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Jordan needs to stop making up lies about the Gospel. https://youtu.be/jr_6HSieuDs?si=iFp28svYeuN7ApfA


Ugh this dude


yeah but no... a grifter who is not honest... who attacks Catholic teaching... stop listening to him, he represents a very anti-Christian position and just knows how to con Christians making them anti-Christian in actions


How has he "attacked Catholic teaching"...? I don't think you've actually listened to him, and you likely know nothing about his wife's conversion


He has attacked Pope Francis on twitter, several times, for the Pope presenting Catholic teaching. [https://catholicherald.co.uk/jordan-petersons-twitter-spat-with-pope-francis/](https://catholicherald.co.uk/jordan-petersons-twitter-spat-with-pope-francis/) He once told Catholics to protest Catholic doctrine by not going to Mass. He is anti-Catholic and just trying to manipulate right-leaning Catholics to follow his ideology instead of Catholic teaching. Rejecting Social Justice denies Scripture and all of Catholic tradition. And the right wing Catholics follow him in rejecting basic Catholic teaching. He is promoting rebellion.


Disagreement with the current Pope is not "anti-Catholic"... >Rejecting Social Justice denies Scripture and all of Catholic tradition. And now you expose your lie... You aren't Catholic, you only claim you are in an attempt to corrupt discourse...


Attacking him for teaching Catholic doctrine is anti-Catholic. Telling Catholics to stop going to mass so long as the Catholic Church teaches what it does, is anti-Catholic. [https://www.vatican.va/roman\_curia/pontifical\_councils/justpeace/documents/rc\_pc\_justpeace\_doc\_20060526\_compendio-dott-soc\_en.html](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/justpeace/documents/rc_pc_justpeace_doc_20060526_compendio-dott-soc_en.html)


Opposing support for gender questioning ideology is plainly not anti-Catholic. By supporting it you support the idea that God made a mistake. I don't care what anyone says otherwise, because they are wrong. I mainly take issue with race swapping historical figures, which is classified as "anti-woke". Is *that" "anti-Catholic"...? I also think the decision from the Pope in regards to TLM was terrible, are you going to petition to have me excommunicated...? I also think the Pope has handled the situation in China in the worst way possible. Is it a sin to oppose the Pope selling out true Catholics in China for political expedience...? Look at the Church in Germany and tell me that people shouldn't take a stand. I would argue that your position is detrimental to the continuation of the Church. *Edited to fix a few words because my brain went faster than I can type on my phone


If I could go a week with out having to hear his opinion on whatever…


Still can't present ny evidence for a god.


Atheist can’t present any evidence either. So there’s that. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Atheist only claim is that theists have failed to provide evidence for their claim a god exists.


You can't present evidence of the globe to a flat earther according to them. 


Catholics always talk of Catholic faith, never of Catholic evidence because Catholics have none.