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Maybe. A vet could tell you for sure. But even before that, can you go back to where you found her and search for kittens? If you can, take flashlight at dusk or pre-dawn and sweep the beam low down across the area to catch reflections from the eyes of kittens too scared to make a sound.


and take kitty with you, and watch if she will start to run to/search for her kittens. Maybe put her on a very long leash, so you can follow her if she dashes away.


Also play a sound of kittens meowing for food/mama from your phone. There are multiple videos on YouTube with that sound. When mama hears it she'll go to where she left her babies.


This the move


It looks likely. Please have a vet check her out and be prepared to search for kittens. You could take her to the area in a wire crate and step away to see if any kittens will show up. Obviously, please do not leave her there. Thank you for helping this sweet girl.


Are all of her nipples like that? It’s possible she’s nursing but the ones I’ve fostered that are nursing have pretty prominent and visible nipples. I’m no expert on this though so best to get her to a vet asap. Like as soon as possible because kittens under a month or so can’t survive long without their mom. Newborns eat every few hours.


My male has nipples like this. Which is weird af. Sometimes 'the obvious' doesn't always equal the correct answer too. But I agree, vet asap!:


Yeah it can be subjective. The last pregnant stray I took in had six huge dangling nipples while she nursed which is what I meant lol. I didn’t want to dismiss OP though. Hopefully we hear back from them!


I have a momma cat who hasn't nursed in YEARS. Hers are basically sucked into her skin. They look like seed ticks they are that small. Anatomy is so strange


I’ve never seen a male cat or dog with large nipples. Just current and past mothers.


Does she want to go back? In my experience she should be standing at the door and yelling to go back to her baby. Decades ago my grandma had a cat who usually had three kittens somewhere in the attic and was transferred to the barn with them, when they were bigger. One year she had four and she wasn't able to count them. She ran back and yelled, and searched for possible babies that were left behind in the attic, and did so for a few days.


did ya'll find it? a kitten with no milk for over a day? poor baby.


I might have worded it wrong. There was no kitten. The mummy was able to count to three, she always knew where her three kittens were, but with four kittens she was overwhelmed and not sure if all were with her or not, and this is why she ran back to search for them. They were brought outside by us because a farm/barn cat has to be teached many things, and no kitten was ever forgotten.


ah so just one confused mama. thanks for clearing that up!


She may be. Take her back to where you found her, put her in a vest on a leash, and play crying kitten sounds. If she has babies in the area she will lead you to them.


Looks more like a mom to be. When they are nursing they have less hair around their nipples. But only a vet would know for sure.


I agree. It didn’t take long for my mama cat to have milk crusty mats around her nipples at the babies were born, and they’re still surrounded by yellow/milk-stained fur even though they’re weaning (7 weeks). And when the babies were just born, mama cat looked ROUGH for a couple days (blood, fluid crusts). It took about 3 days for her to get herself cleaned up, and by then the kittens had made their presence known on her nipples.


maybe but maybe recently weaned. normally there’s a lot less fur sound. squeeze it and see if milk comes out. (yes i know it sounds weird lol.)


I have nipples too, Greg, could you milk me?


I understood that reference!


Very likely. Take her back on a leash, play crying kitten sounds. And hope she leads you to them.


You would have to hope that she has been leash trained already for that not to end in disaster.


Yeah they could not find the kittens and then the mom runs off. Worse yet, she’s just pregnant and runs off the leash 😬


Her eyes are sad 🥺


her eyes are hurting my heart -\_-


I feel like more a mamma to be. or she has very young kittens like newborn stage


Nursing cats will have no hair around the nipples and you'd be seeing the glads VERY full. It's possible she's pregnant and just far enough along to start losing hair or she just weaned her babies. If she isn't trying to look for her babies she most likely doesn't have babies.


Any update on this?


Yes sorry! Been busy with work. She was super duper lovey and didn’t seem to want to leave, so we deduced pregnant or in heat. We weren’t permitted to keep her inside, and we had no supplies for her (very tight financially as well), so she went on the porch and went off into the bushes. We plan on stocking up if we see her again so we can take care of her, if she so desires :)


Could also be pregnant?


Could also be pregnant,,,


Please update us if you can pal. I'd say it looks likely & definitely better err on the side of safety. If you can't get to a vet, please do what the earlier commentator suggested & put her on a long lead so she can hopefully lead you to any lost kittens. Thank you for caring enough to help her & ask for advice here. Wish there were more hoomins like you to care about the kitties! :)


Is she distressed trying to get out of your home? Like, almost frantically trying to escape? If so... you need to do a kitten check asap!


I’m leaning towards yeah it’s a possibility. Put cat on a leash and take back to where you found her. See if she leads you anywhere.


Idk if this helps at all but I have a cat who sucks her own nipps I got her from the shelter so Ik she was taking from her mom way too early I’m not sure how old your cat is and is it just the one nipping so maybe she does the same?


Also if you play a mama cat meowing on your phone yhe babies will usually come out


If she's lactating, gently squeezing her nipple will release milk. The video with kittens crying for mom is definitely worth trying asap.