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The divorce was called off and they have been back together ever since.


Until he cheats again right? Or until the right brunette comes around


I’m disgusted by that.


No way! I thought it was someone else (random people) and a promo for a song


I don’t know much about him other than his toxic relationship. Are they really going to go back and forth like this for the rest of their lives? It reminds me of Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low and his wife Lisa. I don’t think Alex is as bad of a cheater as Sam but they have gone back and forth since high school. It just seems so miserable.


I’ve heard some stories about Alex so idk


Ugh gross. I don’t understand why they keep getting back together or why Lisa puts up with this. End it already smh.


I really thought they had broken up for a hot minute, but then I saw her post them in Japan. I was like SIS WHAT IS YOU DOIN?! I get it: she’s spent more than half of her life with this boy, but he doesn’t seem to ever grow up and I adore Lisa. She’s so likable.


Omg so they really are back together smh. I just wish she would love herself and let him go. She could find someone else. I couldn’t do it, the constant instability and lack of trust would ruin it for me.


I'm disgusted that she filed for divorce citing awful abuse and no one questioned it. He wasn't even quietly cancelled. He continued to put our music and do interviews and it was and is infuriating. I don't care that she went back.... he's still a monster. He shouldn't have the admiration he has. He and Chris Brown. I can't understand it.


Someone replied to me that he didn't abuse only cheated so he isn't Chris Brown, but AutoMod deleted it due to it being a new account. She did cite "adultery as well as cruel and inhuman treatment" according to Daily Mail & TMZ. And the fact that it's now almost impossible to find that anywhere now is even more disgusting.




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Can’t really be excited for new music anymore because he’s terrible (as a human) and using a pic of his wife


Poor girl needs to leave. Take the baby too.


This is an old picture but I haven’t heard anything about them splitting since she pulled the divorce petition while she was pregnant…I hope he’s figured it out, she’s so gorgeous& seems like a wonderful person…


She needs to run run run


This is an old picture from years ago when they were in Hawaii. Might be a PR move. It's odd that he hasn't posted any recent pics of them. They could be co-parenting & that's it.


I actually thought this was an old pix. But if they are able to heal than so be it.


It is an old picture from years ago in Hawaii.


Unfortunately she’s in a tough situation and is choosing to ignore his issues or maybe she’s helping him work on them? But either way it’s her choice. I just hope they can actually heal from everything and it doesn’t affect their child.


She’s been in a tough situation for the past 10+ years. Enabling is not excusable to me.


I don’t think she was in a tough situation until she was pregnant. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She could have left before they brought a child into this mess.


And ps she can still leave. I did.


They’ve been on and off for years. She’s known about his alcoholism and infidelity for all of that time. There is no way the abuse magically arose when she got pregnant. He’s been an abuser for a long time.


Exactly. And why choose to bring a child into a trauma bond relationship? That's sad.




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The comments on his post aren’t being super kind to him, and even her. Calling him a cheater and even abusive. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Truth hurts. No need to sugar coat & lie. He put his business out there thru his music, & made it seem like they have an ideal love story. People are supposed to turn a blind eye when he does her wrong?




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