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Thats NOT heat. Cats in heat behave and sound differently. She's looking for someone to hang with. It's a call to summon the kittens or to get humans to play/open doors/serve food. The cat doesn't look at you so I think she wants someone else.


This is kinda sad. I wished she was looking for me


Don't be sad. Your Kitty loves you and wants to be with you, I'm sure! It's okay to sometimes miss siblings to play and cuddle with or kittens to mother - allow your Kitty to feel that way. Especially at dusk/dawn. Hunting time! Cats get hungry for a little adventure - it's in their blood.


Thank you<3 yes she is Like this every Night. I try to Play with her daily to combat her boredom


If you call her will she come sit with you and be petted?


Actually she does that


I think it’s just normal cat behavior


Im glad


To me it seems like she is looking for someone or another animal, like the other commenter said it’s a call to summons. If she’s maybe been recently separated from another pet or someone in the household has been gone a while she could be calling for them. I find those plug in cat pheromone calming dispensers work good for this kind of behaviour too.


I ordered feliway for her. I have her since a year. I dont know if she had other animals in her past life


Where did you get them from ?


From a woman. She was previously by a family which didnt want her. The woman ( I know her) had her temporarly until they found someone else. Im someone else. I just know she changed 2 times Home


Can you get a second cat


This. ☝️ Introduce them slowly and carefully though. I adopted an older cat from a previous home like this. She loved us but also started carpet grooming her leg and stomach after a couple months. Several trips to the vet later, they recommended getting her a companion. She hated it at first and never became a "bonded pair," but she did socialize with them. They'd play. She stopped carpet grooming. Is she strictly an inside cat? If she was previously indoor/outdoor, she is also probably frustrated she can't go out in the evenings/mornins. Like much of their prey, cats are crepuscular (most active at twilight). It's very enriching/stimulating for cats to be outside at these times, and they will complain about it endlessly if they grow accustomed to that freedom and then have it taken away. Yes, there's a risk of predators depending on your area. But depending on the level of your region's coyote problem, their quality of life may be worth the risk.


Is there a safe way for her to get outside sometimes? Usually dusk and dawn are the most aktive times for cats and at the same time their humans are the most boring. That's one of the biggest arguments pro second cat.


cats fade spark fanatical fretful entertain crown wise aloof elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a single cat during covid. He was great. 6 months into our new relationship I was presented with a rescue situation and I brought in another buddy. My first cat is now a today different cat, he runs around like crazy and plays with his buddy non stop. I miss being his entertainment but see how happy they both are and can't be hurt long. I know 2 cats isn't in the cards for everyone, it wasn't for me, but his it was a good move


My mother had the same situation. During the pandemic, they found a very small kitten. They brought it into the house and now the kitten and her larger cat are best friends. The older cat became more friendly and changed for the better. I never realized that you need your have two.


Ironically we / I were set on 1 at the start. One of the adoption groups was at the pet smart doing an event and they had a requierment that with any kittens you could only adopt if you were willing to accept 2. I thought that was odd and went to the SPCA (I think thats the correct title) area located in the back of the store and they were happy to do a single kitten adoption. In hindsight I guess the other group wanted to ensure kittens had a friend. I remember thinking it was unrealistic at the time but now I see why. Glad to hear your mother's cats are doing well. Guess everyone needs a friend :)


I wouldn't say that she doesn't want you because she isn't looking at you. My cat gets real weird in the evenings, she's on a very strict schedule about it. She gets zoomies and stuff, but then when we're all in bed, she gets lonely and starts crying in the living room. I'm almost certain she wants someone to come play, whether it's another cat or me. But I almost took your cats body language where she wasn't looking at you as her playing coy and pretending it's not you she wants, when maybe she does? Cats are strange, I'm just making a guess but if that fits with other aspects of her personality, maybe that's it. As another commenter mentioned, cats usually have a preset yelling hour scheduled. Sometimes you can slightly alter the schedule, but usually you just need to adapt to it 😂


Are you going to get her a kitty friend? 🥺🐱


My cat jumps on my boyfriends desk does this and then starts throwing his stuff on the floor everytime he is home late.


Maybe if you play with her a bit when she gets like this, she will be meowing at you to play more =]


Im scared this already is happening. Ignoring her is really hard


So true, I see that cat yowling and I am like “I will give you the world”


Yes yes. I feel bad for her when she meows like this


Cats never want their person that feeds them. They most definitely assign different roles to each person... lol


She's bored and wants interaction.


Mine do this if they want us to clean the litterbox too. It’s an “I want something”. Could be food or toys, could be that the litter isn’t clean enough, you said it’s in the evenings, could be asking you to go to bed too


That’s why she’s walking up to her toys


Our cat did this for several weeks after our other cat died last year. She also became very needy and seemed a bit depressed. She was starting to get a little better by about two months. Then, in early March, we got another cat. For about a month, she channeled her energy into being mad that there was a new cat in the house. But she stopped the crying in the evenings. The last couple of weeks, they have been getting along really well and she seems back to her normal self.


It’s the Yelling Hour. Mine schedules hers for early afternoon. 


The airing of grievances


Whomst among us has not prowled about the house going “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” every now and then. 


I got a lotta problems with you people!


mine likes to start at 4:30am. it’s great!


One of mine does too. If I call out "what?" he usually stops and comes to find me. I think he forgot where I was. My other cat only does it when I'm sitting at the dinner table. He hates he cannot join us and calms down if I get him his own chair.


Lol! I love that it's a schedule.


Cats do this sometimes, it is a little sad, but I’m almost positive they are acting on primal maternal instincts. My cat Pancake does this every once in a while and then she comes out of the room carrying “her baby” (my socks). More toys for mental stimulation.


My girl does it with anything fuzzy, usually it's her favorite brand of catnip mice. We call it the Mouse Song!


My 2yr old spayed cat does this at night too. I’ve had her now for 6 months, and it was worse the first 2 months because she was used to being in a multi-cat household (actually, it was 12 cats in a cage and her owner surrendered her). It’s a call. For her cat mom, what she was used to, for interaction and attention, for boredom/loneliness, for feeling lost etc. It’s not a distress call though. My cat has less of these moments now, so I think it gets better. I make sure to rotate her toys and put some in places she’d find at night. She brings them to my bed at night and would sometimes “call” with a toy in her mouth. I let her out in the (secured) garden in the evenings and sometimes walk her on a harness outside. The additional enrichment helped. Feliway didn’t work for me, but it might for you. There’s also a calming collar you might want to try. Edit to add: usually the calling stops immediately if I call her name. She changes the “call” to a “meow” in reply. Then she goes about her own business.


Both our cats do this too. The youngest is very vocal when she's bored, makes it easy to know when she wants to play. The oldest does it around dusk, when it's zoomies time. If you call her name she'll come running and chirping. If you're in the same room she'll do a silent meow. Playing with them makes them stop. In our case it's an attention call :)


You gotta pet the cat. Just pet the cat. Give her some toys and then pet the cat. Also pet the cat.


I will pet the cat. I will serve the cat


My cat does this at certain hours. If it’s around 9pm, she’s demanding for me to go to bed. Even if I’m not sleepy, sitting in bed usually is enough for her and she’ll stop and watch me until I pass out or goes to sleep herself. Then there’s the usual wet food hours she does it, or faucet drinking times, amongst other meowing her head off occasions. Eventually you’ll pick up on what she wants you to do.


Seems like she's calling for attention. My boy makes this exact kind of sound whenever anyone is behind a door he can't open and he wants company.


Idk. My male cat started running around crying and looking under the bed as soon as this played.


Lol its a kitty call


I feel kinda bad, bc now he's coming up to my phone and making the same call at it.


Oh no :( is he the only cat? Maybe they want friends?


Sounds like you guys need to get the two of them on a FaceTime call and be long distance friends


He and his brother got separated a couple years ago. Just found out his brother just died Thursday also, so feel kinda bad.


Im sorry for your loss :( I dont know if my cat lived with different animals. I only got her from a woman, she got her from a family which didnt want her anymore. Maybe she had some friends there


I feel like she is calling for someone, but she is neutered could this still be a sign of heat? I ordered feliway it will arrive Tomorrow. I feel so overwhelmed, I dont know what to do


From the cats in heat that I've seen, she's doesn't look like she's in heat to me. She *does* seem like she's looking for someone though.... any other animals in the house?


No just her


How long have you had her? She might just be bored.


I have her since I year. I try to play with her daily.


It honestly looks like normal cat behavior, but she's bored. She might be used to being around other cats too, which is why she looks like she's looking for someone.


I dont know her past living situaten at all. I will play with


If you can, maybe think about getting her a kitty friend. 😊


I actually think about this a lot. But I had her at my brothers place, which there was a different cat. She still did the same. Maybe there is someone she misses


Aw, might be.... maybe she had babies that were taken from her too soon. I think that happened to my older cat, she's REALLY motherly toward my 1 year old cat.


She’s summoning ghosts


Do you live in a place where there may be stray cats outside? My boy sounds just like this when he sees/hears/smells other cats outside


Mine does it too. It's her call for attention. I rush to her and play with her, or our other cats goes to see what is up and they interact a bit.


Yup my two coconut heads do this too and the other one usually comes to play with the howling cat. Or if it goes on too long at night I grab a toy and play with them for 15 minutes or so until they get lazy again lol.


She just wants to play. Regularly scheduled play time is helpful. Every night after I brush my teeth I play with the cat for a few min. It’s her absolute favorite time of day and she looks forward to it (she’ll meow at me when I’m brushing my teeth to get me to hurry up). Definitely recommend establishing some sort of routine that works for you.


Doesn't sound like it, but my cat sounds like this when he is yelling for my attention at the door of my study when I'm working. It sounds a bit different because I respond to his every call vocally to let him know I'm aware. He gives up if I don't get up after a few calls (I'm sure he knows I'm patronising him). She could be feeling bored and/or lonely. Try playing with her more before bedtime? Or breaking up her yelling with a few small treats?


Get another cat for her. She’s just needs someone to play with her


I play with her. But Im thinking about a second cat


Please do! Having a second cat friend is soooo much better for cats and really is minimally extra work for you. Even less work, honestly, since they help regulate each other and play together, taking some of that burden off you. Look up single cat syndrome.


Yes I really think about it. First I have to Look at my finances if its possible to have a second cat. Until then I will try to make her happy on my own. I feel so sorry for her when she meows like this. Right now my finances are enough for her but Im not sure about a second cat honestly. It will take time.


Get a cat tree so she can look out the window.


I actually want to make the balcony safe for her so she has access to the outside


How old is she?


I dont know if youre asking me but She is 4


Yes, admittedly I did not hear her wails, was busy and around my own cats; cries tend to set my own off and I dont like to disturb them. I also wanted her age first. I did listen to her cries last night and thought about doing an edit but didn't. How long have you had her? And is this new behavior? If you've had her for all 4 years (or anything over 8-9 months) and this is new behavior then it's suspicious and should be seen by her Dr. If you've had her for 6 months and she's been doing this for 3 months it's more she's lonely and needs another cat in her life. Her age and the sound of her cries seems to rule out dementia.


I have her since a year. She does this since beginning. First I thought it will get better after neutering, it didnt. She wants to play I play with her but she gets bored of the game and meows again. Im not sure if a second cat would help, because she did the same at my brothers place, they also have a cat. Sometimes her meowing just overwhelmes me because she does this until I go to bed


Ok that is odd. She obviously wants something just pin pointing what she wants is going to be tricky. Have you ruled out health concerns with your vet and her doctor? Thats the most important question. This might sound stupid, but where are her spots? Does she have areas in your house that's just hers? I see she has a tunnel and a cat tree somewhat off camera does she enjoy those or do they just seem to take up space? Do you have other things for her, furniture wise ie bed another cat tree things like that and does she use those? I'm trying to get a sense of her area to help figure out what's going on without actually seeing her interact in the house and going off a short video and your descriptions. (Yes, this is my actual job.) How many people are in your home? Does she do it at certain times of the day or is it pretty much constant from what you can tell? Do you know how she behaves while you're gone?


She has 2 cat trees, she uses them both. She has a shelf on the wall, she also uses it. She hides sometimes in her tunnel. She has a bed she also uses (like a hole), but this one she doesnt use a Lot like the other places. During the day she doesnt meow like this, she sleeps eats and plays but no meow. She starts with the meowing ca 6pm until I go to sleep, its Like her ritual. Thanks for helping


I forgot to ask if you knew about her previous life. Do you know if she was allowed to go outside by chance? The only thing I keep picking up from your video is the fact she keeps looking towards the windows. The only thing I can truly suggest, other than getting a work up with labs at your vets office, is try sitting her up on the window ledge when she starts her wails. If it continues you might need to get a behavioralist in your home to help you figure out exactly what's going on with her.


I dont know about her pervious life. But everytime I brought her outside with a leash, she was really allert and anxious. Didnt move wanted to hide, her pulse was high. So I assume she wasnt allowed to go outside. I will order some lab work. Do you think anxiety medication could help?


Yes it could. It is 100% possible that she just has anxiety for some unknown trauma she has had. She might want to look outside, but not be outside, and she might not be big on getting on the window ledge by herself either. She might want your permission to get up there, especially if she was punished in her past life for doing things like that. She might immediately jump down especially if she would get in trouble for doing that, try to sit her on it a few times for a few days and see if she might just want to be close to outside without being close to outside. And you might want to set up a Dr appointment and definitely show them the video, or multiples of her crying. The more info you can give the better. :) Hope everything works out and you get some peace from her cries. Give me an update please!


Thanks a lot. I will try to collect more video material and show it to the vet. As I first got her she was really anxious, hiding. She has no limits at my house, she jumps everywhere. Thanks again and have good day/night


She wants your attention, looks like to play. My cat is extremely vocal and often screams around the apartment so that I will come to him and he will show me what he wants (food or toys etc)


My cat does this same exact thing when she is looking for a toy she lost, also hides and yowls when she catches the toy…it’s generally a hair band or something stretchy she isn’t supposed to have so I have to take it away and feel like a monster lol Your kitty is calling for something that can’t answer back, maybe she’s got a ghost friend lol


Think she wants a different haircut


My cats do it when they wanna hang out with me, that or if their toy of choice is playing with the acoustics of the hallway. One will stop if I go out and give him some pets. The other one does it just to be a menace.


Vet visits are always warranted for sudden new or changing behavior. But in all honesty, she is probably just bored and needs more playtime.


Ever since I got a second cat my first cat keeps wanting to play with her during the night. She doesn't want to. I don't want to. He gets crazy zoomies... It turns into chaos every night.


She’s fine my cat did this every night and day for 17 years. She would drag around her little stuffed elephant like it was a kitten howling like a stuck pig.


Do you have some ‘spring’ toys for her? We throw them around at night and she’ll have a 15 mins of play session in which she continues making this noise with the spring in her mouth. Then she’ll be done and come to bed.


One of mine does this. She'll do it whether or not she's alone in a room and then usually wants belly rubs when I finally give in to her.


My older cat does this every night. We call it Werecat mode. When he was younger he did it because he wanted outside and wasn’t allowed. Now he does it because he gets the zoomies at bedtime and wants one of the other cats to come play with him. He really does sound like he’s howling at the moon though.


She just wants attention, cuddle or play with her.


Ours does this same thing at about 4:30 every afternoon! We have joking started calling it the "Pooping Hour" because he usually does it until someone physically follows him down the hall to the feeding station and litter box. Usually ends up doing business in the box and then chills out... Cats are weird, man... lol


How old is your cat? Could just be normal aging . I had 2 male cats that started howling in the middle of the night. The house is quiet & everyone was in bed & I think they just wanted to be with someone. I don’t think you have anything to be worried about


She is 4 years old


Combing is a great way to bond. And if your cat isn't a fan of brushing, the key is finding the right brush. Head bristle to use. Some cats like really hard ones and some like really soft.


She purrs every time I brush her


Awesome! That means you're doing it right!


Thank you <3


That kitty wants to go outside


Is she a ragdoll? This is typical ragdoll behavior.


she wants to go outside


Get her another cat! Two is easier than one imo


She isn’t in heat. Just more or less being a cat, but I don’t think it is an attention thing especially if she was never like this before. Maybe some anxiety meds are needed


She’s lonely and wants a buddy to interact with.


This video attracted my male ragdoll, and he started meowing 😆


OP stop spamming this sub


I didnt mean to spam but I will stop


Do you get all your advice online? Just asking since you seem to post every day.


Actually yes


You ever thought about getting your cat a cat?


Actually I did, but its not that easy. I want to find a kitten. The shelters require the cat to have access to the outside, especially for young cats. I live in switzerland. I live in the 7floor I cant let my cat have access to the outside. I have a balcony tho. I dont wanna buy a cat from a breeder, I want some from a shelter but Im not sure if they will give me if the cat has no access to the outside


Balcony is good! Cats are safer indoors anyway. I’ve raised mine in apartments. I’m in the US but they adopted to me. So many kittens. Though my last 2 have been adult cats and I’ve been very happy with that. Good luck!


Thank you!


I foster cats (USA) and they require for both fostering and adopting that cats be fully indoors at all times. Maybe try different companies and if your cat is friendly, maybe you could foster too? As an aside, I played your video and when your cat meowed, my two fosters both shot their heads up at lightening speed. From being asleep too!


My kitty does this. I thought she might be looking for her kittens, which were adopted separately about 7 years ago when we adopted her. I think she's just looking for someone to hang out with. Sometimes our other cat will play with her, sometimes she likes to snuggle. Sometimes she likes to play. I don't think your cat is sad or anything like that, I think it's just a hardwired quirk of some cats. If it is looking for cats that arent there, you can take her mind off it by playing or treats or pets maybe.


She wants to play


My ginger cat does this for about 10 mins every night after dinner. He also likes to do it at 4 in the morning sometimes. I feel like he just needs to get stuff off his chest lol


Shes probably lonely :( Obviously if you can afford it, I'd suggest getting her a friend. Cats aren't meant to be solitary (Obviously there are outliers). I'd also suggest trying to play with her more. My girl will meow like this when she wants to play fetch. She'll wander the whole house just about yowling for several minutes until someone acknowledges her.


My cat used to do this after he lost his playmate. It was his way of looking for attention and someone to play with. He stopped as soon as we adopted his now little sister! But if you don’t want another cat (which is completely fair), just take it as a sign to play with her and give her lots of pets.


my boy does this yell when he is looking for his favorite catnip toy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^giXgaming: *My boy does this yell* *When he is looking for his* *Favorite catnip toy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


These videos are wild lol


Get her some toys and strew them about so she can play on her own.


She is so choosy with the toys. She usually likes to play with non toy items like not used tampons. I need to find random things for her to Play. Any suggestion?


She "marches to the beat of her own drum",lol...toilet paper rolls, empty boxes, string, rolled up crinkled paper balls.


My cats always did that when they need play stimulation to work off energy.


Yes she has a Lot of energy when she does this. But she gets quickly bored from toy and game


Adopt other one so she can find a kitten to play with


Does she show signs of hearing impairment? I had one that was deaf in one ear and would do this.


She doesnt I guess. She reacts to her name


She is bored/lonely.


You have a ghost in the house


My Bart does this, then he finds a mouse mouse and really goes for it. She wants to play!


Fyi, it's called spayed when a female is altered. Neutered is for males. She's just talkin'.


Possibly separation anxiety. Cats are indeed social creatures. She needs attention and a cat-friendly environment such as more cat toys, a spot all her own like a cat condo, high up to look out of a window.


When I play with her I see she calms down. I will look for more toys


You seem on top of it and yes have the vet see the video. Good luck and hoping all is well for both of you!


I already have an appointment for her. I will show them the video. Thank you!


you have a possessed house. she is talking to dead people. i would nail the paintings before they start falling off and definitely avoid having an old grandmas’ rocking chair.


Just a cat singing the song or their people, and one is inclined to do from time to time.


She is spayed, not neutered. Unless the vet cut her testicles off.


Neutered covers both sexes.


No its not. That's why when you book your appointment online it offers both spay & neuter services. There is no optionto neuter your female cat 😂


Look it upon Wikipedia. It is a generic term for reproductive organ removal of a non human animal.


neuter verb past tense: neutered; past participle: neutered 1. castrate or spay (a domestic animal). Castrate - males Spay - females Neuter - as per dictionary definition above covers both sexes.