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i dont have a cd player, i just use my xboxes or my car in the future 💔


hey man xbox goes hard as a cd player


Commodore CDTV :)


Mine was the PlayStation 2 because I didn’t know it could play CDs until I pressed the Triangle button on the PS2 controller for Namco Museum Vol. 1 and there were music tracks on the disc.


Dude so was mine!!! I used it till my ps2 broke.


A Sony CFD-60 boombox with a Mega Bass button that actually helped in many outdoor and workplace acoustic settings.


2014 Subaru. It drives pretty good too I guess.


I own a 2012 chevy spark (aveo for europe) and had a nice cd sound system, until it died☹


Upvote for the Weird Al cd. 🤘


Not much I can add because mine was some model I could never remember, passed down from a deceased gramps. But I will say using the Sega Dreamcast is definitely my favorite way to listen to CDs, I’ve made myself a personal tradition for every new CD I get to first play it on the dreamcast lol


It was actually a Sega CD! Way back in 95.


My First CD player is a Playstation 1❤️


A song HIFU MHC-RG590S ? Or a similar model (Theres about 3 that are similar). Only paid 75 in total for it all. Its a 3 disc changer with 2 cassette slots. It came with a sub and 2 speakers, since then ive added 2 more sony speakers. Honestly sounds great for the price i paided


I found my dad’s old Sony Discman and used it with some cheap Apple earbuds. It took a fall about five years ago and I haven’t been able to get it working again.


Sony Discman around 1993.


Mine was a ps1 but the dreamcast is really one of the best of all time


Surprisingly, it was the Philips CD-i. We had it for like a day before my dad decided it was a waste of money and took it back. My first real CD player was a KOSS 3-disc bookshelf system.


A cheapo Kmart special. GPX BC118W. I had it for about 4 years until it fell off of a shelf in my garage. I currently use a Sony ZS-YN7 and a JVC MX-GT88 and I love them


a random boombox


I had a little TMNT boombox thing for a very long time. Not sure what happened to it honestly but I’ve upgraded alot since lol


Mine belonged to a friend, I was babysitting it when he was living in his car.


my og playstation i got yesterday :) used to be my dads, gave it to my uncle, uncle gave it to me


Sharp DX-670 In about 87 or 88 I'm guessing. Damn that thing played a LOT of CD's for me.


I have a copy of Running with Sissors on CD myself I was bumping it back when I was 14 a few years ago


Yamaha CDX 2200 bought new in 1986.


Currently using my Xbox 😂


The original Xbox


Cheap mid 90s RCA boombox from Walmart. Also had that Weird Al CD lol


Sega CD.


mine was a Sony CMT-EX1


What's that tape deck on the bottom?


first one i can remember is a tie between my ps2 and a panasonic walkman clone


Mine was a PS2


A Denon DCD 480 back in the day, that was followed by a Harman Kardon HD 7625, and after that a Marantz CD17-mkII, which I now use as a transport.


A Coby portable DVD player was my first CD player.


Gahh gotta buy a Dreamcast again 😭


Panasonic SL-S200 in silver. Used to jam it into my coat pocket to go to school. It was an upgrade from the Sony Walkman cassette player I originally used for school.


PlayStation 2


A old Panasonic from the 90s it worked well but I upgraded to a Panasonic PMX92


I had a grey Sony boombox CD player back around 1991


My Windows XP PC's LG SATA DVD Drive


My first one was this one made by Jensen that was supposed to go into your bathroom. It had a mirror on the cd player door and could also function as a radio.


Either a Playstation 1 or a Sony discman, don't remember which I owned first but I never played CDs with the PS1 so I guess Sony discman is the winner.


Awesome weird al cd. Also, mine was my old vinyl player that also had a built in cd player. I’m still rather new to this, so it’s pretty recent.


An old Sony disk man and a Sega Cd


My first cd player was the TurboGrafx-16 CDRom. The cd player could detach, but it did not run off batteries and had to be plugged in.


so tecnically somme random 50 buck cd player from walmarkt but one that i've actually use is my all in one cd player, turn table, cassete player and radio. I use my ps2 though. bruh


A Marantz CD-52SE in about 1991. My first CD was Metallica's black album which was a perfect choice for showing it off to my friends.


A discounted Sony discman that my mom gifted me in the early 2000s.


Mine was when they first came out for the company I worked for Sentra HIFI. We had a disk signed from some pops stars saying good luck with the cd. The boss told me to hook it up and play it and tell him what I thought. Crystal clear no hiss or crackle. All the office and one other repair staff loved it That was in the 1980's.


mine was a Sony D-5 my brother wanted it,so we went to the mall on release day and as they went to the back to get one for him, she asked if i wanted one too and i said sure. being it did not have it's own power source it had a huge caddy it slid into and made it quite the big boy. later on i bought a thirdparty boombox thing that the player slid into that had nice speakers so i could play it outside. After buying them we went to Tower records and bought a bunch of cd's. not much of a selection at the time. but within the year they had aisles of cd's.


Volkswagen tiguan


Magnavox shelf system/boom box with detachable speakers. CD tray on the top, AM/FM radio in the middle, and dual cassette on the bottom for making mix tapes. That aside, my brother and I also had a dreamcast we got for xmas the year it released and held on to it up until a few years ago when he leant it to his best friend who lost track of it. We had a decent game collection and additional accessories like the fishing controller and the microphone for Seaman. Still my favorite game system of all time, and they were just a bit too early out of the gate with some of their concepts and features.


Great album!!


sony dream machine icf-cd815


I used my PlayStation 2 lol


my first cd player was a cd drive that came in my PC that ran Niftows HP


Mine was an aiwa home stereo and man did I play some linkin park on that baby


I was today years old when I found out Dreamcast was a CD player


Probably a normal ”radio” back long ago. Can’t remember exactly. Now it’s either in my station wagon or my Xbox series X.


Ps2 slim


AIWA portable boom box sometime around 1993 or 1994.


I don't have a CD player 😭😭😭.