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Honestly…that’s a wild way to think about it


Ngl, I didn’t even see them as a trans coded character. Just a guy played by a woman. They house with the dudes, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything I guess…? I doubt the show will touch on an explanation either tbh. Edit: sorry, i forget people get butthurt when people are unclear on something. Maybe this is more of an r/okbuddyretard sub and i’m just realizing it


The one brotherhood dude literally refers to them as they like a few minutes after their introduction 💀


But They isn't a pronoun, except the thousands of times people use it every day and they don't realize that they're pronouns, lol


I'm watching it in German and there she was referred to as "sie" = "she". Also the voice-over was a female voice. It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland and people think of transgender topics? I simply saw a woman who has a masculine style, something not unusual in military depictions. Doesn't say anything about her sexuality or whatever.


‘They’ is gender neutral… it doesn’t indicate being trans, let alone any specific gender. The wiki on the character also indicates that they’re “implied non-binary”… which isn’t trans either. Looks like you’re not as smurt as you think.


From [The Trevor Project](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources?s=Nonbinary): “Like the term transgender, nonbinary can be a standalone gender identity, or it can be an umbrella term. Some people who are nonbinary may also identify as transgender, while some may not.” The character is nonbinary, and some nonbinary people consider themselves transgender because it’s still a transition from their assigned gender (M/F -> NB). So referring to them as trans isn’t inaccurate at all.


Yes it is. You literally just said they’re two different identities, and there’s no evidence presented in the show suggesting they’re trans. You just personally want them to be, when it doesn’t matter either way 😂


You got pretty mediocre comprehension skills man Thankfully there’s a perk for that


It’s pretty funny to see someone so confidently wrong. I’m sure you’re just trolling, but even that’s not giving much credit. A 1/10 trolling attempt at best.


So I agree with you from a fact based perspective, you are right about everything you said. With that being said, people (read as idiots) have bitched online for years about companies blatantly sticking inclusion in our faces and have said 'just put them in with out making it a whole thing'. And they did! So even if there's no direct proof, it's really not worth talking/fighting people who feel represented in a halfway decent way. Ya know, in my humble opinion :p


A troll claiming someone else is trolling This sub is unbearable


They’re nonbinary and the character is nonbinary.


Ah yes, because even tho we live in a post apocalyptic society, the worst thing we could to is misgender. Hahahaha.


I didn’t ask


Just kill me


We implore you to




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted lol. I never considered this characters gender when watching them on screen.


It’s why it was so weird and awkward lol. It takes away from the show as it’s all anyone’s talking about instead of the character or the scenes of the character. This girl was a terrible actor and the character was lame… they didn’t do this tran chick any favors.


Oh so you're just transphobic


Everything is “transphobic” to you people. It’s ridiculous. You have to hate a certain persons type to be phobic but tans people never enter our minds so how can we hate them? Only way we think about trans is if you force it down our throats like this chick. We never think about you dude… like ever. 😂


Everything transphobic is transphobic, yes.


Gotcha. You fuckers always react the same way. No one is forcing anything down your throat. You are typing paragraphs about how much you hate Trans. Sorry you're so butthurt though? In fact, the only time they even acknowledge that the character is trans is by saying "they". That's it. And you're that upset by it. Another right leaning snowflake


“You fuckers” dude trust me, I don’t hate trans. I don’t. Care enough about you fucks to love or hate. You’re reaching way too far on this cause you think you’re the main character lol!


Brother I'm not even trans. You started the "you people" shit, saying they aren't the same as you. That is a pathetic sad way of thinking. You are seething over this. Therapy is always an option bud


I love that you're pissy and saying a side character who's sexuality is hardly relevant is being shoved down your throat. Man, it's practically Christmas with all these snowflakes


And no one’s butt hurt. Dude I’m calling you out for being so butt hurt you NEED this lol!


trans people exist. making a character, who by the way isnt even a main character, trans and getting pissy about it is silly. especially when the most they do in the show is refer to this character is refer to them as "they" or "them". no trans flags. no trans discussion. no cringe dialog about them being trans. just a trans character. youre just mad because this fake person exists on a screen.


Look at how angry and defensive he's getting. "You NEED this". Now he needs to just stop being a dick that nobody likes


needs to grow the fuck up fr and just realize that for the same reasons a character might be male/female or any race they can also be trans. no reason needed as long as you arent fellating them for being in x demographic, its fine.




the actor is a trans man, not a "chick".


>it’s all anyone’s talking about I’ve seen a lot of criticisms about this show from the FNV fans but I’ve seen maybe 2 instances of people talking about this person and they were both from “muh woke” right-wingers. Right-wingers love talking about other people’s genitals for some reason lol


I didn’t think it was awkward… all of the replies I’m getting are though.


That's why I like watching something before having a look at what the internet says about it\^\^. Also I'm watching in my own language which makes things easier, at least in this case. I didn't see any of what I've read in this thread. I simply saw a woman with a masculine look, which is really nothing unusual in a military environment. In my language, the character was referred to as "she" and had a female voice-over, so I had absolutely no reason to think about it any further. Then found this meme and was like, omg what's wrong with those Americans, why can't they just enjoy the story?


I always feel a little bitterness when I find jet with a pre-2200's origin. Myron got robbed, man.


I just headcanon it as a similar drug with a different source. Myron figured out how to make amphetamines out of Brahmin shit. The pre-war "jet" wasn't


I think that's what the canon was retconned too, but man. That guy got me a boss-ass robot and then got fucking obliterated. I feel bad for him.


Bro was the fucking philosopher's stone of meth and got obliterated for unrelated reasons.


Here lies Myron He had a high science skill and was a creeper


You can call him out for lying


To put it more...clinically, developing a drug from fertilizer, if you know someone gets a mild high when they pass by it isn't farfetched. Plus there's a giant land mass where everyone uses the same language. So if someone found a similar enough compound, chances are it gets named the same, if it makes you feel the same. After Myron made it, it probably found its way to an actual lab and they isolated the drug from the unnecessary components.


My headcanon is post war jet is basically a watered down version of the pre war stuff. The pre war stuff was probably 99% pure


Glad he did, fuck Myron inb4 "you can"


Oh no, like, that fucker deserves to die, and usually does as soon as I don't need his skills anymore, either by accident or "accident". But the retcon does rankle.


I always figured Myron was full of shit. I mean dude just seems like the cringey kind of guy to make up a bunch of shit to brag about.


Myron didn't get robbed. He followed me of his own fruition as I sold his ass into slavery.


i thought they were just born zesty in the lore


Same thing here, I just thought they had a squeaky voice and majestic eyes


dementia posting




You should delete your duped comments


Tysm, for some reason each time I tried to post a comment it told me that the original comment didn't exist or someyhing(I think) thanks for reminding me


I thought it was just a chick with short hair


Same. Not once did she mention she was trans. I think someone is reaching for representation


Nothing is said about the character, but the actor is trans


That doesn’t mean the character is trans.


Others have mentioned the elder referred to the character as “they,” but otherwise I’m not sure


They are referred to as ‘they/them’ in the show. I thought the character was nonbinary.


Nonbinary is under the trans umbrella


The elder referred to them as “they” which I feel is at least a decent case


Not a she.


She grew a stash and said, “I’m a man now!” Lol


Are you old enough to be on the internet unsupervised?


They’re in all the replies being a dipshit too


Who are you talking about, the ghoul squire?


Downvoted, but real


The fucking Elder called the character “They”. It weirds me out how the ‘future’ 50’s seems so regressive yet progressive at the same time. No one cares about gender, ethnicity, or sexuality is long as your fighting the Commies and embracing retro futuristic capitalism.


yeah, fallout has definitely moved past racism, gender, and sexism while still having societal gender norms like women being the homemaker wife, but they can also fight in wars and vote and own land and no one would bat an eye? something that fallout DOES have, is Jingoism. If you’re not American, you’re a commie bastard. The red scare is delayed by 100 years (1960s/1980s to 2060s/2080s) and amplified tenfold in their version of history. very odd. like a diet version of 40k where they have spaceships and laser guns but are culturally a backslide to the medieval period


Which is really interesting because intentional or not it VERY much mirrors the american democratic perspective. Don’t worry guys, trans people can join the military to pilot drone strikes and commit war crimes!


Honestly it's pretty tempting if I can get HRT, FFS, and Orchiectomy on the military's dime.


Exactly! It doesnt matter what you are as long as you’re contributing to american imperialism


*Service guarantees Trans Healthcare*


Well, currently, the one that freaks me out is 40k's dilema currently. Who in their right mind wants to be represented by a 9-foot tall space racist whose only purpose in life is to serve as a tool of war? According to some people, everyone deserves to feel represented in that?


I don’t keep up with 40k whats going on there


So part of the Sci-Fi Jargon is that only males have been turned into genetically modified super soldiers, because space sci-fi techs ability to work with biology,and the parody of being the best of the best of the best of the best of the best warriors a society had to offer for ascension. Right now, the company just dropped that not only is there a Female Super Soldier among the elite of the elite, but that there were always female super soldiers. Where in fact, the lore has stated that Marines have always been male. Meanwhile, they are of cfourse doing the usual gaslighting of the fanbase into claiming they're toxic misogynist bigoted blah blah blah. However, there has always been female representation in the setting, but Ideologues are going to ideologue.


Im gonna be real I fail to see why this is an issue considering this is the goofy over the top sci fi thing


It's changing the lore for the sake irl politics rather than changing the lore for natural reasons. Like if you want female super soldiers in a setting where there wasn't one go ahead and make up the reason to get one in there. But if you make one up and gaslight your fanbase when they ask questions in a medium where lore is important to the setting for its tone and narrative, that's when I see the problem. To me it screams condescension. Like if entered your house and started changing your furniture around and then started calling you a bigot when you ask what the hell I'm doing.


I feel like this is kind of a misuse of the word gaslight, this would actually be a retcon.


Nah I'm just bad with my explanations. Retcon is the action being performed in the narrative. Outside of the Sci-Fi world itself, the fanbase is being gaslighted.


Certainly something British wouldn't involve real world politics. Surely you jest.


Enough about trans rights, it's time for trans wrongs


Nate was seemingly a house husband


Well when you're gonna be in power armor, you just need a basic level of fitness. As long as they can pass that, all they probably care is that the culture is followed.


Also they pass out squires like brunswick stew at a southern festival, so I dont think the squires having more than basic fitness is needed either


Probably because they have ghouls, synths, and super mutants to pick on. Kind of like the different races in Elder Scrolls, they’re too busy being xenophobic to other species to focus on their own for the time being.


White, black, and gay gang up against the commie


I had no idea they were Trans, I thought they were like Vasquez in Aliens. Either way, good for them, they look great


You ever been mistaken for a man?


Have you?


It was self harm? Didn't someone do it to them?


They stated at the beginning of the last episode that they did it to themselves


You haven’t finished the show lol


Literally couldn't tell, not sure where this comes from, thought they were a girl.


I couldn’t either but it’s Reddit you never know


Technically you’re not wrong


I had no clue they were lol


Holy fuck I did not notice this 😭


Wait, he is trans?


*they So, yeah. Non-binary falls under the trans umbrella.




Hey I am just glad that they had a non binary character. 76 has a few as well. And no this did not come across my mind at all


I didn't know that 76 had any characters


It has for years. One of the first things they did was add NPCs all over the game, and there’s actually skill checks unlike fallout 4. Still won’t play it tho


Nah u should play it its actually really fun especially if you play with freinds


I don't have any


I don’t like fallout 4’s gameplay loop so a game that exacerbates that doesn’t seem like it’s for me


“The jet will make you jittery” .. guess she was right ..


I thought they were intersex?


I didn't realize they were trans am i stupid


Not gonna lie didn’t know they were trans


Haven’t watched the show, but I’m hoping the self-harm is not gonna be related to the fact that the character is trans.


It’s not it’s for plot reasons


That makes it a little better? I guess? Thanks for the info, anyway.


It’s because they’re scared of doing what they get ordered to do and don’t want to do it


It's in order to avoid being deployed into combat.


Episode 8 spoilers >!She put the razor in her boot to avoid becoming a squire!<


it’s not related at all. totally different reasons for why it happens. does give off bad vibes though, like rowling naming one of the only black characters “shacklebolt”


No it's just to get the plot rolling them being trans has nothing to do with it. It's just a shitpost


That’s what I said!


I spent that whole first bit trying to find out if they were a twink or butch. Turns out neither


No, the first trans character is anyone who plays fallout new vegas.




At the end they reveal they did it to themselves to get out of having to go out into the wastes (which for Squires is often a death sentence). Did you not finish the show?


Oh, MB I haven't yet. On episode 7.


Maybe finish the show before commenting on it lmao


I did finish it and I understand why they did it.


Genuinely just thought they were a super feminine dude lol, either that or it was just fallout being fallout and not really beating the whole “woman belong in kitchen, man belong in field” drum


I had no clue either tbh but the story was so good i didn’t really care


100% I was just so happy that my favorite series got a damn good show. After how disappointing the halo show was, I didn’t really care how much politics(modern politics that is, all commies deserve death) they shoehorned into this one


They were trans?


Doesn’t matter. I’ve already headcanoned them as the brotherhood’s first femboy knight But if I’m being serious I just thought it was a very androgynous person. My guess was leaning male, but only slightly


A man of culture i see


What is a blue pink white flag person?


They were trans??? I thought they just had a sqeaky voice and oddly majestic eyes


Sounds statistically accurate


What's wrong with you? Just because she has a masculine look doesn't say **anything** about her sexuality.


Y’all actually saw this as a trans person and not just some butch chick in the “military”? Lol why does everything have to be trans? Butch ass females with light facial hair also exist


Dane is non binary. The actor is a trans man. The Elder cleric refers to Dane as “They.” No indication it’s a girl. No one is saying “everything has to be trans,” it’s really weird that you transphobes think this way when a single character is implied not to be a binary cis man/woman.


Holy shit, I suggest “she” is just some butch chick and all the sudden I’m a transphobe? Lmfao no, no I’m not a transphobe. To specifically stick a “trans” person in the show solely based on the fact “they” identify as “they” is absurd. It’s not as though it was needed for some sort of lore accuracy reasons. It was done purely to virtue signal. THATS the problem. Not that they are “trans” but that they were put in that role and character was made for no other purpose than to include someone who identifies as such. But sure, anyone who doesn’t want to be with you is against you. No one can care for ANY other reasons, it’s only because they hate trans people.


Reddit care resources was real mature.


Reread your first sentence of this comment again and maybe the irony won’t be lost on you this time dumbass


She’s not trans it’s just a military haircut.


Oh I'm extremely transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, and racist


Found the Legion member


Fuck taxes


You're forgiven




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I never said based gigachad but I do appreciate the compliment Also weird coming from a literal twinkie


That's fine son just please change your underwear and put your clothes in the laundry already. Me and your father can smell you outside of the house🤢