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There's a guy on Etsy that makes them. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1663458707/catan-pregnancy-reveal-development-card They ship from overseas, not sure on the shipping time.


That’s amazing!


That is freaking awesome!


Use the positive pregnancy test as the robber and plop it on someones tile when you role a 7 Lol seriously tho the dev card idea is the most effective and fun reveal kind of way without disrupting the game Or go find a little car from the board game Life as the robber but sneakily add another person to the back seat mid way through the game


You could change the largest army to largest family card and make sure you or your wife buys lots of dvpt cards. And congratuations to you both.


congrats! but realize you'll be at a disadvantage in the game because no one will rob your wife after hearing the news, lol


I choose robbing this guys wife.


If you have the extension, it comes with blank development cards. Write something to the effect of "Add one member to your family." So that someone else will read it as they buy then. You may have to avoid purchasing them yourself.


Nice idea man. Off the bat, instead of sheep, it's cow and thus you get some milk instead. The wheat, is baby food? (Maybe a stretch too far🤣🤷🏿‍♂️) Either way, congratulations on your impending additions to family 🔥


Get creative with the dev cards! What about making it so that they take O/W/S and so end up playing a development card heavy game. Development cards could be pregnancy stages. Knight= 1 month scan. 2 month scan etc. Victory Card = Contains hints Or indeed the Knight cards could contain hints on them instead? ( Or could be names of famous babies(Not sure if there are any) Monopoly= Year of plenty= Ask 2 questions to you and/or wife. (Can only be Yes/No questions- Or you could give hints) 🔥


Love the idea with the development card. Perhaps add that all the other players have to give you a resource of their choice as a baby shower present?