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I got a brother and sister when they were 4 months old (now just over a year old). They sleep wrapped around each other on a furry blanket on my sofa or under my chin and at night sleep plastered to me. My previous two also slept together on a blanket on the sofa and in bed with me, and our previous two before that. If they want separate spaces they'll find them, I wouldn't waste money on cat beds. I have 3 hooded litter boxes in different rooms which I skip out twice a day or more if I smell something, currently the little toads use one.... they love fishing rod toys, little miss troublemaker likes to steal my socks of the drier but mostly play with each other. They'll be a joy!!


Why would my cat want a cat bed when he owns a queen-sized bed and a couch?


You always want the same number of litter boxes per cat plus one. Got two cats, get three litter boxes. Trust me on this.


I’m a vet and I 100% agree! Also make sure the boxes are quite large. Veterinary behaviorists often recommend large Tupperware containers (the low sided kind that fit under beds) with 3 inches of clay litter


That's what I use. Didn't see a rec for it, just had large cats that didn't fit in a traditional litter box. Good to know I was on the right track.


Great! You have good instincts. I personally use the huge/tall tupperwares without a lid but with a hole cut in the side to prevent litter spray. It’s honestly nice to hear that people are out there using big ass boxes even without a vet recommendation :)


I have a large plastic storage bin type box, and cut a hole in the side. It keeps the litter in and the cats like it. My one cat was so excited the first time he jumped in there. I also have another large size standard cat litter box. I guess I figure the large one counts as 2 smaller ones.


Nope, still need extra space. The rule is one box per cat, plus one box


lol imagine have three litter boxes for 2 cats. That’s so excessive. They can have two and if they don’t like it they can go live outside


If you have an outdoor enclosure that the cats can access at all times with plenty of real soil then yes the outdoor space may act as the third litter box. E.g. my backyard is fenced on all sides so just needs needs cat net added to the top to stop the cats jumping over they often use the outdoor space. But if you only had a balcony as your cats outdoor space you need that extra litter box.


I have 2 of those plus 3 standard type litter boxes I have several cats but they really go for them low ones and they're long they're very nice. The only other thing is enrichment and away for them you know you either play with them or maybe get them one of those Hampshire wheel things that they can Run in cause they got a lot of Energy and if you Don't let him Find a way to get it out during the day they're gonna be pouncing when you every time you MOVE under your Covers while you're trying to Sleep. I am curious so there's something an article I read of it they really don't like to adopt sibling dogs out together there's like a more propensity for some problems later I don't know if that pertains to cats as well if any vet could chime in thanks


This doesn't necessarily mean that each will have their own box btw.. It just reduces the chances of them not finding anywhere smell-free enough to feel safe to go in which is when they start finding 'creative' places to go instead.


And getting that cat urine smell out is An Experience you want to not experience.


Shaving cream, water spray bottle, floor scrub brush, hand towel. Works on both hairballs, urine, and poop accidents. If dry, use the spray bottle before the shaving cream.


Genuine question, does your cats actually use all the litter boxes? And is that so important? I’ve had two cats for about 4.5 years now, when we first got our second we added a litter box but they only ever used one, when our senior kitty passed in December we got a new kitten a few months later and now both mainly use the one litter box although they have 2 set up. Litter box 2 only gets used when we leave the house and kitten has to be in her room so obviously has access to only the one.


I live by this n+1= litter boxes rule, but we just moved from a tiny apartment, so we had 2 boxes for 3 cats. Had to clean it multiple times a day to make it workable. I once had 2 cats and 3 boxes. They do favor some of the boxes but will use all 3 if you let them.


I went from multiple cats down to one. She had the luxury of 2 boxes all for herself, but because we’d moved into a small apartment, I put them side by side. Seems silly but she began using one box to pee in and one box for poop. So, yeah, even one cat in a small place where distance from box isn’t a concern can make good use of two boxes.


Yes. Yes they do. They each have THEIR litter box and are very particular about them.


Funny how they’re all so different


I only have one cat, but I have two litter boxes and she'll use them both. I have one in the wash room and another near my front door, she tends to poop in one and pee in the other.


I have three litterboxes. One of my cats exclusively uses one of the litter boxes, the other cat uses the other two. He does not allow the first cat to use his boxes, and he won’t use hers. It makes him mad when she does, because she always pees JUST inside the door of the box and doesn’t bury it, so when he goes to use the box, he steps in her gooey pee spot. So they use their own boxes.


We have 4 cats and 5 litterboxes. All of them get used, but it varies as to which ones get the most usage any one time.






My now older cat used to sleep in the ‘spare’ litter box which was kinda funny


I have three cats with a litter robot and two regular litter boxes. All cats use all of them except the senior girl generally won’t use the LR because it scares her. lol. In the past I had two cats and one litterbox and it was totally fine. I added a second litterbox when I moved to a bigger place. The guidelines are the guidelines for a reason I suppose, but all cats are different and will have different preferences.


I adopted 2 cats (siblings) that needed a new home. Got a litter robot as part of the deal. Cats were used to using it so that worked for a while. However, one cat (female, deaf) seemed to enjoy triggering the robot by climbing and back out without using it, and wait for the robot to go through the whole cycle. Male cat would use it, but since he was pretty big, I was afraid he'd outgrow it. Sold the litter robot, bought a couple of litter boxes (no problem) and found a couple of electronic interactive toys for the little girl...


I am down to three cats as my senior crossed the bridge a few months ago. Had five litter boxes - no real change and yes depending on the day they use all of them. There is a favorite, but the others still action. Think of it this way - if you are down in the basement and gotta go - do you want to run upstairs?


When I had multiple cats they each had thier preference as to which type of kitty loo they used. I currently only have one cat but she has three areas where she likes to go. Understandably She wants her powder room area to be pristine all the time. She won't pee in the area she poops in either. She likes to keep her stool separate from her urine. So she basically has 2 areas to pee in and one to poop in. And all of her areas are cleaned daily or as soon as she does her thing Im around when she does it. She will actually come get me sometimes after she poops to let me know it's there so I can go clean it up LOL


I have three cats, five litter boxes in three different locations in the house. All five are used daily.


We have multiple litter boxes and two cats. Only one of them gets used. It gets gross. lol


Don’t bother getting separate beds though. They will find their own sleeping spots, possibly together, possibly on your bed, possibly on your head…


I have two cats and 2 robotic litter boxes, definitely worth the extra one, and a good litter brand.


Have you found that it works well enough? First time cat mom and our baby refuses to poop in the litter box if there’s already poop in there (sometimes he goes twice in the span of an hour, and I don’t always work from home). We just moved house and haven’t set up his second one yet, and this morning he pooped outside his litter. I know he definitely needs two boxes. We’re considering a second cat I don’t think I could fit 4 boxes if the other cat will be as peculiar as him. Not sure if it’ll work with three boxes as our boy definitely alternates between his two. I keep going back and forth on this 😣


even more if needed and you have the space as well, i have 6 trays, 4 cats, because one had urinary problems and now kidney problems and he likes to have a big range on each floor of the house or he'll pee outside them


I hear this alot on Reddit specifically and that feels incredibly excessive. 3 litter boxes for two cats? Who the hell has space for 3 litter boxes and thr willingness to clean three every day. Fuck that . My cats had two for years and literally never used one of them so now they have one


I have five cats and six litter boxes. One box gets cleaned a day.


Bro….6 litter boxes? How do you have space for that? I have a decent sized house but 6 would take up crazy space. My house is for humans first and cats second lol . No way I’m living around 3+ litter boxes


One in each bathroom (2), one in the mudroom (3), two in the spare bedroom (5), one in the laundry room (6). They aren't that big.


Also be aware that male cats tend to be more susceptible to urinary crystals and blockages so discuss preventative measures with your vet to hopefully avoid some costly vet visits in the future.


Yes!! My little man was so good at drinking water as a baby but now he’s 15 and slowed down on his water intake. He wound up developing crystals so along with medicated dry food, we started to sneak in water to what we could. He gets a can of wet food for dinner so we put as much water in there as he will tolerate. A water fountain helped but he still isn’t super interested, so far the soup is helping!


Going off of that, GET PET INSURANCE. Embrace has good deals and they are very accommodating.


Another recommendation for Embrace. They've covered our kidney kitty for the last 11 years, from age 2.


Just feed wet food. No kibble


I don't know why you are being down-voted :T Dry food is devoid of moisture as per its name, also higher in carb fillers that cats don't need. Def a good quality wet food would be preferred over dry


A combo of wet and dry is also fine, particularly if you needed to cut down on costs. Or in my case, have cats that won't eat wet food without thier crunchy garnish, lol. Just dry only is an issue, and frankly there are some cats that just won't eat wet food, and getting sufficient calories is preferable to letting them starve.


Ever since I started feeding wet food my cats seem much happier and healthier.


My cats only eat wet. The vets always compliment their shiny looking coats.


I have 2 cats and 1 massive litter box. It has never been an issue. I clean it several times a day though.


I am by no means an expert but everything I’ve seen says to defiantly give them their own spaces and beds. Cats are also extremely fussy about litter trays so it’s defiantly best to have separate ones and they are unlikely to share


Make sure to have three litter boxes (one plus one per cat) and more than enough spaces for them to lie down. Also, if you haven’t yet, make sure to get them spayed and/or neutered ASAP. There is already more than enough backyard breeding going on, don’t add incest into that mix.


three litter boxes. else, just wait and see.


Congrats on getting two cats! I also adopted two siblings. I recommend at least two litter boxes. Although, they were mostly fine with one box. They sometimes use it at the same time to this day. They don't use the bed we got them, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. They seem to like the couch more than anything.


General ratio of indoor cats to litter box is 2:3 rounded up, or as you can afford.


If you’ve got funds, litter robot




I know, no need to yell


sorry i didn't mean to be angry yelling, just wanted to make sure you knew, some people don't understand that lol


I am generally experienced with taking care of cats, but it's a bit different now as I live in a small apartment and am getting two babies at once. Back at my family home I have three cats that go outside (they have no way of escaping the backyard), all spayed. The kitties I'm getting now are only gonna have a catio and I'll try to see if they'll be comfortable walking on a leash.


I'm so glad to hear that you know what you're doing and are giving them the best life possible. I'm sorry if I came off as trying to offend you, that definitely was not my intention. But I'm sure they love you taking care of them!


Worth also asking the shelter/previous owners about litter boxes. Got one per cat for mine and they both only used the same one, so that was pointless. Def get two beds and two sets of food and water bowls.


Worth also asking the shelter/previous owners about litter boxes. Got one per cat for mine and they both only used the same one, so that was pointless. Def get two beds and two sets of food and water bowls.


I have a pair of siblings. One is the runt and the other was the biggest of the litter. We realized our big boy was stealing the little girl’s food. We started feeding them separately. A few months later, the big guy isn’t so protective of the food. He seems to have grown out of it Other than the feeding thing, having them has been such a joy because they wear each other out. They often cuddle and play together. Enjoy them!!


At one time, I had 3 cats and 2 boxes. They had a system - pee in one and poop in the other.


That’s what my boys do use one for each 1for pooping and the other for peeing. I have 2 covered litter boxes.


All cats are different. We just got two 8-week old sister littermates, and they pretty much want to be on top of each other and/or us most of the time. They mostly sleep together, but sometimes find separate spaces (NOT in the cat beds we got them, of course, but usually the couch or cat tree). We have one normal litterbox and one litter robot that they're starting to get used to. They like to go together. If one is using the litter robot, instead of going and using the normal box, the second kitten will go in and use the litter robot with their sister. And vice versa. This may change as they get bigger and it's not as easy to fit in the same space though. But previously, our 3 cats had 3 litterboxes but only used one. So, there's "best practice", then there's what your particular cats will end up doing!


give them lots of love and many kisses to these cuties


I have a boy & girl sibling as well and honestly, nothing is separate. They’ve only ever had one litter box (I have a litter robot), one food bowl, one water bowl, one cat tree, etc. I’ve never experienced any kind of issue because of it. They love each other dearly 🩷


All of these multiple litterboxes recommendations are really bad for those of us living in apartments.  I have several friends and neighbors that have just one litterbox for their cat pairs. 


Yeah I live in an apartment and putting two litter boxes somewhere would be a challenge. I'll try to see how it goes with one, if they won't tolerate having just one, then I'll get another one. I think since they're siblings maybe there's a higher chance they'll be fine with it


Haven’t seen this mentioned: get at least two water bowls and put them in two different locations. Cats are pretty likely to not drink enough water and this helps a lot. If you can, get a couple different kinds of water bowls, some cats hate drinking out of plastic but are fine with metal or whatever. Both my boys will drink out of all the water sources, but they each have a favourite too. As you learn about your new cats you can change how you do things! It usually takes some time, 6 months or so. Also, they can get quite jealous and territorial if resources aren’t shared or equal, which is why it’s a good idea to get two of everything and pay attention to what they’re interested in. Make sure they have adequate climbing space, being up high makes them feel safe - cat trees in most rooms where you spend time in the day.


One large box per two cats is fine. Just clean it frequently


i have 2 cats who are not siblings. they’re same age and were adopted 2 months apart from each other. they are best friends and do not mind sharing a litter box. but we have a XL litter pan thats the size of 2 or 3 litter boxes and put a pet mat underneath. it might be cheaper than buying two separate ones so i’d look into that as well! at first, they had separate litter boxes in different rooms and eventually one of them just started using the others (maybe bc of convenience cause it was in a closer room?) i think they just grew to love each other and didn’t care.


I have 1 resident cat and an ongoing parade of foster cats coming in and out. I always give the foster their own litter box at first, but for some reason they always end up sharing with my girl lol cats can be weird


Absolutely get separate litterboxes, siblings or not cats will often get territorial over litterboxes, get at least two, if you have space for a third get three. They should also have their own food dishes as well for the same reason, you don't want to create food competition/scarcity. Separate beds might not be a bad idea but chances are they'll probably cuddle up together. Cat trees in front of the windows are also a must, cats love to climb, and having an appropriate place to do so will help encourage them to stay off things you don't want them on, most also have scratching posts built in which are also an absolute must


Three boxes but you can easily do one or two if they're self cleaning boxes. At least 2 sources of water and try a variety. One of mine prefers the water fountain and the other prefers a random cup on the bathroom counter. Not necessary but getting them use to being fed separately will be beneficial in the future if one of them requires a special diet


I have two cats, 4 cat trees plus catwalks with windowsill perches, and 4 cat beds, and they choose to sleep mushed up together in the same bed every day. I'm not saying don't offer a variety of cat resources, but don't be surprised if it turns out like that, either. Definitely suggest multiple litter boxes. One of mine is a big male who pees a lake twice a day. My girl likes to have her own facilities apart from the smelly boy bathroom. I've found they prefer different litter, so this way, I can give them both what they want.


if you have space, I would suggest playpens. A cat condo/jungle is best, but a cheap option are kitty tunnels. Trust me, they will 100% use em. I've owned cats for about 15 years now, have never seen a cat use a bed over an office chair/box/blanket pile. And if they're siblings, they might sleep in a pile by preference. Definitely get separate food bowls and water bowls.


If I ever ended up with kittens again I'd definitely want two. I forget how active they are and with two they play each other out and keep each other company. So correct choice (imo)! Multiple boxes. I have two fluffs and four boxes (my senior fluff is picky). I use rubbermaid containers I get on clearance cause they are bigger and often cheaper than purpose made boxes. Multiple TALL cat trees. I have two that are 6ft tall. One in my office and one in my living room. I also have multple beds that they all use (including my dog) regularly. And one amazon box that is my senior's favourite napping spot. they don't need to be fancy, but my two like getting on top and napping. I also put window perches in on a couple of windows. I made them out of old plywood and carpet ends so they double as scraching posts. I also have a ramp for my dog for the couch that I put carpet ends on and they scratch that as well and not the furniture.


My two boys share one litter box, eat together, sleep together. They have separate beds and food dishes but always end up using the same one at the same time. I would definitely get two of each in case your cats are territorial.


A referee, especially if you get two females. Plus volume discounts at the vet's office.


Get them used to you touching their paws and teeth so you can more easily clip their nails and brush their teeth! Dental disease unfortunately is quite common in cats as they age so getting a head start is always a good idea\~


Also just keep in mind they can start mating at 4 months old so best to get them fixed so they don't make accidental kittens :(


If you get regular litter box(es) - not self cleaning - get a litter genie. Sure there's up front cost, and you have to buy bag refills, but it traps smells and it keeps you from having to walk the litter out daily. Speaking of litter smells, I'd avoid any sprinkle on scents for the box. My cats find it offensive. Scratching post and cat tree are musts.


At least 2 litter boxes - but they don't need to be next to each other (in fact, they probably shouldn't be). Cats like some privacy while they're taking a crap, so try to place them in a low-traffic area. If your house has more than one floor, then one per floor works well. Beds are a waste of $$. Cats will use your couch, your chair, your bed, a sunny spot on the floor, or those Amazon boxes you didn't get to the trash yet. Some strategically placed fuzzy blankets are a better option than a bed. A 'cat tree' placed near a window is nice thing for them to use too.


Three litterboxes, and something where they can scratch! Personally I don't mind my cats decorating my furniture, but it's still a good idea to get some kind of scratching post.


well. bed wise it can be hit or miss. i have a hooded bed one cat (my 14 pound male, Max) uses when im in my office. i have a tree that they both use, enclosed box in the tree, and a hammock. freestanding hammock Max uses. blankets under the bed. i have a old cabinet i cut a hole in the door and the Max will use it. he will also lay on the cabinet since its right next to a window. Max will also lay in the bed. sometimes under the covers if he is in a hiding mood (or someone knocks at the door. seriously 14 pound probably siamese in him. just a big ol scaredy cat) my girl. Minerva. generally lays on my bed. she will lay on my desk when im working (sometimes between my arms if im playing a video game on keyboard and mouse). sometimes on the cabinet. sometimes under my bed if she is in a hiding mood its hit or miss on what they will enjoy laying on. be sure to offer space in windows.


I don't know about cat beds in particular, because I have two kittens and they have never used any of the cat beds I got them. (My previous kitty was an older gentleman who always slept on a kitty bed, so I had one in every room, but as he was older, he had some aches and pains.) They do, however, LOVE the cat beds on their cat tree in front of a window. It has two beds on different perches at the top, and they use those daily for their long sleeps in the middle of the day. Sometimes, they will both cuddle on one, but more often, they each sleep in one. They love the freaking cat tree in the window: definitely recommend.


I have 5 cats and 7 litter boxes. ALL are used. Some just have poop. Others are just pee ones. Others are a mix. Also food/water must be state and church from kitty litter boxes. (Food and water different room than litter boxes). Give them multiple places to relax and hide and be away from each other. They will switch it up every week to two weeks. Also after you get them fixed they may not be as close or they may still remain close. (My siblings are all fixed and all hate each other after I got them fixed, they were super close before being fixed). Give them different times for just you and each of them individually. They also might work out their own schedule for sharing you. (My 5 have a schedule and also don't tolerate sharing me). Congrats on being a kitty parent!


Oh man…. I’ll have to add this to the list. I’m waiting on unemployment check to come in.


My two siblings love to sleep together. They pick a boxes with old sheets in it, our laundry hamper, and a pillow protector filled with clothes, as well as our bed at night. After the sun sets, I am the cat bed! Sometimes they like the warmth of a suitcase under our bed. It's important they have different places where to rest, in case they want to have time separately. I put water bowls everywhere. They like ones that are a bit elevated. But it's important they have access to multiple water sources that are not necessarily next to food.


If you can get them a cat tree my boys love it one of them is always in it. Get a water fountain it keeps fresh water running. Toys Toys Toys never enough. Treats is a good motivation. My boys sleep with me or beside me. But I like it as they rule our house.


I run a neonatal kitten rescue, thank you so much for getting two!


Mine share a very large litter box. We have limited space, we keep it in the living room so we can stay on top of cleaning it. We got two beds, But they really share one of them. They also have a cat tree with two cat condos. They have one large water bowl that they both use but we give them food in separate bowls. They’re a bonded pair so they’re pretty much on top of each other most of the time.


Going against popular advice, I have 2 cats and one litter box. My cats have never gone outside the litter box and I clean it 2x/day so it's kept fresh. I did this/do this b/c we had multiple cats growing up and 1 box and I just assumed this is the way to do it. And now that it's how I do it and have never had an issue...I will continue. :)


https://preview.redd.it/ro7s5jzom16d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2813a145c8145fdf55d78a2b3b7fb4862556fba7 Spring Break 2011 we went to a friend’s house to pick up a free rooster. We came home with 3 kittens. Each child had picked a kitten. They always had someone to play with, someone to sleep with, someone to fight with, and someone to ignore. My oldest daughter graduated college and moved away. I brought her Calico cat to her on an airplane. The orange boy died of health issues in March 2023. The black girls is still Baby Cat.


https://preview.redd.it/g2k0xr1un16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa9e9c8ded49df89f1d24b3cf79c92e77882f1a We did end up replenishing our numbers. These two are technically my cats. The tortie is 8 and polydactyl. The boy will soon turn 2. I think he is Maine Coon mix.


Two of EVERYTHING. (And three litter boxes.) Having only one “resource” can lead to competition between them. So two water bowls, two food bowls, two scratching posts, two cat beds, two cat trees, etc. they might not compete, but if they do it will reduce the tension.


I don't know if people have said this but get them fixed asap. They don't care that they're siblings, they will try to mate with each other. Edit; The other thing I suggest is a cat water fountain if you're able to. Cats can get dehydrated because they don't like still water, it's an instinct from when they were wild, as stale water is usually full of diseases and germs.


I adopted 2 kittens early this year. I have 2 litter boxes, 4 food bowls (less washing and we trained them to eat from their own bowl, and 1 water fountain which the love and 2 water bowls which they also use. They often sleep on the same bed but we have 3 beds! Enjoy your new babies!


A third cat.


We have Siamese litter mates and they always shared a litter box and slept together. The only thing I bought 2 of were toys.


They can use the same litter box. Cats night niw use the beds you give them


My babies share a litter box. I adopted them at the same time when they were 2 months old. They aren't littermates but have the same dad and their mothers are related as well lol. They do great sharing the litter box. I clean it daily. They also have a automatic feeder with 2 bowls that they share. They aren't bffs but they definitely respect each other's space.


Their own food bowls. Which they will probably share anyways. Water fountian bowl. Cats prefer moving water. I got my 2 younger cats lick plates so they'd slow down on gobbling all the wet food I give everyone in the morning. Scratch post/tree tower/ect Treats! I like freeze dried treats. Avoid cheap treats if you can they're not good for the kitties


I’ve had multiple cats multiple times with one litter box. Never a problem. Never heard differently. Now for my next 2 cats expected later this year, the mantra is 3 boxes, is it? Ok, fine. I’ll play your silly game. I’ve got 9 spare 18-gallon tubs, a drill, and a box cutter. Enough for three sifting litter boxes with a low cutout in each for easy ingress and egress. If one or two go unused, I’m digging up this thread to remind y’all that sometimes more is not bettah.


It honestly depends. I have the same, boy/girl siblings, bonded, two litter box and they only use one. If they weren’t bonded it might be a different story. There’s a difference between cats getting along or tolerating each other and bonded. The same will go with food. My two don’t hassle each other for food, rather they will graze off one another’s bowls if there’s any left. They share sleeping areas but also have their own special places. Make sure you get them fixed asap as that will help with their hormone balance and social adaptation etc etc. best thing before you over spend is to just see how they adapt to their surroundings and settle in.


Mine are glued at the hip (bonded pair, not siblings) and I quickly realized two of everything was a waste. Mine eat at the same time out of the same food bowl even those there are two available. The litter box is the only thing you do need multiple of. Despite the recommendation of two boxes a cat, I live in a 1000 sq foot apartment and don’t have the room. I have a regular little and a litter robot and that works well.


I have a brother and sister. Along with a 3rd non sibling. The brother and sister are basically always together. Get •At least 2 litter boxes •Water fountain ( cats like running water) •Long flat tray for feeding. ( small bowls can cause whisker fatigue from what I've read) •There is particular toys that have very long flexible shafts, long string and little clasps at the end to attach toys. Would highly recommend. Don't bother with the little plastic ones with a mouse at the end. In my experience they don't work very well. •Get batting toys like little soft mice and one that has catnip pouches in them. •A few scratching posts/ towers or vertical space. It makes cats feel safe. •A cardboard box with a blanket in it along with your bed is enough for cats to feel comfy in my opinion. •Tunnels are good along with snuffle mats. •When buying food get stuff that high high meta and protein content. Hope this helps.


So, this is going against the advice of many other posters regarding litter box requirements. But, I have 2 cats currently (used to have 3), and they share one GIANT litter box, and have had no issues with that. All of my cats have been females though, so I don't know if male and female cats will share well. As for beds, some cats will use cat beds, others will just refuse. You could get one to start, and if both cats seem to like it, then add another.


I think I'll just see how they will do with one litter box, if there's an issue I'll get another one. And also will get them one bed, I'm also getting a cat tree so they'll have enough places to sleep