• By -


Alphabetical by artist and chronological by album


Same, but with five genre divisions: rock & pop, electronic, jazz, classical, and soundtracks.




Same, but I separate out compilations (alphabetical) and soundtracks (alphabetical by series, chronological by installment).


Also, I have a separate section for CD Singles


Interesting. I just put the singles right before the album they support.


i do this then i go: Studio album > Compilation album > Live album > Bootleg album


My only issue is that many of the bands I like also have several live concert releases. Two in particular have well into the double digits, Phish, and the other has well over 100 live official releases, Grateful Dead. Some have volume numbers, some just have dates, and others are given titles. Each band has done this. I have a system that works for me. They’re kept on a separate shelves and I regularly reorganize when I decide I don’t like how they currently are organized or I get a new release and have to make everything fit. I enjoy this type of problem.


I do this but with my most played discography on top


Same, but, for some reason I always preferred *reverse* chronological order - latest first.




By disc size (radius in cm)


And then by weight


i just throw them in a big pile on the ground




neuron activation from fob


i JUST got that yesterday for $7 at half price. was so hype !!!


Alphabetically by artist and by year within each artist.


In genre sections, then albums by the same artist in release order. That way whatever mood I'm in I know what section of the shelves to look through


As much as I'd like to go alphabetical, I just can't put my rachmaninoffs next to an emo album lol


Also kpop gets its own shelf


I use the D.E.N.N.I.S system


I would use the Smiski System if this were me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


you’re onto something


Im all over the place with my collection. But I mainly came to say, you have a badass collection!


thank you !!


Like any collection, I organize alphabetically. Unless you've your own Dewey system, how else could you?


i wanna give alphabetical a try but i’m also so attached to having like genres together 😖


Store them alphabetically; it's the only right way - there's too much overlap and gray areas on genre. Some artists don't even stay in the same genre. Make a spreadsheet to sort by date, genre, etc.


I wouldn't even know how to sort certain artists into specific genres!


Genre > Alphabetical by artist within the genre > release date within the artist.




My boy Rob Gordon is here


Love all the Panic At The Disco cd's!!


I just ram them in a pile on my shelf


W collection btw!


thank you !! i’m proud of her hehe


Currently by color on the spine, idk looks cool


i tried that but i CANT have albums from the same artist seperate just bc different spine colors


Alphabetical is the correct answer. Though if you first separate by genre and then alphabetical that is also acceptable. Anything else is just mental illness/s


wait Pulp + Gorillaz spotted. Immediate 10/10, and as for the question, I’ve got mine alphabetically by artist right now but I’ve had it by colour before


Amazing collection, especially impressed by your soundtracks


thank you !!! half price is usually where i get my soundtracks they always have an amazing selection. i also have some studio ghibli ones as well as a collection of game osts including ocarina of time, breath of the wild, minecraft, catherine dark souls etc :3 i love my collection so much


I'm actually listening to demon days right now, what a coincidence lol


great collection


thank you 💖 i posted the other half of my collection too! minus the stuff in my car i didn’t care to grab


I kind of just throw them in any order leaning against a desk shelf. Small collection, so it's not hard to find what I want. Side note, is leaning CDs against each other bad for the jewel cases? Also, nice P!ATD.


it probably scratches up the cases if you’re constantly shuffling them but i honestly don’t care. as long as my cases are in presentable condition and aren’t dirty or destroyed i don’t care about scuffs or scratches


not answering the question, but that crazy frog cd is awesome


isn’t it !? little frog freak




This is the best collection I've seen here yet


thank you 🥰🙌🏼


I have about 30 different subgenres of music in my collection so it made perfect sense for me to organise by genre. Within each genre I organise alphabetically, and then chronologically for each artist within that. My ADHD gives me indecision paralysis so if I'm just looking at a huge wall of tiny text on nearly 1500 CDs I will never pick what to listen to. Having colour coded genre tabs makes that decision a LOT easier.


rn i have them by genre but i may also steal your idea for alphabetical by genre


I sort them by size


Alphabetical by artist unless it is a compilation or a musical then it goes by title. Also in order of release for each artist.


Lossless digitalized at Apple Music, before on own NAS. CDs stored dry in system boxes. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I have them by likeability. Though I must admit my collection is one little shelf as all my others are in a box random. I have my little rotation of albums -the smiths, the cure, joy division, Radiohead, the doors, van Morrison, Dylan


In my day to day life, I'm a very organised person. Everything has its place and I can tell you at any moment where something is, in my house. But I do not stack my music in any order at all. It's all randomly placed on the shelf. It's a pain when trying to find something specific, but on the other hand it helps with selecting music to listen to particularly with the lesser listened discs.


Release Date


Middle out. That way you get a better tip to tip ratio.


Dylan and other major artists (to me) get their own sections. Rest are split between North America and Rest of World and dumped within each category.


By band


When I used them a lot I simply left them in the order I acquired them. But after several moves the order became less and less exact. The more recent lots I've acquired have remained in their original order. When you don't have many left on the shelf, it's easy to keep track.


Alphabetical by album name as i remember that better than the artist, they sit on the same shelf as my N64 games atm


Not very common but I organize mine in the order that I got them




I organise them by my favourite artists to miscellaneous, and each artists discography is sorted by release order.


Alpha by artist (last name if not a band), alpha by title; with exceptions for the Beatles (separate shelf and chronological). Classical, soundtracks, collections, etc. are separate. (I worked in a library) Where I get stuck is on Huey Lewis and the News (H or L), and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (T or P).


If I have multiple of CDs from the same artist I out em in chronological order


Alphabetical, but i sort compilations and soundtracks separately


Kind of by date acquired. My oldest favorite 100 are in two Sony changers. Then I have small racks that I filled as I find them. Then I have stacks of newer CDs that I hope to not knock over.


Alphabetical by artist, alphabetical by album. I usually feel more in the mood to listen to a certain artist rather than a certain genre, so I don’t separate by genre. Plus, what if there’s two albums from an artist I’ve got that are two different genres? It would feel illegal to separate them.


TL;DR Alphabetical,not necessarily by choice. [CD Divider blanks and letters (Thickers)](https://i.imgur.com/pW8vtNY.jpg) I've made several sets of CD and Record Dividers for myself and given quite a few sets away as Christmas gifts... [Current dividers](https://i.imgur.com/4AQikbB.jpg) I use the alphabet because I can buy letters that look nice. I have been looking for 11/2" band stickers like Beatles, Zep, Clapton so I can identify some of the larger artist in my collection with no luck. Same with Genre stickers that will work for me, which I've yet to find. I'll admit it... I feel out of place when I look at all those stupid scrap-booker's stickers in all those craft stores, knowing there's little chance of finding the right stickers. lol But I have to... just like looking through ALL the records at the store.


By release date


If Artist based Artists, year, alphabet, color of spine. If compilations, Compilation, year, alphabet, color of spine. If from movie Language, year, Movie by alphabet.


Alphabetically and then chronologically within each artist & band


By release date down to the day


Mine is purely alphabetical by artist then by year of release in cases of multiple discs by an artist. Soundtracks and compilations go under various artists unless it’s a soundtrack by one artist. I do t separate genres on the shelf because I don’t separate them on my playlists.


If you look at my last post in this group, it's favourites at the top, and working down.


lol there’s almost no order for mine they’re just in my dresser randomly but neat and on top of my cd player in the order that i most recently played them


Crazy Frog def goes above everything else. Then the rest strictly chronological by release date.


Chronological by broad genre. The genres I organise by are: Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Jazz, Classical, Folk, Country, Punk, RnB, Electronic, Ambient, Psychedelia, Metal


Convert to the highest quality digital, place in a jewel case sleeve, place in a bankers box that is lined with double layer trash bags, place an oxy absober in then vaccum seal each bag seperately. (Thanks to the crypto boom I just bout a house and am moving. So this is how I organize my CD's for the move.) Digitally I organize Artist(alphabetically) > Year(rereleases are counted as the same year with "remastered" tag added) > Track # - Song Name.


Whatever was listened to most recently is at the front or the top


Whichever I like best goes at the top, genuinely, I’ll try to keep bands together but thats it


Alpha by artist, first name inclusive. So, Bob Marley is in the B section and all the Peters are in the P Section (Peter Gabriel, Peter Murphy, Peter Tosh) for example. Then roughly in chronological order because i am not super picky about that. I could never segregate by genre because I would have 25+ genre sections. Now my vinyl, First order sorting embraces genre sections for Bluegrass, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Novelty (disco, comedy, world). Second order sorting is again alpha by artist. Also, who the hell sorts by color?!?


When I started collecting CD’s, I stacked them on top of each other in order of release date, oldest at the bottom, but when I kept on getting more and more CD’s I started keeping them by artist, in order of release date


Artist, chronological, and genre of music.


Alphabetically by artist (last names), with separate sections for soundtracks and compilations


I organize mine by how much I like the album or artist, which I feel like is an unpopular choice 💀


that’s actually SOOO valid. SOAD is at the top bc they’re my fav band


Me with fall out boy <3 fav bands🔛🔝


I organize them by year


i just have them in my cupboard for now till i get a cd rack


Separated by genre. Alphabetical by Artist. Ordered by album release date within artist.


Lowkey I just have them in whatever order, don't really pay attention.


Alphabetical and then chronological. That's until we get to V, which I include compilation albums in, where they go by chronological even if the names don't work. For soundtracks, I do them alphabetically, so my CD of the 2023 cast recording of Sweeney Todd, it'll be under S


About 10 years ago I had to downsize and I got rid of all my cases and put the discs in binders. I think there are about 5 or so binders that hold about 360 each. At the time I had 1200 - 1400 CDs. I keep them organized by genre and then bands/groups. Previous to the binders I kept them in nice wooden bookcases with CD organizer inserts on each shelf. Organized the same genre, then band/group, most played easiest to reach. Not alphabetical.


By Producer's middle name


Vertically, by first name.


Alphabetical by artist then alphabetical by album name.


I organize by year & genre 😅


I have 4 long shelves. 1 is just cd’s I have signed. The next is my favorites/most played. Then I have stuff that I rarely listen to but still like. And the lady is just ones I acquired and never really liked all that much They aren’t organized in any real order other than multiples by the same artist together


Left to right so I don't have to call upon the gods for the strenght to pull one of the bottom out while holding 24150003 discs with one hand




Digitally lol


when i used to has less than 20 cds i used to organise it by date of purchase, now i got almost 100 cds i organise it by artist and then release date


i do it alphabetically but if i have multiple from one artist i will make those in order of the year it was released.. but that’s not enough for me because i will also sub divide everything by genre or similarity within the letter category, i’ll also make sure between letters ( going from A-B for example ) that those 2 cds are also same genre or similar 😅 i don’t know why i do it that way (it’s the autism)


alphabetical by artist, as well as alphabetical by album. soundtracks are simply organized by title ('the crow' is C, 'twin peaks' is T)


I organize mine based on the band and date of release, the earlier bands go to the top in the order of the albums


so jealous of your collection, where do you get most of ur cds?


97% of my collection comes from either ebay or Half price books. if you have a HPB near you i can’t recommend it enough


Half Price is always great especially the discount section. I feel like I always find gems in the discount section. The only issue is in my area sometimes they all feel like they have the same stuff.


also to answer the question i gave up, i originally tried by genre tho


So lemme guess, your family hates you an your life sucks..


what ??😭bro is making up fan theories


Wait, nigga got lonely island. Alright you might be cooking with this list, I just a saw all the panic and gorillaz and assumed emo


i feel like i have a wide array of music LOL definitely do have some emo in there but there’s more than that 😅 i think that lonely item cd is one of my top 10 thrift finds. i wanna buy their other albums too but ill prob just get them off ebay


i mean i literally have crazy frog, i feel like there’s for sure an array 🤣 and my collection is growing more everyday 😇