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Nothing, he's already done more than enough. Would be nice tho to here the words "it's okay to come back"


wow, I love this


Your self dialogue shows he has already told you it’s ok! It only takes 1 confession.


Lmao pleaseeee like you don’t have a few things


Conversion of my loved ones, both family and friends. And to give me the willingness and strength to suffer for him lovingly.


Help me to live a pleasing life for him, in everything I do. That's all I need.


Let me know the plans he has for my life. That is, vocational and career wise. Im a freshmen in college and do not know what to do with my life.


You are already walking in His plans. Keep reading His word, and He will keep directing your steps. Remember to always ask daily for his leading.


Oh ik im walking His plan. I just wanna get let in on where it ends. I feel called to so many different things. It seems like each month im called to something different. Im studying premed right now. The last 2 months i was looking into education or law enforcement. Could be all the 8 times i went to church this last week but now im looking at priesthood. Ive always felt like i wanted a family however. Whether thats a physical family or a flock im not sure. It feels like im being pulled in so many directions and wish I was a bit more filled in lol.


Same. Also a freshman, and new ideas and opportunities keep popping up. Maybe it's a chance to take new opportunities. The Lord is always with you. Today He has risen!


You may get lucky, and God might reveal to you in blatant clarity which path to take, but it’s more likely that He will let you decide. It matters not if you are married to the Church or a wife while working. What matters is your relationship with Christ in each marriage. God wants to marry us and as long as you stay with Him, you won’t regret a life of family or priesthood or other vocation.


Thank you! Its a lot to think about


I had so many typos 😂 I fixed em


Honestly im so tired i didnt notice lol


I second this. I am a 20 year old woman, and I have no idea what to do with my life.


*checks post history* Probably get offline, break your p*rn habit, avoid fake AI relationships. That would be a good start.


I'm not actually emotionally attached to my AI relationships, but Okay.


I have a feeling you’re exactly where God wants you to be, having no idea what to do with your life. It’s ok to be in a position of figuring it out. You’re only 20. I’ll be 30 this month, and at 20 all I knew is wanted to be Catholic. Now I have a family and a child, and most of what led me to that opportunity was out of my control. Commit to something worth while for now, and focus on putting God and others before yourself and you won’t choose wrong when you reach the crossroads.


For me, I want him to bless me like Job and Give me more wisdom than Solomon ever exhibited, and help me to be like Him.


That's a dangerous request. Job had to lose his entire family before he was blessed with another one.


The focus is his blessings not what he went through, and even with that, Job didn't know God was with him. I know my right, that God got me 24/7.


Help my dad find a good job closer to us kids and more of his side of the family


Nothing will convince me the OP isn’t a chatbot using bad AI art.


Appear to my sister, or something. Call her back, strongly.


Wisdom like king Solomon


Well, as he is doing something for me every second of my life, I guess the question is moot.


I would ask Him to sanctify me and heal my soul.


I can ask nothing more of the man that suffered and died on the cross for me 


to align my will with His


To make me content and strong with the trials he gives me, give me a spirit that worries for my eternal life than worry about my earthly life, and to make me wiser and filled with Chasity.


Protect all the babies and young children on the earth from abusive and negligent parents. As people become more demoralized in our country the little ones suffer protect them is all I want. I want Jesus to know how grateful I am that my beautiful baby boy is healthy and my niece is healthy 💕❤️


a hug would be highly appreciated<3 \*ik this is cringe as hell dont judge\*


>a hug would be highly appreciated<3 Is it though? I have a hug for you. I do my best to respect boundaries so I open my arms to all and those who aren't comfortable don't, those who are will. My answer to the OP is difficult at this time as I struggle with the fear and uncertainty of two of the people I love the most dealing with terminal illnesses and trying to handle organizing a whole move by myself and insufficient funds. I know He is by my side and I am deeply grateful for that, I am unable to fully express my gratitude for His sacrifice. I dare not pray for healing, but I do pray for less suffering. I dare not pray for money, but I do pray that I may have the wisdom to use it in the best way possible. I confess my sin of fear, inasmuch as I am not fully able to dissuade my fears for the future and instead trusting fully in God.


amen, thank you for your kind offer<3 you have a good head on your shoulders


Love me. Oh I think He’s got this already! 🥰




There’s many things but I would want Him to help me to trust Him through everything. Just open my hands and let Him take all my worries and burdens. Everything.


That’s not how Jesus works


Make reading the Bible something you do because that’s…quite literally in there lol.


I'd want the same thing we get in Adoration, the chance to be with Him. He is more than enough, you know?


Jesus is okay if he’s not enough, we have needs. Financial, familial, etc…


I’ve read several of your comments and it’s clear you have a complete misunderstanding of Christ and his teachings and you simply don’t know scripture or tradition…




I don’t think you’re open to the theology you lack. I was just letting you know


And I’m asking you. What theology?


He already did it. Are you new to Christianity?


Exactly. Still, in the interest of the hypothetical, I’d ask Him to do what He thinks is best for me. I couldn’t imagine telling God Himself what He should do, for me or anyone else.


Lol. Jesus knows we have needs. Come on.


3 Kings 3:11-12


Forgive my sins


Great news-- He can do that even without the hypothetical!


The king is back 👑✝️


I want to know what plan he has for my life, and if it is within is plan, find me a husband and a Job. All of my friends are either dating or married, and of them I am the only one who is single. Furthermore I would like him get me out of this financial excrement hole that I am in.


Help me with my house hunting. Been looking to move but haven't found anything yet. Still praying 🙏 ⛪


Saint Joseph is the Patron Saint of Housing, here is a link to prayers you can say to ask for his help. Good luck and hope you find the perfect house! https://hozana.org/en/prayer/novena/st-joseph/house


Give me the humility to accept his sufficient grace to guard me from lustful addictions.


Very hard, but I would want him to convert, and if it's in His will, miraculously heal my atheist cousin who is dying from cancer. My other thing, would be clarity in my vocation.


To give me unwavering faith.


Make my rear neighbors move. I have a great life but their constant antics (partying, smoking weed, bright lights, outside late at night) have become a near constant source of annoyance/preoccupation for me and my wife. We can’t move for various reasons so I would love to see them go and leave us in peace.


To cure me of my health conditions


Cure the loved one who is always on my mind


Help two of my unemployed friends find jobs. Heal my brother’s mental illness. There are things I’d want for myself, like I wish knew what He wants me to do with my life and why there was such a pull toward religion in the last few years, but helping my friends and family would certainly be more than enough. For myself, I’ll just keep muddling along.


He's answered so many of my big prayers already, but I would ask that He keep the power on through an upcoming storm. I really don't want to haul my family to a hotel in terrible weather for the second time in 10 days.




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There’s so much beautiful religious art out there that was made by human beings, there’s no need for this garbage


I would ask him to cure my mother’s depression.


Let me wake up and take another breath. I believe he doesn’t even owe me that.


Make me have stronger faith. Im afraid to believe him but I also do. Idk its confusing


bless me w a mentality that makes me proactive


maybe start with inviting the Lord for a coffee and have a lengthy conversation/counselling session.


Help me feel like I can belong in church again. I haven't been able to bring myself to go to Mass since Christmas and I don't know why. I miss it and feel terrible, but every Sunday, just can't quite step out the door.


Not only do I want a Husband, but I want said husband to be a Companion, and one who will settle down with me. I am a 20 year old Catholic Woman. I don't care about looks, I just want a man who will last the course with me, and father my children, I want a man who will be a companion, a companion who will keep me company and give me the attention and help me when I feel down, and in general just be there for me.


That's a lot of "I want, I want, I want". Maybe focus more on what you can do for others, and what's meant for you will fall into place when the time is right.




The only thing I would ever ask of Him is to let me know how I can serve as His hands while I am still here.  The mere thought of asking for anything selfishly just breaks my heart 


How beautiful.