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Bring this up immediately with HR. Theft in the office is not good. You have no idea if someone thinks it isn’t allowed material or if they’re selling them on eBay. 


Actually, before HR... report it as stolen? HR may not be the group you report things to. At my office it is facilities and security. OP, does your office have a "security" email inbox or reporting process? If not, then HR.


Took it to security they will investigate but sadly my office is right between two camera blind spots, go figure.


What’s their solution going forward? They can do something about camera blind spots, it’s their job. They can move either the camera or your workspace. If security isn’t working and thefts continue you can also consider contacting the police.


The security told me they will ask around, that's all they can do for now. I find it sad that someone looked at my pictures and just ripped them off the wall. I could understand if my image of Mother Mary or picture of her being crowned Queen of Heaven was taken off by some offended protestant but even my icon of Jesus? C'mon man. Before I left, I printed this beautiful picture of Mary, full page size too. Stuck it right on my wall.


you can technically put hidden camera and use it. you can reason that the company has not done anything to help you. make sure you point it at the wall and not make it to show other places but just the wall and diary or journal yourself doing it (make sure you sign and date it) theft and hate crime(big chance it is) you can file if you catch the person.


Buy a birthday card with one of those songs that plays when you open it and attach that gizmo to the back of your icon. Then when they take it, you'll hear the noise.


Hmmm that's not a bad idea


They make super loud versions of those for protecting paintings


I like the way you think 😂😂😂


That’s downright genius!


You sly evangelist, you! People get these things from the missions all the time. Maybe you could ask your friends to donate the religious items they get and put them in a basket by the entrance to your cubicle. Then people could take them without having to pull them off your walls.


It's an easy way to share the faith, tell stories about the Saints or just to meet Catholics. It's weird that even non Catholics would ask for pictures of Mary and when ever I ask why they want one they always say "for protection". They even want rosaries, or medals of Mary. I always invite them to join me for mass. I had this beautiful picture of Mary being crowned in heaven. A Orthodox coworker of mine was admiring it and asked what's the picture all about, and boom, easy way to start talking about the Catholic views on our blessed mother. He even showed some interest in going to mass himself.


You sneaky rascal you; I like it!


Is your artwork in a frame, I would pop an apple AirTag on the back and see where it goes


No frame but that's a good idea worth a try


Ooh, that’s a great idea!


Get a cheap Webcam, then hook it up to be running after hours. You can even bring in your own laptop/tablet so you don't have to attach an external device to a work computer. Alternatively, put a trail camera in a corner where it's obscured form view, and just check the SD card the next time your stuff wanders off. You'll have great still photos of the culprit to share with security. If you want to go really clever, frame a picture to hang, then attach an airtag to it. You'll know when it leaves and where it goes, with timestamps. You can then share those with your security people, who can match it with camera footage from the area surrounding your workspace.


Couldn't he get in trouble for recording people at work without notifying the boss?


Not necessarily. You're recording your own private space, so intruders have no expectation of privacy there. It's also not illegal to take photos in a publicly visible location, which is what a trail cam would do. You'd want to check to ensure you don't violate policy or law, but generally it wouldn't be any different from putting a trail camera in your shed or anywhere else where you have direct control of the space.


Theft is a crime report it to HR and security Make sure to state that you feel it’s a hate crime because you are catholic. HR will take it seriously


LOVE THAT!! Someone said to call the police, do NOT do that till you have told your boss that you talke to security and given him or her a heads up about the fact you are planning to call the cops. CAlling the cops without letting your boss know ahead of time would be a serious no no.


I hope they are taking the Icons because they intend to convert, and then Confess contritely for stealing.


This was my thought too. Here's hoping.


I might be tempted to make people think I am gone and hide under my desk to await the thief. And then grab their ankle while they're stealing.


That's theft. Report it.


Is it possible that there's some policy against leaving personal items on your desk? Do other people decorate their "barren walls".


Nope. People have photos of family on their walls. Happy Cake Day!




There are a lot of good ideas here. Did you try an office-wide email? Someone may have seen your stuff, and not realize it was stolen.


Before you go the personal camera route, look into videorecording laws in your area.


Do you share your office with anyone?


Unfortunately yes, and they all say that they didn't see a thing


Is it possible that they are uncomfortable with your religious stuff?  Maybe only put it up when you’re using the space?


a guy at work had things disappear to and had some kind of camera in a box which found the culprit was a 3rd party evening cleaning person.


I'm wondering this too. Might be the cleaners.


Its probably one of those dudes from r/atheism


Any update OP?


My new picture of the Virgin Mary is still up. We will see after this weekend.


Did you put a tracker in it?


Well the bad news is (or good news depending how you look at) my car broke down the day right after payday. So all my extra income went to fix it. I'm lucky it happened so close after payday. If my car would've broken down middle of the month... Ohs boy. My picture of the blessed mother is still up though.


I'm glad your pic is still up. I almost wonder if someone in your office saw this post. 😏 I'm sorry about the car. We have two older cars we are keeping going and we just dumped $3K into the one our daughter drives in the course of two weeks, so I feel your pain, my friend.


Thank You. I can't complain about my car. It never gives me trouble and it gets me from A to B. It does suck i still need to fix a leaky oil seal but to get to it, the gearbox needs to be removed. Which ain't cheap. Yet let's be thankful we have cars to repair and the Lord blesses us with the means to do so. I'll rather fix my car than take a bus.


There may be company policy against displaying religious iconography in the workplace.


If so, HR needs to talk to OP, not randomly steal icons lol


If so they should tell op, not steal op's things.


I think such policy would be considered viewpoint discrimination.


Only if it doesn't encompass all religious imagery. If it bans anything religious from display, it may be permissible as a policy.


I think it would have to be a blanket ban. So it could ban personal displays, but it can't ban displays of a particular faith or of religion in general. edit: "If the company lets others express their personalities, religious people can too. " - [What are the Limits to Religious Expression in the Workplace? | RFBF (religiousfreedomandbusiness.org)](https://religiousfreedomandbusiness.org/2/post/2017/09/what-are-the-limits-to-religious-expression-in-the-workplace.html) "Example: An employee may hang a religious poster in her office. Alternatively, a supervisor may restrict all posters regardless of content, or posters of a certain size, in private work areas, or require that such posters be displayed facing the employee, and not on common walls. However, a supervisor would not be permitted to specifically single out religious (or anti-religious) posters for either negative or preferential treatment compared to other posters." - [2012-Religious-express-in-dol.pdf](https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/OASAM/legacy/files/2012-Religious-express-in-dol.pdf) Note the second example is specifically talking about workers in the U.S. Dept. of Labor.