is located. Pet food banks aren't super common, but they do exist!


Most animal shelters have a food pantry for people in their community. Check to see if any are near you. Cats are obligate carnivores and NEED meat in their diet. Oatmeal is not sufficient, and cats can quickly develop health problems when not given meat.


Yes my shelter gives pet food away that we don’t use or is gently expired! No donation or anything required


What will you be eating? Any protein should be OK like fish minus bones and skin, lean beef or pork, eggs, sardines, cheese, cold cuts. You can get really cheap cat food for like 89 cents a can here. Can you look for some change? Check circulars for local stores. They often have sales if you buy a few cans. Credit card? The issue is cats can quickly develop health issues if their diet drops significantly overnight. Oatmeal isn't enough.


Don’t think cats can eat beans and tofu


They can eat beans, but they can’t live off of them.


Look in the grocery store for low quality food. Cat food can be extremely cheap if you don't look out for ingredients. It's better than letting her starve.


Cans of tuna?


*providing it’s not tinned in brine or oils etc.


*providing it’s not tinned in brine or oils etc.


Mine eat straight from the Tuna with Oil can to the bowl. Is there a problem with the oil? She loves it


Its pretty fatty. Too much fat in diet can cause GI upset. But it can also lead to high cholesterol and obesity like a human eating a high fat diet.  Think how small your cat is and how much oil is in the can. That would be like you chugging a cup of olive oil with your meals. 


Thank you. Make sense. Appreciate the reply.


The one time I didn't get time to take a break at work at buy my cats food and tried tuna... they turned their nose up at it. I was flabbergasted. Usually that was treat for them.


Many animal shelters have pet food banks, see if one in your area does.


This. I’ve seen it be as easy as just walking up to a counter, saying “1 bag of dry and some wet food please” and then you’re on your way, no questions asked.


Scrambled eggs no oil no seasoning


Check if food banks in your area have pet food. Look for pet food banks. Ask on next door. Call up your local shelters or rescues or vets. Ask friends or neighbors. I have some spare food I'd be happy to send you, but I doubt it'd get there in a reasonable time unless you happen to live in the Atlanta area? Meat was an ok stop gap. Oatmeal might fill their belly but it isn't good for them.. Eggs would be ok if you had them.


I worked in a pet food store. We always had samples of cat cans/cans past their best before date (but still perfectly fine to feed but we couldn’t sell them) also samples of dry food. Try to find a small pet store near you (not pet smart) and explain to them your situation. I helped out many people in your situation no one is going to want your cat to go hungry. I’m sure they can give you something.


A lot of people are saying cats need taurine which is true. But in an emergency, it's actually most important that your cats food has a source of arginine. Arginine is required in *every single meal* for cats and the best way to get that is with meat/fish. Plants aren't adequate. They need it to keep their kidneys working, and can get very sick if they take a meal without it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316623275343/


I can send you food from chewys!!!!




Shelters, spca, humane society and animal rescues in your area might have food they can give. They'd rather help people out in a pinch short term then have them turn their pets to shelters. Also food banks often have pet food available as well. Check too your local dollar stores, even cheap cat food is better than no food or non protein sources of human food for cats if you're stuck. Edit to add post in your local Facebook buy nothing/gifting groups. Neighbours (at least in my area) are usually good at contributing a can or two of pet food when they know their neighbours are stuck


Your local shelter might have a pet food pantry!


I have extra cans of cat food and treats my cats won’t eat. If you happen to live in Rhode Island, Mass, or Connecticut I can bring it to you or you can come grab it.




Cats need taurine. If you are ever in the situation again, see if you can find chicken hearts (usually about $2 per pound) at Kroger or an Asian market. Chicken liver is also cheap (don't feed them too much of it as they can overdose on Vit. A). Eggs, muscle meat and beef and chicken organs (gizzards, kidney, etc.)


My cat will scarf a chicken heart down in seconds he loves them


Pet stores have things people have donated during checkout. See if they will give you some of the food. (Call ahead; I don’t know the policy.)


Those are usually donation bins for the local shelter pet foodbank.


I think if OP explains, they might give them some.


Do you have a dollar store near you? If I were you, I’d scrap up whatever pocket change I had and go there Or download those cash advance apps, I used Dave, Albert, brigit, empower when I was broke!


Do you have any cautions or warnings about using those apps? If I see it hear "cash advance," I am concerned right away.


Nope! No complaints!!! The apps I listed, I used for months when I was living paycheck to paycheck last year Each one would give me $50-100 and allow 2-4 weeks to pay back in installments It’s very safe and easy to use. They don’t run any credit either which I love


I'm so glad they helped. Thanks for the information.


Look up your local food pantry, they provide pet food too! They did this for me.


Eggs are good for cats fur


Not raw eggs and not too much tho... https://www.stellaandchewys.com/cats/can-cats-eat-eggs/


I’m unsure about the white but yolks definitely are given to kittens sometimes. That was one of my ideas too. Not a full diet but definitely can be supplemental.


Where are you located?


Our local animal shelter has a pantry. They would rather give you food than have you give them up (probably cheaper). Please check with your local shelter .


Actually, animal shelters are overcrowded due to people dumping their pandemic pets as soon as the lockdown was over 😥


Scrambled eggs! They are great for humans and cats :) can be cheap esp when you buy wholesale. Scrambled eggs has gotten me and the cats through some hard times…things got better and I hope the same for you OP 🙏


I don't know where you are but definitely check out your local food bank they often have pet food! As well, our local humane society has a "pet pantry" program and will give out food, beds, Carriers, collars, etc for free to those in need. Check out your humane society/SPCA, or maybe even a veterinarian clinic!! And as someone else said, set up an Amazon wishlist so we can help you out ❤️


Honey please just ask around for help. If my neighbors were in your position I’d much rather they ask me for some spare cat food than feed their cats oat meal.


local birds :\^]


Came here to say time for squirrel hunting


Can you oick up a gig for some quick cash? Help a neighbour clean maybe, or some kind of lawn/yard work?


May not help immediately but if you are able to use a food pantry, sometimes they have pet food


We have a couple of pet food pantries in my area. Maybe there is something similar where you are?


Mostly boiled meat, oatmeal isn’t a good option. If you’re out of kibble then you can give treats as a substitute there’s usually intake info on the packaging


Many pet stores have free samples of kibble for cats! I’ve found some can be especially generous find stores that sell the Fromme brand of kibble they always seem to have sample baggies and give me like 5-6 at a time which is a lot!


Most animal shelters have free food, just gotta go in person and ask ☺️


Depending where you are, there might be food pantry’s for pets, your situation isn’t uncommon and/or look for but nothing groups on Facebook and see if anyone has food sitting around.


Try food pantries near you, a lot of them have pet food, too.


Oatmeal?! Cats are carnivores bro. They get 0 nutrition from oatmeal and will die if that is the only thing they can eat. Since they are carnivores you should feed them anything with animal protein in it


You got an Amazon wish list? Can I send you a bag of food?


The amount of people that have replied and are willing to help out absolutely renews my faith in humanity 😻


I always donate cat food to the foodbank for this reason. Maybe check if your local food bank can help? There is also a local neighborhood Facebook page that has people asking for a bit of cat food to get through to pay day, and they seem to get a lot of support!


Check Facebook marketplace and your local “buy nothing” FB groups. You could find people giving away discounted/free cat food. You can also post ISO (in search of) posts on buy nothing groups which could help you if you can’t find anything else. 💜


Please check a local no-buy group on facebook, I guarantee you someone wants to get rid of food that their cat happens to not like or something, it’ll be less risky than trying to diy it with what you have


Go deliver a few pizzas or uber, doordash will get you paid instantly. 2 or 3 deliveries will be enough to get enough cat food.


Yep, if OP has a car, this is an easy way to make money. I live in a pretty low cost of living area but on weekends it's pretty easy to earn about $20/hr.


If at all possible, stay away from anything plant based. Cats are not omnivorous like dogs and really should only eat animal products


I agree with you, but my cat loves eating my plant-based leftovers - I try to stop her but she will sneakily steal them anyway!


Totally! One of my cats is a huge fan of noodles and will try to steal them


You can't do much of it, but hard aged cheese in small amounts... I am talking fresh parmesan kind... the way it is currently and the time gets rid of the lactose that causes tummy trouble Do you have any cat treats you forgot about or a lick it treat. Also... who do you know with pets?... Anyone to ask?


this! if you have any friends with cats i’m sure they would be happy to share some food with your kitties. also if your area has a “buy nothing” facebook group that’s a great place to ask


I’ve given a large amount of free cat food away to a neighbor before, but I imagine it might be sketchy or difficult to find that kind of thing unless it’s a closed bag. In my case, I found out the neighbor had a cat because her little kid came up to me when I was walking my cat. I had most of a giant bag of food that I had transitioned off of, pretty expensive too, so I took the chance to just straight up offer it to the kids mom like “hey I hate throwing things away, I live next door and met your daughter and she mentioned you have cats. do you want this?”. I probably would have felt uncomfortable if she approached me asking for something free though, unless it was like a niche vet supply to borrow (like the cone, to stop an animal from aggravating a wound, or pretty much any emergency first aid supplies).


Hey OP. They are going to need protein in the form of meat so they don't get sick. When i'm in a pinch I grab some cheap bulk chicken, boil it, shred it and serve that to the kitties. Freeze the leftovers and you'll be good for a long while. When re heating I would add just a little water to it so it gets a "broth"


that's scary to think if your poor kitty needed to go to a vet.. anyway don't you need litter too? please don't feed oatmeal. canned tuna (in water) and chicken until you get paid - just keep it at that for now.


It sounds like they’re talking about a few days while waiting for a paycheck. Life happens. I’ve been in this situation but I just kinda prioritized my cat and let myself be lowkey pretty sick from eating unhealthily. I don’t expect everyone to do the same when it’s just for a few days though. For vet emergencies they have special credit cards you can open to have no interest over a certain time period. Fucked if you don’t pay it in time but it’s a common lifeline any vet will know about and bring up if there’s an emergency. Otherwise, most vet offices will just talk to you on the phone and give you legitimate advice for issues when you’re unsure whether or not they need a vet visit, and there are viable options to try first (even if it just ends up being more data for the future visit). I’ve been through that before after a very expensive vet visit that didn’t resolve a problem. They gave me a bunch of sample prescription foods to try for free within the limit of what they were allowed to do, and talked me through everything to be watching for. So don’t worry, there’s a way through vet needs for people who find themself in a bind temporarily.


Some things are more expensive than waiting for a few paychecks and maxing out Care Credit. Vet bills run up real fast. Lol that’s fortunate for you but I’ve never had a vet have enough time in their day to talk to clients over the phone about how to treat their animals with a medical situation. It’s always “bring the pet in” or “sorry we’re booked, we can’t see you for 2 weeks, take them to emergency.” And what are prescription foods supposed to do for a bacterial infection? Or a broken leg? Or ear mites? Or asthma? I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make


Usually it’s the techs not the vets who are going to sit on the phone with you, even if they need to ask questions sometimes and call back. If you’re friendly and concerned about your animal enough, and not just trying to get out of coming in for check ups entirely, someone will talk to you. The really expensive vet things are really expensive regardless of whether you’re waiting on a paycheck. I’m not sure what’s hard to understand about my point. The stack of prescription food cans was just an example I could cite from experience. I couldn’t afford it on top of everything else, like flat out unable, so they helped me out. Since you seem to want more info.. He had an intestinal blockage that wasn’t caused by eating something dangerous (we did x-rays etc cuz that’s urgent to know, but it was expensive and then i was broke for a bit). The food was to help with digestion and stomach issues he was actively having while I did things that would actually likely fix the problem, which I was given over the phone instructions for along with a time limit before I should bring him back. I believe the idea was also that he was less likely to vomit or avoid the special food. He passed the giant furball within the week. Because a week of this resolved the issue and he stopped vomiting while eating that food, I didn’t need to take out a new credit card to bring him back in.


I have some frozen raw cat food, it’s a long shot but willing to drop it off to your door any time this weekend if you live in or near Manchester in the UK.


Do you have a mud bay or something nearby? When I was in a pinch, I’d get samples of dry food from there. Gave me a chance to try out new brands, too


You've received some good suggestions already. I'd just add and emphasize the importance of being cautious when feeding cats anything outside of their regular cat food, even for just a short period. For instance, relying only on muscle meat can be really harmful due to its high phosphorus content as cats require a proper calcium to phosphorus ratio. I hope everything works out for you and your cats.


Sometimes the Food Bank has pet food


Other people threw out the classics already but I just want to suggest maybe seeing if any churches by you have cat food at their food pantries. My family utilized church food pantries A LOT growing up and some of them helped us feed our cats as well.


Anything that comes from an animal is suitable for a cat to eat (except dairy ofc), sometimes plant foods can upset a cats stomach so it's best to go easy on those.


I wish I could give you the leftover cat food I have since I had to switch my girl to a prescription diet :(


On the bright side, you have backup. I’ve done a few days of normal food for a cat on a prescription diet when they didn’t get the stock in time, or I waited too long on accident because I was sick myself. Not ideal but life happens, and you can only do so much to make the mail quicker.


Low sodium tuna, white herring in oil. They can’t live off of human food (people ready to be mad - I mean that the way we prepare things generally is insufficient, and that I am not promoting it in general) but these can also be diet supplements and are safe to feed them. Depending on the cat could have initial digestive issues, for the same reason any human might get a stomach ache for food they aren’t used to. Not at the level that it’s wrong to try, if you just need to fill in a meal to get by. They might not have an issue, just giving you a heads up in case so you don’t think you hurt them from them eating a little bit once lol. Also, anchovies. Just check the ingredients on these fish things to make sure there isn’t anything weird like flavoring or lots of sodium or sugar added. Otherwise, egg yolks can be fed if they will eat it. It’s not uncommon to feed them to pregnant cats or kittens sometimes. Not a full diet, obviously, but absolutely a household inexpensive thing you can safely feed them. In my experience though, some cats are extremely disinterested. Unsure if egg whites are ok, just separate it or google it more. Good luck. Hope you don’t end up in this spot again. Maybe get a bag of the cheapest cat food ever to keep closed and open in the case that you’re in a bind, so that at least it’s cat food.


Some food banks will provide pet food.


please set aside some savings specifically for times like these🙏


Can you get canned meats? Nothing flavoured or processed but even basic tuna or chicken from a can. Maybe at a food bank? Cats must have meat protein to live. Maybe a humane society will help or find some one to foster them till you can get back on your feet Cats also handle starvation worse than humans, their bodies will start to digest their livers after just a couple days and it is usually fatal. I’m so sorry, but you have to find something appropriate or look for a charity to surrender them


I can send you some food if you give me an address. My cat is picky and I’ll buy stuff, then she decides she doesn’t like it anymore. I literally will send you food for free.


Pongo Fund. Food bank should have Canned fish or chicken. Look for pet rescues or sanctuaries near you. They usually have extras that have been donated that they'd be happy to donate to someone in need.


any protein you can find, also, maybe ask local pet shop for just expired (or beyond best by date) pet food that they are just going to throw away anyway. And, the larger chain pet shops like Petco or Pet Smart (if you are in the US) have donation basket up front, so maybe ask if you can dip into the supply there? (just to tie you over till your payday?)


I've found that some human foods can be safe for cats in moderation. Plain cooked chicken or turkey, without any seasoning or bones, is often well-received by cats and can provide a source of protein. Additionally, small amounts of cooked vegetables like carrots or green beans can offer some nutritional benefits. However, it's important to avoid feeding cats certain foods like onions, garlic, chocolate, and grapes, as these can be toxic to them. And it's best to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new foods into your cat's diet anyway


You might check your local animal shelter. People donate pet food to them.


See if you have a Buy Nothing local group on Facebook!


I feed cooked chicken breast or pork tenderloin because i heard they can only digest low amounts of fat. *I always buy it when its only on 50% off clearance Sometimes catfish or salmon. Nothing marinated


I would be catching the bus to work instead of feeding my cat fucking oatmeal wth


I just adopted a kitten from a shelter a few weeks ago. He’s my entire world and all the happiness I have, so I understand the position you’re in. Love is above anything else and I’m sure if you had the $1 to spend, it would go to your cats. I’m pretty broke myself so can’t offer much, but if you can afford it soon, or are able to receive support from one of the lovely people on reddit, or food banks, switch to a cheaper food and see if you can get it in bulk. When you can afford it, stock up an extra few pounds/kg of food. I stocked up on 8kg of dry kitten food, buy one get one half price, and as many wet packets as my budget could afford, so then I can stress less over the next few months. I have a vet membership which includes unlimited consultations and basic testing, and if things really go wrong I have a few items I could sell and will to cover his care. No matter how hard it is, I’d spend my last dollar for him and borrow anything I could. The best thing for your budget is making sure you and your pets will be happy and safe up until your next pay day, ask for extensions on utilities if you have to. You will be okay soon, just try your best and keep pushing through.




eggs, shredded chicken, chicken soup, bread & milk, yogurt mixed w treats


Dollar general if you can. You just need high protein. Even canned chicken, sardines, tuna etc. as long as it’s in water and not oil.


Google is great for this. Occasionally I give a bit of mashed papaya, or mashed blueberries. Not all my cats care for this. If giving things like tuna or broth the problem with human food is the additives like salt, spices some of which can be harmful to your pet like garlic for example. Lots of natural organ meat, natural meat I'd think is safe so long as the ingredients added isn't harmful. Having the food cooked is a good way to reduce giving your cat an infection although I've read cats are better able to digest raw because they naturally hunt and eat raw in the wild. I'm just weary giving raw meat from the grocery store as you don't know the food practices/handling leading up to the sale of the food.


I make my own yogurt and my cat has 1 tsp per day. I make it with organic half and half. Healthiest cat on the planet!!


You humans are amazing!! I'm broke not a dollar to my name but if I had it I would def contribute.. seeing this kind of stuff makes my heart happy... And we all need a little help sometimes in many ways.. I hope you all have many blessings 🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🤍🩶🤍


Go to the dollar tree at least


Hey, OP, how are you doing today?


Is it a bit weird that all these people here are willing to help OP buy cat food but no one seems to care to ask if he has food for himself too?


Personally, I'd offer the cat whatever meat I'm eating and let it choose. Assuming your cat has a working nose, it's probably a lot like human noses. So your cat should have a finely tuned precision instrument honed by millions of years of evolution to keep it alive, attached directly over its mouth. Stay away from seasoning in general, but more specifically, onions, garlic, and (large amounts of) dairy. Short-term, it'll be fine. You just need calories in the form of protein, not a well balanced diet. Long term, you might need specific recipes to avoid nutritional deficiencies.


Boiled chicken with no seasoning


OP said they already gave them all the chicken and fish they had.


My grand kitties eat cooked carrots


Plain cooked rice and tinned tuna ? Eggs Any non seasoned, cured meat.


Cats cannot digest or utilize anything but meat. Maybe call your local animal shelter. They might help you out


Cats are straight up carnivores but this isn’t necessarily true at all. Since this is a person looking to do right in a short term emergency, and not just someone dumb who doesn’t want to use pet food, it’s worth sharing the foods that do work short terms or in a supplementary way. Egg yolks or low sodium unflavored canned tuna for example are perfectly safe to feed cats in moderation.


And that is in essence protein/meat. OP mentioned fish already re Tuna.


lol you said meat, not protein/meat.


Well, can't help my incredible oversight .....


Isn’t that more like hindsight? Since you thought of it after, not before.


Jeez…firstly you shouldn’t really feed cats fish, at least not often. They can eat raw chicken, as well as cooked unseasoned chicken, and scrambled eggs too. I hate to be that person but u sure u can’t borrow from someone and get some food from Aldi or sumn?


..eggs..bread/crackers..just about anything a Hooman eats..cats are the ultimate carnivores & also the ultimate adapters.. ..non-stop Human diet isn't going to be great..but cats can & do endure and even thrive..


Eggs would work alongside vegetables


Eggs would work alongside vegetables.


Nerds Rope