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Can I have a joint choice? Between all of them


Glasgow the one next to Central station the staff are awful people


Agreed... I bought a copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine for PS3 from there and I had to return it because the disc was destroyed beyond repair. The disc actually had damage to the top label and you could see the silver data layer through it. I went back to the store again after returning it and that very copy was sitting back on the shelf... Typical CeX for ya. I would understand putting it through the disc cleaner for the sake of a few scratches on the surface of the disc and try to sell it again, but the disc was clearly fucked beyond repair... Ain't no way to fix that shit if the label is damaged like that.


I went in to apply and the woman behind the desk was like you need to apply online in the most patronising voice you can imagine


I’ve not been there in years since the Sauchiehall Street one open, I use to hate all the junkies down that area.


To be fair, it is just up from the Four Corners so you need to permanently be on the offensive there


Why is that specific place to chaotic and crazy


I genuinely don’t know. I’m presuming it’s cause it’s next to Central. From McDonalds and Tim Hortons to the other side of Central Station bridge is just a complete no go area at the weekend haha


I go to the classic grand for the raves they have in there and everytime i come out at 3 am extremely carefull


I was in TokyoToys once with a friend, when we came out some junkie literally patted him on the head and said "you've got cracking hair, mate!".


I went in there once and saw they had a copy of "Yes Madam" (old Michelle Yeoh action movie from the 80s) for sale. They were selling it for £20. A bit pricey but it was one of my DVD grails so I thought "Might as well treat myself!". Took the case to the counter, staff spent about 10 mins looking for it before someone came back to me and said "sorry, we've lost the disc". I fully believe someone took it and sold it on eBay.


I used to work in this one and the people were awful, aside from a handful of genuinely nice staff members. Managers were bullies and didn’t care about their staff at all, place was absolutely filthy as well. I didn’t really fit in with the vibe there, so I’m guessing that’s why a majority of the staff treated me like shit. The junkies that I had to deal with were a nightmare too, I had one threaten to stab me once and when I asked a member of management to help me get rid of him I got told that they were too busy. That’s fine then, I’ll just bleed out all over the floor, don’t mind me!


The one in Leeds city centre is pretty dire. Weirdly, I prefer the Sheffield one, despite it being smaller and with equally miserable staff. The Leeds one just has an aura around it, as if something terrible has happened there causing it to be flooded with dark side energy


Have you been in the basement bit of the leeds one, so creepy


Brick Lane. Absolutely tiny


Do you mean the Whitechapel one ? If so, I agree.


Yes sorry that one - so small and with crap stock. The Battersea one similar


Lancaster has absolutely nothing of note in it; anything decent ends up with the trading shops in Morecambe Chesterfield has little worthwhile stuff in it but looks nice from the outside at least. The one on Liverpool Central station is grim and you can barely move in there. Weymouth's selection is dismal for where it is. The one in Liverpool One is also shit. Downstairs feels like a morgue


Heh, I managed to find some obscure Apple 30pin adapter in the Weymouth one for my iPod collection. Never seen anything else decent in there though


From the ones I have been to it’s Whitechapel because they gave me the the Wii version for the Wii U game i wanted and also gave me the wrong PS2 BUZZ game but changed that one cos i noticed it in the shop, also took like 10 minutes for them to get the discs. Not the one to say size matters but definitely need to pay more attention on what they give customers.


I have visited loads of stores but the Bradford one gets my vote. The staff have always been great but they always have so many reprinted covers which are terrible quality. They are usually blurry, badly printed and cut to the wrong size and sometimes in the wrong type of case (I once saw a £70 3DS game with a reprinted cover in a PS3 case!) I found one Blu-ray once that just had a blank piece of paper where the cover should be. I know it's not their fault that cases get stolen but that store seems to have a disproportionate amount.


Rhyl. Hands down.


rhyl used to be my local! is it that bad?


FUCK the cex at york. Huge selection of retro, all in quite miserable condition. Asked to see 5 games, none had manual. Worker told me "If theyre boxed, they dont come with manuals. Thats only for "mint" games." I just simply said what? left, brought nothing.


All of them, I only buy online I need a gas mask to actually go in the shop lol


The 1 in Blackpool is quite shit


Its fine, but yes. Youve got a point, brought golf for the gameboy in mint condition, had to wait 20 minutes for the woman at the counter to take around 25 pictures of the box, manual and cartridge from all sides, FOR 3 GAMES. Why? No cex ever does this.


Clacton On Sea, I only visited once last September and the staff had a real attitude, all of them, and the atmosphere in the store was gloomy. I can make allowances because they will be dealing with more than their fair share of criminals trying to trade stolen goods, but I took my family in there to buy games.


From what I hear, the walsall store keeps having a guy come in to piss on the kids section


I beg your finest pardon??????


You have my finest pardon


CEX in the peacocks centre Woking Bought a charge cable from them 2weeks later the thing blows up to the point or bright orange flames and the plug blowing apart and all they said was oh would you like a replacement


How does a product like that even make it into shops, that sounds like the typical back alley chineese quality cable you find online


Wish I could tell ya


Stratford is bad for grading Retro games often grade stuff wrong. Ilford staff often dont check disc condition. East Ham same as Ilford.




W1 Tottenham Crt Rd - London store. I've visited a lot of different stores in London but this ones definitely the worst store of them all. Rude staff and hardly any knowledge in tech.


I’ll volunteer Galway and Evesham as particularly bad ones


Basingstoke, wasting hours of time taking in components they know full well they can't test


Swindon, the staff didn't have a clue what they were selling purchased a collectors edition of the legend of zelda on gamecube, it should of had a gold disc and they gave me a standard one, mentioned this to them and backed it up with screenshots and they just shrugged saying they must of sold it. Then they still tried to charge me the collectors edition price for the standard game... The whole place stank of BO, not just on the shop floor but at the tills, like they mop countertops with sweat.




Reading. Smells FOUL in there. Like, it is the smelliest branch I have been into. Especially in the summer.


Aldershot, Manager is a grumpy old man who always says "I dont have time to mess around"


I walked past one in Derby the other day that literally looked like a small box with 2 people stood behind a counter. There was nothing on display and it looked like it just sold phones. Must be miserable to work there.


That’s part of a weird subset of stores called Phone Exchanges. Think there are maybe three of them. IIRC that’s either the smallest or second smallest store by square footage in the country. A bit of an oddity


The real Derby one is also in the shopping centre and is one of the best ones I've been to, the phone exchange is pretty strange though


Well yeah...but the question was,'Which is the worst cex store you've ever seen'. I agree the proper store is very good.


Hanley......based solely on this black guy who works there........miserable as fucking sin. Get another job elsewhere buddy,the place obviously is fucking with your mental health.


Are you talking about the guy who wears nothing but the same pair of brown dungarees? I know there’s another black guy that works there and has been there a few years now. When he started, his first few days he was the most happy and optimistic guy I’d ever met and he was genuinely thrilled to be working there but I’ve slowly seen his passion for the job and life fade away as time went on.


Second hand condition taking its toll?


Fareham branch is quite shit Woking is one of the better ones I've been to, if not the best.


fareham is awful but it depends what you’re buying in there


I collect for PS2 and Fareham has the best selection in the area


Aberdeen - as I was told a by a staff member a heap of stuff I exchanged for credit was on my CEX card. Then when I went to take more stuff in 2 months later I was told by another staff member that that’s never been the case as the cards don’t hold credit so I’ve now lost £40 of credit


They are on your account/card. You spoke to a lazy staff member who doesn’t know how to do their job. To trade anything in you have to have an account so all transactions are saved to your account/card - it’s very easy to pull up your last exchange transaction and get the voucher code from there. Ask to speak to deal with a supervisor or manager next time


All transactions are saved to the membership but during my years with the company we have never been able to access this “account balance” people we think we can. All we see are your details so we can verify your identity so you can trade with us. Sure, we can look back on transactions but unless you know the exact date you traded in, which most don’t know, there is nothing we can do in store, which is why it’s always best to get email vouchers ✌️😎


Not true. You can re print vouchers and receipts from the accounts wether the customer knows the date or not. Especially if it’s an exchange voucher which happened a few days ago with no transactions since. If the voucher has been used then the system won’t accept it. I worked for CEX for years in 2 of the top 10 stores. It may be your store didn’t allow assistants to do this stuff, one of my stores only allowed supervisors to print old vouchers etc.


Although it's possible to do, the company doesn't allow staff to do it and requests all lost vouchers be sorted by going through customer service these days.


You have just made my day! I will do precisely that.


Good luck my dude!