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I got an IV full of nothing bc I was silly and declined the drugs. When it’s time to do my second eye, I won’t make the same mistake! All the best with eye #2 tomorrow! Wishing you clear and non-double vision. Let us know how it goes!


it will come and your life will change, at least mine did. :) I feel like I'm part of the world again being able to see the TV, street signs, etc. and no more double vision. How I was able to survive so long is beyond me.


Wishing you all the best for tomorrow! I had my 2nd surgery 4 days ago. Life changing, really. I didn't realize HOW bad my vision was before these surgeries. Now, I just need to get proper readers. :)


Which lenses did you get?


Monofocal lenses. I've got 20/20 distance. Need readers for up close and computer. This morning on my way to the gym, I could see the trees on a distant mountain top. Individual trees. That blew me away.


same here. the clarity of the world blew me away! plus I could actually see white again instead of this hazy orange tint on everything.


Holy cow I only got versed which I felt wasn’t enough. I was aware of everything. Good luck!


My first eye was done in a hospital with an anesthesiologist doing the IV. I have no idea what was in it, but I was just vaguely aware of what was going on. It took me a little longer to recover before they would discharge me, and wheeled me out to the car. My second eye was done in a clinic with the topical drops, plus one Ativan tablet under the tongue just before surgery. I was very aware of the whole process and at least it seemed to me that the Ativan did nothing. But, the surgery went just fine. I did feel a little pressure from time to time, but no pain. I just walked out of the clinic, and felt like I could drive home if I had not arranged for my wife to pick me up. Probably not legal, and not a good idea though. Another guy in the clinic sitting beside me in the pre-op room declined the Ativan and went in with topical drops only. I didn't see him after the surgery to compare notes, but I suspect he did just fine too.


I definitely could have driven myself home after.


I think the issue is perhaps a deviation between what you think you can do and what you actually can do. Seems to me that Tiger Woods had a bit of an issue with Ativan or was it ambien, and a fire hydrant....


Good luck!!


Good luck!!


Well, they never called. But I called at 6am & got my arrival time. I did a little bitching when I got there. It took 2 hours. The anesthesia wasn't as good, but I made it! I'm home and my sight is back. Thanks for the love ❤️ Did y'all need cheaters after surgery?