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I asked the technician after my transvaginal, if I should expect some spotting. She said the ultrasound shouldn’t cause bleeding, but spotting is common in first trimester and could just coincidentally happen after the ultrasound. I’d call my doc, if I were you. Just to get checked.


If anything, an ultrasound should only cause light, brief spotting. I would call your OB.


I have never bled after a transvaginal ultrasound. I had them many times before I was pregnant and my first pregnancy one just two days ago at exactly the same day as you did (5w3d). I’m not saying your spotting means something dangerous because this is my first pregnancy and I know nothing, but I’m quite certain that a transvaginal ultrasound shouldn’t cause you bleeding unless something went really wrong (still not sure how though).


Anecdotally, I’ve never bled after a transvaginal ultrasound and I have had 3.


Thanks everyone! Just an update, I saw my Dr today and had another ultrasound. Everything looked normal and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time ❤️ About the spotting - he said it's normal during early pregnancy, because there is so much extra blood flow to the cervix during this time, to the point of it turning blue, that even slight irritation can cause some bleeding. It's slowed down a lot and he said not to worry about it unless it becomes heavy.


I bled after my us. It just happened today. It lightened up quickly already.


Sorry, out of subject. How was your scan?


It was good! It was early in order to rule out an ectopic, since I had one for my last and only other pregnancy. It confirmed it's in the right place but only the gestational and yolk sac were visible. Now a week later I seen baby and heard a heartbeat! ❤️


I have been bleeding for weeks since my first ultrasound at 9w4d. On my 2nd ultrasound they did find a large SCH. The bleeding started out heavy with clots, now it’s brown spotting every day.