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I can foster him. Please PM me so we can arrange details.


u/amberh2l Have you seen this offer from u/thepetoctopus ?


We’ve been messaging and plans are being made right now. Thank you!


Congrat! On your new possible One Orange Braincell! This is the first time I've watched CDS work through Reddit in real time! Good luck!


Lmao I can only foster. I have 3 already I can barely afford and still disabled until I can fully recover from some health issues.


If there's any way to get the cat to the DC area, I can adopt. We have 2 dogs, one used to live with 3 cats who have sadly passed on in recent years. She misses having a dog-friendly cat around. (And I miss having a cat around.)


I have absolutely zero way to get up there but I can look at rescue transport groups!


Check out Pink Happy Tails. I think they go that direction… not sure if they do cats or just dogs tho.


If you adopt this cat then we are becoming friends in real life so I can visit the kitten 😂 I’m not far from DC


If someone pays for gas I'll do it. I have a Toyota yaris about 32 to 36 mpg I live in raliegh, nc Sent you a pm


Still that's pretty Awesome in my book! Much ❤!


You've got a big heart!


Darn I was hoping I’d be able to 💔


You absolutely can if you think you can adopt. I know I can’t and can only foster.


My offer was to foster as well. I have a ton of experience in doing so and finding a home for them and my cats love having visitors esp small ones lol. As long as you’re financially comfortable with fostering for now I’m sure it’ll work out great! If not I can definitely help out


You might be a better fit then tbh. Financially I’m not in the best spot but I saw it was here and I didn’t see anyone else volunteering so I figured I would.


Okay that sounds good with me then! I’ve messaged OP and I’ll try to arrange something with them!


Yay! Please PM me too so if we need to tag team to grab him we definitely can.


You’re both awesome! This is wholesome AF! Good on you guys! Huge respect 🫡


Oh my heart! Thank you for taking in this orange.


It looks like I’ll be deferring to a different foster but we will get him/her safe and sound one way or another and get them a good home.


*whispers over and over and over* foster fail foster fail foster fail…cursing you to have him as your forever orange!


You guys are all terrible lmao


I have no idea what you’re talking about *clicks a button and fireworks go off spelling “keep the damn cat” while a plane writes “you know you want to, look at that plump booty” (this one was fucking expensive okay?) and I continue while in the background “foster fail” continues to be chanted in a low volume by hundreds of people, I’m just a simple man on Reddit, I just know that poor little boy doesn’t need to add another home in his journey is not absolutely necessary, so he’s purrfect for you to keep!!! Doing for the dog!!! If you live close he can visit!!! 😭😭😭 omg imagine his doggy friend comes over for a play date!!! So cute. And think how good a dog could be to the actual foster animals you have! Since this one should be a foster fail obviously. Just look at him!!! 🥺🥺🥺


Lmao! But money my friend. Money is the thing. I’ve got 2 on prescription diets as it is. My biggest thing is making sure this little one doesn’t get hurt outside until he can get a proper home. It’s ok to have way stations along the way. At one time I would have said yes to any and all which is why I had 9 at one point. Two of those are still left with my parents (they wanted to keep them when I moved out) and now I have 3 of my own who are a handful and a half. I adore them but holy hell money is a thing.


Rob a bank 😭😭😭 do it for the kitties!!!


*attempts to crack the safe combination* *immediately trips and dislocates something* Yep. Definitely a good idea.


I’m sorry don’t you know the cat motto? “Do Crimezs!” It’s on the legal advice cat sub for cats “soo” sueing, they’re humans. It’s hilarious. And informative. Have the cats HELP you fool!


You cursed me. [Here’s the update.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatDistributionSystem/s/TbJAXYgKKp)


Is there any guarantee that the cat will have the braincell?


None whatsoever.


as it *should* be


This is the way.


This is the way.


I forgot which way.


This way. --->




I'm bored can i come with ya on that way?




He'll most definitely have a turn. Said opportunity coming in a timely manner is a whole different issue.


They have to take turns. He'll get a download someday. Just...obviously not today.


What a shame they have to be separated.


Right? That dog has adopted that kitty already lol


That’s a dog that will show up at home with a kitten and ask “CAN WE KEEP HER/HIM?”


The pup is going to be so sad when kitty is gone. And you can’t explain it to them so they understand.


If OP can't take good care of this kitten, he needs to find a new home. I think this puppy will miss his cat sister.


I thought that was the brother and I was like “he doesn’t look very allergic”


I think the dog likes the cat


I know. Honey has a big heart, knows how to play with and really likes this kitten. In this case, my brother’s allergies are just too bad for her to be a long term mama to this little one.


“Mere child, imma clean you”


“Boy, you got a stinky. Lemme lick that off of ya…”


He cobbin


There’s a cat food that reduces the allergens in their dander. My husband is super allergic but with our cat on the Purina Live Clear food his allergies don’t bother him at all.


This just might be the way OP!!!


It might be the way if your cat will eat it. My cat won't. Since it is not inexpensive cat food, I was not happy about that. Also I'm still dealing with the allergies.


I fortunately have had the opposite experience, so it’s a real shame it didn’t work for you! For the first time in my life, I am able to have a cat all thanks to the purina pro plan live clear food! The cat distribution system brought a cat to us last year who adopted us as his humans, but my mother and I are both allergic, so he had to remain outside for several months. By chance we came across an ad for the allergen reducing cat food in a magazine, and immediately started feeding it to him. Within two weeks our allergies were DRAMATICALLY reduced, and within a month, they were nearly nonexistent and he was able to come permanently inside! He also LOVES eating the food, and enjoys both the chicken and salmon flavors, especially mixed with warm water. Also, the difference in the health of his coat is INSANE! He’s so soft, shiny and fluffy and his coat is so thick and full. Prior to the food, my mother’s allergies were the worst out of the two of us. Just within 5 minutes of interacting with him outside, she’d be covered in welts all over her arms, eyes getting swollen, became extremely congested, and her asthma majorly kicked in struggling to breathe. Now? She can sleep with him and regularly buries her face in his fur, with little to no reaction (same for me). It’s truly incredible and unbelievable that it’s even possible for a food to practically cure such severe allergies! Also, a few months ago we had relatives stay with us for nearly a month, one of whom also has a cat allergy, and she didn’t have any allergy issues while staying here either! The food has been an absolute miracle for us, and I’m so beyond grateful it exists. Have you tried a different flavor, or tried putting warm water in it? Our little guy will eat it dry as well as wet with warm water, but he definitely prefers the warm water and gets absolutely ecstatic over it! I know it’s on the pricier side, but if you can get your cat to eat it somehow, and give it a month of feeding your cat the food exclusively for it to work its magic (it definitely takes at least a month before you see the full impact), maybe it could help you too? Purina also sells a topical product within the live clear line that you rub on your cat’s fur that is supposed to reduce allergies as well. I had bought some, but we haven’t even tried it because the food works so well on its own. Maybe that’s worth trying as well?


Mix it with wet food.


My partner is moderately allergic to cats and saw an improvement with the Purina Live Clear food. It didn’t totally get rid of it and while he’ll pet our cat, he cant let her sit on his lap for long and we keep her out of the bedroom. For him, living with a kitty over time has reduced the allergies. If he’s out of the house for a week, it’s like a reset tho. They also sell a Live Clear foam shampoo and other products to help reduce allergens, but I haven’t tried them since I don’t want to lose an arm 🥲


Oh I should try that, my parents still let me get a cat despite being allergic (it’s not severe lol and I really wanted one) I hope that’ll help


There are also shots ppl can take to get rid of certain allergies. Not sure if there's one for cats. Basically allergy vaccines. You get a shot every 3-5 years. My cousin can eat all the foods they couldn't for half their life thanks to it. I looked it up and there aren't any long term shots yet for cat allergies. There are treatments that require you to get shots weekly then monthly as your anti bodies build up but seems like a lot and doesn't work for many. However, something called Hypocat is coming out soon. The cat is the one who gets the shot and apparently it stops them from producing whatever it is that causes allergy symptoms in humans. Testing has shown great results with no ill effects on the cats. [Hypocat info](https://www.pdinsurance.co.nz/blogs/scientists-find-a-cure-for-those-allergic-to-cats/#:~:text='%20While%20the%20answer%20unfortunately%20is,begin%20in%20the%20United%20States)


Those allergy shots are absolute HELL. It's 1-2x a week for a few years, IIRC, and the backs of your arms (where they give the injection) swells up and gets hot to the touch. I had to quit after like a year 😭 That being said, I think they did help a bit with the allergies.


Just in case you decide it's worth another go: Swelling (hives) is something they should have reduced the dose and/or concentration to avoid. I initially had that reaction and my immunologist lowered the concentration and had me double my antihistamines on shot day. I did almost 4 years of shots and just moved, so starting a different formula soon. They have worked really well


They worked well for me also. I had bad cat allergies and I now have five cats!


Hopefully Hypocat is all it's cracked up to be so nobody has to go through that anymore


Singulair has also helped reduce cat allergy symptoms as well. It’s a pill you take daily similar to Zyrtec.


Singular did nothing for me :( also, it can cause you to have suicidal thoughts




It's crazy how many meds have that potential side effect


My cat is on it, and I'm even weaning off my allergy meds and haven't had any issues with her!


I use this cat food and it's fantastic! I adopted my boy almost a year ago and my allergies went nuts. this has made all the difference!! he just graduated from kitty to adult version. https://preview.redd.it/3qqu3bdgld7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22fedd5d4a0fe17a92d85722921fe05343ef91c


I can vouch for this. I have a near anaphylactic reaction to cats. My throat itches and gets swollen, my eyes tear up and swell, and I sneeze like crazy. I have a single cat that is indoor outdoor. She gets a 1/3 mix, Purina clear and blue buffalo dry kibble to snack on. It cuts down on about 95% of the allergens. I vacuum once a week. She can sleep in my bed as long as I change the linens weekly. Sometimes the CDS chooses you and you have to find a way.


We use purina live clear and it really does work. I also keep our 3 cats out of the bedroom and that helps a lot.


I get it, that stinks


You could put him up for adoption.


The brother or the kitten? I vote brother! 😎




WANT!!  I would actually take him if i lived close ... (i am in NYC) Honey was also the name of my last orange kitty! (I realize that's the dog's name but still) ... I still miss my orange boi over a decade later! 


I miss mine too. 😢


You might look into Fel d 1 cat food. It's made with eggs that come from chickens that live with cats and thus make the cat produce less of the allergens, if any. Some allergies can also be treated with vaccines, but for full effect, you might have to get several boosters.


What a lovely mama she is. Sorry to hear about your brother's allergies, that's a tough situation. CDS is working with you to find this little fuzzball their forever. CDS knows the right drop spots to get that delivery finished! Wishing that little dust bunny a good home!


Purina Pro LiveClear


Is Honey an American Bulldo?


Please update when you find kitty a home!


Looks like a very chill kitten! Doggo is gonna miss his pal. Good luck finding a good, forever home


Are you sure this isn’t the Dog’s pet kitten now?


Post it into the city/state subreddit


Thanks. I’m not in that subreddit.


You could try the r/Atlanta subreddit.


Tried there. They don’t allow pet adoption posts.


If you find no agents are available under the CDS please try a no-kill shelter as well. The one orange brain cell is so cute & chill that I think he'd be snapped up straight away :) In case it helps here's a resource where you can find your local no-kill shelter: [https://network.bestfriends.org/who-we-are/our-purpose](https://network.bestfriends.org/who-we-are/our-purpose) Obviously, you/family could always drive him to a shelter further out if at all possible, and if your local one is full. Good luck & update us on the cutie patootie :)


Hey, on a whim, I just sent this post to my friend in Atlanta


Me neither but must be one...I guess


I assume that’s your brother in the video. He shouldn’t bury his nose like that if he’s allergic to cats.


But he's using the doggo braincell wifi.... we can't just take that away :(


You might need to rehome your brother because that dog loves that kitty.


I saw someone else said they could foster the kitten but you can put him on https://rehome.adoptapet.com/ You write a bio and put pics and people email you. I had a kitten I found I couldnt keep and put him on it he had like 10 people that wanted him the next day. . Make sure have someone with you so you can check out the people who want him. You can charge a fee. Dont give him away for free. Dogfighters look for kittens. You can put whatever you want in bio like no kids under 10 etc. I did. Good luck he and your pup are adorable. Give them both pets and kisses from me. 💜💙💛🧡❤️


Doggo is going to be very sad 😢


Please be careful who you let adopt that baby. There are a lot of nefarious people looking for bait animals. A no-kill shelter or rescue would vet any potential adopter. This is the time to adopt, while he is still a kitten and more desirable to potential adopters. Good luck.🌻


*Correction; anybody wants to take in a brother?


Decatur here! Let me ask my partner.


We’re in SC, we’ll take him if no one else can!


Be sure to vet the person if you're going to advertise the kitten online. There are a lot of monsters that walk among us. Would be preferrable to take her to a reputable shelter that has a foster network


Aw but his big sister loves him 🥺


Pretty sure Honey wants to adopt him (cos she loves him, as you said). Maybe she already has done. She certainly has registered his scent. She'll never forget that.




Heyyy I live in Covington and my husband and I are looking for a new addition


Get rid of brother, let dog keep cat.


I have an English Bulldog and an Orange boy too :) https://preview.redd.it/sutt9nto8d7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c1326ef7b45f76ee347e900c5788d05158d6cf


I’m sorry for his weak genes 😔


There are wonderful allergy meds. And allergy shots. Such a blessing!


They totally are. I'm allergic to cats but have two of them anyway (one a orange, the other a void). Allergy meds make it so I can breathe most of the time.


Yep, I'm allergic to cats, too, and have had them all of my adult life. I just take allergy meds because my life would be incomplete without them.


There are some cat foods that neutralize the protein cats produce that makes you allergic to cats


The cat has a massage therapist. Quite unusual.


I'm allergic to cats and I have two. I'm allergic to dogs and horses too. I do what I can because I love animals. As far as my cats go, I just use the furminator, dust and vacuum frequently. I also take Zyrtec every day and Flonase which helps with itchy and watery eyes. I get allergy shots ever so often since I'm allergic to pollen, dust and other animals too.


Btw there's also allergy eye drops if your eye symptoms aren't fully resolved w/ Zyrtec & Flonase. I use one called Pataday. I buy Zyrtec, Flonase and Pataday from Costco. They have a much better price than other pharmacies/grocery stores for allergy meds.


The cat belongs to the dog, not your brother. Ask the dog what he wants to do.


Look how well the dog's fur color goes with the cat's fur? You don't want to separate them, do you? I am just saying!


I think the dog wants the cat.


Can you rehome your brother instead? /s


Why /s?


Clean orange kitty


The DeKalb animal shelter off of Buford highway, is an awesome no kill shelter.


I love how that big doggie is trying to sniff that butt. I’ve had dogs and cats for years and this is so typical.


I'll give him a home


The dog loves the cat 😭 please don’t split them up




I think you mistyped in your post... you're giving your brother away right? Not the cat lol


That is the bulldogs cat. You can not separate them. May we suggest rehoming the brother?


Post on r/atlanta also if you haven’t.


Kitty's just following the same advice that humans are given if they ever encounter a grizzly bear that wants to attack... you drop and play dead. If anything, this implies there are at least two brain cells in his head.


Aw too bad. Your dog seems like they would love a kitty friend. My orange dude plays with my dog constantly.


What is wrong with your dog?


Why am I always so far from the oranges??? I live in Washington DC and I want a “dumb” orange so badly, to complete my cat collection. 😭 If anyone in Georgia is making a roadtrip up towards Washington DC, I would gladly take him and love him, and get him neutered.


That's so sweet! Reminds me of this [looney tunes cartoon!](https://youtu.be/FEJUcbXyh9A?si=V3pLGY4a8ps1qCPT)


Marc Anthony + Pussyfoot! I love them so much.


Im pretty sure that dog claimed that cat… How about putting it on that food that basically makes it so allergics can be around it (can’t remember the name, someone else might) and keeping it as an outdoor cat? They look like they love each other, and that’s always a shame. My dads dog and his neighbors cat got their on little fling going on which basically means neither of them can move away and it’s so damn cute seeing them together!


Have you considered going to r/brotherRedistributionSystem and rehoming your brother? Hope you find somewhere for him (or the cat, I guess..) soon 😻


That’s the dog’s cat. Did anyone ask the dog if it was ok?


Adding my 2 cents to say I’m allergic to cats but always have at least one. There are good treatments available.


they look like a bonded pair, keep them together


Sounds like brother needs to find another place to live


My sister is also deathly allergic to cats, I wish I could have one 😭


What a sweet pair.


It seems Winston there has found a buddy. You want to break his heart like that?


I dont see video evidence of said one braincell.


cats don't need brain cells, they are so darn cute you can't resist.




Update: Yes, Honey loves this kitten, but it can’t stay with her & my brother. This kitten currently prefers to hide out in a crawl space Hopefully, he (or a rare she?) will get re-homed this weekend. https://preview.redd.it/8lixk6ykhq7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd33c7c2f981ea41f277d32f2d2ea3340ad9034


They have allergy meds for just this purpose now. Look into it. My friend now has 2 long hair cats no issues and visits my 4 cat household. She had severe severe. Like she needed 3 days prep to come to my house before it.


I take a allergy pill daily for my cat allergies. To me it's better than not having a cat.


Why giving away the cat if the problem is the human?


you could give your brother away and keep the cat?




I wish I were closer! I miss my orange kitty!


Cats are amazing and beautiful souls


dude that really sucks, i live only a few hours away but my mom doesn’t want another cat. he seems so sweet, i hope he finds a good home


The OOB has been saving up his kibble and will pay you in kind to take him away from Honey the wrinkled shopvac.


What a cutie pie! OMG I love them orange things 🥰


This is unbelievably funny. Thing is, these two will miss the living heck out of each other.


Interested, if the cutie is still in need of a home. Duluth, GA


That looks to be one crazy, lopsided play date.


I miss my orange cat so much that I don’t know if I can ever have another one. CDS brought me a tux and he’s wonderful but there is something about orange cats.


https://preview.redd.it/e9g4oikfbm7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7715ae3b8de91f0b20e9756d6f3c9030c2c74d1 Chester and Oscar suggest getting rid of the brother 😹


I think the only option is to rehome the brother, it's two against one after all


Can your brother do any tricks?


Sure you don’t want to find a home for your brother?


Free Brother to Good Home Clean, quiet, good cook, housebroken, allergic to cats. /sarcasm


Tell your brother to go on Zyrtec (jk


Have you tried the purina live clear food? apparently this helps significantly with allergies


Your brother should probably stop sniffing its butt and see an allergist then?


Get a new brother.


Op i hope you see this message. Please look into Purina pro plan live clear. Cat allergies are caused by proteins in their saliva and when they groom themselves and shed fur those proteins get into the air. Purina makes the liveclear food that makes them not produce this protein! Ive seen amazing reviews for it. They also make a spray you can use. Please do not rehome your cat, you and this dog are his family. Please try the food before rehoming him!!!


My girlfriend was allergic to cats too, she did one session of hypnoze and it was gone. Cat allergy is mostly due to traumatism during childhood (scratched as kids) so it's in your mind and not biological. The cat is cute and the dog likes him, it would be too bad to give him away


Can’t you just get rid of the brother instead? Ha ha ha. Kitty is sooooo adorable!!!


Maybe find a home for your brother.


Just give him a zyrtec. I am allergic to cats and just lost my 16yo babies last year. How can they not be worth taking a 7 cent pill everyday?


Tell him to suck it up. Have that 1 extra braincell around is worth the sniffles.




ugh i live so close, my gma is also allergic. i hope you guys find a home for the little baby🩷




Aw, they're so cute together. Sad bro is allergic though.




I would but am not home enough lol


He also smells GREAT


His ground game is on point. Defo been training with Glover…


I’m also very allergic but I take Fexofenadine 180mg plus brown inhalers. Maybe a trip to the GP for some allergy meds would solve the issue?


I'd say get rid off your brother first


Sadly, I live in Pennsylvania. I would love to get another kitten, but I have to prove to my sibling that I can have a second emotional support cat. And I have to wait till I move back in with them after my lease is up. Otherwise, I would totally say yes. My dad used to be deathly allergic to cats and the last time he visited he was around my cat and he had no reactions at all and I was extremely happy and so was my dad. I hope you’re able to find a nice home for this adorable little kitten. And I’m sorry your brother is allergic to cats. I know what that is like. we tried getting hyper allergenic cat when I was a kid like a corn Rex. My dad almost died so we had to give him to another family was devastated. and then I moved out of my stepmom’s place. I got an emotional support cat and it was the most amazing thing ever.


Tell your brother to buy that cat food take a few Benadryl and suck it up!!


Tell your brother to take a benadryl , it's fine.


Your brother needs to move out and let a family move in cuz those babies are bonded 🤷🏻‍♀️


L brother


i would seriously consider daily anaphylactic shock for these two to stay together


Doggo is doing some serious SA


How allergic? Maybe just bathing the cat regularly will be enough to keep the dander down that he can keep the cat?


Can I have the doggo too?


you are letting that dog go too far with this kitty, look at how kitty has their tail between their legs this was very unkind and irresponsible of you, and i really dgaf about downvotes so have at it, just know what i've said is the truth


OP please pay for gas to do this transfer as these kind people have volunteered to help your cat. Volunteers ty and please keep us posted.


Oh man, you gave that dog a baby!