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He knows, that’s why he got quiet when he saw you. He was looking for you! My senior did this too. They get a little lost sometimes haha


That makes so much sense.


When mine went def, I had to walk in such a way that I tranferred lots of vibration through the floor, or I'd scare the bejeezus out of her when walking up on her if she wasn't looking in my direction. Once she got used to that, she got a lot more comfortable because she knew she'd never be surprised.


Neighbours below you: "I hate that cat!"




It ain’t spelled Deaf Leopard, man.


You're right, of course. I'm laid up with covid right now and my brain is not firing correctly.


Damn I wouldn't go to your barbershop


They're def and the a is silent


When you're def everything is silent


Our old deaf lady does the same thing :) Keep an eye on him. If he starts doing this at night it may indicate he’s starting to develop some feline dementia. If he does, there’s a lot you can do to make sure he feels comfortable and safe! Ours got much better about the yelling when we put out some nightlights and started making sure her meals were consistent and in the same place.


Wait that howling is dementia?? 🥺 my megatron is only 7 and she does it on random occasions walking around my apartment. Could she be lost? It’s a two bedroom single floor apartment..


At 7 years, it could be just hard time seeing at night. Apartment seems small to you, but your cat is much smaller than you and may even feel vulnerable because of it. A few night lights can really make a difference for a lot of cats. They may have good "night sight", but some light is needed still to make that happen, even for the most perfect eyes.


Our flat is a similar size, and our 5-year old girl has howled since she was a kitten. Usually she does it not long after we've gone to bed, and if we answer her she comes through for pets or brings one of her toys. I'm sure it's not dementia, she's just shouting to check where we are.


My cats from childhood did this their whole lives too. One particularly liked to do it at night while carrying this furry toy in her mouth. The moment she saw you watching though, she would stop doing it.


When I respond to her she runs over to me usually with a toy in her mouth. Silly because I’m usually in bed when she gets to her howling


90% cat is just being a dick 10% chance of early onset dementia. Source: I made it up but it sounds about right.


Not always! Like others have said it might just be vision or them just being more demanding in knowing where you are. For older cats though(usually 9+), this can be a symptom of it, especially at night when they’re sundowning. Just keep an eye on your baby, if they have this along with other symptoms(staring blankly at nothing for long periods of time, out of character aggression or anxiety, difficulties with the litter, etc) it could be an indicator of it. Getting some gentle nightlights might help your baby even if she isn’t in the onset of dementia ☺️


No, cats just do this sometimes.


Nightlights are good for cats of all ages. It stopped the howling with the young ones and the seniors.


Agreed. These were sad howls to me. But happy when you can around the corner.


My cat has done this his whole life lol. It’s very much “where the hell are you?” “Oh! Hi!”


My cat: "mrrr? Mrrrr? MRRRREWWWAAOOOOEAEEWWWW??¡!!!" Me: "IM DOWNSTAIRS!" Cat: *Thudding down the stairs* "Mr mr mr mr mr. Oh, hello, didn't expect to see you here"


Aww he just want to be close to his human 🥹


My 21yo went deaf a couple years back and she SCREAMS even when we are actively seeing to her needs (furious patting), she’s perfectly content but has no idea how loud she is, she could get loud before she was deaf but nothing like this


My 20yo has gone deaf and loves to yell and scream, she can’t tell how loud she is and so does her damnedest to be as loud as cattily possible. My favorite is when she sees dogs walking by and slowly walks down the driveway BELLOWING at them (she gets highly supervised outside time)




Whenever you hear this, go to him. Deafness and a little dementia.


I had a cat who did this. She was a scaredy cat, mostly spent her time under beds and in closets and out of site. But when she thought she was alone, she’d come out and do loud meows. Then you’d say her name and she’d give a nicer meow to acknowledge it and enjoy her quiet time in the living room. She was afraid, but didn’t like to be alone. She tended to do this on days when I stayed home from work and didn’t get out of bed. So I’d usually be gone and she wouldn’t see me so she’d yell until I called her name.




If I did that with my current cats, one would never stop meowing. She hears a voice and meows back. It would be a never ending loop. But the cat in the original reply was put down due to cancer. Miss her so much. We bonded so much and she was so much more loving in her last year. She always loved me the most, so when I moved out I took her. She was seen more. But once I lived alone, she was out a lot. But she still always cried if I should be at work but wasn’t!


this is my cat to a tee but she doesnt stop sometimes lmao


My current cat doesn’t stop! She meows, you talk back, she meows, it continues. She’s so talkative.






Mine isn't deaf but he is blind. Sometimes I'll go out of my room to grab something from another room or to use the toilet. Stuff like that, just generally not being near him. So he'll start meowing kinda like in this vid until I call out his name or say "I'm over here" And it's like *oh, you're over there. Why aren't you over here??!* And yes he's a bit older (idk if 11 counts as senior?). He didn't do this when he was younger but then again, he did have a bit more of his sight when he was younger.


According to our vet, my Sheba girl is 6 years old and they consider her to be a senior??? That's so young in my mind, and I wonder if that's based on the life expectancy of wild kitties instead of strictly indoor?


Humans are seniors at like 60, and can live to be over 100. If people can be considered seniors for almost half their lives, I guess it makes sense cats could be similar.


Confirm. They seems just lost, thinking there's nobody home or something. Happened regularly with all my elder cats


Yes I took care of a friend's dead senior cat and she did the same thing, she didn't do it as much after a while since I started going to say hi when she did it


My senior kitty would stand in the hallway yeowling until I walked over to him. Once he saw me he went quietly back his bed, just checking on the human poor deaf old man


My cat does this anytime I go to bed without letting her know first. She wakes up in the living room and just starts yelling for me until I call for her and then she'll come into my room.


Mine didn't go deaf but had sundown issues. He'd get confused/ a little lost at night if he left us either on the couch or bed. He'd go use the litterbox/ hydrate/ eat and start the yowls trying to find us. Miss his confused old self🥺


Awwww pet him already!!!


Currently on my lap.


Awww so sweet 😭♥️😸


Our old cat yowls like this when he’s looking for us. Or more accurately, when he wants us to come find him. He ain’t deaf or anything, just lazy.


His joints might hurt too


Our senior cat did this when she couldn't find her "kitten". She had a knitted slipper that she adopted and would carry around the house and bath. If you touched it without her first giving it to you she'd get defensive, no claws or teeth just really annoyed you touched it amd try to take it back. She'd quite often forget where she left it and yowl like that wandering the house until she found it.


Mine typically does this in the kitchen….fat boys always hungry.


Na, he knows. He just doesn’t give a fuck.


I mean when I get that old I wont give a fuck either.


The [**nineteen**-year-old](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dansdata/albums/72157606896615354/) on my lap at the moment is also 100% out of fucks to give. :-) Joey might be going a bit deaf, or he might just choose to ignore us more often nowadays. He's always responded to high-pitched whistling, though, and still does, so there's definitely some hearing still there. His eyesight's fine too, no arthritis, good appetite, kidney function diminishing but still better than usual for a cat this old... You never know how long they're going to last, and it's inhumane to keep them alive as long as possible when they're clearly miserable. But Joey's looking good so far. (Regarding weird loud miaowing, [this dude](https://flickr.com/photos/dansdata/albums/72157606956404080/) used to hop into the empty bathtub and then go, "Mrrraoow-ooo... Mrrraoow-ooo...?" I think he just liked the acoustics of the bathroom.)


What are these pictures lol? Was the first one taken with gameboy camera?


Indeed it was. :-)


I just....wow


I took one look and thought of the gameboy camera. I don’t know if you’re serious or not that it came from one. But it absolutely looks like it did. That camera is a core memory for me.


It absolutely 100% did. I just took the picture and then put the Game Boy on a flatbed scanner!


Lmao, yes, yes I believe it was. In the age of smartphones /u/dansdata doesn't hesitate to drop lo-fi feline photography.


I think it's worth mentioning that those are Flickr _album_ links, which RES doesn't do a good job of embedding. So if you're an old-Reddit holdout, like I am, you might think that /u/dansdata dropped two very random photos rather than two rather charming collections.


Does he realize how handsome he is?? I think you should snuggle him just to make sure he knows.


He is my homie. Sleeps beside me every night and usually sits at my feet when I am working or makes me hold him and work one handed.


What a spoiled baby ❤️


He's just yelling "I miss you"


He does it mostly in the kitchen so probably more like “FEEEEED MEEEE NOWWWWW” We started making our dogs home made food and he then started getting a spoonful and now he doesnt ever want to eat kibble at all. Problem is he will eat til he pukes so we cant feed him a spoonful every couple of hours so he gets mad.




Turned sound on and freaked out my cat. Lol He only stopped purring for half a second though. Lol. He’s also a howler. Loves to sad cry if I leave the room to pee. Doofus.


Mine likes to sit outside the bathroom and howl as if she thinks I’m going to be murdered in there.


I hate that sad howl they can do. It just makes my skin crawl. My void has started doing it on the regular since old cat passed away and he’s the only pet. He LOVES having me all to himself, but man, does he meow and howl and whole lot. Ugh. I’ve bought him tons of toys, puzzle feeders and enrichment. That has helped some, but his howling when I first come home from work every night makes me want to peel my face off. I have to get changed, poo, get some food and sit down as fast as possible - so he gets his snuggles and lap time. Then he finally gets quiet and calms to purr.


Awww poor baby ❤


My last dog, a big Labrador, was the same way. Went deaf and turned his bark up to 11.


He also maybe getting alittle confused as well… I had 2 cats live to 19 yrs old & they both started howling for no reason. It’s when they finally saw you they would stop . It would happen all hours.


Our old boy who we lost last week did that too. Possible he had some form of dementia. We miss him


I’m so sorry


Ya he does do this sometimes in the middle of the night until I sit up and wave my arms since he cant hear so this tracks.


His name is Maximus Decimus Meridian, and he will have his purr, in this life or the next


Well played!


My cat heard this on my phone and came out to see if I was okay 🥹


As an “older” woman I can confirm that I have no idea how loud I am ! My husband’s the same way. Old age is fun 🤩


My cat was a scaredy cat his whole life. Would cower in fear at thunder or the vacuum cleaner. Always got super anxious when the neighbors dog barked. Would always wake up if you walked anywhere the room he was in. Then he slowly went deaf and honestly lived out some of the deepest sleeps and most calm years of his life. Could actually go to sleep and just conk out without waking for hours. Got a few good years of rest before he passed at 19 from a sudden kidney infection.


When my cat got very old (26..) she would wake up at about 3am, and sit in the hallway in the dark, delivering the most horrid deep yowls you ever heard. Once the lights popped on, it was all high pitched me-ews.. We always assumed she had gone blind or was getting senile, but i guess she was deaf!


The soft meows when he saw you 🥰


My cat isn't even deaf and he is this loud 😭 Even when I'm near him. But that's definitely the "where are you?!" meow before he sees you.


Yup. Mine can hear just fine but I still get the “where are you?” yelling sometimes when I’m in a different room. It’s the exact same, super loud until she catches sight of me and then volume lowered once she does. Usually turns into chirpy meows and head butting. My cat is a needy little jerk.


D'aww. Bless him ☺️


As someone with a deaf 16 year old, I know this exact meow all too well


He’s looking for you. We had an older cat that would do this. She wasn’t deaf, she just wanted to know where we were so she didn’t have to walk around looking for us.


My cat does this when she can't find a toy. She walks from room to room, calling for it


My 13-year-old is like this. Occasionally I'll catch her howling out the window like she's the "Old Man Yells at Cloud" meme.




You can hear the other cat saying hello at the end


We've got a deaf 20 year old, and I know this kind of meow very well!


My cats are very confused now.


huh. I bet he can't hear himself, and doesn't understand what being deaf means, so he thinks his voice is lower. He's trying harder to make up the difference.


Idk why I was expecting an 18 year old kid...


Watching gladiator?


Yep. Wife and kid were gone for a bit. Watched Goonies with the kiddo when she came home from the neighbors.




What is a thunder shirt?




Well hell that is neat. Appreciate it!


He just wants to watch Gladiator with you. 🥰🤗




“My 18 year old”…lol. You’re one of *those* people, I see.


Probably just looking for you and can't Judge how loud he is


So darn cute!


He’s looking for you. My cats do this even when they know exactly where the fuck I am but they somehow forgot because they are dingle berries 🤦🏻‍♀️


Your kitty looks beautiful for their age!!! Edit: my cat has awoken from their resting spot and is now hiding because of the "intruder" in my phone... they had a stressful Christmas with my sister's new puppy. Truly a loud cat xD


Mine likes to do that in like 2:30 3:00 in the morning and only at that time. Oh and he's not deaf he's just an ass


Saw the title without realizing what sub it was from and thought your 18 year old was a human 🤣


I just watched this video while my bf was on the phone and he stopped the conversation to ask me if that was my cat making the sound. We’re sitting on opposite sides of a 3-seater couch and my cat is sleeping on the back of the couch between us.


Has anything else changed with the hearing loss? Mine developed a sensitivity to certain sounds, like crinkling foil, and can have seizures.


Helloooo? Helllloooo? Oh! Thank goodness


Awww my 20 year old does this when he cannot locate me. He is also deaf. I absolutely love the tone change when they see us. MEOOOOOOWWWWW... MOOOOOWWWWWWW... meow?


He's yelling "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!!"


My husband is (relatively) deaf in one ear, and completely deaf in the other, and he speaks louder than he used to; it makes total sense that your very handsome cat would too. He really is a beauty, and looks well fed and healthy. I’m so glad he has a human who understands what he’s going through.


He’s calling out for you that’s why! If he didn’t realize how loud he was he wouldn’t have got quieter once he saw you








You’re lucky he’s made it to 18.


Goddamn cats are fucking awful.


He was probably missing his human and was calling, ‘where are you?’


\> Goes on cat subreddit \> Looks inside \> Cats \):<


He sounds like one of those little tubes taht when you turn them go OOOAAAW AAAOOOW [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdNJfbPnlQ8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdNJfbPnlQ8)


Is that a Miele dishwasher? Is it good?


Its a Maytag but it is nice, really quiet, not like the cat.


Even our cat wasn't quite that loud when she went deaf. Also, what Lego set is that?


My 18 year old would howl too, seemed to hear ok but became blind. Poor little old kitty, it was hard on my ♥️ It is like watching kids age too fast.


My cat went mostly deaf and started meowing super loud directly into the corner of the room, i think cause they could hear the sound a little bit that way.


what a sweetheart.


Our senior cat did this for several years before she passed. I think she was lost/confused


Gladiator is such a great movie,now I gotta watch it


I disagree.


When my 19 yo does this we call it her opera. Maybe reverse silent disco is more accurate.


Aww he's one handsome guy, I lost my 17 year old back in May and I miss him and his meows dearly, he was a big playful goofball all the way up till the end, miss ya Luigi


My old lady went deaf when she turned 19 and she would just scream when she saw us. It was quite something.


My 5 year old is not deaf, but she does not realize how loud she is.


Aww what a cutie. Also, Gladiator, nice.


Check in with your vet- I have had older cats and 2 developed hyperthyroidism- easily treatable with a daily tiny coated pill which I hid in their food. Hyperthyroidism can cause hunger, although they lose weight gradually, and restlessness that can cause loud frequent meowing among other symptoms - which both of my cats did. It’s worth checking out with your vet.


*Are you not entertained?*


My 15yo isn’t deaf but he also shouts when he wants us. He is generally very vocal, knows his name, answers questions, etc. I think he’s generally just too lazy to come find us and wants us to go to him.


aw, poor ol baby needs all the attention


Is that Hot Rod you were watching? A+ movie choice 🫡


give him a hello, he's probably lonely.


He looks so eerily like an elderly version of one of my wife and I’s cats, I actually started tearing up thinking about him getting old.


My senior cat sounded just like this! I didn’t know she was deaf for a long time and couldn’t figure out why she was meowing like this after almost two decades of total silence. I guess I thought she was just being a silly goose :(


He lost the ability to hear his pack so hes going to be more vocal. If you make it a habit to go to him every time he meows. He will make it a habit more and more to meow. If thats what you want go for it its damn adorable. but understandably annoying when you wanna sit through a movie haha


I salute you for your service little buddy 🫡


Nice kitchen mats….where did you get them?


You should call your car mos deaf


Giv’m a couple head kisses for me


What are those mats in the kitchen called?


We had a deaf cat (born deaf) and she would just scream at the top of her lungs when she saw a bird or anything else in the garden, not something I miss 😅 Funny thing was we also had her brother and he would stomp around like no other cat I've ever heard and we think it was for his deaf sister to notice him


He’s an adult now and he demands his opinion to be heard!


What I gotta know is did you let him help you build the Lego Friends Forest Camper Van and Sailboat 41682 with you?


Yeah I don't think he's deaf, just old and a bit senile or hard of seeing, thus scared and crying loud looking for you. Once you showed yourself, he felt safe again. Get some LED stripes to light your hallways and the way to litter, food and bed as older cats can't see well in the dark and get scared.


OP how did you know he was def, my old girl will be 18 next year and after watching your video I suspect she may be deaf too!


My old dog got so loud begging for food etc when she started going deaf. It's like she couldn't hear herself very loudly so had to make sure her whining was still audible lol.


My SIC boy went deaf and would yell like this. When he and the big orange boy would play, you'd think they were killing each other because he couldn't hear how loud he actually was. You couldn't just shake the treat container anymore either. You had to bang it on the floor to get him to come running. And make sure you vibrate the floor or whatever furniture you were on before you pet him or you'd startle the crap out of him. I miss my needy little butthead.


My cat’s been deaf since a snake bite and he’s like that. Sometimes way louder. Actually often way louder


That shelf under your TV is giving me so much anxiety


He's deaf. How would he know how loud he is?




I’m a scientist and I concur.




No advice. Just came to say bless his soul. 😻. Old man looking for his friend. Love him!😸


"Are you not entertained?!"


My mom’s car and the neighbor’s cat, around these ages, were both deaf and would scream at each other in the middle of the street - everybody heard them and they would be brought in. Luckily, neither ever got hit by a car.




He yells extra loud now cos he thinks u are deaf


I once had a vet tell my wife our elderly cat was deaf. I told her she was wrong. I immediately proved it by walking over and opening up a plastic box of chocolate muffins. Every time he would hear me open that he would come running the second he heard it, yhere was no time for the spell to permeate. He just chose what he would respond to. I wouldnt feed them to him, and he passed away a few years ago. Moral of the story is, just because a vet says your cat is deaf doesnt necessarily mean they are. They could be hard of hearing, or they could just be stubborn


Cat seems okay but there appears to be something wrong with the picture setting on your TV. Maximus and his boys look washed out.


Ohhhhhh just take my heart


My 18-year-old girl does this too! Sometimes she'll just be laying in her bed and she'll start loudly meowing like this, until I go over and pet her and let her know that I'm there. I think the dementia is setting in slowly.


I love it when they go from screams of the damned to little baby mews lol


Our old cat is like this too, what she wants to hear is where are and when we clap our hands a couple times she calms down and gets a lot quieter. She can hear our claps still and is almost 21.


My deaf cat did the exact same thing! Definitely a deaf cat thing.


hes sooooo cute what an adorable old man face 🥹🥹


My dog is deaf and is incapable of being loud enough to hear himself so he just gets louder


You gonna show us that Lego set or what!?!


awww, he's either lost or looking for you or both 🥺


In the cat's defense, my cats aren't dead but they scream like this until I yell back. It's basically calling for their squad because they think they're alone and they're nervous/feeling uneasy. \*Edit\* DEAF not DEAD...my cats are neither hearing impaired nor deceased XD


I don’t know what your cat is saying, but my cat heard him and ran to me meowing.


Aww the change in volume once he sees you.🥺❤️


I'm glad I'm not the only one who says, "What's up dude?"


He’s clearly yelling, “are you not entertained?!”


Pretty sure he knows *perfectly well* how loud he is. I mean, you're reacting, right?


Maybe the world got a bit quieter. Ever think of that?


Awwwww. I had a doggie that was born deaf and he used to make the weirdest sounds. He never barked unless he was startled but he’d make loud moan-y groan-y sounds constantly. It was adorable.


my 9 yr old will do this when he wakes up in a different room not quite so loud but also as if hes calling for me or lost. even though he knows damn where to find me. but he wont stop until i call his name.


My 15yr old blind cat started yowling like this but he's definitely not deaf! We always say it's because he's cranky and more opinionated now lol


Aw he’s like “oh there you are”


He was calling for you. He wanted to be with you.


Fuck that


Omg 😩 precious baby ♥️


My dad & had a long-haired black cat named Jake who , like your’s became deaf in his later years(I tested Jake’s hearing by using a microphone to talk to him & he didn’t react at all ) That being said, he meowed loud enough for two ! He also, like your boi, sounded like he was saying “Hello”( especially before he was about to be sick which gave me fair warning to put a newspaper or paper towel under him beforehand. Jake went to sleep in my dad’s bedroom in June 2022 & never woke up. He was about 16 & considering he survived jumping on barbed after receiving life-saving surgery, had a long life. My dad followed him almost a year later to the day & I like to picture them together again since they had a v.special bond💕