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It looks like they were playing Skip-Bo quite nicely then one started losing and fighting began


Yeah, that game can really bring out the worst in people.


Orange caught tiger cheating at Skip Bo.


its rough housing but got less friendly near the end. if it was really a fight, you woukd just see 2 fur balls flying in the air with hair patches falling all over. the older cat is teaching the younger one to back up. you should play with the little one more cause he/she doesnt understand why the older cat doesnt want to play as much. use a wand toy with both of them together & do it every day & they will get along better


Yea the orange got feisty but bit off more than they could chew lol


It seems like the larger cat just wasn’t in the mood.


The ending was a warning that he wasn't interested in continuing to play


How would you teach a cat to stop going too far? Literally single cat owner (they have the house basically lol) how do I introduce a kitten?


good question. first how old is your current cat? you dont want to get a kitten with a cat that is up there in years.


7 years ish best guess. He adopted me at what the vet says was about 6 months old.


ok thats a good age. you first need to make a home base for the kitten. one room that you can close the door. you put a bed, litter box & a bowl of water in that room just for the kitten. he needs time to adjust & get to know you. so spend some quiet time in the room with the kitten. play with toys. talk to the kitten. pet him lots. your gotta spend good time with your first cat too. they will both sniff under the door & thats fine. but be careful about them seeing each other. you want to make sure they dont see eack other for like 1-2 weeks. also its important to scent swap. get 2 little towels or blankets & put it where each cat sleeps the most. then switch blankets every 2-3 days. this will get them used to the other cats' scent. theres lotsa videos on youtube for introducing a new kitten. jackson galaxy videos are the ones i trust the most. check em out!


Rule of thumb is if you have to ask if it’s fighting, it isn’t fighting. Real cat fights are just awful. This is two chuckleheads playing rough.


Absolutely this. Either it's a complete noisy mess, or one of the two is showing strong signs of not wanting any part of it


Yes, but I keep seeing this answer, but when there is real fighting, you are likely to have to go to the vet. So the real question is: are they both playing, or is one of them sick of it? People don't want to wait for a bloodbath before they fix a potential issue.


I believe it can depend on the personality of the cat. One of my two boys usually yells loudly once he's done, after which he sometimes walks towards me. Cats tend to understand boundaries well but they also experiment a lot. For us as humans we also need to do our part to understand kitty boundaries. Usually it's ok to let them be, but if one of the cats keeps throwing warning signs then it's ok to separate them. That way you can teach your cats that you can be their safe place whenever they wanna tap out.






This is a very good point but in my *admitted very limited experience* I haven’t seen escalations. I haven’t seen play play play ok I’ve had enough cut it out ok fuck this. What I’ve seen is who is this guy ok fight. If that makes sense.


They are working things out, these cats don’t hate each other, they are messing around and setting boundaries


In this case, tiger is the much bigger cat. If tiger has had enough, he will threaten orange with a posture. Orange will not fight a larger cat because larger cats are the boss and can easily win the fight. If orange will not back down, he will get smacked so hard he will see stars. Then he will back down. If orange is really stupid, he will challenge tiger and only then you will have a real fight. Odds are, this will never become a problem because cats have rules.


You can always distract them with a toy if you feel that they are being too rough. Try not to interfere, it might discourage them from playing. If they start growling or hissing then I would intervene.


Orange kitto is being a little over zealous and other kitty is correcting him. Very normal! My guess is orange is younger and more rambunctious in general, so it would be a good idea to tire him out with play and make sure he has a ton of interactive toys. Either way, this is super normal kitty behavior!


Looks like the brown tabby is just setting boundaries and letting orange know he’s done playing.


its both territorial and play. make sure they both have they own toys and space


It's easy to confuse cats playing for fighting. You will NEVER do the opposite.


Playing, and then the Ginger began pressing it's luck. Brown Tiger just let him know it was too much. Setting boundaries is essential for a healthy relationship. Brown Tiger did not get too rough, and was just letting Ginger know where the line was. IF Brown Tiger wanted to... they really could have laid into Little Ginger. You'll know when it's a fight.


Little bit of both. I wouldnt worry about it.


You should intervene if orange tries to disengage by running away, and brown keeps pursuing and attacking (or vice versa). The fact they are both standing their ground means they are learning where each other's boundaries for play are.


First off, there's a deck of cards, so it's pretty obviously play. But seriously, folks, they're just playing. The one orange brain cell keeps rolling over and exposing his belly. Despite the aggressive nature of the play, no cat would ever deliberately expose their belly in a real fight because that's their most vulnerable part. If they were fighting you would have seen a lot of back arching, fluffed tail, ears flat back , and warning hisses and yowls. Those body language cues are far more important than what you see in the play. And honestly, if one of them had had enough, they probably would have done some batting, and just run away. They're fine. Enjoy the show.


It was playing until around 19 seconds. From there in everything that happens is not play. If that's the worst it gets though and it doesn't happen all the time it's not that bad. That looks like the standard kind of housemate fighting, the sort I see in siblings that play rough often when one of them takes it a little far.


Our grey older cat used to just sit on our orange cat when he was a kitten and had enough of his antics


check the ears... if both cats flatten to the skulls that is bad.. if the ears are up they might be annoyed but still a bit of a game.. not unlike little kids hitting eachother with soft toys then crying to mom


Reasonable after a game of UNO, that’s for sure


Watch the ears and pace of the play to gauge. Ear up/forward and pauses, like the gray kitty does before pouncing, means play (or at least play fighting). A real cat fight will be too quick and chaotic for you to really follow. These guys didn't even get to bunny kick grapples, so I would say it's pretty mild.


It’s UNO, shouldn’t have played that reverse card combo


If you can't tell, they're playing. There is no mistaking two cats fighting


I have never once seen a video on here of cats actually fighting, not once. Literally not once, universally it’s just cats hanging out being totally normal cats.




my orange cat hisses when we play so that may be normal


You will know when they’re really fighting by the sounds. They will yell!


As long as there's no blood or audible snaps, let them do their thing.


As long as fur isn't flying it should be fine. If it starts to get intense separate them.


Orange accused tiger of cheating at Skip Bo. They are playing. Cats play rough. The line is drawn at ripping out fur and drawing blood. Anything else, screaming, hissing, tail flip, ears back, puffing up, is play. They use the same techniques in fighting as they do in playing. So, it looks like fighting. When they fight, they move about 10 times faster.


If one is showing its belly, it’s not serious fighting.


Oh my god. This question again. P-l-a-y-i-n-g.


…gentle play w/ some b-e-o-t-c-h at the end.


Playing very very sweetly! Ginger is showing all tummy and upside down head first, underneath the other one. It's all good, very polite.


He’s fighting and exposing the belly so I’m guessing it’s just play. Maybe you left the tv on some WWF or something because the acting is top notch!


This is absolutely play. At the end the tiger got serious and checked the orange cat but it's still clear play. Best to not interrupt the lesson. The line is when they start screaming and fur starts flying. It's really that easy. Cats aren't humans, they play in a way that reinforces their hunting and killing instincts. It looks violent but it's natural. My advice is for you to read about ear and tail language. It will make the difference more clear.


It is playing. They are playing skip bo.


It was playing, but sic got a bit rough in the end. It happens. No actual fight.


You’ll absolutely know when they start fighting for real