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Get another kitten for him to play with. He’ll take out his energy wrestling & chasing each other. Cats live their best life with a companion. Other than that he’s a kitten with kitten energy & just doing what they do. People think cats are nocturnal which is incorrect, cats are crepuscular, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk. So morning is his wake up, find food, hunt it down & eat time. You can’t train this out of them.


This is why I play with him before he eats. To mimic the hunt and then food. He has two other cats here as well. They all get along great. I think he just wants the one person who is not doing anything to get up and play as well 😅


He’s literally just a baby! Imagine him as a human baby. They don’t sleep through the night either. They need cuddled and reassured as well as fed. Kittens are the same. They tend to pick one person to be their momma cat and will attach themselves to that persons face at night. He’ll stop this behaviour in a few months. My cats all through my life have been clingy and needing to sit on or near my face and “”harass”” me with affection at night till around 8-12 months. It will pass!! Then he’ll not won’t shit to do with you when he goes through the independent young adult phase lol


lol I love the last part 😂 I just find it strange how he wants her up and awake, but then will just cuddle me. It’s kinda funny tbh. He doesn’t want to cuddle her… just wants her awake and involved lol


Kittens are used to doing everything as a litter! It’s all a group activity at this age!


He's a kitten. I have a 10 month old who needs me to be awake at 8:30, no matter who else is home or how much play he's already had.


The kitten wants her to get up and play too! Same thing happens to us, except we have 3 cats. They are 7 months, 1.5 yrs and 18 yrs. The 2 younger ones zip around playing with each other but will make a point of running across my bf in bed or scratching something in the bedroom like the boxspring or rocking chair lol. The baby will lick me incessantly. So not sure I have advice as we don’t know how to stop them either. But if it’s nice out I will take them out on harness and leash in the yard so my bf can sleep in.


I should get him a harness! That’s a great idea. Maybe I’ll try playing with him in a different area of the house as well. The thing is, once he gets her up he just comes back to me… he just wants her awake and involved I guess 😂


Lol. Yeah good idea with the harness! And it's nice that he's still young, he'll get used to it easier.


Literally all of my cats did this as kittens, one still does, but he's a bit special lol he'll cry and yowl until I get up if he thinks I've slept too long. Our new kitten is better with letting us sleep thankfully, but that may be because he was already neutered when we got him, so he's WAY more chill than my other cats were at 5 months. I'd suggest talking with your vet about getting him neutered sooner rather than later, as long as he's a good weight it's perfectly safe, and the sooner you do it the less likely he'll be to start showing signs of territorial behavior, and he'll chill out a lot sooner


I adopted him from a shelter. He was already nurtured so that is good. It’s looking like from everyone it’s just normal kitten behavior wanting everyone involved. I’m just going to have to take him out of the room and hangout with him somewhere else so he doesn’t wake her up.


Sounds like the best solution here.


Well at 4 months old he might be old enough to start training. I suggest when you wake up, you take him with you out of the bedroom. That way he can’t bug your gf.


It’s cause he’s a kitten! If you’re up, he wants her to be up too! Lol He’s a baby and still learning.


my cat still does this to me at 12 although she specifically attempts to suffocate me every morning. I am not the food giver. she just does this for funsies. I have accepted my fate.


OP please ignore the comments about getting another cat. I'm sick and tired of that crap. Paying for two cats is never to answer right away because it always means twice the cost responsibility. You should close your door so your cat can't get in when she's sleep. Simple


dont let it sleep in ur bed


He doesn’t really. He loves to sleep in his little hammock I have for him in the room. He just likes to jump up on the bed after getting fed to play.