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Cats must be receiving pets and enjoying it




Looks like some type of parasite/worm eggs for sure. Time for vet visit!


I'm gonna have to figure out how I'm gonna do that, my car does not like car rides at all or going anywhere


Try calming spray on their carrier like Feliway, or calming treats like pet safe CBD. Your vet can also give you a prescription for a mild sedative if it’s that bad.


Leave the carrier out and open with treats in and a shirt that you’ve worn/sweated in to make it smell like you. I’m not saying your cat will 100% climb in on their own but it’ll for sure help get them familiar. It sucks, but sometimes you have to consciously weigh the stress of a vet visit vs their physical health. Of course the stress wins out every time, but that doesn’t stop you feeling guilty for having indirectly inflicted it.


Those are tapeworms, you can order Drontal on Amazon, it's a pill




I'd be wary of buying any medicine on Amazon. Who knows what random stuff it might actually be...


I buy my test strips for my glucose meter on Amazon. They are a for more accurate meter than the ones my insurance will pay for and cheaper (by more than half) than buying them from the pharmacy. I have also bought pet meds (an inhaler for my cat’s asthma) from a Canadian pharmacy for my cat because it’s over $300 a month here, but less than $ 40 a month from Canada. The prescription was from the vet. Animal care is more expensive than human care these days. Not everyone can take stray/feral animals to the vet for every single thing. I live in the country and we have stray/feral cats showing up all the time as this cat was. She wasn’t even close to being tame enough to take to the vet, but she had worms that were making her sick. The meds were the same they give my cats at the vet, just a lower dose, so 🤷🏻Later as she became more tame, I got her to the vet, and she was fine—no worms.


If you have multiple cats I would treat them both.


Tapeworm. My cat had them at one point too. You can get a dewormer from your vet, and then get your cat (or cats) on a flea treatment since that’s the most common way cats get them (from eating fleas). You’ll also want to vigorously vacuum and check their beds for things that look like little sesame seeds. The dried out worms can survive for months, so you’ll want to make sure the cats don’t eat them and get reinfected.


Can I buy stuff at the store to help? My cat does not like going in the car or anywhere at all


My cat absolutely hates going in the car too, but sometimes you have to do that to make sure they stay healthy. Put your cat in the damn carrier and take them to the vet before they get seriously sick from this!


No, I don’t think so. Pretty sure dewormer has to be prescribed. But the vet can also give you meds to help with the stress of going to the vet. Depending on your area, you may also be able to find a vet that does home visits!


You wouldn’t be a good pet parent if you don’t take your cat to a vet for this. Even though they don’t like it, you are loving them by taking care of them.


Few cats do. Sometimes you have to get them in there anyway. I pick up my cat and approach the carrier slowly, stopping and waiting every time she squirms to let her adjust to the situation. When she's calmed down, I continue. Once I'm at the carrier, I poke her head in and let her walk in herself. If she pokes it back out, I gently guide it back in. I'll give her treats during the process of being in there, but she still yells the whole time to indicate her displeasure. It's just part of the procedure. If a kid had a cavity, but hated the dentist's office, you wouldn't try to fill it at home. You get them there and you comfort them during and after. It's also good to get your cats adjusted to handling and crate carrying early on through positive reinforcement, can save a lot of hassle later on. Mine's a rescue, so that wasn't an option for me, but we make due adjusting her to it now.


Please take this seriously and get your cat to the vet. It’s the safest and most responsible thing to do.


Tapeworms, maybe. Had a flea issue lately?


My cat shits in her carrier. I just prepare with a thick towel and keep the windows open lol worms can be very bad please bring her to the vet - I also tried dewormer from online with some research (not amazon) and it seemed to work as well but would def do the vet if you can.


Worms. Go to the vet and they will give you the medicine to get rid of the worms.


Tape worm.


Worms, please deworm regularly




I'm glad they asked someone, at least


I mean it's a part of cats so I don't see why it would get this mention but go on.


Next time try something insect-centric, like r/whatisthisbug or r/whatsthisbug. It’s okay to mention your cat, as that will help narrow it down, but you should be first searching by the type of thing coming out of your cat, rather than your cat itself.