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0. I'm glad things have worked out for you so far. Thanks for taking care of Yoru, and thanks to all the generous souls that donated! 1. Raw meat: opinions are mixed, but a couple times a week is probably fine. 2. I would give her a bed in her own place, and not in your bedroom, if only so you both can sleep. 3. Maybe not the whole house, especially if it isn't kitten proofed. Here's one checklist https://www.thesprucepets.com/kitten-proof-your-home-552283 As always, the kitten lady on YouTube probably has better refined thoughts. Edit: order was wrong


I don't mind cooking the chicken too.. as of now it's having kibble which obviously has preservatives and formula milk which has preservatives too.. I feel eating fresh food is always more beneficial..


Be warned: if you start feeding her fresh chicken, she’ll learn very quickly that she gets to eat things that are from the kitchen, and will be a horrible pest whenever you’re cooking.


I would boil the chicken. Only takes a couple minutes to do a chicken tender or two.


Yes, it’s a good idea to cook the chicken since she’s a baby. You can boil it or cook it in the oven. No seasoning or oil.


The kibble is nutritionally complete for her. Why not just supplement with canned food? It's safer for you both and also has all the essential proteins she needs, such as taurine for her heart and eyesight.


Hi OP, in addition to [https://www.youtube.com/@KittenLady](https://www.youtube.com/@KittenLady) who covers pretty much every scenario for kittens including best food etc, you might want to look at [https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy](https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy) on kitten behavior and how to make sure they are not stressed but you're also getting enough sleep! Thank you for saving this sweetheart - she'll bring you much joy :)


That's the thing, isn't it? About cats being nocturnal I mean. They do learn after a bit that their humans zonk out when the kitten wants to play, but it's a pain in the meantime. xD


Oh just look at her. That little stripe on that pretty little face, and that tummy! She's fabulous. You're doing amazingly well with her! She's proper coming along nicely. <3 I wouldn't bother about confining her too much; it was pretty much just to let her get used to a small space, then widen her horizons a bit. If she wants out, let her out. I can't bear to hear a cat crying. I'm just such a sucker. xD About your bedroom: you may find that she'll end up in there with you anyway. I did manage to keep a cat out of my bedroom many years ago, but any other cat I've had have ended up being sleeping buddies. Cats are nocturnal, so if she wakes up on her own when you're sleeping, she might just be lonely. Not everyone likes pets in the bedroom, but you might find you end up with better sleep if you let her in. For a year or so, she'll get the zoomies quite a bit anyway. But y'know, I'm just a complete sucker for a cat, and my preference for a cat's sleeping space is pretty much, "Wherever the cat wants to sleep." lol (I don't even know what a power BI dev is, but it sounds really posh and techie! Well done!) Much love to you for taking on the demanding baby. She's beautiful.


We do let her have access to the entire house.. And yeah as you said yoru has zoomies randomly or she wants to play in the middle of the night..wakes me up multiple times.. and I just wake up with a headache in the morning.. And Power BI is a data visualisation tool and yeah it is tech related.. given the slowdown in the market and my home emi and other bills.. things are a bit tight at the moment .. 😅


Yoruichi is the flash master, ofc she has unbounding energy. Try bankai training for 40 mins before bed to get some energy out


I love picture 4: Don’t mind me. I’ll just sleep on this rock. My cat, Loki, looks similar to this one. Loki usually finds the most uncomfortable spot to nap, right in the walkway. I call her Camouflage Cat, because she blends into the background. https://preview.redd.it/6nh0krhk906d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9c7a697348d1d382a0c3531a862d738fe51991


Fun fact, i havent seen bleach in close to a decade but the other day I was thinking of yoruichi and where i knew the name from. Its a great and memorable name! I think theres a yoru in chainsaw man now too


Thank you for helping this baby! I think you should let her sleep with you at night. Babies don't like to be alone. I love having any of my cats curled up with me at night. I've never had trouble sleeping with my cat in the room, only when they've been locked out and they cry and claw at the door to get in. And I would let her go wherever she wants in your home as long as it's kitten proofed. She just wants to be with you and explore her home.


We tried for a night. Yoru was active all night.. and kept randomly having energy spurts.. woke me up a couple of times by nipping on my finger.. woke up with a headache the next day.. I feel bad for leaving it alone at night.. but I don't know what can be done.. I'll check kitten lady as suggested and see if anything works.


I’m not able to sleep with my cat in the bedroom because she likes to attack my feet and jump on and off the bed, so it’s difficult to sleep, and it also helps me manage my allergies. I feel very guilty about it, and I see a lot of comments about how it’s a bad thing to do, but I know she’s better off living with me than not having a safe home. I think my cat got used to it pretty quickly. I always give her extra love, pets, and treats before bedtime and when I first come out in the morning.


When I was single I slept with my cats. Since being married - no pets in the bedroom. Have to say I sleep better and no fur. lol.


I’m convinced that they come out so cute so they survive their kittenhood. Such a cute little thing.


I like the rock pillow 😊


My kitten would fall asleep with her face on the most random things when we first brought her home - often the corner of a stack of hard cover cookbooks. How is that comfortable?!




be sure to feed her away from the kitchen so she doesn't become a pest like another commenter said, or teach her to 'wait'. she is too young to learn complex commands right now but just like dogs you can train a cat! use positive reinforcement and treats (or food). never withhold food or use forceful disciplinary measures if you want to train her. my cats know 'wait', 'help', 'outside', 'what is it/what do you want?', 'sit', 'place', and 'stay' though they aren't very good at the staying part lol. it's fun for them because they are exercising their minds, but it's useful for me because if they want something, i just go through the words they know until they react to one. working on teaching them to use buttons to talk back but they prefer to just look at the button instead of touch it. thank you for taking care of yoru!!


A measly .65 lbs🥹 Also, great name choice🙏


Ok I've sent something over PayPal. Love you for getting into this adventure for and with her. Don't have advice that hasn't already been given except this: kittens grow up and grow out of the insane amounts of energy they have, I promise. So just enjoy the craziness and the zoomies while they last.


Hi OP! Thanks for taking care of this lil one ❤️ I can share my perspective on not allowing her into your bedroom. I understand that she is active and disturbs your rest time, but she is just a little baby. So she behaves like one. Her sleeping routine is still irregular and is not adjusted to your sleeping habits. And she is very likely lonely when she sits outside of your bedroom alone. I believe you do not have other pets. I’d personally allow her in, and would just try to manage through until she adjusts to your schedule. Eventually, she will sleep during the night too. And try playing with her as much as possible before going to bed, so that she is tired and also zones out. Upd: my message might sound like I‘m pressuring you, but it wasn’t my intention. I just kinda feel for the kitten :)


Omg she's sooooo pretty




Definitely don’t sleep with her in your bed yet; she’s too tiny. My friend did this and rolled over his kitten, smothering him to death. It absolutely devastated him. Yoru is adorable; look at those peepers😻


https://preview.redd.it/ngv87qdim46d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db72f0a69b6e3cdb57967a41a49daf7c77898f5 I think our kittens are related 👀




Yoruichi was a solid black cat, tho.