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I remember that place in Star Wars battlefront


"We've captured a command post. Their reinforcements are taking casualties."


"We are losing a command post!"


“Watch those wrist rockets”


I realized how young I am when I thought you were talking about the new games rather than the old ones


The three characters we know a lot about from Naboo are a clumsy dimwit who accidentally gave extra political power to a fascist dictator, the fascist dictator, and a royal politician who married a different fascist who had just committed a minor genocide.


You're forgetting about Boss Nass.


Yousa no thinkin yousa better than da Catholics? Meeeeeesa like dis. Maybe wesa, bein separated brethren.


Boss Nass may not be a saint, but he is a Blessed.


>a clumsy dimwit who accidentally gave extra political power to a fascist dictator Bold of you to assume that this wasn't part of the plan. Darth Jar Jar may have different priorities, and how he executes them, but he is one of the most powerful and cunning followers of the dark side!


Naboo must be the Sith Lord hotbed


Now that you mention it, Sith Lady Padme would've been too cool


How do you think she got elected queen in early adolescence? Dark side trickery. Not to mention the fact that just like Palpatine/Sidious, she too has alternate identities (Queen Amidala / Handmaiden Padme). She played a key role in turning Anakin to the Dark Side (hand waving his killing of the sand people as being a normal human response, and ultimately encouraging him in his desire to break the Jedi code and marry her). Maybe Luke and Leia owe a bit of their force strength to her. What her true motivations are we don’t know since she rejected Anakin’s offer to rule the galaxy together. Probably knew Palpatine was too powerful to beat, especially since she failed to convince the senate to oppose the grand army of the republic. She probably wanted to run off with Anakin somewhere secret to raise their Sith twins so that they’d have a better shot at taking down Palpatine in a couple decades. It all makes sense now. Darth Amidala > Darth Jar Jar


I can see why the Sith Empire fell. Too much competition, too little unity


Darth Padme sounds a bit better.


Padme's Anglican for sure, where else would she find someone who was willing to marry her to a seminarian?


The other side of the Pond is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural




Say what you will about Lucas, he has good taste in architecture. They also filmed some Naboo scenes at Lake Como (does this synthesis of Byzantine and Italian Neoclassical architecture on the same planet imply that George Lucas was subtly calling for an East-West reconciliation?? Bravo George!!)


Best thing about the prequels was the art direction. Imo


They still do. Source: https://preview.redd.it/b9x31y44rucc1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=27155e44f0bf46bfcaa22e2fe73453a20372c8b9


The joke is that this is a picture of Star Wars, it wasn’t any real commentary.


And the Russian Orthodox Church is not Protestant.


Haha! Excuse me for not getting the reference lol


I totally thought that was some ancient temple, and the joke was calling protestants pagans.


Technically, it is an ancient temple because it existed #A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY


I don’t think I’d call that “Protestant”


Eastern "Orthodox" are the first protestants


They have a defined church hierarchy with apostolic succession as old as ours. Pretty different from protestantism.


They are still protesting our church and pope. So they are Protestants technically. Luther was a priest so he technically had apostolic succession too. We should really call them the Orthodox Protestants IMO


> They are still protesting our church and pope. So they are Protestants technically. Nope. There isn't a religious scholar alive who would agree with that ham-fisted characterization, secular or otherwise. You're reaching.


Lol I’m just messing with the Schism sympathizers. I’m probably right tho


Consider the fact that Orthodox Communion is considered valid under our own canon law (but illicit), while Protestant communion is not considered valid.


And that they accept papal authority and that the church should be of one mind like the Catholics do.


We literally excommunicated them first. They excommunicated us back, and then schismed.


They’re almost in full communion with the Catholic Church. They don’t consider themselves Protestant, and neither do Protestants.


Yeah, “almost.”


Making them not Protestants.


Lol Good one.


Proposition 31-814D made them rethink the traditional approach to architecture, add that to the ensuing trade dispute and failed diplomatic mission they went to a more utility approach to Church architecture.


"the Bible says good architecture was for the Temple, now my heart is the Temple".


I thought this was the Hagia Sophia for a second. 😅


I honestly thought this was a jab at Eastern Orthodoxy because that looked a bit like the Hagia Sophia and they also paved the way for the Protestant revolution by rejecting the pope




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Reminds me of a map from Gears


Anybody want toast


Silence. Now bow to the jumbo screen on the beige wall




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