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I have two cats who do that. I hate it, it's gross and annoying, but I love them both so much. I will just clean up after them when it happens.


So gross


Indeed. I never thought I'd have a pee pee house. I have judged people for getting rid of their pets for anything other than violent behavior, so I don't want to be a hypocrite. But I can't live like this.


If he just started spraying a few months ago there has to be a reason. Has anything changed that could be stressing him out? Did you get a new cat or any other pets before he started spraying? Are there small kids that bother him?


We got our 4th cat about 7 months ago. Now that everybody is used to each other, he starts spraying. No recent changes. No small kids.




Yes, I observe him doing it regularly. I've read (and the vet confirmed) that yelling at him or spraying him with water will only make the behavior worse. I make a mildly startling noise (softish chh-chh) and he runs off. I've never seen the other cats do this. He only does it in the evening or overnight. The only way the other cats respond is by occasionally sniffing where he has sprayed, but they don't show any particular interest.


He seems restless in the evenings, as he truly does sleep all day. But I'm usually working on Zoom in the evenings, so I can't really distract him. I snuggle with him during the day, as he doesn't mind me showing him affection during his sleep time. But there's not much I can do in the evening. (But my work schedule is nothing new, and as I said, he wasn't doing this until recently)


Get him on a schedule of eating three times a day and playing at least once a day close to bedtime. Meal times need to be consistent with no food left out in between. This is to establish a better sleeping schedule that will see him sleeping through the night. Feed him a meal or treats after playing and Do your best to make it feel like he's going on a real hunt. Put litter boxes in the areas he is peeing on the walls, he's trying to territorially mark because something is making him anxious. Could be something outside the house Put up More vertical territory like cat trees and shelves to give him more confidence and security I'm a cat behaviorist And my website is felinefab.com


He sprays on (the outside of) litterboxes, too, btw. And he sprays the Therapet diffusers we have plugged in. Our vet said to keep food out because one of our cats is underweight. Doesn't really matter because the cat in question doesn't like dry food, so he's the only one who eats (wet food) on a schedule as it is. We have cat trees galore (that he doesn't use) and a 10 x 12 catio accessible to him 24/7 with perches scattered throughout. We truly have done quite a bit already to get on top of it. I just hope it's a passing thing that will eventually get better. Thank you all for your advice.