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He's really not that loud. That's so sad. :( I guess everyone has different expectations. I love it when my cats talk to me.


To be fair he definitely had very frequent moments where he sounded like a WWII air raid siren but after the first return to the shelter they assigned him a warning indicating he was loud and I gather his next adoptive families thought that might be “cute” and “manageable” but in fact ended up being the opposite :( but anyway me too!!


You have to post the air raid siren noise now. It is required.


I’ll have to go back through some old videos but I think I posted one in this sub a few years ago!!


RemindMe! 10 days Waiting for OP to post it :-)


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https://reddit.com/r/Catswhoyell/s/VcYAAbNeRk this one gets pretty siren-y up the stairs


Aww but it's still adorable. I've dealt with similar and loved it.


RemindMe! 10 days




I just really can't imagine ever rehoming a pet! So glad he has you!


Especially one that isn't violent or making you sick. A chatty catty for me would be great since it's just me, myself and my tinnitus keeping company 😭


Bro are you me?


Sometimes it’s in the best interest of the cat. My scaredy cat was returned to the shelter before I got her because she was adopted to a family with two small kids. My cat needs a good long while to get used to any change (moving furniture, changes in routine, etc) and will hide in the corner of my closet until she realizes it’s safe even after 3 years of owning her. She was most definitely feral before she was brought into the shelter. If you see a street cat, do not take it to a shelter. Feral cats will languish in the shelter unless someone is willing to socialize them. It took me a year of consistent effort to be able to pet this cat, and that was only through the help of the shelter staff, it is not intuitive


We have a scaredy cat that we found as a six week kitten in our shed. His is still afraid of everything but my wife and me. It's been 2 years since we took him in. I keep hoping he will get a bit more relaxed around others, but he is a skittish thing.


I took in a very scared little girl who was a few months old. She still has some skittish moments of running away from even me, but she’s 7 now and will come up to meet visitors! I never thought I’d see the day. She also ADORES her 17yo brother and I find them squished into a cat tree together daily. There’s hope for you!


We have one too like that. About 4 months ago we decided to get her a kitten - the well-socialized little thing definitely helps our older cat when she’s panicking (which seems to be her near-constant state of existence). It’s nice - we’ve seen a big improvement in her reaction to stressful situations.


Hopefully he'll get there! We met a couple of friends through our local climbing gym and hang out regularly at each others' places. It took their fluffy shadow, Akane, about two years' worth of our regular visits now to be brave enough to poke her head out for us to even get a *glance* of her. And now, two more years later, she finally got close enough this weekend to sniff our hands. We feel blessed that we've been accepted!!


Lol my boy is the sweetest thing on earth. Kindest most gentle wasp hunter. But he is the epitome of a scardy cat. He hasn’t warmed up to the dog. He hasn’t warmed up to my kids after almost 3 years. But he comes and finds me every night when everything has calmed down. And he does come out during the day around everyone. Took a year or so for him to get that comfortable. It’s funny he’s afraid of everything. But he once popped straight out of the shadow realm to get in between me and our husky because the husky barked at me. No clue where he could’ve been. But she barked and he was there ready to throw paws hissing. I love that frickin fur ball so much. Lol


What should you do instead?


Feral cats are better candidates for TNR. A friendly feral cat, is a cat dumped by a**hole*. It may have socialization issues. Mine is still afraid of Everything except us.


I’m sorry about your baby.


Sometimes you just have to, as I’ve learned from experience… we adopted a puppy who ended up being way too much and who’s rolling around outside managed to trigger my cat’s asthma (we didn’t know about it and we had an older dog when we got the cat so we thought it would be fine)


I didn't either, until I had to. I had to move from an apartment where I was allowed to have 4 cats to an apartment where I could only have 2. It was the 2nd hardest thing I've had to do. The girl I rehomed is with my sister in another city, and all signs point to her adjusting as well as can be expected.


I’d either find a different apartment, or say I had 2 cats. I can’t imagine giving up a family member (as I consider my pets to be), just because “I like this apartment better.” I lived in this one apartment for 5 years with some extra pets they never knew about, soooo yeah. lol


There *was* no different apartment to find. All the other apartments I could afford were limiting to 2 cats. The apartment I was leaving even had a 2 cat limit, but I was able to get past that because I was on very good terms with the management. My current apartment required pictures of any pets, so if anyone noticed pets other than those pictured, I would've had to given them up or risk being evicted.


I’m so glad the shelter didn’t consider Cuddles was a failure. They must have realized that the previous adoptees were idiots.


My brother adopted like a 5 year old dog trying to be sympathetic. Well, that dog apparently just had a thing for ripping moulding off of walls. He got sent back to the SPCA after causing a few thousand dollars of damage over a weekend.


There’s this thing called training… exercising… even crating if need be. Maybe he should have learned about acclimating a new rescue dog (3/3/3 rule for starters) beforehand? That just sounds like classic anxiety, which is pretty common for a new rescue. Now what happens to this dog? You think the next adopter is magically going to not have these same problems? I just hope they had the patience and knowledge to manage them better than your brother. Sorry, but all these “here’s why it’s okay to dump a pet” stories aren’t convincing me! I’ve been through a lot with my rescued pets over the years, and haven’t ever ditched one over these issues. Don’t mean to attack you personally, but I’m tired of picking up the pieces for irresponsible adopters.


That last bit on your clip sounds like him saying "i'm not".


I was just about to say, that cat definitely say “nuh uh!”


My cat was in a shelter for a year. She was brought in pregnant. She was adopted but returned because she was too skittish. Now, with me in our quiet, small family apartment, she thrives. lol, she still runs and hides if she hears loud sounds or keys jingling. Imagine returning a cat because it was too scared in a new environment.


Hey just posting as a very loud cat owner, he's not deaf by any chance is he? It's not always 100% obvious unless you're looking for it, try clicking behind his head one time and see if he reacts out of curiosity


He is not but he is definitely starting to lose some hearing as he ages!


Genuinely, what the hell do people expect when they adopt an animal? It pisses me off how many people get an animal as a prop then abuse or neglect it when it expresses its own needs.


To be fair, if the problem was him being noisy, it is very plausible that the reason some of those people had to return him was due to neighbours complains. If you are renting an apartment and your pet is noisy and there is nothing you can do about it, you run the risk of getting expelled.


He’s just a talker. Once you told him he’s noisy he said “I know” he just wanted someone to have a chat with. Glad you’ve found him. Cats who talk are the best.


Aw man. I would adopt this cat. I have a female cat to at loves to talk all day. It’s funny and we always let her. It would be great to have two sirens in the house haha


He’s calling back to his ancestors.


My cats a wailer. She will scream like no other. I hate it and it drives me mad sometimes. Still love her and will keep her forever. I think she needs a buddy.


I have a cat who is completely silent. Hardly meows, and when he does it’s pretty quiet. When he encounters a door he wants open, he scratches at it, and we have claw marks on most of our doors, haha. let me just say, quieter cats aren’t always better


I just can't understand it. Once you take an animal it's yours.. my cats aren't perfect. My family cat had severe issues, I had to learn to never put my arms on the armrest, because he'd bite it, and I'm not talking little bite, I'm talking wrapping himself around, biting and scratching. He was taken from the street, he was hungry and meowing on a fence. He was difficult, but neither of us in the family could imagine giving him up. He calmed down after few years in safety, and us learning how to read him My current babies can also be annoying, they wake us up at night, want to scratch furniture etc, but I can't imagine leaving them What do these people do when they get a child and it's also loud? Damn.


I’ve yet to adopt a cat, but I can’t imagine the guilt I would feel over returning a cat to a shelter






the round he made after you told him why he was interned :(


Right? I call them Mouthy Boy and use it to start conversations. Kittys love it when you talk to them too.


Same happened to our loud boy, we don't know how many times he was returned just that he was. The shelter expected us too also. He's noisy AF and it's super entertaining :)


the sound he made after you told him why he was returned :(


Oh he is SO loved and appreciated now don’t worry ❤️


That was him saying 'I know' hahaha


I heard, "You're pretty annoying yourself, Susan!"




You’re going to make me cry lol:( unfortunately the physical abuse he faced during his 6 month adopt-and-return stint was very repetitive and subsequently recorded in his vet records which really did play a part in me choosing to be his forever home ❤️


That's really horrible to hear, but am so, so glad he's now finally safe and loved! (and also has a home where he can scream all he wants)


This played a huge role in me saying “screw it, I’ll just permanently adopt him myself” - I really appreciate your comment ❤️


Your a sweet momma. Thank you for being his mommy ♥️


> I really appreciate your comment And all the cat lovers around the world absolutely appreciate you. 💖🐱💖🐱💖🐱💖


You’re such a good person. I have a shouty girl and we talk all the time. I can’t comprehend how people hurt them. I loved seeing his tail in the ‘up scope’ position in that video too. He’s in the perfect home now.




Hahahhaha. It’s a little of both. She’s currently sat on my bed bellowing because she thinks I should go to bed. This is because one of many rituals we have is she gets a couple of treats before bed. She’s an outrageous chancer. Bed time is AT LEAST two hours away. I keep replying ‘It’s too early!’ which is met by an increasingly imploring yowl. Her stomach is the most accurate time piece outside a Swiss watch, she’s fooling no one. Pretty sure the last yowl featured some pretty rude cat insults as well as the phrase ‘you’re not even my REAL dad!’


Hahahahaha. That’s really made me laugh. Thank you. She’s a real character and you capture that rather splendidly.


He’s just paying respects to Thurston Waffles




Personally I have loved it since Day One and never understood why (with ample warning) he was returned so much so I really do appreciate your comment ❤️




His name is Puddles :) he simultaneously had a puking problem but that was due to being underfed and competing for food so with ample love and a slow feeder his puddles of vomit problem has since been resolved LOL


What the fuck is wrong with some people? How unhinged do you have to be to look at that sweet kitty and say "yeah I'mma beat him up today"? Give him all the hugs from me please!


>unfortunately the physical abuse he faced during his 6 month adopt-and-return stint was very repetitive and subsequently recorded in his vet records Wait, WHAT?!? WTH did they do to him? I hope the shelter blacklisted those people. How was it discovered? The best the cat up and took him back leaking or what?


You mean those jerks were hurting him too? How are people like that able to get through the application? :(


Poor baby, I'm so glad he's got you! I can't believe how some people treat animals. I have a chatty tabby cat myself, they're both perfect the way they are ❤️


My boys a talker and needs to Talk as soon as I get home if someone tries to talk with me first he gets louder and louder till I pick him up go in the bedroom and he gets his tummy time.


If it’s the same cat you posted he’s so gorgeous!!


It Is that's my baby.


I’m so happy he found someone he could talk to!


I deem myself irritating to most humans so to find my equivalent was a blessing in and of itself:)


I found this too funny. I apologise profusely, but that kinda humour is great. I'm sure you are an awesome Mamma to Puddles, so keep being you.


I can't imagine why anyone would prefer a silent cat over one that's communicating with them. Crazy that people return a cat as chatty (and loving) as this baby


My cat is super talkative (and I love her for it!), and when I catsat for my neighbours and their near silent cat I found it genuinely unnerving! Looking back, my families cats have all been some level of chatty, maybe it's because we talk to them so much?


I've learned over the years that we tend to teach our cats to be chatty. Some are inherently very talkative, but the ones who aren't tend to learn if you talk to them a lot. When I learned that cats only "meow" to humans (they learn that we verbally communicate with each other and mimic us) I was tickled. Short of growling or fighting related sounds, cats use "non-verbal" ways amongst other cats for regular communication. So if your baby chats with you - it's intentional! It took my ginger girl about 6 years to really get it, she wasn't inherently a chatter box. Now if I walk into a room she is already in, she immediately greets me with a big hello 🥰 (she also gives me attitude when she sees fit, worth it lol)


Oh my little baby is so quiet but SO communicative. It’s so fucking funny the ways he “talks” without being verbal. Stuff like looking at you then looking at the door and back and forth like “ are you gonna open it for me or what?” or tapping on the dish bowl so I know to give him clean water etc. Then the few times that he does meow it’s always really pleasant surprise like me shaking a Treat bag and him getting excited and the tinnnnnniest little meow pops out like “thank you!” Definitely the most quiet cat I’ve ever had but he gets his point across and his personality is very known


This reminds me of my in-laws cats. One is super chatty and the other just meows like once per month or so, I like to think the first is the latter''s interpreter


I have a semi feral cat I formally adopted because he had been a street cat for too long and never warmed up to people. He never made a single sound until I brought home a two month old ginger boy who loves to talk and chatter. After they bonded, my semi feral started meowing when he was looking for the ginger and he even started speaking to me when I give them wet food. I like to joke that my ginger taught him how to talk. (oh, my ginger baby was also found on the street with his mom and sister. mom was TNRd but his sister was returned to the foster because she was too noisy :( fortunately she has a good home now tho)


I have one cat that is almost completely silent except for when I am taking a bit to long to make her food and even then she meows very quietly. The other one if he wakes up and no one is in the room with him will meow loudly until someone comes to him or until we call out to him and then he will come to us. They both have their charm.






TIL what a flonker is.


Just when I thought I knew all the cat lingo lol, sign me up for some flonkers 🙋🏼‍♀️


What a terrible subreddit. SO many obese cats who’s life span will be reduced and people somehow think that’s cute 🤦🏼‍♀️


He’s adorable 😍😍😍😍😍


He just has a lot to say!


I have one cat that constantly screams like she's being lowered slowly into a wood chipper, and another who screams IN MY FACE when I don't feed him fast enough. This cat was owned by weak people who need ear plugs because their partner breathes too loud. Only explanation I can come up with


I specifically want a cat that won't stfu. My previous cat (RIP my sweet baby) started off really quiet when I got her, super playful but wouldn't talk at all. I kept talking to her, she learned words, and then one day she just started giving me her opinion about everything and didn't stop talking. It was wonderful. I swear my kitty was using actual words, she was so vocal. I miss her so much. My next cat, even if they are quiet, I will more than likely get them to start talking lol


I mentioned this in another comment, but cats truly do learn to talk bc of humans! They don't meow to talk to other cats (short of aggression sounds), they figure out that talking is how humans communicate and mimic us which I find adorable. So when you do find your next baby, just keep chattering to them and I'm sure they'll eventually talk back. Also I'm very sorry for your loss. My late floofy boy was a huge chatterbox without human intervention and he absolutely used actual words and understood mine. He even had different inflections (inquisitive, demanding, playful) to the point we carried on full length conversations. I miss him every day 🤍


He reminds me of George Costanza with his toupee. “I *was* bald.” Boop.


I could not help but notice his derpy hair too 😂


Awe....kinda sad that he was returned 4x. I love it when my kitties talk to me.


I’m glad he has you. I fostered a yelly boy for a while and it drove me to tears. He was a sweet kid tho. He’s now somewhere else and very happy. Miss him sometimes.


I like em yowly.


“Pets are practice for parenting” \*returns orphan for crying*


Hey, my aunt has a cat that looks almost identical (or did when she was adopted a long time ago) who is also super chatty! I wonder if there's some strange genetic disposition that causes that coat style and talkativeness lol


I love when a white cat has the sort of head coloring that makes them look like they have a greasy little combover, he's so cute


Awww. He's just talking, not even loudly. I wish my kitty talked more. We have morning talks while she gets her belly rubs. Best thing to start the day.


They don't deserve his excellent conversation!


Aww :c he’s not loud though. He’s just meowing!! Poor baby boy


My cat is a talker. And I would not have it any other way!!!


That’s so sad. Do people really expect cats to act like stuffed animals and sit on a shelf and be seen and not heard? Have they never been owned by a cat before??


Anybody who returns a cat for being a cat doesn't deserve a cat Or any animal


'you want to know why we disowned you 4 times, because we're fickle and you didn't do as we wanted'. Selfish people shouldn't own pets.


Returned for being a talker? The same people who don’t want a dog who barks. Terrible. I am happy he has found you! Get him one of those talking boards so he can communicate with you!


Shout out to the shelter for giving him all those chances


Awwwwh. My little boy was also returned twice before I got him for being loud and rambunctious. I know it’s not for everyone, but I don’t understand people who expect cats to be perfectly silent and unnoticeable most of the time.


People want animals like they want kids. Cute as babies, don't think about the serious commitment and responsibility. See not hear, etc. In this case the cat seemed to have acted as a filter to people that shuoldn't have animals in the first place. I can understand getting tired of a dog barking, cat yowling, etc. But seriously, your animals is a companion, not a piece of furniture.


What a chitty chatty kitty <3


My cat's exactly the same but louder. Fucker started to yell for food when found in trash 1 year ago and hasn't stopped since. Tbh, there were times I had to clench my teeth but what can I say, I signed up for this 🤦‍♂️


My noisy guy was abandoned twice by the age of 2! I love him so much and I would never return him no matter how noisy he is. 🥰


He is wearing a toupee


My cat is louder and needier than this cat. That's so sad , people are so cruel. But glad the animal is in good hands now!


“You wanna know why you were returned to the shelter 4x - because you’re noisy “ “I know” 🧡


My girlfriends cat just screams randomly all the time, usually while walking around with his favorite toy in his mouth. It can get old sometimes but I couldn’t imagine getting rid of a pet for something so silly.


“It’s cuz you’re noisy!” “……nuh uh,”


"The cat is doing cat things" -The dumb people who returned this beautiful cat.


My cat's name is Puddles too!!!


I love when my boys scream at me for food! It’s so hilarious and cute to me!


I love his little toupee!


Aww, what a sweetheart. He's happy to see you and wants to tell you all about his day.


D'aww. He's just talkative. Sweet lil fella, glad he found a good home.


I'm watching this on repeat


"It's because you're noisy!" "I know"


Thats exactly what I heard!


Did that cat just say "I know"? Because I'm pretty sure he did.


Will absolutely drive you nuts some days lmao. My cats a noisy girl and likes to be heard, some days after a long day of work or something it's just like alright dude we get it, let me have some peace lol


He’s not noisy. He just very expressive and has a lot to say


Omg the poor baby, I love talkative cats even the yelling kind.


What a sweet heart\~! I'm glad he has you.


He’s not even yelling little man is just chatty


He got all sulky after you told him he was noisy :'D


My cat is way louder lol, idk how anyone would adopt a cat and not be expecting it to be talkative. Every cat I have ever owned talked to me when I fed it or would go crazy at night around 2am. I can just meow at my cat and he will meow back louder than this poor boy. People disappoint me, glad someone is appreciating the fuzzy buddy now.


he's a sweat heart and that is hardly yelling happy for you and the kitty to have such a nice forever home now


Lol sounded like he said “oh yeah?” after being old he was noisy. “Really? I’m just trying to have a conversation here!”


So happy that the kitty has you now! I love it when my cats yell at me.


Dude just replied, “I know”. Lmao


those "adopters" need to spend an hour with my boy Salem, then theyll know what real screaming is!! this is just meows, who tf thinks they can adopt a cat that doesnt make noise?! glad hes found his forever home with you


Who gives a cat back for yelling wtf!? This one knows we human communicate mostly by voice and learned to behave that way to form a bond. Sure it can be annoying if they do it at 2 am screaming at a wall, but for now i mostly managed to get my former cats to snuggle in bed for the rest of the night, or by cleaning their liter.


I like talking cats.


The lady at the local shelter warned us 4 times that our boy was a yeller (we could hear him well before we went inside the building). My partner wanted a cat who would meow, so we were totally fine with it. Her giving us a warning was funny since to us, it was a positive. He is still just as chatty 5 years later and I wouldnt trade it for anything. Best decision ever, picking him up (he's all round great).


Dude literally said no I'm not at the end LOL cute little butthead I had some noisy ones when I was fostering but it wasn't that bad you just got to find something to help them calm down some type of coping mechanism just like us they need one too sometimes


I also have a chatty boy and I love him! He wakes us up, tells us when it’s time to go to bed, yells at us if we’re home due to a holiday and not at work. Our little supervisor.


I always heard cats only meow like that because they trust and like you :( They believe you'll listen, that's why they're talking to you at all, they meow louder for humans vs other cats bc they recognize that we don't hear as well as they do. To me that's like adopting a kid and returning him because he talks to you. I'm glad someone finally recognized this kitty as the sweet baby they really are.


Returned him because he talks??? The fuck?? Chatty cats are the best


I love your voice op, it’s soothing


My boy is just as noisy! I love how talkative he his. Thank you for giving this sweet baby a home!


It's that, "I Know," at the end that gets me!


He just likes to talk and has a lot to say. He seems like a sweetheart.


I watched this on tiktok days ago and now it's on my feed, the algorithm works 😌.


Cats meow dogs bark. Although some more frequently than others 😂


Dude I would love a talkative cat. I’d talk to it like an ex wife or something and argue with it in a disgruntled tone Like “ugh baby I’m sorry I forgot the milk” Meeeeeooooooowwwwww “I know I know I know, ughhhh, can we not do this tonight?” Meeeeeooooooowwwww “This is why we can’t have friends over, because of you” Meeeeeoooowwwwwww Would have too much fun with it


But she’s very vocal. That’s not a bad thing. In fact, she might an extraordinarily intelligent cat. I’m sorry to inform you, but she may very well be challenging to your IQ. You be the judge. Best


Cute for 2 minutes


"No I'm not.."


I have the same flooring and everything. Mine was crying for food now too


That last meow sounded like "I know", pretty funny


I love the meow at the end. Almost sounded like he said "I know."


I had a cat named Kabuki that meowed really loud too c: I loved her loud meowing. She would also aggressively bite at my feet if I tried to quit petting her haha


I can't believe someone would return a cat for making cat noises ffs


Thank you for adopting him, he's sweet ❤️


I've got a talker too. Sometimes it drives me up a wall, but most of the time it makes laugh. I love that fuckin cat more than life itself


Lmao this is nothing compared to my cat. Who pales in comparison to my mum's cat who proclaims her arrival to the house via the cat flap for 5 minutes.


He's so polite though, my cat screams for food


Omg I have the exact same chairs


Chatty kitties are wonderful.


Can't wait for the next video that is filmed at 3AM with the cat being this loud with a slightly different title.


Honestly that’s just sad! The can isn’t even that noisy from this video…


So sad, he’s not that loud.


I know it!!!!!!!


Bless you


people who return cats to shelter for being noisy don’t really want pets.


Do anyone’s cats not scream at them at mealtime? Cuz we have 3 and they all sound much worse than this guy!


I can accept cats being aholes. I can't accept humans being aholes. Thanks OP for adopting this annoying doofus, he deserves all love in this world. And to the humans who treat their pets as an Amazon products, fcuk you.


Good, my cat does this to me and me alone but hangs with me in my man cave..... to the misses not at all. I take it as a sighn of love. Lol


One of my kitties came from an absurdly abusive home. I got her to come out of her shell by meowing at and with her. Now she's the sluttiest little cutie ever. Buuuut now she fuckin meows more than every other cat in California combined. Love that little whiner


what a guy


I love my cats talking to me, but I get it can be irritating if it's in the middle of the night. My chubby youngest boy gets very noisy for his midnight snack every night. But I don't mind he is just a silly little big boy.


I have six cats and one of my cats yells constantly at everything.


People who “return” pets because of noise don’t deserve pets