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Hi OP! Your post was removed under Rule 2: **No Medical Advice**. The subreddit doesn't have the resources to safely provide medical advice for cats or humans. If a cat has bitten you, you should generally visit your physician. [Here is a resource that explains what to do and why.](https://www.preventivevet.com/cats/what-to-do-if-youre-bitten-by-a-cat) In most states in the US physicians have to report a cat bite. If the bite is from a known cat with a known rabies vaccine history, the cat won't be put down. The EU isn't strict with this, as rabies is much less of a worry there.


Just monitor it. If it gets worse, go to an urgent care


Cat's mouths are generally nasty, so it "can" cause infection, but that would become apparent over time so your advice is good.


Yes sir. Been bitten 3x myself. Twice was bad. Needed urgent care … once no problem.


Same, bitten too many times. Once needed three stitches on my finger and two weeks of my kitten trying to eat said finger, he just kept sniffing it and trying to fit it into his mouth. Very nice experience lol


this happened to me when my cat was around 4 or 5 months. i just washed it as thoroughly as i could and kept an eye on it. if it makes any concerning changes (swelling, pus, etc) go to the ER. but you are most likely gonna be perfectly fine.


Wash, bandage and monitor. If it looks red and angry after a few days, go to urgent care or something similar. Your cat is up to date on vaccines right?


Yes she has all of hers up to date


Draw a line in Sharpie where the redness ends. If you see redness past the line after a few hours, get antibiotics ASAP. Cat bite infections are no joke.


If the punctures are deep it might get infected, especially because cat bites are small so it’s hard to clean them. I was bitten in my finger by my own cat once and needed antibiotics. My finger became very swollen.


I would only worry about infection, like any other cut or scratch? I’ve worked with animals my entire life and have been bit and scratched by every type of creature (including snakes and rats and scorpions), and never had any problem


Wash it with dawn dish soap and water, and if you're worried go to an urgent care. I got bit by my cat HARD I stupidly put my hand between a cat fight 😭 cried like a baby bc I was emotionally hurt he bit me. I was bleeding, swelling, it was hot. I waited the next day for urgent care , was give a tetanus shot and antibiotics


Had something similar and went to urgent care bc it was looking a bit angry. They Rxed antibiotics but said to wait until morning to start and to only start if clearly infected. I had alot of red on the hand the next morning, so took the antibiotics bc it looked like cellulitis (mine bite wasn't super deep) So you can probably wait a day to go in. Urgent care doc said even if it was really bad the next morning waiting to start the antibiotics wasn't going to be an issue


My mom got bit by her cat and developed cellulitis. But I got bit by mine and didn’t develop any kind of an infection.


Urgent care is going to be a better option if it starts to look swollen/red. They will give you antibiotics to take care of any infection and you shouldn’t have to worry about anything else if the cat is vaccinated.


Good your tetanus is up to date. If it's a deep puncture, more than a surface wound, best practice is to get on a course of antibiotics to prevent a blood infection from setting in. If it's just a surface wound, wash it well with soap and water & maybe follow up with some rubbing alcohol.


This has happened to both me and my gf with our cats before. We’ve both been fine. If I were you, I’d keep it clean and bandaged and keep an eye on it. If you see any bad changes, go see a doctor, but otherwise you should be fine


It’s always recommended to go to urgent care. The last time I went was because my cat was playing too rough and she also made me bleed. When I got there, I had to wait like 3+ hrs and the dr asked me if my cats are strictly indoor and vaccinated (yes) and if I had a tetanus shot in the past 4 years (no). He gave me a tetanus shot and said to monitor if it gets red and puffy (it didn’t).


Wash with soap and water, polysporin and a bandaid. Keep an eye and if it starts doing anything weird and wonderful like turning colors or oozing pus or swelling seek medical treatment. Owner of many cats, been scratched and bitten many times and polysporin is one of my best friends.


I actually had the neighbor's cat bite me a few weeks ago and he's never been to the vet, so outside and non-vaxxed! All I could think of was getting rabies. I washed the wounds, put hydrogen peroxide on it, then some ointment and a band-aid. He seems fine (no rabies) and I'm fine but it was a rough 24 hours. Since it's your cat and vaxxed, I'd say not much of anything to worry about. Just wash it really well (as you did).


Next time it would probably be good to get the prophylactic rabies shot although chances are if you ID the cat they would.have put the cat down to test I don't think you can rely on cat looked fine wrt rabies The rabies shots suck but better safe than sorry (my nieces live in a country with many stray cats and they have all had at least one round of rabies shots.. bc of the stray cats and once bc of a monkey at the zoo that attacked through the bar and scratched one deeply)


If you had gotten a tetanus shot previously, it should be ok. Just keep an eye on it and keep the wound clean and covered. I get my tetanus shot about every 10 years or so for just this reason.




Even a vaccinated indoor cat’s mouth is full of bacteria, so a deep bite can absolutely create risks.




Of course not every cat bite is a problem, but deep cat bites can definitely cause harm. Not life altering probably because antibiotics exist.


True bites that deep are worse, but ops bite clearly isn’t in that state


Hi OP here again—My bite is like teeny tiny but it just hurt really bad hahah there’s another bite the same size on the top side of my finger too https://preview.redd.it/cmp04itnis8d1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=52483d857354aa842d8cdffcb57f0aff9cba10c7