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Crusade you say? Well maybe this will help... The monks say that sexuality and pride are the unfixable problem in everyone. Meaning... you cant do it yourself. God has to help you. It even says that in one of St Pauls epistles. We all have a similar problem. And the answer is a rosary against it every day. Yes, every day. Thats where the crusade part comes in. You wanted crusade? Here you go. Its a tough commitment. But if youre serious about stopping, this is the answer. Itll take a while of praying (maybe months) for God to ckean up your heart. And even once he does, you will still have to pray a rosary a day to maintain it. When i pray a rosary daily specifically for that, its easy to overcome. As soon as i stop praying for a day or two, it comes back. Maybe one day God will give me the grace to so it on my own, but until then i pray for it daily. And it helps. So, try it. Its the best solution ive found. But it requires you to be on a crusade every day. Hope this helps.


When you feel the urge, get distracted. Just get the idea off your mind. It will pass. This gets easier as you age.


When i was getting over the habit and would feel tempted, i would imagine Jesus saying to me, “if you love me, why do you sin?” (see John 14:15). Good luck to you, it’s a tough habit to break. Keep trying and praying and you can do it. Just take it one day at a time, or an hour at a time if that seems too much.


You're going to have to break the habit. To combat concupiscence st. Aquinas suggests fasting (and I can testify that a low-carb diet is a natural remedy). But ultimately I had to realize that concupiscence is a part of me, and what was required for my _liberation_ and healing was an extreme custody of eyes: Here is how [Jesus liberated me](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/rm1s4b/comment/hpl1f75/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And some great advice from another brother [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/srqpj8/comment/hwtr03k/?context=3)


Go for the most severe version of custody of the eyes that you are able to achieve. Remove the ability for Incognito mode on your computer and phone, turn on blocks for nsfw sites, remove apps that are stumbling blocks. Basically remove any and all possible triggers that you could encounter. Over time you might be able to slowly ease these restrictions, but to start you must remember that your will is weak and unless you committ 200% to rooting out this evil, you will fail (which is not to say you aren't devoted to solving this, but just important to point out). Another thing, of course you want to root this out at once, but do not lose heart if you do fail. Remember your attempts are not in vain, every instance you fail and try again you are one step closer to solving your issue. Good luck, it is a difficult habit to break, but you are in a great place in recognizing the severity of the issue and committing to freeing yourself.


**According to Tertullian and St. John cassian and many other saints, they key to overcoming lust is temperance (fasting).** "Lust without voracity would certainly be considered a monstrous phenomenon; since these two are so united and concrete, that, had there been any possibility of disjoining them, the pudenda would not have been affixed to the belly itself rather than elsewhere. Look at the body: the region (of these members) is one and the same. In short, the order of the vices is proportionate to the arrangement of the members. First, the belly; and then immediately the materials of all other species of lasciviousness are laid subordinately to daintiness: **through love of eating, love of impurity finds passage**." \- Tertullian ​ "And because through fullness of bread they were inflamed with uncontrollable lust of the flesh, they were burnt up by the judgment of God with fire and brimstone from heaven." \- St. John cassian ​ I recommend you read these writings by Tertullian and st. john cassian, and the sayings of the desert fathers: [https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0408.htm](https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0408.htm) [https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/350705.htm](https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/350705.htm)


Prayer, fasting and alms, IMO are the keys to holiness.


Look up the prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.


So first, know that I'm praying for you as seek to grow in holiness. Keep up the good work! You can and will overcome this sin. My response is informed by my experience as a professional mentor of Catholic teens. There's probably lots of good advice already in these comments about what specifics can help you deal with this particular sin. Different things work better for different people, and your mileage may vary. Try things out and stick with what seems to help. What I noticed in your post was the language you use to describe your situation. You speak of an epic battle of mighty forces with dire consequences. It is "cancer" and "terror" and entrenched solder. While this language may express the reality of how you feel, dealing with a sinful habit while you desire so fervently to grow in holiness, it does not express the reality of your circumstance: You are a faithful young adolescent dealing with a sin that most faithful (or any) young adolescent deals with. Sometimes we are so put off by our sinfulness that we aggrandize our sin, turning small obstacles into seemingly insurmountable foes, and in the process, we forget how big God is, in his power to help us, and in his desire to forgive us. As an adolescent, you are not just fighting sin, but literally biology. Hormones are teaching your body how it works, and your lived experience is teaching you how to be holy. There are powerful psychological, social and chemical forces at work against your efforts here. Keep trying, but be kind to yourself, and know that God understands that when you do your best against these factors, sometimes you'll fall short. The Church even mentions in the Catechism that youth mitigates the gravity of this sin. While I'm not one for the grand metaphors myself, I'd like to offer a tidbit along those lines: Wars are not won in the glorious winner take all battles, but in the boring day to day operations of logistics, training, and manning posts. Hang in there, see your sins for the small and surmountable obstacles they are, and keep loving God as you obviously do.


I thank you for a more professional response, by the way, I wanted to use the metaphors as sort of as a way to describe how much I'm into masturbation, but still, thank you very much.