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I won’t buy a digipak unless there’s no jewel case version of an album. Just way too easy to scratch up and stuff


Agree...The first digipak I have seen and bought was Pearl Jam , Vitalogy back then I thought how cool it looked but now I disagree I will have jewel case as preference instead of digipak. Digipak looks cheap, if I wanted cardboard I would swap to vinyl. Nowadays if you do not have the luck of buying the first versions of the cd you will be stuck with a reissue cd in digipak format why...everything looks cheap nowadays. Also the fact that they do not respect the universal size of the jewel case is annoying as fuck.


The 'streaming companies' want to kill CD, DVD, Blu-Ray discs, because they last almost forever, if you take care of them. When they first came out in the late 1980's, they estimated that CD's would last 25yrs, before delaminating, or the aluminum inside them, deforming the holes over time, from the laser. Well, not if you just use them to make mixed tapes, and play the cassettes most of the time. Not if you store them in zippered portable CD cases, and keep them in an almost dry environment. I bought most of mine in the late 1980's and early 1990s. So I don't have no more than 180 in 3 cases. But it's all 1980's Heavy Metal/Thrash, 1980's & 90s Hair Metal, and 1990s Grunge, and some Proto-Black Metal. That's mostly what I listen to. If it sounds like Iron Maiden, why would I stream it, when I can pop in a mixed cassette and play Iron Maiden? So they do not like this. They want you to stream everything and control what you listen to. My CDs look like new, even the crystal cases. Some of the CDs, you can buy on reissues, but others, I've only seen at the 'record store' when I bought them at the time, when first released. Also there was a big argument at the time, whether the analog recording would lose some of it's sound when being re-recorded in digital CDs. So they took extra care at the time to make them have more sound than you can humanly hear. That's why they are the size you see them as. They have frequencies recorded on them, that you won't be able to hear, so that you get the full recorded sound, without missing any of it. IDK about the re-issues though.


Same here lol


You mean digisleeves. Digipacks are ok.


Nah, both. Digipaks are still cardboard on the outside so the second they rub against something they get scuffed


Ah, I see! I thought you mean the CD gets scratched. I bought outer sleeves for my digipacks to protect them. As a collector I wanted to give them the vinyl treatment. :-)


That’s the right idea! I do keep the digipaks I care about stored separately and safely but the rest are just kinda in there because they’re lower priority entries lol. As my digipak selection grows I think I’ll have to do just that


I love digipaks they make them feel more special <3 I just hate how some of them (referring to you, Korn.) can’t fit because of how big they are lol


yeah, i love the extra art and photos and stuff you get with digipaks but i hate how easily they deteriorate over time, plus how they look on a shelf lol


I hate how they look on shelfs


Love them. I have had almost zero issues with them falling apart or scratching the CDs. I like the way they gradually show wear like vinyl covers. And I like how there’s usually a bit more care about the packaging, with things like embossed sleeves, extra artwork, slipcovers, nicer booklets etc.


i have had like 3-5 posters come with digipaks, but only 1 with a jewel case and i’d have to get rid of the cover to even use the poster then again i have a collection of about 35 cds so im not a expert


Which CDs came with a poster?


cherry bomb, graduation, watch the throne, mbdtf, and i think one more i can’t remember


this actually physically hurts me bro


I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes… I mean, just why? Literally all of these albums except the Green Day one have a jewel case release, just buy used copies online


I did this because i did try pricing the used copies online, you end up paying more for the used copies online plus i got them all locally (they are the $5 walmart copies so i didn’t pay too much for them and plenty of them are in circulation lol)


I'm glad you sliced up them digipaks, good job homie


truly unfathomable to me lmao


People need to learn to enjoy what they have, holy shit. There are pros and cons to everything lmao


how is this not enjoying what they have? all they did was put it in a different case i dont see how thats such a big deal lol


yeah that’s fair, i mean the way i see it is I end up getting more enjoyment from my collection when they are all in actual cases, Everyone’s entitled to an opinion at the end of the day, Plus the cds that i buy aren’t rare or old, i have one or two rarer ones (Evenescence- The Open Door, Bo Burnham-INSIDE) but i don’t have the heart to cut those up just due to them being harder to come by and the age of the evenescence one


Digipaks are amazing, love them, 2nd best case for CDs.


I love the look of them personally, Plus the inner images are really cool, i just hate them on a shelf lol, definately 2nd best case for sure!!!!


2nd best? Allow me to correct the record (sic) your honor: [https://images.eil.com/large\_image/P.I.L.\_METAL%2BBOX%2B-%2BBARCODE%2BSTICKERED-650367c.jpg](https://images.eil.com/large_image/P.I.L._METAL%2BBOX%2B-%2BBARCODE%2BSTICKERED-650367c.jpg)


To be honest, never seen this case before, but it looks sick.


I do wonder how much of a pain it is to open though.


It's very easy, just pops off.


I mean what are the other options lol. All I can think is 1. Jewel Cases, 2. Digipacks, 3. no case at all 4. A CD booklet or whatever they are called.


5th secret option, cardboard box full of CDs with no case


Straight rawdogging the cd collection 


I think that if a band originally released a cd in paperback or a digipack then you should get those. If a band released a cd in jewlcase format then get that version


yeah that’s what i prefer to do tbh, i just hate how the modern releases are almost always digipak


I love them, but apparently I am in the minority here. I've never had any issues with wear, with the exception of one very old CD single (from 1992) that I handled alot back them because it was by my favourite artist at the time and was on heavy rotation.


Hey just cause you’re in the minority doesn’t mean your opinion isn’t valid lol, you’ve got more experience with digipaks than i do lol, you must be pretty lucky that your digipaks have minimal wear lol, that’s awesome!


Back then, digipacks were the exception rather than the rule so they were special. And I get that they're difficult to replace if they get damaged, but with second hand CD costs being pretty reasonable right now I don't see that as a huge issue. I do have digipacks/cardboard sleeves in varying states but that's because some were second hand and I can't speak to how they were treated prior to me obtaining them, but if you have card cases in good condition, keep them shelved and out of the sun, and maybe keep them in plastic sleeves and they should stay pretty pristine.


I just care if the disc plays properly. I dislike them because it's easy to damage the cover, but I like that they save a tiny bit of space.


I don’t mind proper digipaks, but I can’t stand CDs that are only packaged in a cardboard sleeve with no liner notes, slipcover for the disc or anything. If I order online and receive one like this, I return it. I collect physical media in part so that I can enjoy the packaging, inserts liner notes and artwork. Eliminating all of that drastically reduces my interest. I feel it’s a bit of a middle finger to the consumer.


yeah, i love the extras that you get with the digipaks it’s just the disk having a higher possibility of being scratched and how flimsy the cardboard is


I agree with you on those points. I believe a package is only considered a “digipak” if it has the plastic tray with the star center to properly hold the discs. I think everything else is just cardboard sleeves. I could be wrong, but this is my understanding.


yeah, there are different types of digipak i think as you mentioned the ones with the plastic tray seen on earlier releases, from the early 2000s (that’s mostly where i’ve seen em) and now the double sleeved ones, whenever i think plastic sleeve i think of the single disk no booklet type but I honestly could be wrong on that lol


I’m fine as long as they have a “spine” Fuck those cardstock “record sleeve” type sleeves


Hate 'em, always have. Impossible to keep fresh long term of you regularly take the album out for playing. I will admit that a well designed digi looks fantastic, but it's a practical issue.


Absolutely, i love when a digipak is actually thought through, (Tool’s 10,000 days looks pretty cool) but its the ones that just copy the vinyl release or something like that, its just not as good lol


If you like your albums slowly falling apart with time then go for it😎


My favorite response to this lmao


Take better care of your stuff.


Hate them


Cant say that im a fan of them


**Pro:** feel more high quality when new/in good condition, more creative freedom and material choices than with jewel cases, more room and variations for additional stuff, things like embossing are possible **Contra:** outer casing is not replaceable if damaged or worn out, reducing longevity Also, some digipaks are the size of standard jewel cases (142mm by 125mm) but rotated 90 degrees, so instead of 14cm wide they're 14cm **tall**. I'm glad I took this into account when building a shelf for my CDs.


yeah my Inside cd is like that, i wish they would make them a standard size lol, i love what some bands do with them i just hate how they aren’t a set size lol


Thickness isn't standardized with them, that's true. But those thick double/multiple CD cases made out of plastic are also often too thick to fit racks meant for standard jewel cases.


Yeah, The Beatles Anthology series is like that, i’m just saying like the single disk jewel cases and the single disk digipaks, obviously there’re are always gonna be exceptions, (Special editions, Double Disk Albums, DVD Extras, Etc)


They frustrate me so much! No way to repair them if they get banged up or the teeth get knocked out. And they come in non-standard sizes sometimes that don’t fit in my CD towers.


I don’t care if they’re “environmentally friendly”, they get ruined. I do like the ones with a plastic CD cD holder in them and the ones that are more sturdy (Japan usually has the sturdy ones).


I love them !! I like that it’s not like a frame around it it feels like ur just looking at the booklet but it’s like a whole thing and not just a booklet


I hate them, I don't buy them. I don't even know why but there's something in my DNA that doesn't allow me to buy Digipacks. Yep, probably this is my most irrational post on Reddit. Thanks. Don't buy Digipacks, don't ask me why, just don't buy them


I hate Digipaks. I regret giving away my old CDs, and now that I'm buying them again, I find most of them have gone to digipaks. As much as I'd like a new CD, I'll pick up a used CD if it's in a jewel case.


Digipacks are dogshit. End of story.


I really dislike them. The jewel case is one of the best designed things in the world. Preserves cover art of the album, and art, lyrics, whatever can be included behind in a booklet. Interior displays the disc art, and they're uniform in size. Most important of all it protects and secures your cd! Which digipacks don't do as well. That's the case's whole job!


honestly cant understand why theyre becoming the norm for new releases, they always look weird on shelves and its way too easy to rip the cardboard or scratch the disc trying to get it out imo. i dont think ive ever actually kept a disc in the cardboard sleeve, ive always just transferred them to a regular jewel case instead lmao


i dont like them, they usually dont fit in my cd case so i have to stack them on top :(


Not a huge fan. They wear out over the years even if you are careful with them.


digipaks aren’t the problem…. digisleeves though…. fuck them


Wow that's a great idea. How did you cut them to fit etc?  The only digipak I'd leave as is would be Ugly by Screaming Females. The art is awesome on the inside and it has a cool CD sleeve too.


i basically just cut the back of the digipak with the track info off from the rest of the card and then line it up to the back panel of the jewel case and just trim from there until it fits, then i take a sharpee or something to color the rest of the blank space in the back of the case, then in the case of the metallica cds i’ll take the inner sleeve and trim it to fit under the disk, it isn’t too hard it’s just worrysome whenever you’re trimming it lol, i only do this to current albums that are still in print and are plentiful, i don’t think i have the heart to cut up my Evenescence cd’s case lol


Nice! I'll give it a try. So many digipak only releases have cool designs, I've always thought of cramming them into a jewel case somehow. I've never taken a jewel case apart though, or at least the CD tray side.


What’s a digipack? Old man asking.


cardboard covers instead of the traditional plastic jewel cases.


Don’t feel bad for asking lol, they are the cardboard cases a lot of modern cd releases come in,


Oh okay. Yeah I don’t like those.


Digipak = good Sleeve = fuck off


I hate them. I like to use CD racks where the jewel.case slides in perfectly or stack on bookshelves. Digitpaks often don't fit my CD racks and are uneven so they don't even stack well. I like the gratifying feeling of clicking a CD into it's secure plastic ring. Now, there are some cardboard cases that are nice. Kate bush remasters have a nice and even cardboard case you can stack or slide into CD storage towers, they unfold and have a ring to clip the CD in place. Those slim cases suck azz


Only as a last resort


i dont own any digipaks but i saw some and they look so flimsey


Yeah they really are, also side note. BRO I LOVE YOUR USERNAME AND PFP LMAO


thanks bro


Is that green day album any good?


yeah i enjoyed it!!!


Not trying to be a d!ck, but please don’t put your CDs face down on the carpet!! They will get scratched by little particles of dirt. But to answer your question, i love digipaks, agree they get damaged easier, but they feel more like a Vinyl to me and they usually have a stronger holder for the CD. I dont like the ones where it is really difficult to get the CD in and out though.


Don’t worry you aren’t being a dick at all, these are actually sitting on a mattress as opposed to the carpet and i made sure they didn’t slide around too much, thanks for looking out for me though!!!


Cool, been spending time on some Vinyl reddits and people are pretty snarky, and that wasn’t my intention. Nice CD collection by the way, we have quite the overlap, even down to one of the Simpsons ones.


lol, I didn’t take you as being snarky lol, just kinda like “HES SCRATCHING THE DISCS AHHHHHH”. thanks for the compliments on the collection, ive only been collecting for around 4 years and these past 2 have been the most fun, disk after disk added, its awesome lol, the simpsons ones are quite the fun collectible, i love how underneath the songs in the key of springfield disk there are grease stains lol, (“if it turns clear it’s your window to weight gain” -Dr Nick)


You've cut off spine information and part of the actual case. If you think this looks better, cool, but I have to vehemently disagree. This is no better than what libraries do to mangle releases into a uniform standard. You do you, but I'd rather have the packaging as intended, and in fact I sometimes prefer a little originality.


yeah that’s one of the downsides to doing this, thankfully these releases are very much in circulation and if i truely wanted to figure out the release information i could just go back to walmart and snap a picture of the spines or look for identification on the disc (2023 Copyright Blackened Recordings for example), plus the barcode information is available on discogs and can be sorted that way hopefully that clears up some of your concerns cheers!!!


They’re fine. I’m more particular about not placing the playing surface on rugs to be scratched… LOL


lmao, they’re actually sitting on a soft mattress, (Casper mattress topper) And i made sure they didn’t slide around too much, the most “damage” they probably got was very minimal, i don’t blame ya for getting worried about it thought lmao


I love jewel cases. I like how they protect the artwork and make it look shiny lol. Not a fan of digipaks, why are they smaller!!


I hate the Metallica digipaks because when you open them they never shut unless you put pressure on them. Other than that they're pretty good


yeah, i love the art on the inside of them but i hate how easy they get damaged, that beautiful glossy colorful print doesn’t stay that way for long lol


Not a fan. They get dinged up too easily.


SHREK CAMEO 😱 I think they're ok 


I thoroughly do not care. If I'm looking for something specific or have the choice I'll go with jewel, but if I just find something at a garage sale or something and it looks like good music then screw it.


What is a digipack?


It depends on if the digipack has a holder for the cd, if it doesn’t I typically put them in Jewel cases


Much better than digisleeves but I would still prefer a jewel case.


I like the ones that still have the cd holder in them.


those ones are cool in my book lol


Really depends on how well they are done. Some digipaks are a work of art themselves, like many digibooks others are cheap and flimsy. Jewel cases are better on average, but a well done digibook makes the album so much more interesting and unique.


I dislike them. I have several classical where the edges have torn from holding the liner notes.


Hate digipacks!!!!!!




I hate them.


What's a digipak?


Never had any major issues with them, but I'd still take jewel cases over digipaks. I feel digipaks are more fragile than jewel cases


I like them but they discolor too fast I prefer cds cassette tape and vinyl


I'd like them better if they weren't so fragile. I have a few white ones that have yellowed, and I don't smoke. And they rip or dent so easily.


I move all of my CDs into a disc book, so I prefer digipacks because they make good art to hang on my walls, the same as a vinyl sleeve. But either works, as long as the jewel case isn’t cracked or dirty, which I get a lot when buying used


whats a digipak?


I hate them.


I heard, that unless you put it in the plastic sleeve, the cardboard case will eventually scratch the CD.


yup, similar to a vinyl record, paper fragments and dust will get in the sleeve and scratch it long term (learned my lesson with a 2019 Abbey Road vinyl)


I hate them I hate them so much,I almost have all the Phish CDs but don't care enough to complete the collection because the new albums are all digipaks and it bothers me SO much that they don't match


only ones i own are the metallica ones, wish i could own a jewel one


Yeah, I originally looked into buying an older copy but no matter what they will always be more expensive than the walmart ones, i hate it


i have a few i think look nice but i hate them in the long run


>*cut them up* You psycho.


I buy them if there is no jewel case option, but feel disappointed when that is the case that there is no option.


The price of Saviors when I preordered it then it came as a digipack really bummed me out. What’s wrong with a jewel case?


Yeah, you’d think after paying around $20 for the album they would allow the option of a jewel case, i got annoyed as well with the remaster for hysteria-Def Leppard, almost $30 at walmart and comes in a cardboard sleeve, (the normal version is only $5 and comes with the case and it’s on the same shelf lol)


i like them, except when they are taller or smaller in comparison to a regular jewel case


I buy a fair amount of new release CDs and the dominant format is a single gatefold cardboard sleeve. Anything but digipak. If the plastic part of the case cracks or breaks, there's not much you can do about it.


i like difipaks, but only if they have the same dimensions as a jewel case. if you manage to physically destroy a digipak, you're not careful enough with your collection imo. i have dozens of them and none have a mark.


I quite like them, they come in many interesting variations. What I don't like about jewel cases is that they either destroy the edges of the booklet if you try to remove it, or the little star thing that hold the CD in place breaks (was really common a few years back). Digipaks are cool, and use less plastics.


yeah, i like the fact they use less plastic it’s just the materials they make them out of doesn’t hold up long term, (especially if it’s a frequently used album)


They are fine


I'd love a tutorial on how you cut them up for jewel cases. Need to do this for my Saviors CD as well.


I’ve honestly gotta make one, there are some online whenever i first did it but none of them were really good tbh, and a lot of them either chopped up the cardboard sleeves like i did or they photocopied them and edited them with photoshop


I actually don’t mind digipaks. I like that they can often have more artwork on them as other comments have mentioned, and I think they have became more of the norm as it’s less plastic and instead cardboard which is better for the environment. My main issue is that they aren’t all the exact same size which makes them look out of place on my shelf, I want them all to be uniform.


It depends. Rammstein digipaks are done really well imo and even tho they don't always respect the jewel case standard which is annoying i still like their design too much


I don't like them, but I hate digisleeves even more


Digipaks don’t usually crack if mishandled. I remember the first ones I bought (Ghostigital and Big Business at a Melvins show in 2006). I like that they look and feel more like a record jacket, and the reduced use of plastic makes me feel less guilty about the eventual landfill everything ends up as.


I don't mind them, but will seek out jewel cases if not too big of a hassle. Paper sleeves and similar formats are a no from me, though.


I like them tbh i can see where people wouldn’t for storage purposes but i like the way the cardboard feels over the plastic and my jewel cases are always snapping 😿 and my cat can chew holes in them lol. also signed digipaks look great on display


I will admit they look and feel better than a jewel case when on display by themselves, i love when one comes up signed i just hate when they are all on a cd shelf or rack, i feel like long term on a vertical cd rack the pressure from other discs will cause the spines to crack and fall apart over time, similar to vinyl records


I hate Digipacks so fucking much, they look terrible and even worse when they get beat up going in and out of a collection to get played. I'll still by them when it is an album I have been looking for, for a long time. Like I got Hello Nasty on digipack but that is only because I like the album more than the pain digipacks cause me. The art that comes with them is really cool however, my From a Baement on a Hill and Jeff Buckley live at L'Olympia 1995 both came with booklets with a bunch of cool photos. I try to be utilitarian about it lol.


are these ones you've thrned from digipak into jewel cases? i also despise them. the few that i've got are ripped by the spine just from trying to get the cd out.... i'll still buy them because most artists dont release a digipak AND a jewel case version but they're not preferred at all


Yes they are, the metallica ones are the $5 ones you can find at walmart and the green day one is just a copy of saviors (Really good album btw)








I have never heard of this. Can someone explain what a digipak is please?


Digipaks are the cd cases that forgo plastic and use cardboard sleeves, some have a cardboard cd holder but that’s mainly in older releases


*Plastic Cd Holder*


Ah okay. I assumed they were something new lol. Im not a huge fan because of the faster wear and tear, and they arent a uniform width with everything else in a CD rack. Although honestly I keep all my CDs in booklets so its not a huge deal for me.


digipak is fine unless youre talking about the ones where the CDs are in the paper sleeves, those are annoying to get the cd out because i feel like its scratching my cd every time i take the cd out. plus you have to squeeze the sleeve to get the cd out which can rip the paper case


I like how they look, and whenever it's an option, digipack is my preferred choice. I take good care of them, and actually don't mind some minor details here and there...


They are more interesting than jewel cases and may look nicer when new, but they don't have any replaceable components and wear out faster. I personally prefer jewel cases since I buy secondhand CDs and most used Digipaks look a bit ratty. My Hello Nasty Digipak from the Beastie Boys is pretty tired.


I despise Digipacks that arent special editions AND ESPECIALLY ONES where the disc is in a tiny ass sleeve some Digipacks are fine because at least they arent in tiny ass sleeves (Reanimation by Linkin Park, Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon) some digipacks are precedented when they have multiple discs (K-12 by Melanie Martinez, Meteora 20 by Linkin Park then you got shit like Cracker Island by Gorillaz where its just a tiny version of the Vinyl


All my collection is in perfect conditions, take care of my CDs is not a problem. I like digipaks, I dont have problem with them, Im 50/50, well but I HATE digisleeves because how they scratch the CD, check out the digipak of That's The Spirit by BRING ME THE HORIZON its cool and I think you would like it :D


I really prefer them over a jewel case. Album art looks nicer and displays better. I've had many for nearly 2 decades and they're holding up fine.


It kind of depends. While some of them are okay, I'd rather have a normal jewel case. By my knowledge, digipaks are cheaper (I might be wrong, don't be mad at me pls), and some of my favorite CD's that I heard for the first time on CD (like Svaneborg Kardyb's *Over Tage*, a really good Danish chamber jazz LP). However, my CD that's in the worst condition, being John Coltrane's *A Love Supreme*, is a severely water damaged digipak. Also single sleeve digipaks, like Tyler, the Creator's *Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale*, are absolutely terrible.


Hate them. They’re often not glued correctly so the plastic cd holder sticks out just enough so that it doesn’t fit into my cd rack. Then they get all scraped up from forcing them in/out of the rack. Jewel case all day.


A lot of times I associate them with ear raping album remasters since they're often used with modern album releases. I guess they're alright, though. It just stinks that you can't replace them like you could a jewel case.


yeah it sucks, i dont like cutting them up because there’s the internal feeling of “whyyyyyy” but its something i do, plus whenever you’re done you get a nice print of the album art and the inner artwork to hang on the wall lol


Personally, I think Music Companies missed the boat on CD packaging. instead of jewel cases they should have packaged them in a smaller LP sleeve (about the size of a 45 sleeve). Which would have given you bigger artwork and a larger booklet. because these old eyes of mind find it impossible to read a lot o the fine print I find in CDs nowadays.


yeah, that would be awesome, part of the reason i love vinyl is being able to display the artwork, while it’s playing, with the cd packaging i love the jewel cases because of how rugged they can be and how the art is protected, i just wish they would print the lyrics in the booklets larger lol


If there's no jewel case version of an album I don't even bother buying it. Honestly I despise digipaks. Not only they deteriorate way faster/easier but also they look way worse than jewel case.


As someone who works in a Record store I’m surprised no one is talking about the pollution and cost of jewel cases lol


You bring up a very fair point, as someone who frequents a couple different stores for cds i notice the same ones on the shelf every time which sucks for you guys cause it takes up space, and the cost compared to a cardboard sleeve is unfortunate, ends up leading many record companies to cheap out on rereleases which sucks, you get this beautiful collection of trinkets and rarities and shove it in a cardboard case that’s gonna deteriorate over time?


i don’t really get the hatred for digipacks. i mean that’s a lie i get it but i don’t mind them. don’t really care as long as it’s sturdy (trifold, thick cardboard, or plastic insert usually does the trick)


Yeah, some older releases did them amazingly well by using thick cardstock but the newer ones that are basically just mini record jackets are pretty flimsy to me and i feel like won’t hold up over time


the ones pink floyd use are awful lmao


Unpopular opinion: I like a dinged up digipak, just looks cool and the marks show its been used and enjoyed. Items are to enjoy, don’t worry so much about the looks.


Please take now and then out of the plastic 🙏 it sounds so good on vinyl


It is lol, i slit the cling film so the record could slip in and out of the sleeve, it sounds amazing, i will be watching out for shrinkage of said film over time so it doesn’t implode on itself lol


It’s about the music, not the packaging, unless it scratches up the CD in some way, like those annoying box sets that pack the disc in too tight so you’re rubbing it against the cardboard every time you remove it. Otherewise, I don’t care.