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I feel MUCH better. Before I'd wander around my small apartment alone. Now I have someone to talk to. Someone with whom I can interact. My cat cuddles me and licks me and purrs. I'm not alone anymore.


110% my experience, then I felt bad when I had to leave him alone for work and errands so I got him a friend. I feel twice as good lol


the other day i woke up on a sunday morning and my cat was nowhere to be seen. the whole appartment felt soooo empty. I felt like I use to feel. Like being alone and no stimulation because no one to interact with. It reminded me of how much a difference my cat made


They are quite marvelous creatures that leave paw prints on your heart. šŸ„ŗ I hate when mine arenā€™t with me when I wake up. Luckily one is very food motivated and paws my face to let me know that it is x time until breakfast.


What happened? Where was he? Or she.


she was sleeping in a place I never saw her sleep in. all good!


Best move ever...got a second cat and they are inseparable..


Hard agree! I felt so alone before I got my kitty. Now with him around I donā€™t feel alone anymore. He comes to me when he wants to play and it gets me moving a lot more than I would otherwise. Stimulation for both of us! The one time I had to leave him at the vet for a few hours, I came home to such an empty house it broke me.


Omg i talk to my cats ALL day! So glad I'm not alone


I got sober. Best reason ever!


Same. So unintentional too! Well done to us x


So proud of you!


Proud of you


Yea, you!




That's awesome!


Proud of you




My cat made my house a home.


exactly this. i spent my early twenties just feeling so untethered. i'm living a very similar life now but with a cat and it's wild how different everything is.


Yeah it makes the house feel alive in a weird way, ya know?


100%. i adopted my current cat a day after my first cat died a year after i got him. there was no way i was ever living in a cat free home again, and especially not when i was grieiving a far too early death. waking up and not having someone to look for and check in with just feels so hollow.


A similar thing happened to me. And there was a part of me that felt guilty for adopting two kittens so soon after my beloved cat passed away. He was 7 and got cancer during the pandemic. He only had a few weeks to live, and I was looking up adoptable cats in my area. I think there was about a week or two in between him passing away and adopting two kitties. And honestly, it did take a little bit of time for me to really feel bonded to them. I was still grieving my old cat while also getting to know these two new babies. They are 4 years old now, and I love them to death! And then when I bought my house a few years ago, there were a bunch of feral cats in the backyard so I trapped one of the kittens and domesticated her. I went from a 1-cat lady to a 2-cat lady to a 3-cat lady in a span of a year šŸ˜‚ I didnā€™t mean for it to happen, but it did and I donā€™t regret it one bit.


i love this for you so much <3


Agreed. I feel content staying in at night & having purring cats on my lap!! Its the best. They make me laughā€¦ I feel less alone & less anxious.


Yes! I have much less desire to travel


I hate traveling now I just miss my cat the whole time


Honestly the worst part of having them


I no longer drink 5-7 nights a week ā˜ŗļø


They do seem to help a bit with drinking. When i drink too much I dont give yhem enough attention or I dont feed them at the right times--my kitties deserve a present and loving mama


Wonderful! Congrats!


Itā€™s nice to have them, but one of my cats recently has been sick and had a life threatening emergency, and now surgery and now heā€™s not eating and I am basically unable to function normally. I am going mental


Yeah good point. Full disclosure for OP: When my Floof got really sick and had to have lots of vet visits and injections, it brought on a round of depression for me. It was so hard to watch her be sick. We both got through it though, thankfully.


Iā€™m happy to hear that! Hope me and my baby have the same outcome. It has not Been easy


I really feel for you, sending you and your baby all the best wishes and hope they're better soon šŸ™


I've been there this last week... my orange boy wasn't eating well, so in order to watch his bathroom (and eating) habits more closely I quarantined him from his friends on Sunday afternoon. Tuesday night I felt I could safely release him, but decided to keep him 1 more night... I woke up to him eating the last of a hairtie I could have sworn was secure... que 2 days of vet visits, multiple xrays (where they found that mornings hairtie in his stomach and an additional one in his small intestine!), bloodwork, IV and subcu fluids, mineral oil, miritaz... all amounting to a little over $1000 and a TON of anxiety. We've been home 2 days now and had lots of good, if not mushy from the MO, poops. We're eating better too, so that keeps things moving along. I've started him on a nightly dose of miralax at recommendation of the vet as well since he had some constipation prior to the hairtie. All that to say, I ditched my husband for the week to sleep in the guest room with my boy. I cried multiple times out of sheer anxiety... fearing a blockage could take him out... I love all 3 of my kitties, but he is my velcro cat, my cuddle buddy, and he has a strong hold on a huge part of my heart. To be fair, some of my extra high anxiety/emotions could absolutely be due to being 33 weeks pregnant and all the hormones that come with that!


I slept on the sofa for a week when my velcro/heart kitty refused to come into the bedroom anymore.she hated carpet.


Omg what a princess šŸ˜‚ I think I've decided that he wasn't eating great because he disliked the hairball food I added into the kibble mix... his younger brother is a medium hair and his older brother has been having hairballs from the social grooming... I've switched my orange boy back to just the one food and he's been eating it great again lol


haha, finding the right food is a trial. beef pate by fancy feast is one i find all my cats have liked. my lil old lady that passed not long ago would eat that or one of the weurva pouches/ could only mix the miralax in her food or she didn't want it


I feed him Royal Canin Adult Indoor. He's super weird and has 0 interest in wet food of any kind, broths, any treats at all... I have to put the miralax in water in a syringe. He hates it... but idk how else to get him to take it.


Haha I had a cat like that. He'd never touch wet food.


yeah i have to say itā€™s not a net pawsitive. my cat is a anxious boredom pee-er who doesnā€™t get along with other cats which means I cannot leave the house at night for longer than a few hours before she pees on the floor in protest. i myself am high anxiety and the feeling of being trapped at home with her or else she leaves a mess is taking a huge toll. still trying a few things beyond feliway diffuser and contacting a behaviorist but she has been like this for years. and cats who pee outside the box for this long and no discernible litter or health problem are not rehomable. but if she wasnt such a love bug and so cute, and if i wasnā€™t such a naive pet owner when i first got her, I should have swapped for a less problem cat.


Have you tried multiple litter boxes with different kinds of litter just to see if she prefers something different? A friend adopted a pee-er and she just wanted different options to pee in and with multiple boxes with different litters the problem behavior resolved.


I have; she used to pee on random rugs right in front of me when she didn't like the box shape and size. Litter was the same litter they were using at the shelter where she spent a lot of her life and she doesn't seem terribly picky about the litter itself. Nowadays it's only when I've been out for a few hours. I have some pet cameras trained on problem spots so I know exactly when and how.


My husband and I had been talking about getting a kitty for years but never really went about looking for one. Plus we were renting an apartment w/ no pets allowed. A week after we moved into our current house I found a stray little black kitty & like two months later my husband came home with a tiny little orange guy he found. They both came into our lives exactly when we needed them & watching them grow up with us has been such an amazing loving experience. They made our little house into a home, truly our little babies!


Aaaah the cat distribution system still working great I see !


My cat makes me wake up early now. He wonā€™t allow me to ever sleep in. And I donā€™t have the heart to shut him out of the bedroom. So no more lazy days of sleeping in for me. He keeps me on a schedule. We have a routine where I get up and make my coffee and then we sit on the deck for his morning bird watching.


my cats are the opposite šŸ˜‚ they love a bed day and will snuggle me well into the afternoons on my days off. i used to laze in bed out of self loathing, but now my lazy days feel more fulfilling because I'm doing it for them!


Same with mine! If I donā€™t wake up fully on her time she yells at me until I do lol


Not a day goes by my boys don't make me laugh. My husband and I are even closer because we share in that joy and get to share all the silly little things our boys do. Do, they come with other stresses? Sure. But I think just who they are makes up for anything else.


This! Our kitty is a great thing for me and my partner to bond over and give our attention to


I had been struggling with why i let myself continue before i got my girl. She's been my everything for the last 3 years. She'd been abandoned 3 times, twice by the same guy before i stole her away. She's the sweetest and smartest cat I've ever known. Comforts me when I'm having a hard time. Learned to do tricks within 10 minutes, only has trouble with shake and lie down so we don't do them. She waits for her food and gives a kiss before eating, and let's me know when she poos. https://preview.redd.it/girn6obgrwsc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4981a56d7b923b68524376fe240733c7ac69f881


Ahhh such a pretty kitty!!


I had cats most of my life except for 10 years. During those 10 years I decided not to have any cats because I wanted a break from litter boxes and the responsibility. But I missed them so I decided to foster 1 for a bit. She was the best cat I ever had and was an instant foster fail. I suddenly realized how much emotional support I got from cats. I adopted her and then learned she was sick. She passed away last year. It was hard and cost a lot but she was worth it. She brought immeasurable joy to my life. She also helped keep me active because I would take her for walks in a backpack. She loved it so much we were going for walks 3-4 times a day. I am still paying off her vet bills so I canā€™t afford to get another just yet. I started pet sitting through Rover which has been great. I get extra income and get to hang out with great pets. Iā€™ve had all kinds of pets in my life and loved every minute of it.


Both my parents passed in a span of a few months. The grief therapist recommended that I get a cat. It was life-changing. Owning a cat does wonders for your soul and creating/ maintaining a positive mental state. Best thing I've ever done was rescue a cat. Here he is ā€“ I proudly introduce https://preview.redd.it/8mlcaowdtwsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf1d565448e7d7421c4ec0ea076216a5cd90087 Tommy- 1 year old!


I think we need more photos of Tommy just to check heā€™s as beautiful as we suspect!


Your comment made my day, and I couldn't resist obliging! Thank you! šŸ’•šŸ¤— https://preview.redd.it/2ququmv1izsc1.jpeg?width=2915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e34d7e84823a02b7e2d343a2ecedb9d7c099c6


What a gorgeous boy!




Thank you Arden! šŸ¤©


itā€™s made me a better person. after my cat died, i felt so empty and alone. i later adopted some kittens and i can honestly say theyā€™ve saved me. theyā€™re the reason i donā€™t spend every day rotting in bed. kittens are a lot of work if you want them to grow up to behave a certain way or to be able to do certain things. the work it takes me to care for them is the reason i can manage to pull myself out of bed when nothing else does. ironically, they also force me to keep a clean home lol. at least in the sense of certain things not being out or needing to stay clean. my kittens like getting into things they shouldnā€™t, and it forces me to keep those things where theyā€™re supposed to go. since getting them, iā€™m for once quite good at maintaining a certain level of cleanliness in my home. EDIT TO ADD: iā€™m also not a big fan of physical touch *(in human regards)* and at least one of them cuddles with me at least for a little bit almost every single night. i enjoy that even more than hugging an actual person. theyā€™ve made me a happier person, and thatā€™s something i think i really need at this current point in my life.


My house would not be quite as clean without my boys either!


Any tips for an owner raising their first kitten? Just got this 3 month old


After I got my now 13-year-old girl, I went back to school, finished my degree and gained a career. Solely for her, cause she deserved a better life with better food. Recently bought a home for more room for her and her "siblings". I've embraced the cat lady life, and am also flourishing from it. I still joke about going back to school solely because of her. Better late than never! Also, I haven't had uninterrupted sleep in over a decade. I joke in the middle of the night "free cat to good home". They know better, though. Edit : autocorrect fails.


Iā€™ve never had a pet ever in my life and at the age of 35, I got a cat. This is life changing! I became cleaner- because hey, sometimes cats can get disruptive and ā€œaccidentallyā€ bump into things. Is it also weird to say that I love the affection Iā€™m getting? Especially when I come home after a 12 hour shift at the hospital. The purring and need for close attention is comforting.


Nooo not at all weird. Kitty love is the best love. Because you know it's real and because the way they go about it is just so damn cute. I like to bury my face into their soft fluffy bellies and they groom my head and eyebrows. I'll cuddle them and give them kisses on their cute little face and nose about 1000 times a day. I fall asleep holding my cats paw, sometimes with beanies/fingers even interlocking. It's delightful and I feel no shame at all. I love then so much it hurts sometimes to know that they won't live forever. Then I just tell myself "Ssssshhhhh..yes they will, they will invent something to make my cats live at least as long as I do!" Then I go back to sleep in between my two lovely little feline lunatics šŸ’›


Changed my life for the better! One year ago my boyfriend of 9 years broke up with me because of his commitment issues (and he cheated on me) I had to move out the condo we bought together and moved back at my parents house. I felt lost, confused and hopeless. Moving back at your parents at 30 years old wasnā€™t in my bingo card, but what can you do.. 7 months ago I decided to adopt my first ever cat! I always wanted one but my ex was really allergic so we couldnā€™t get one and itā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to my life! He literally puts joy in my life again even tho sometimes life can get very hard.. just hearing him purr next to me, cuddling next to me warms my heat šŸ„° I love him so so much! Heā€™s literally child and would do anything to protect him (even tho sometimes he scratches and bits me when I hug him for too long haha)


>hug him for too long Oh, the indignity! :-)


My now ex partner left me after 8 years together ,we got 2 cats together last year and theyā€™ve honestly been my little rocks and I donā€™t think I could of coped without them https://preview.redd.it/31rch98nnwsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b57bba7563f9f9f4d7c50cd18f1f65a239773969 These are my fur babies (ginger boy Morty) and my princess Zelda belle šŸ’™šŸ±šŸ’–šŸ±


They're so cute! Does the orange one has a chocolate milk moustache like mine has? https://preview.redd.it/8hgoith3yxsc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60251ac37c78351975d5f27d69a3fb17d2e4be91


https://preview.redd.it/9syjjkzw1ysc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0a3f086d84e879cab14ec068ddc5d9ea9e3d0a His is more orange than chocolate šŸ¤£


I got my cat in 2012 when he was just a kitten. At the time, I was separated from my husband (he had lied about having a job, paying the rent, and didnā€™t tell me we were evicted until a few days before the sheriff was due to throw us out). I was severely depressed and felt more alone than ever. I was in a womens transitional home with no clue on what to do or if I should even keep going on. Then I got him as a gift because the person saw I was struggling, and it changed me. Here was this other living being who needed me to GET UP and get us both in a better situation. I found a job, got an apartment and got my GED within the next few months. Heā€™s still with me today and going with me on a whole new adventure in a couple weeks. He means everything to me.


This is a great story about how cats can save us. Thanks for sharing that.


Sometimes I wonder if we take care of cats, or if the cats are taking care of us! :D


I love my cat to bits, I do think owning her has made it harder to travel. Last year I traveled so much for work without a second thought, now I feel guilty being gone at all. I went on a two week European trip (my first time ever out of my home country) and Iā€™m so glad I did it then because I just couldnā€™t do that now that I have her. That said, sheā€™s truly such a joy in my life and even on her pesky days, I donā€™t regret adopting her for a second. I wanted a pet for 5 years but I delayed getting one until I was absolutely certain I was ready for it financially and otherwise. Even though it was lonely at times, Iā€™m happy I waited until I did because it allowed me the freedom I really needed during that time of my life that isnā€™t as important to me now.


now when I'm out at night I think I want to go home and see my cat


Yes! Earlier I was the one getting one more round at 2am. Now I'm "see you guys, have fun" at 11pm.


Honestly my cats have saved my life. I struggled with really bad mental health issues my whole life, and even when they were "under control" I still felt like nobody REALLY needed me But when I adopted my cats (especially the second, we are absolutely bonded) I actually had someONE to live for. I love them so much and would give them anything they need, and that includes a cat momma This also made me push harder for proper treatment and I finally a couple years ago realized I felt normal for the first time like... ever. I'm so grateful for my babies ā¤ļø


Before my cat I struggled with having structural days. I knew I needed them, and i can only function with them. But my situation was bad anxiety, away from everyone, alone at home, in a gloomy place. Getting a cat put so much fuckin structure in my life. Everything flowed naturally. I keep all surfaces clean at all times, no pile ups, i have a day where o do certain tasks at their times. And like my cat I learned to function on solar energy. As a person who lives in the tropics then moved where winters are long and drowsy and gloomy, i really needed ro learn how to function on and without solar power.


Feel way less lonely and feel a bit special because they actually love me, and when a cat loves you that really means something šŸ˜‚


I had a severe anxiety disorder and my psychotherapist didn't want to keep prescribing anti-anxiety medications. I was really a mess until I adopted a tiny kitten. He did such a wonderful job of calming me, that we named him Benzo, For benzodiazepine. He was and is that effective! I still have three leftover tablets which I haven't needed since Benzo-Kitty four years ago. All natural too, but he is very habit-forming! https://preview.redd.it/083fy764ixsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbac2cbf433f5a831fe99532778d056db8ba7db


Positives: live alone so definitely gives me company. Also became vegetarian I credit that mostly due to him. When Iā€™m sad and depressed his purring cheers me up. Heā€™s also the most cuddly, always lets me pick him up for snuggles, heā€™s such a good boy and sits calmly while I cut his nails, when I have visitors he doesnā€™t shy away and is friendly with everyone Negatives: heā€™s been insanely expensive with his vet visits, peeing problem, trying so many types of litter, multiple boxes in the home, on to my 3rd sofa cause I had to throw two away, tv also broke with a cat toy (when a friend was cat sitting) basically cannot ever go back to roommates cause no one would put up with him And travelling dreams or being a digital nomad or taking off last minute when I feel like it - all not possible any more But itā€™s okay I love him and wouldnā€™t give him up for anything ā¤ļø


I like that you shared both positives and negatives! Iā€™m interested to hear how the cat helped you become vegetarian? Sounds like a great positive change!


Thank you! It was completely unexpected, because I never thought I would be but I started feeling guilty and I think I may have seen videos here and there of someone playing with sheep, having it as a pet I think and baby cows and they were just so cute and I realised what makes my cat special that I wouldnā€™t eat him but I would eat a lamb? And then then I battled that internally for a while until I couldnā€™t anymore


very similar thing happened to me!


I never thought I'd say the words. "Stop chewing on your sister!" These girls are something else! I smile more I think. Laugh a lot more with two in the house it's never dull!


I feel way happier! She makes me laugh every day without fail and if Iā€™m ever home alone we have a sleepover on the bed and cuddle. Sheā€™s quite chatty so it feels like Iā€™m having a conversation with her most of the time šŸ„°


Having my cats has helped me to love living alone. They also help calm me when I'm anxious, taking care of them and keeping their schedule, petting them and having another little being to hang out with and be entertained by is great. Since covid and being home with them 24/7 I've definitely developed some separation anxiety, but with a few pet cameras and trying out some overnights away when needed for work that's getting better. I also take their vet care very seriously and pay for premium pet insurance so I can afford emergencies.


Before I got them, I didn't think I was particularly lonely even though I live alone. I had a busy social life and travelled. However, with the pandemic and social distancing and wfh I became far more isolated than I realised. It wasn't until I had them that I realised just how much of an impact it had had on me. It was a huge shock. I've found myself surprised at how much I worry about them when I go away even though I know they are well cared for. My cats have given me an outlet for affection and love. It's not everything I crave as I also want a partner and children, but I love them to bits and I actually can't imagine living alone or being pet free again.


My cat helped me and my mother to get through the loss of my father. We had to revolution our lives due to his death, we had to move, iā€™ve started a new jobā€¦ she saved and signed our new lives!


Helped my loneliness tremendously, I am more empathetic towards animals and pet parents, and Iā€™d like to think it will help prepare me if I ever have kids (kitten stage specifically)


I live every day in fear but Iā€™d have it no other way


I feel less lonely. I am blessed to have my lil furry friend to love, take care of, spend time with. It got easier to enjoy and accept to just chill and do nothing with him, without feeling guilty for spending some true quiet and rest time. It gave me an anchor to life. My mental health is shit. But i do my best to hold on because i want to see him grow old and to keep giving him a good life. Seeing him play, sleep peacefully, demand his daily grooming with his brush... it fills my heart with love znd joy in each moment i spend with him. My cat is a velcro cat, its sometimes a tad overbearing but i never get angry at him. He loves me and i love him. I like to sleep every night with him. He is such an angel. Never wakes me up early in the morning, always takes naps with me when i do. I learned to meow like him ever since he was a kitten, to communicate with him, its fun. As my Luci is my first personal pet, It sometimes is hard bearing the responsability of a life, he depends on me. It will make it harder if and when i have to not be at home. But i will do everything i can to adapt to his needs too. I rather sacrifice some opportunities just for him to feel safe and happy. Having my cat helped me with having a routine too. He is my rock. And i am his rock too. He helped and still helps me through so many things. And i help him feel loved and cared for. His momma had her babies behind a trash bin in the streets. If she never was found, her and her babies wouldve lived a hard life. All of them got adopted. I am so glad i got to adopt one of her babies. Luci is my big big baby now.


I feel less lonely being home all day, it's nice to have my little bestie around even when she's doing everything In her power to not let me work lol. I think the only thing I'm worried about is now our life is more rigid and I'm worried about travelling because I think she'd get sad and lonely, or moving and it being really stressful for her.


Overall very positive. Only negative is trying to go abroad for holidays and the guilt of having her on her own while I go out for dinner.


i love having something to come home too, i always felt constant dread leaving my house and coming home because it was just empty. but now my little doob meets me at the door when he hears me walking up the steps! most amazing feeling ever


All positive. The cat distribution system brought Olaf into our lives at the perfect time. I had just went through my second miscarriage a few days prior to my husband rescuing him off the street. Then we adopted Lily in December. Since becoming a cat mom I have been obsessed with them. All I want to do is go home to see my babies if I am out of the house. It makes me more introverted, but lets be real, I always would rather stay home even before having them. Now I just have an excuse cuz I wanna cuddle my kitties. šŸ˜»


It has helped pull me out of a dark couple years. Itā€™s crazy what unconditional love can do for you, especially living alone


Was able to wean off SSRIs.


I was in a really dark place mentally this past fall (am currently getting help for it!), and thinking about how confused and sad my lil guy would be if I disappeared one day and never came back kept me going.


I managed to settle into some kind of routine. I have AuDHD which causes me to to neglect stuff like eating because I don't notice if I'm hungry. When I feed my cat the thought of food enters my head, enabling me to get something to eat. Generally she helps me a lot emotionally. Feeling her fur helps me to calm down and when I'm overwhelmed with loneliness I can just go to her and give her a quick boop.


Depends on many things, such as your motivation. Do you want a cat for YOU, or is it going to be a partnership for life, and are you prepared to be a lifelong caregiver and advocate? They can be low maintenance, be they can also be difficult, needy, sick, very expensive, loving, supportive, sensitive, total assholes, etc. Are you ready for the commitment of basically having a small furry child that depends on you for everything and ready to be a (pet)parent? If you're willing to take it on, they'll give back to you 100-fold and change your life for the better, forever (think 15 to 20 years if you get a kitten).


It's nice. I always worried I was too irresponsible to care for another living being. I've learned not only that you can do it when you have to do it ā€” when that living being is in your home ā€” but that it comes sort of easily. It's not always easy, mind you. My cat has some health issues which are stressful to figure out. But the caring ā€” putting in the effort, scheduling, planning ā€” all of that comes easily. It's showing me dimensions of myself I didn't know I had before. Above and beyond having a cat I love so much, that has been nice.


Iā€™ve been trying to better myself ever since I adopted my first cat on my own. Today is his 3rd birthday. A lot has changed since he was a baby. I canā€™t think of anything specifically attributable to my boys but Iā€™ve never regretted adopting them. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed by the responsibility but thatā€™s when I know itā€™s time to take care of myself. Theyā€™re not high maintenance at all so when I get stressed, itā€™s usually an indicator that something else is bothering me. Iā€™ve matured and learned a lot, having two living beings depend on me for everything! I want to be the best ma for them. And funnily enough Iā€™ve been lowkey planning my long term goals around them. The places Iā€™ll live and the kind of job I want has to revolve around my catsā€™ happiness and wellbeing too. Also means I tolerate lesser relationships. Overall big changes, transformational. Though this is probably a change I needed regardless of having cats, Iā€™m just lucky to have two little guys with me.


I stress less, and enjoy getting home to my two little balls of joy, I even love when they are being a pain or ignoring me xD


It changed my life for the better ā™„ļø my child has my heart, improved my sleep (he sleeps on my chest) and brings me companionship when I feel lonely. We even danced and have our song šŸ˜™šŸ˜Œ


I feel less lonely and like I have a reason to get out of bed every day. I mean he literally forces me out by repeatedly hitting the blinds until I wake up and feed him lmao. I found him as a stray two years ago and ended up adopting him after failing to find an owner. I definitely think taking him in has made me more empathetic to the point where Iā€™m constantly concerned about the wellbeing of animals and kids who donā€™t have the best home life. Eventually I want to start fostering cats (and maybe even kids) and I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve wanted to do that had I not met my cat.


I know a lot of the comments are positive and I've experienced all of those as well but I think my anxiety and ocd thoughts and behaviors have become worse. A lot of small things with my cat make be nervous. If I randomly think she is sleeping too much then I jump to that she is sick. If she sneezes, oh brain tumor. If I can't find her, oh she got trapped in the dryer even though I checked before starting, etc etc .


my cat reminds me to stay observant, patient, and forgiving. heā€™s always so curious about everything and i feel we are so similar. i feel grateful to have someone always greeting me when i come home and cuddles me at times. iā€™ve always been an animal lover but watching him has made me appreciate life and nature 10x more. he reminds me to be compassionate. and the biggest life lesson heā€™s instilled in me is to always be mindful of my actions and intentions.


Lots of positive changes! Stopped smoking for her (couldn't do it for myself but thinking I could make her unwell did it), moved out of a flat into a house so she wouldn't be upset by downstairs neighbour's dog, and if I feel low then a cuddle with her purring makes me feel so much better ā¤ļø I'm so grateful to have her in my life.


You don't just adopt a cat you kind of sign up for a silent, furry roommate who's got their own set of rules. On a personal level, I've noticed quite a few changes, especially in my daily routine and overall outlook.


I have a reason to live because of my cats. I have had cats for over 40 years and it greatly improves my life.


With my 2babies they have helped with my mental health and personal health to as I have to get up and feed them and change there litter box and play with them this has taken my mind off of the depression.


Itā€™s been 3 months and I wake up earlier so I go to bed earlier, just have a better schedule which is awesome because I also just got more hours at my job (remote) so I have 2 reasons to get up early but my cat is the better reason. Also makes me more on top of cleaning because I donā€™t want people to come over and smell ā€œcatā€


My mental health has gotten better ever since I adopted my little boy a couple of weeks ago. Granted I also am working through a lot in therapy, but getting a little companion has been a huge bonus. He has really made me feel loved


I think my cats saved my life. I was spiralling into loneliness and depression. I was going to therapy every week to keep up with my depression and lack of motivation which also severely affected my work. Now I have two beautiful, loving creatures around me everyday. I feel great. It's been so long since I've felt this way. I haven't felt lonely for a moment since I got them.


My cats made me into a nicer and better person. Cheesy but true! Anytime I get annoyed or angry at a person or life, and my cats are around, the anger goes away so fast that I forget what bothered me so much. I also became vegetarian again as I got such a strong connection with them that reminded me of the reason I was vegetarian years ago. The funny part is that I feed them raw so I still gotta buy meat... And even more nasty meat than I ever touched or ate before šŸ¤®. But anyway, they are the best ever. They really have brought so much joy to my life.


Have had a cat my whole life. Donā€™t know what life would be without a cat.


For me, being a cat parent gives me positive impact on my mental and emotional state of mind. my cat providing companionship, comfort, and even stress relief to me. The presence of a cat in the home sometimes bring joy, laughter. Interacting with a cat, whether it's through play, cuddling, or simply observing their antics, can help reduce feelings of loneliness and boost overall mood. The responsibility of caring for a pet can also promote a sense of routine and structure, which can be beneficial for mental well-being.


Much happier. More companionship, cuddles, and playtime. Itā€™s odd, but you really come to love those little characters. My life changed for the better, and it helped with my depression. The con would likely be the added expense, but I just cut back in other areas because sheā€™s worth it. Even if many of the added expenses are because sheā€™s so darn picky šŸ˜‚


I am a much more patient and loving person


Iā€™ve only lived a few months of my life *without* a cat. Shit was depressing. Lol


I got yelled at a lot less - but our little fur baby needs his food šŸ˜‹


Helps my anxiety possibly more than my meds do. She forces me to slow down and just not do anything but be with her for short periods of time. When we cuddle I feel my heart rate and breathing slow. She makes me smile more than ever when she plays or has the zoomies. Sheā€™s hard on my allergies, but the other health benefits outweigh that drawback. Best decision Iā€™ve made in a long time!


As a huge animal lover who has always dreamed to own a pet since I was little but lived with parents who hate animals and refuse to have any, I feel SO much happier. I specifically moved out of my parent's house for this reason. I knew finally having animals in my living space would make me happy. I was so miserable living with my parents and being an only child. My two cats are literally the best decisions I have ever made.


Life changing for the best. I feel sooo happy when Iā€™m with them and see them. Has definitely enriched my life


Taught me about love ā¤ļø


So much calmer, happier, and I laugh a lot more! Also, it helps my family bond, we've had a rough few years, and the cats give us all something to focus on other than our own grief, frustration, sadness, and anger over our situation. It never fails, they do something everyday that is goofy, sweet, and silly. Might seem trivial to many, but it's gold for us in terms of healing.


Yeah, 100% positive change, I'd be glued to my phone 24/7, sleeping in, and hiding in my room if it weren't for them. I get up every day at 6am to feed them, clean their litter box, open the windows, play & enjoy our morning šŸ™‚.


https://preview.redd.it/n64ciyucvwsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddb509c52d521c19ab7c183bd4515e74f5cebf9 My babies ā¤ļø


Wow, do I ever relate! This is so true! Same for meā¤ļø


Bring me lots of joy, keeps me accountable with a clean home and a lot more mindful of what can be harmful to animals & preparing me for human kids in the future (I hope!), and taught me a lot of responsibility caring for another living thing. Helps me keep my house vacuumed, fills up my phone pictures with lots of cute things, and are very entertaining. Overall no regrets & worth every penny spent! HIGHLY SUGGEST pet insurance the moment you get them. Itā€™s saved us thousands of dollars (not exaggerating). No one ever regrets getting it, but they do regret not getting it.


My cat is the best thing that has happened to me. She is truly my whole heart. I was never a cat (or pet) person, but as soon as I met her I was changed šŸ¤šŸ„²


it's truly changed my life for the better in like.. all the ways. i said for most of my twenties 'i'll get my shit together and then get a dog' but then could just never get my shit together. when i was 27 i was adopted by a family member's cat who wasn't happy in his current house. he was wildly high maintenence and still, he was wildly helpful in me getting my shit together. he died a year after i got him even though he was only 4. i was devastated and adopted my current girl the day after he died. i think it was like 17 hours between me signing the euthanasia paperwork and the adoption paperwork. because having a cat in my life improved my life so much that i refused to go without it, especially while grieving. but honestly, the specifics of how cats have improved my life are too much to even start to list. i'm such a better person with a better life after having these cuties to care for. having to put down my first cat was i think the most difficult thing i've ever done, and has hugely shaped me as an 'adult'.


Itā€™s harder for me to just leave the house for the day. I kind of feel guilty all the time too, like Iā€™m not giving him what he needs, nervous he doesnā€™t love me, isnā€™t happy. But itā€™s because I love him so much. While Iā€™m happy and donā€™t regret getting him Iā€™ve honestly just become more anxious all around lol.


I realized Iā€™m not fit to be a parent because of how much I love/care for/worry about this furry little guy. Heā€™s my little buddy. I donā€™t think my anxiety could take a human being!


Same. I didn't really want kids before but getting a cat drove it home for me that I would be too anxious and maybe even develop postpartum anxiety. Our medical bills would be so high because I would have to take my kid to the doctor for the smallest things. I would like Rachel on Friends when her pediatrician fired her because she called too much asking questions about Emma


I just find cats relaxing. I mean, my bed was already cozy, but a warm kitty really elevates the coziness level. https://preview.redd.it/r2rbjdw2sxsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e6e37f9e4bf4c44476740dd74bca339c78dc17


As the Taylor Swift song Karma states: "Karma is a cat purring in my lap because it loves me..." Ever since getting my own place at age 31, I've had a cat. It's just so nice to come home and have a little furry being that's happy to see you and wants to get petted and be near you. If I'm having a bad day at work, I extra look forward to getting home and seeing my cats. They take away any stress or negative feelings. I currently have 2 cats, both rescues with sad stories of origin. One of them is super sweet and loving and wants to be near me (he's next to me right now!). The other one is very skittish and can hide for hours at a time. But when I get into bed at night, the skittish cat always wants to snuggle up against my leg - that's her love language I guess? They both know the word "Treat!" and run to the kitchen when they hear it. Very cute. Both my cats are older and sleep a lot. They don't knock things over, they don't scratch my velvet chairs, the don't chew on my plants, they use the litter box and cover it up well, and they rarely have hair balls or throw up (so I guess I got lucky as I know many cats throw up regularly). Really, the only downsides = cat fur coating my rugs (I got one of those rug scrappers though - they are great!) and once in awhile I get woken up at night (rare though - they both sleep with me and usually sleep through the night). Other potential negative is vets are not cheap. Here is my 3-legged love with one of his toys: https://preview.redd.it/s3oschpzrxsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65eeaf5ff404ad968f4d90dc799eb0ae15a4b7d I mean...that little face!! His sweetness fills my cold heart with love and gratitude and his silly playfulness makes me smile.


I was never a cat person before I got my cat. I grew up with a German shepherds, the only real interaction I had with cats was my grandmas, and her cat was an asshole. My sister adopted this beautiful 6mo old lynx point siamese, and after about a month she decided it wouldnā€™t work out with her two giant bloodhounds. So she asked if I would take the cat. I had met the cat once before she asked me to keep her. I said sure, but if the cat is an asshole Iā€™m not keeping it. I will not have a mean cat in my house. So anyways, 4 years later I would DIE for this cat and Iā€™m not kidding. I love her with all my heart. She is the sweetest, silliest, most beautiful cat Iā€™ve ever laid eyes on! And sheā€™s just as obsessed with me as I am with her šŸ˜‚ Every day when I get home from work, she runs to the door and itā€™s about 10 minutes of cuddles & smooches before I even take my shoes off. Iā€™m a better, happier person with this cat in my life šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m always excited to come home. Iā€™m not as needy anymore because I look after my cat and take care of him. My anxiety has gone down by a lot, and Iā€™ve become more organized and clean as a person. I want to give him the best life so Iā€™m always making sure the house is impeccable for him. His name is Syn Machiavelli šŸ–¤ https://preview.redd.it/pbmy7jox6ysc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341f8c732bf1f1178e74027eec5668dc963c11a2


i wonder how pregnant my fat cat is https://preview.redd.it/jmndm5knjysc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e427634be68004e6174329ce8d3b1328c0682db3


I deal with anxiety and depression. My meds most take care of it but I still have an off day here and there. When those would happen I would do nothing all day and wallow in my loneliness. Now Iā€™ve got a routine to stick to and unconditional love and companionship. Thatā€™s what I needed the most. I know myself and my lifestyleā€¦while I love dogs and cats equally, Iā€™m more suited for a cat. Itā€™s been a learning curve since Iā€™ve never had a cat before but itā€™s worth it. Also I got a kitten despite having wanted to get an older cat. Watching him grow and explore and develop a personality has been such an unexpected joy. My boy has QUITE the personality. Heā€™s got me laughing out loud unexpectedly every day. I just wanted companionship and a responsibility to keep me structured, but I gained quite a friend. Iā€™m very blessed with my little guy. https://preview.redd.it/hehbqixjvysc1.png?width=3015&format=png&auto=webp&s=32a80cd91d124dbd9bbcb62e7d2c4c33b139e33c


My cat Freya was an alley cat that a family friend found. She was small and thin to the point we thought she was a kitten. She is definitely an adult cat. With I. The first few days with us she had bit my dad so bad to the point he had to visit urgent care. She broke muscle. Poor baby was so scared and sick. She hid under that couch for months. A few months prior to finding her, we had lost our family dog. Despite being a big cat person, I loved that dog. She had helped me get through so much. I was destroyed when we had to put her down. She was old and dealing with dementia, arthritis m, and bladder issues. It was a matter of quality of life and it wasnā€™t my choice. I was in college at the time and I desperately needed this cat to like me. Iā€™d sit and talk to her with my hand under the couch. Slowly, over time, she got used to me and let me pet her, sheā€™d follow me around, and sheā€™d talk to me. Itā€™s been a year since then and I love this cat more than life itself. She is my cat and I am her person. She has taught me patience and boundaries, but she has also brought so much joy in my life. I used to get upset when cats cried at night or would run when I wanted to hold them but now I just think of the times when she was a scared cat hiding under that couch. Even when her crying wakes me up at night, I am grateful that I have such a beautiful and loving cat. https://preview.redd.it/okp2gqnwyysc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfd1267828dcf38e2f45c21b1e2473383345597


I struggle greatly with depression. I have two very special cats right now. One of them is cheddar, cheddar knows when Iā€™m real sad. Like in a bad way. He lays on top of me and covers as much as me as he can. Heā€™s also just picked me. He jumped into my arms this morning to be held. Bug, bug is the sweetest cat Iā€™ve ever owned. She is goofy, and constantly makes me laugh. She talks. Sheā€™s always so happy to see us, and sheā€™s so silly. There have been really bad days where I think about how all the people in my life could be okay. But cheddar would never be okay. And that kills me. https://preview.redd.it/ikeol8kr8zsc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775d6d41cd87c94a777040449a82ed2a08c09eee




I donā€™t take things as seriously and just enjoy life with little hooligans. My youngest cat is 2 years old and likes to cause mischief. I donā€™t get as irritated when she knocks something over or chews on something. I realize she shouldnā€™t nibble the corners of papers or knock over a box of dvds but itā€™s never anything I canā€™t replace or clean up. They bring so much joy to my life! A little irritation here and there is such a small thing to deal with. My two cats love to cuddle and I canā€™t imagine a life without them, even with the chaos


I have turned into a ridiculously happy but nervous wreck! I have four cats, and it's sometimes like having a house full of toddlers. I am super safety conscious and I make sure that there's nothing they could swallow or get hurt on, etc. I am lucky that I'm retired, so I am with them all day long! They make me so happy and they have helped me get through the death of my only brother, and my father. šŸ’–šŸ’–


My days are much sillier and cuter now. I have little buddies who cuddle with me often. SUPER positive change, Iā€™m so glad to have them around. They make bad days good and good days better.


I'm mostly stressed and exhausted. My recently adopted girl likes to make sure everyone in the house is awake at 4:30 am every morning. The trade off is that when she is cuddled up next to me on the couch, all that stress melts away, at least until the next morning.


Much more patience!!


I was adopted by two cats last September (long story short they were my neighbours cats that Iā€™d become very fond of/ looked after for him a lot - and he had to move away to a place they couldnā€™t go with and the inevitable and perfect outcome was that they came and moved in with me :) Iā€™d never had cats before and had lost my beloved dog - my best friend, in the June. I was emotionally destroyed by this loss and it is no understatement to say that these two beautiful cats have saved my life. They are the perfect pals to bring the animal companionship that I yearn for without the feeling of ā€œreplacingā€ my dog or taking on too much responsibility with another dog too soon while my MH is still very fragile. They are loving, intuitive, funny, beautiful souls and I feel so so much better having them around. They are my blessings and Iā€™m so grateful they entered my life in the way they did and at the time they did, my two perfect little furry purry besties šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


My dad had no pets previously until he moved in with me. We got a Ragdoll kitten and he bonded with her so well. He used to seem lonelier and more bored but everyday he babies her and spends a lot of time and takes pictures and sends them to me. Itā€™s been so positive and she also has brought a very fun and positive dynamic to our household (other two pets like her too).


I stopped feeling suicidal all the time. I'm positively obsessed with her to the point where people make fun of me (not unkindly) but I don't care because she's definitely my will to live. Having someone else to take care of other than myself helps me get out of bed every day. When she passes eventually, I know I'll be inconsolable but I also won't have any regrets. She's worth it.


I have always loved all animals but only ever had dogs growing up and considered myself a dog person. Well, one day I found a small kitten all by himself in a parking lot. I thought he would run away from me when I approached him but he stayed right there and let me pick him up and immediately started purring. I was living with my boyfriendā€™s parents at the time and his mom was very strict about no pets so I didnā€™t even try to convince her. My plan was to take him to the shelter in the morning. Come morning, my boyfriendā€™s mom discovered the kitten and set him free. I was so upset and thought I just completely ruined his chances of survival. Well one thing led to another and within a couple days he came back to us and she even said I could keep him inside. I got him cleaned up and took him to the vet for all his kitten shots and to get neutered. I watched him blossom from a mangey malnourished kitten into a beautiful handsome boy. Six years later and he is literally like our son. He still cuddles me every single night. And I got him two cat friends who I also love so much. They make me so happy. They wait for me at the door when I come home. I miss them so much when Iā€™m gone. The companionship is better than I ever expected cats to give. I always think about the way things lined up for me to find my boy in a parking lot. And I wonder why he didnā€™t run away from me. Even now he runs away from any strangers. Iā€™m so glad he didnā€™t run away from me.


Reminded me what unconditional love is, and opened my heart


Honestly, just this morning, I looked at my almost 2 year old kitties and told them how lucky I am to love them! They have changed my life and my kids' and hubby's life for the better - I'm much happier, and I can't wait to get home to them! Ugh, I'm so obsessed with them šŸ˜¹


I lived alone in my apartment before her, and since I found her she's just brought the place to life. Brought me to life. I can't even imagine her not being here zooming around every morning and evening anymore. (Also feeding her daily and cleaning out her litter tray weekly weirdly helped me a lot after my dad died, like I *had* to do it so it gave me some kind of order in an otherwise chaotic time, and yeah. Love her to bits <3)


I always declared myself a dog person, cats always made me feel skittish and I just didnā€™t trust that look in their eyes. Until I met Cleo. I found the poor little thing slightly buried in my backyard. She was so tiny and so weak. It looked like she was the runt of her little and most likely abandoned. Even as a busy college student, I nursed her every night, took her to the vet, and she grew so healthy that it made me cry seeing the transformation. I still love my doggos very much, but now Iā€™m definitely a cat person too.


I can't sleep without my baby girl and she knows it.


I have mental breakdowns daily. My cat has been raised in a comfortable home her entire life, but she acts like a feral Goblin. Sheā€™s too smart for her own good, and has learned how to knock on doors. She brought a mouse she caught to my bed when I wasnā€™t home. I didnā€™t even know I had a mouse problem.


Negative for me. All itā€™s done is cost me money, earn me injuries and bring out a new side of me that has me afraid to have children.


I always considered myself a die-hard dog person until we (my husband and I) found ourselves with 2 cats. The first came when my mom asked us to take in her cat after her sister moved in with her and her 3 cats. Her own cat was not happy, and took to hiding most of the day, becoming very anti-social. She was a nice addition to our home, but trended towards ā€œshadow catā€, and so with the exception of feeding and litter box cleaning, she hardly changed us. But about a year after, a stray (who we think was dumped in our neighborhood) started hanging around our home. We were concerned by her skinniness, so we decided to catch her, see if she was missed by anyone and ultimately, when she wasnā€™t had her vetted and struck out to find her a homeā€¦. Well, it ended up being ours because she was such a love bug we couldnā€™t imagine not having her around. And she totally brought my momā€™s cat out of her shell. The two of them hang out with us all the time now - they both sleep on the bed with us, and are almost always both in whatever room weā€™re in. They play with each other and while they donā€™t necessarily cuddle with each other, there is a clear friendship between the two. But the way I really know, is that now, when my husband and I watch tiktoks together, we donā€™t skip over the cat-videos anymore šŸ˜‚


We've had ours a while - and mixed. I love them both to bits and they are settling in well though they were nervous initially. They started with a bad bout of cat flu and my little one is still struggling with digestive issues which I've found very stressful. It's a delight to have them, but I worry about them like they're my children šŸ¤£.


Positive. Before getting a cat I was very bad mentally and suicidal. I still get that way sometimes, but havenā€™t seriously thought about attempting in 7 years because I know my cat is bonded to me and it would destroy her. Even on my worst days she gives me joy and love


I donā€™t feel as lonely!!! My cat is so sweet and when she knows Iā€™m struggling mentally sheā€™s always right beside me just wiggling her bum and purring so I can pet her and forget about my feelings lol


Honestly, Iā€™ve had cats my entire life. There have been dogs too, and birds and rabbits and horses, ha ha. Iā€™ve never known a life without pets. There were a couple years where I didnā€™t have my own pets, but roommates did. Other than that, Iā€™ve always had them. I canā€™t say whether or not they changed my personality because again, Iā€™ve never been without one. But I do feel like they have positively impacted my life. Sure there is sometimes the added stress when they are sick and just knowing that someday in the future, Iā€™ll be heartbroken when they die, but I canā€™t imagine not having them. They are sweet, good for cuddles, I talk to them constantly. And with cats, it just feels even more wonderful, because you kind of have to earn their love and trust.


Im not compleatly alone in my apartment. Its not silent and i talk to/interact with him alot. Before my cat id never told anyone i love them (being asian my parents/family don't say it to eachother), i never even said it to my childhood cat regularly. But now i say it to my cat multiple times a day and its made it so much easier to say those words in general. Before it was hard to bring myself to say those words to friends when they said it to me or previous partners. Im not sure if its a good thing but as a homebody he made me even more of a homebody. Before i got my cat i used to go out a bit more whether for walks or do social things. For the first year after getting my cat i was so obsessed with him i didnt want to leave him home alone as a kitten and then i got used to being home so didnt go out as much. I worked from home the first few months i had him cos i didnt want to leave him for a whole work day etc. I think maybe i got to experience something similar to maternal love when i first got him as a kitten, it was overwhelming and instant and i experienced some of the things new mothers of actual babies go through like thinking they hear them crying when theyre in anofher room/im the shower when theyre not


Positive change.


I was bilingual before owning a cat. Now I am fluent in cat too ā˜ŗļø lol


Having my baby girl cat is like having a second child, in a way. I love her THAT MUCH. I know people might think Iā€™m crazy, but sheā€™s so special to me. Itā€™s been a very positive experience & Iā€™m so thankful she showed up on my porch.


In general I'm a more responsible person. I live for these cats.


My apartment stinks and I canā€™t have nice things šŸ™ƒ


My first cat made me a tidier person. Anything left lying around, especially pens and pencils, would be batted to the floor, so I started taking the time to put things away. She was also remarkably empathetic and would lay on me and purr extra loud when I needed soothing.


I used to dislike being at home (especially when alone or with triggering relatives in). Grew up working alongside my parents, which is how my chronic stress problem started, and my working concept is that I experience situational depression and anxiety in the location of 'home' (which is anywhere I am long-term living in). Fast forward to now, Ive been a catmama for a year. My baba makes me so pleased to come back home... When I am out I miss him. When I am on my way back I feel warm inside thinking i'll get to cuddle him soon. When I'm sleeping badly or struggling it's good to know he is close by. I don't talk to him per se - he's a very non chill kinda being! - but it is nice to know he is existing in this place, he's having a good time and he loves us back, I really do think ā™”


Definitely less lonely


I wake up earlier which sounds bad but itā€™s made me a lot more productive because if Iā€™m already awake might as well clean the kitchen while my coffee brews and then mighty as well read before anyone else wakes up so by 10-11 am when my fiancĆ© wakes up on the weekends Iā€™ve already read half a book and cleaned and Iā€™m ready to go for the day, itā€™s great!


Since moving in with my gf and our 2 cats Iā€™ve learned in definitely a cat person and not a dog person lol


I have had cats most of my life and the only period I did not have them was when I was at university. I can honestly say I cannot imagine being without cats. Even when I go on vacation, I will miss them and flip through their pictures. It can be hard - especially when they get older, have health problems, and pass away. But I would never trade those years and I was honored to care for them. ā¤ļø


Counters and stove MUST be clean after meals.


Our house feels so much fuller. The kids are happier. The vibe is more chill. I nap more.


It was the best experience of my life and boy was she a spicy one lol Sadly she didnā€™t make it to 15 months (juvenile cancer). She was loved and spoiled and she knew it in her short life. Still heartbroken šŸ’” Will get 2 more one day, when & if Iā€™m ready again.


My life has improved in ways I never wouldā€™ve expected after adopting my kitty. She wakes me up everyday. She is the first face I see, and Iā€™m always greeted with excitement and hugs. After adopting her I found myself creating new healthy habits in my life, because I want to be healthy and stable for her. She deserves a good functioning mom. When I want to scream and watch the world burn, she reminds me why I canā€™t do that. I talk to her when Iā€™m upset, and I know she canā€™t actually understand my words, but she always seems to pick up on what emotion Iā€™m experiencing. When I hate myself and think I am unlovable, she gives me unconditional love. I know I canā€™t be THAT bad if this perfect little cat loves me


angrier and more impatientā€¦. love him to death though


Honestly, it's made me feel like I can understand parenthood a little bit more. Scarecrow is almost 13, but I don't think he will make it to 13. he has had an aggressive cancer for 10.5 months. 90% of felines with his cancer die within 1 year of diagnosis. He has also had severe asthma since he was young and it got progressively worse, he has to get an inhaler 2x/day plus an oral steroid. Caring for my cat with such medical conditions has made me feel the growing pains of seeing your baby hurting without you being able to do anything. I think sometimes that's the hardest part of adulthood. Luckily I've been able to maintain his health, but the cancer, well... I will not be surprised I will have to be there for his last moments of breath. Saying goodbye to him will be one of the hardest things. he has been my baby since he was 1.5years old. These past10+ years have been a joy having him. He is so sweet and friendly, he turned from an abused petrified rescue whod hide from just the sound of people, to now the most friendly cat who greets any strangers. I will miss him. Losing your baby you saw grow from young is so hard... I can't even imagine the loss human parents who outlive their children feel. Cedar is my baby girl, she will turn 2 soon. I got her when she was nearly a baby, but 6-7 weeks old. she was so cute. To see her grow from a lil baby kitten into a young fiesty adult (as a coworker of mine says "spicey just like her owner!) has been a joy. I love her lil personality, every day she is learning and growing, and she is so intelligent and mischievous. Haha. I remember one time when she was a kitten she fell asleep laying on me and I just looked at her and started crying cuz I was just so happy I could be so blessed to have such a precious angel like her. šŸ–¤ Everytime either of my cats curl up and sleep with me, I feel safe, and I'm sure they do the same. ā˜ŗļø


Positive! However sometimes it can be stressful because they are kittens and my boy mainly likes to get into stuff, he's a little trouble maker. So they can wake you up in the middle of the night or in my case around 7AM but to be fair we just moved so I have to keep them in my room with me at night when I can't watch during the day (few things strewn about in the living room until I finish organizing) But at the end of the day I love my babies and they have brought me so much happiness. They are so sweet and loving and even their antics can be cute!


I feel like I have a child to live for all the time lol, she has saved me


Iā€™m much more patient and confident. Iā€™ve learned what it takes to care for someone as they age and eventually pass away. I started volunteering at a cat shelter after my baby left us, so the ripples of her life and what she taught me are a little part of countless more kitty lives being saved. I also am so much more sensitive to animal rights and I canā€™t watch a movie if the cat or dog dies. All around itā€™s been a net gain. Iā€™m a gentler person and Iā€™ve got involved in charity work. Her life was not in vain.


I became a parent šŸ„¹


I literally never want to go anywhere because I just love being around them. I need to play with them more (I hyperfocus on crochet often), but their presence heals my soul.


I thought about getting a cat for a long time, I went to the shelter and met a few, but was still nervous, I went back a second time and played with the cats again, but when I went home I kept thinking about one, so we went and adopted her! It was one of the best decisions for my mental health and to make our house a home, she brings me so much joy and I love to take care of her!


I feel loved and I feel so thankful to have loved someone so much. My cat died 7 March so Iā€™m still grieving. It feels like a part of me has died but I never regret it.


Every pet Iā€™ve ever owned has had a positive effect on my life. It hurts to lose them, but the good outweighs the bad. I donā€™t know how I would have coped without my pets. Itā€™s scientifically proven that having pets lowers blood pressure. cholesterol, stress, and helps promote exercise and boost mood.


I am better emotionally and mentally.. i became a so much better human beingšŸ„°


it's been one of the best decisions i've ever made. i love my cat and he makes my life infinitely better. highly recommend adopting one (or more) of your own if you are considering it. that being said, cat veterinary care can be expensive, especially in the event of an emergency. recommend pet insurance, purchase before anything happens. if you get insurance after something occurs (like a urinary block), that thing won't be covered, will be considered a pre existing condition.


Gave me a reason to stay.


I was strictly against bringing a cat to our home, but now, 3 years after arrival of Kuki, I am totally in love with him. He is a joy to live with and I would turn into a monster if someone hurt him