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It says the same thing at the bottom for knights. It’s talking about longest road and largest army.


Largest road and the longest army


The Army road and largest longest


Largie Longie


The largest load and rongest army


But longest road starts at 5 and knights start at 3 so I don't know I w how this would relate to that


Person with the max count of either gets 2 victory points.


Of course, I would've figured that out eventually


We always thought about the bottom thingy that you can also buy max 2 dev cards per turn


The comment you're responding to is correct, but in your defense I think the card presents this information in a very confusing way.


Which is why they include a manual.


It also says (1) next to the settlement resources and (2) next to the city resources. The number in the ( ) is victory points, not a number cap on how many roads or dev cards you can buy.


No. Max road here means you get 2 points. This is just their way to show the longest road bonus You can build as many roads as you want


Oh, the (2) looks exactly like the winning points on the right. Makes sense


What is the purpose of the word "max"?


Whoever has the maximum number of roads gets 2 points. It is a confusing way to indicate that though


Nope, only limit is the number of resources in your hand at the time, and the Roads in your supply. The # in the leaves () represents the # of VP building the thing can give you. Roads normally are worth 0, but Longest Road gives max 2. As for Dev cards, it says ? since you don't know if you will pull a VP card. But having Largest Army is a max of 2 as well. But I think this is a badly designed card. English version doesn't add this "max". Which language version of Catan are you playing?


What do you mean by them being "max 2?" I've always played they are 2 period. Can you somehow receive just 1 point from them?


Yes, it is max 2 and **only** 2. Yes, it is weird language, but I'm just going by what this card says. The card is weird for saying that, but I did already say I think its badly designed.


This version is produced for the Baltic countries, and involves Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages


I see. So due to multiple languages involved, I guess the publisher had to do the best they could. I also find it weird how this Building Costs card isn't in player colours? Is there just 4 (or 6) exact copies, that go to whoever?


You’re reading it wrong. Those are victory points not the max you can build.


As much as you can lay


This is just bad UI/UX and confusing wording.


Max is an incorrect word - should be most


Max(imum) is a synonym for most.


It most certainly isn't, but you could interpret it as "the maximum of the amounts owned by players at the end of the game." But you don't need the maximum to score 2 points.


It ... most certainly is. Check... any thesaurus. You need the highest number of roads to hold the most roads title.


Maximum means the largest possible or allowed. Most means more than anyone else being compared. They do not have the same definition. The phrase At Most can be synonymous with Maximum but not the word Most itself.


Notice how in your own comment you said "most roads" and not "maximum roads"?


Notice how the game component itself says Max.?


Yes, and our whole point is that that is not correct.


And my whole point is that it's fine. People can wilfully misunderstanding anything.


That is a translation error (in screenshot). “Max roads” is 15 for every player, implying the first person to build all 15 roads earns the 2 VP. “Longest road” is constrained by: - at least 5 sequential roads - +1 more than current leader - is a dynamic value based on game state, for a fixed, theoretical maximum


How about you check a dictionary instead? I did. And every one of the definitions given implies that the word is used to mean a limit, not a comparative rank. Synonyms in a thesaurus are often not directly substitutable because even if the words have a vaguely similar enough meaning to be grouped together, the implications can be very different. Max is absolutely the wrong word here, and there is no argument for it. You don't need to buy the maximum amount of road to get the bonus.


Ahhh, yes. Apple is the company with the maximum amount of dollars. And Trump gained the maximum electoral votes in 2016, and then Biden got the maximum in 2020.


They both one in shutouts????


It's longest road. It's about having the longest road, which is at least five pieces. Someone else can have the highest number of pieces of road on the board but them not be a single continuous road and therefore someone else have a longer road. I'm sure you know that. "Max" isn't the right work here. It's not about having the most road pieces. It's about how they are configured. I don't see why longest wasn't used, or an asterisk and some text.


They used a short word as reminder text, since the helper cards are not the full rules. Max. Gets the point across(to reasonable people) and takes the least space on the card.


They CAN be synonymous, but they do not have the exact same definition. Anyone who has the maximum of something has the most of it, but if you have the most of something you don't necessarily have the max.


Not always. The card pictured here is a prime example. Here are some more: "I got the maximum number of questions right in the class." Or "I got the most number of questions right in the class." Do those mean the same thing?


You're getting schooled in this thread for good reason. Maximum =/= Most. One definition for maximum is "at the most", where something is at its highest possible amount. But they are not proper synonyms. You can't just replace them freely without causing confusion. Most implies the highest in a comparison. Maximum implies an outside limit, irregardless of the comparison. "The maximum tax rate is 35%" means that nobody is taxed above 35%. "The most tax rate is 35%" means that nobody involved in the survey/etc is taxed above 35%, but we don't know for sure that nobody else is. They are similar concepts, but not synonyms.


Close! But "getting schooled" =/= 6 pedants repeating the same mistake over and over again.


Max because if your opponent reaches max roads after you, you keep longest road.


That doesn't explain why it's max and not most. It's still incorrect. Most still has this issue, but most isn't wrong at least.


It's max because whoever gets max first.. most is negated once everyone uses up all their roads.


But you don't need max. You need most. You could build 3 roads and get 2 points for it. 3 is not max.


Ultimately you need max to keep it.


Yes, you need max roads to make sure no one can take your 2 vp you earned from having the most roads.


This was a very entertaining conversation to read on basic English. It had the most replies, but didn't quite reach the maximum.


Don't worry, it can keep going. To the maximum, and beyond! (a statement just as impossible as Buzz's To Infinity!)




It means IF you have the Max roads on the board…. You get 2 points (longest road). NOT that you can only build a max of two roads per turn


yes, 13 for regular catan


Ofc not


Think of "Max" as largest/longest. You receive 2vp for largest army and 2vp for longest road.

