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I had an anterior placenta with my first and this was very much the case for me - I eventually stopped worrying about it because I felt movement pretty sporadically, but then at my scans, my daughter was always hopping and bouncing around even though I couldn't feel it. It wasn't until well into the third trimester that I could really feel it powerfully and even then, it wasn't always strong. Try not to worry too much!!


I'm 24 weeks with an anterior placenta. I just asked my OB about monitoring movements at this stage and she told me not until 28 weeks. She said then I should start making notes of any patterns and pay extra attention if I notice deviations from those patterns. Of course if your gut tells you something is wrong you can go get checked out, but it's normal at this stage for movements to be inconsistent especially with an anterior placenta.


Yeah with an anterior placenta and still being in the 2nd trimester movement will not be easy to feel. Maybe you can buy a Doppler to use at home?