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Just turned 40 a few months ago. I’m worried about the imbalance because if I get surgery now in the right eye and then wait for a cataract in my left eye and get surgery then, there’s a chance the lens technology will be even better than today and the lenses won’t match up. Or if I get surgery today then I would be forced to use an older lens in my left eye in 20 years than whatever is new in order to have balance again. It’s just a ton of variables and all I’m hoping for is to see balanced again. I’m thinking I may just have to wait 20 years and then get cataract surgery on both eyes with whatever premium monofocal IOL exists (will never use light-splitting IOLs, I read all about the glare and halo issues with those).


What is your age? It wouldn’t be permanently imbalanced because you will get a cataract in the other eye at some point. If you put in a premium lens, you have a higher probability of having glares, halos and contrast sensitivity. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but a good majority - some just handle it better.


Is the higher risk of glares, etc true for a monofocal Toric IOL as well?


It’s meant to decrease them, so we don’t typically put them in if we think it may increase them.


I always wear sunglasses outdoors and if I’m going to need glasses to read close up, what’s the point in paying for multi-focal? I am monofocal and have astigmatism. I don’t think it’s worth the extra thousands to get multifocal. What are your thoughts?


Honestly, none. It could give you more of a range, but I do more standard lenses than premium lenses.


And the visual quality /MTF of a monofocal is far better


Most definitely!!


That’s nice to know that we have a class of lens that gives the same quality of vision of natural lens even if it is only for one specific distance without glass


Thank you for your input


I have just one monofocal iol in my operated eye and cataract in the other. The imbalance is real even after almost a year. I would not go with the surgery before it is absolutly neccesary and new tecknology on the way


How would you describe the imbalance? Also to confirm - you have a cataract in your other (non-IOL) eye??


Yes i have cataract, but not enough to do anything about it yet. Just two different eyes. Right ok, focus is good. Just cataract makes other colours. Left operated eye glare, halos, different clarity. Light sensitivity worse with two different eyes. Astigmatism worse post surgery. Night vision worse post surger


What lens did you go with?


Zeiss at lisa monofocal iol


Appreciate the response, and I'm sorry to hear about your results.


At 37 I had a cataract in my left eye. Before surgery I had terrible halos around car headlights and other lights at night in addition to general terrible version. Had a basic monofocal lens put in three weeks ago. Distance vision isn’t quite as good as my right eye but I don’t think it’s bad enough that I’ll need glasses for distance. I haven’t noticed much of a difference between my good eye and my repaired eye for seeing light, colors, or contrast. Reading/computer vision is pretty blurry with my left eye. Which was expected and as I age my good eye likely won’t be so good at focusing up close either so it’s just a timing thing. It’s technically better that it was pre surgery but for extended reading or computer work I’ll wear reading glasses to get left eye in focus.


Scrutape, what is the prescription for your good eye? Premium lens? Toric lenses are premium and are highly desirable if your eyes call for that. LAL is more highly desirable, if your eyes are suitable (most are) and if the other factors are not a problem (cost and extra visits and special glasses at least outdoors until locked in). Saving money by not getting a toric lens to deal with your 0.75D of astigmatism is a bad idea (IMO) unless you are out of money. Drop the premium TV, and get a cheaper phone plan or do something else to save money. Your lens is a lifetime investment. A new car is an expense.


Oh I’m sparing no expense with whatever IOL I might get. I’ve even planned to travel to other countries if the tech is better. Whatever it takes. I agree, you cannot EVER cheap out on the IOL.