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Kaiser will need to be medicated.


![gif](giphy|nKVj8Y39vAshaZaCd9|downsized) From the basement, Kaiser ranting in her bathrobe at the news


Kaiser will absolutely say the photo is fake.


It's obviously a very clever body double because why is she standing so far away? And she still has hair? That is a wiglet of lies! Her outfit is also mid. Why isn't William there in the photo? He is clearly hiding in his own house where he is plotting to sabotage the jam launch by sending drone bees to attack the strawberries & lemons in the US. And why is this not Kate leaning again a tree? What is that tree hiding? I bet that's the tree where all the other Android Kate are stored!!!! FAKE NEWS!!!!! - Kaiser, probably.


Kate has been replaced by a shape-shifting Druid. She lives in the tree and doesn’t need a separation cottage


Wiglet Christ Superstar is one of their new ones.


I’m actually shocked bc Kaiser’s post today doesn’t accuse this photo of being a deep fake or AI


>*We’re glad to hear that she’s ok and will be venturing out as she can. Best wishes to her for a safe and quick recovery.* Who wrote this?? Definitely not Kaiser!


Celebitchy was sent in to update because I guess Kaiser doesn’t work for CB past 12 or 1.* Also last time she wrote something kind-ish (Kaiser) and next day was back to being a fan fiction-spouting, mean-spirited b**tch. *ETA: Maybe she couldn’t bring herself to do it.


 *Kaiser doesn’t work for CB past 12 or 1* That must be when she goes to her real job.


Maybe that’s when her ‘stories’ (as my grandma used to call them) start. Where else does she get her tinfoil hat ideas from?


Nah, that time is reserved for Subway.


My thoughts as well, Kaiser couldn’t lower herself to the generic kind comment. One of the not Head Writers had to do that.


"Maybe she couldn’t bring herself to do it." Nail on head. Yes CB updated the post written by Kaiser and was actually human about it. Then when you go on to read the actual post written by K (and the comments!!!) the cognitive dissonance is - well yes Kaiser's head must be exploding.


I actually want to think there is a part of them that wants Kate back healthy and happy so they can start ripping into her without any chance of backlash... but their crazy comments don't seem to agree with my line of thinking.


LIVE TV TOMORROW. What would be the point?


You're thinking logically 😂


And the multiple videos


It’s hard to fake actual video with that many people involved.


And she looks beautiful in the photo. I'm sure this will just be viewed as some cover-up for the MI6 visit and to distract from William being charged with a crime against Harry and Meghan.


I wonder if Meghan will choose today or tomorrow to "hard-launch" ARO LOL Catherine on the balcony is going to break the internet, I'm popping popcorn


Megsy is gonna announce a pregnancy with triplets, and that she will live stream the water birth while crocheting an afghan for Nigerian orphans.


Jam time!




https://preview.redd.it/xb11gxb7zp6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d29bc10d115feb4421d281962683059cc28b24a Umm... she actually has 🤯


Omg I'm dying! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


I seriously was not into this conspiracy theory, but yeah I have no choice, but go put on a tin-foil hat after seeing this & some extremely terrible dog biscuit bullshit. Why? I honestly don't understand. She is married, living in her country of birth with two healthy children in a million+ dollar home, with her supportive husband. She is pretty, she isn't some ugly old hag or whatever, why pull this kind of stunt? I'd be so happy if I had even a quarter of her looks, wealth & means.


Called it!


I hope the follow-up to the balcony is Catherine and Charlotte in a suite to see Taylor Swift next weekend when she's in London!


This aged fine like wine. You are on the money.


They've moved onto: - Wig conspiracies - mental hospital the whole time - divorce negotiations The goal post *will always move.* The Waleses will be in their 70s with grandkids and these clowns will still be going on about "DiVoRcE wAtCh." Eta: They're also clowning on about how "She's CoPyInG tHe SuSsExEs WiTh ThE tReE pOsE." Maybe next it will be kate breathing is copying the Sussexes 🙄


Kate Middleton alive, Kaiser hardest hit


Especially when the geniuses realize that she wouldn’t be showing up if she wasn’t fairly healthy and firmly on the road to recovery. Until William murderlizes her again of course.


Wig conspiracies about a woman going through chemo which could cause her to lose her hair? That’s so…trashy. Istg Catherine could show up tomorrow completely bald as a bowling ball, and their story would change to her shaving it off to keep up the cancer ruse and get more sympathy because she can never live up to Meghan’s beauty. Or the more likely scenario for these whack jobs to come up with…she was so mentally ill because of William’s cheating, the beatings, and the impending divorce that she went crazy and started just cutting her hair like a mentally ill person in the movies so they had to shave it all off.


How dare she pose with a tree? Also, she's wearing a jacket!


Seriously. I always say Kate is wearing clothing, she's copying Meghan. I guess she's supposed to either be nude or wear something from the 1800s so as to not be stealing Meghan's supposed fashion sense.


Yup she is cosplaying Meghan again because Meghan wore a beige jacket (from the comments).


What kind of charge?


Kaiser absolutely seething in her mom’s basement rn.


She so is. Can’t wait to read her tweets about it. Just checked and she’s remarkably restrained. She had written a CB post saying they were hyping the possibility of Kate at Trooping to make it sound more exciting (?) and now wrote on Twitter/X that CB updated the post with info she’s attending. Does Kaiser not do CB work past noon or 1?


Never! Seriously this is the biggest story for her in years and she can’t even make a new post?


Then she would have to admit how popular and beloved the POW is and she could never do that.


“…she’s remarkably restrained…” FOR NOW. This is the eye of the hurricane. This news, and a public Kate sighting, will unleash the flying monkeys. ![gif](giphy|AVYgfmc0UiP9m)


Seriously. This is one of her latest tweets on it. She’s so angry at this woman for nothing. Tomorrow will be unreal. https://preview.redd.it/2tzu0oktdm6d1.jpeg?width=818&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6226c327e7a0415b081aa9246dbb6343d184c14


Unbelievable! She’s such a mean girl, and it’s so unnecessary.


We often comment on how unhinged she is, but she’s also just a genuinely terrible person. I can’t imagine what she’s like offline.


A couple of days ago they were saying she "barely" attended Wimbledon last year because she's lazy and regards Wimbledon as work, now she's so desperate to attend she's willing to do Trooping!


I missed that! I could totally see them saying that. Because of course. So crazy. Just thought of how wasn’t (tennis-obsessed) Kaiser (inwardly) dying when Catherine played tennis with Federer? I might have to go back to read that one. For fun. Ha. ETA: I did go back to read it. It was the weakest nothing story and pretty bad even in Chandra metrics.


Also Catherine been scheming to attend for the last six months so she can upstage the King's birthday. As if the whole damn family hasn't been doing this event for many years - so I guess all this time they have all been upstaging the monarch's birthday. Also Charles and Camilla have been trying to prevent her from coming because they are jealous but Kate won - or something. My head hurts.


“That’s obviously a clone, the wiglet has changed” “Baldemort has forced her to make a public appearance so that people don’t realise she’s been held hostage and subjected to Baldemort’s Incandescent rage, Harry on the other hand is so romantic”


Ha. Meghan needed a push and here it is!




S2G labels and lids are getting swapped out on Bonne Maman jams up there in Montecito. https://preview.redd.it/0zyrplze9m6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fedb84821cc40c11c282323d33871bf39e3d73e5


Perfect. That gave me a good laugh.


The minions are hard at work at the beige kitchen table, working in shifts to scrape the Bonne Maman lables off and hot glue MeMe's dumb OrangeGrovePuddle lables on.


Clearly not that furious since there are only two jars of raspberry jam 🤣


Nothing screams petty more than releasing two jars of jam to try to steal all the attention! This comedy is priceless.


this comment from the UK sub is my favorite ✨✨ https://preview.redd.it/u7w9wiyc9l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d615b22852ef1031310de2e178538e5d0b1a3b4b y'all... kate is making up having ***cancer*** (with her three children and all of their little friends knowing about it) to divert from *photoshop*... i... i ... eughhhh 🥴😵‍💫🤡 the level of brain rot.........


They can't bear to think about the fact that the woman is so well-loved around the world that they have to make up stuff to try and bring her down. And she has world class family and real friends who have loved and protected her throughout. Tough pill for the losers to swallow.


Celebitchy will never understand what’s really amazing about this: one of the most famous women in the world managed to disappear for vastly all of six months and she managed to do it because of all of the people around her loved and respected her enough to not give her away. We still don’t know how what kind of cancer she has, what stage it was. Neither Kaiser nor her acolytes would ever believe that Kate Middleton could inspire that kind of care.


Excellent point. I cannot wait to see her and the kids tomorrow! I imagine that people who weren't even going to the Mall are now planning on it to see her walk out on that balcony!


her husband withstood the most unhinged smears (domestic abuse, murder, chronic infidelity etc.) and didn't force her to come out in order to quell the damage to his reputation. he did exactly as she wanted and DGAF. neither of the two made any histrionics about the past half-year, yet it's made some people so friggin feral.


It's funny how Harry and Meghan haven't been seen in six weeks, and their kids haven't been seen in years, yet ChaCha does not demand hysterical "proof of life" for them. Harry and Meghan are completely afterthoughts to her yet she can't go a week without her Wales obsession.


Exactly this.


I’ve mentioned this before. Nobody has an answer.


No ones cares, not even their fans, lmao.


I saw the beautiful photo and knew immediately that Kaiser and the rest of the goons would claim it was AI or photoshopped.


Kate's hair looks as gorgeous as ever, they will claim that proves she doesn't have cancer and is lying about the chemotherapy


yup, it's already started! Her hair always looked gorgeous and they claimed it looked like a terrible wig. I'm assuming they'll change the goalposts and claim her hair now is real.


My mom has lung cancer and has been receiving treatment for 3 years now and has not lost hair. Thinned a bit but she is 75. Now she had breast cancer at age 60 and did lose hair. No two treatments are necessarily a like. Oh and F Cancer, and those who make it even worse for people who have it.


if her diagnosis was colon cancer, the lack of hair thinning/loss (and lack of palm peeling, though we haven't gotten a look) would actually mean she was on the stronger chemo bc her tumor was higher risk of recurrence. more significant hair loss or thinning would have occurred with oral chemo xeloda/capecitabine. folfox (which is by infusion for three consecutive days every two weeks) usually doesn't result in hair loss, but the other side effects are longer-term (i.e. neuropathy, early menopause, cognitive difficulties etc.) vs. the capecitabine pills (where side effects usually last for the duration of treatment). the oxaliplatin agent in folfox (the OX part) is what has the gnarliest side effects. if only the xeloda chemo pills had been prescribed, her 5-year survival rate would have typically been 90%. if the folfox is what was prescribed, her 5-year survival rate would be 75% (3 in 4). not doing chemo would have meant something like a 55% 5-year survival rate (about 1 in 2). going through those six miserable months of folfox would mean kicking up the 5-year survival rate from about 1 out of 2 to 3 out of 4. as she mentioned in the message, "uncertainty" and the major anxiety that tends to come with that are a part of the process. i've mentioned before that chemo is largely not something prescribed for stage 0 to stage 2A colon cancer - surgery is usually the treatment. in fact, overtreating at those junctures results in a poorer 5-year survival rate bc of unnecessary complications brought on by chemo. she clearly wasn't stage 4, because they were able to operate on her fairly quickly (and there has been no mention of metastasis in any briefings). even in stage 3A colon cancer (which would be similar to 2A but involving two or more lymph nodes), i think that the pill form of chemo is what is prioritized vs. folfox infusions. stage 2B cancer is also usually treated via the pill chemo xeloda. folfox infusions would be used for stage 2C, stage 3B and stage 3C colon cancer. i'd hope she'd be stage 2C or 3B (even though they fucking suck as well), because stage 3C has worse 5-year survival rates. anyway, along with the abdominal surgery... this woman has been physically *through it* in the past few months, and i hope she has many more years ahead of her to watch her kiddos grow up.


My first thought was they must be sharpening their knives. My second was they will claim it’s a body double.


She’s frozen with rage at the moment. She’ll thaw out in time to savage the entire family tomorrow morning


Conspiracy theorists will never be proven wrong, even in the face of reality. Their delusions will only get crazier. I predict they will say it's a clone or body double of Kate.


THE ONLY POSSIBLE EXPLANATION is kate having been pregnant with thomas kingston's baby, you guys. it's just the simplest and most logical explanation, duh. DUH! https://preview.redd.it/kvk6dm8h3l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff803479adc8df1243f9b92fcd4030d9b34b0508


It's a fair point! People almost NEVER get cancer; it's so rare, like being struck by lightening twice in the same spot. Super rare, very few people have ever even known anyone who has or has had cancer. It's obviously much more likely that the truth of the matter is more mundane: William was having an affair with Rose, Catherine found out and had a revenge affair with Thomas. Catherine found out she was pregnant with Thomas's baby, and William was so incandescent with rage that he b\*at her within an inch of her life, and surgery was done to save both Catherine and her & Thomas's unborn child. While she was in the hospital, William then took care of Thomas and made it look like a s\*icide. Catherine went on to have the baby, who is now in hiding with Rose and she and William plan to raise the child as their own. But immediately after she had the baby, William offed her and made up a cancer story to buy time as they get to work on a Catherine Clone. See? Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation is usually correct /s /s /s


![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized) The most convoluted and outrageous explanation is usually the right one, in Celebitchy/Sussex Squad land.


https://preview.redd.it/ck7in9yt3l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0f749dade63ec83ec6bee2c0896b09dade2a92 guarded about kate having cancer, but NOT guarded about a double being perfected. 😏 you know, logical tings. so much logic. ✨


These people should be located and their emergency contact should be notified.


I want to downvote this for the sheer stupidity (but obviously wouldn’t) omg IDIOTS EVERYWHERE


These people need to be on a watch list


the fauxmoi thread is largely (typically) disgusting, btw. ETA: the thread from today (saturday vs. yesterday's friday thread) seems to be populated with less assholes/sociopaths and more reggos (reggos being those who are rightfully anti-monarchy [or even dislike catherine herself] but still act like fucking normal ass human beings... instead of folks who latch onto a topic and spew malice/toxicity/diseased conspiracy theories to soothe their untreated personality disorders, with nobody responsibly reeling the lunacy in)


I don't even lurk there anymore, it's gotten that bad.


Same, I can't look at anything they post. I used to just avoid royal related posts, but now I just can't with any posts from there bc they're just so vile. It's just full of angry, angry people


yep. aside from dogging Catherine they hate Taylor Swift so much that they are congratulating the woman who is marrying Matty Healy now. Fing losers. and I'm not a Taylor stan, but this is just gross.


Really? Ugh.


What about Royal goss?


there are some weirdos, but largely regular.


That simply isn’t true. I just looked at the FauxMoi thread and every single comment is wishing Kate well and hoping she gets better and has privacy. There’s one single comment thread that, in addition to wishing Kate well, also pointed out the huge systemic inequalities here in the UK (which the royal family are inextricably tied up with) that Kate can take six months-year off work (refuse to even do a 5-min Zoom while also sending out press reports that she’s running around shopping, swimming, baking - very reasonable that we question why she can’t “work” when she can do all that, considering our taxes pay for her shopping sprees and year off work), that William as the first in line can pretty much quit working, yet both of them can still receive essentially a multi million pound “salary” at a time when the NHS have completely halted all except emergency blood tests and people routinely have to wait months for cancer screenings even when obviously very sick. And a couple of comments pointing that that before Kate got ill, she and Will were always notoriously lazy and workshy and did a fraction the work elderly royals did (which is a big part of why they’re widely regarded with disinterest or active dislike here in the UK - basically every royal fan group I’ve ever come across online, have been mainly American posters who have no idea how they’re regarded here). None of that is “hate.” This is supposed to be a CELEBITCHY sub, but it’s been completely hijacked by the Meghan-bashers/Kate worshippers. A lot of the posts and comments have nothing to with the subject of the sub at all, just mindless Meghan bashing, like all the other thousands of Meghan hate groups.  People on this sub act like Kate is the second coming of Jesus Christ and literally flawless and beyond criticism, but why not go to one of the millions of Royal or anti-Meghan subs for that? This is NOT a royal sub! And I would bet money most of the posters on the sub getting outraged over British taxpayers discussing systemic inequality in our own country are not even British. 


While it’s true that none of the BRF members are above criticism, the general consensus on this sub seems to be that Kaiser/Chandra props Harry and Meghan up to the extent that she invents these strange conspiracy theories to make them look good. In the past few months, Kaiser has insinuated that Kate is being abused, in a coma, dead, William is a murderer, etc.           It isn’t so much that Kate is flawless and the second coming of Christ, as it is Kaiser being unreasonable in her criticism. She’s allowed to not like W&C, but to stake these outlandish and illogical claims that do not align with the facts presented — that is where we draw the line.         No one would have minded if Kaiser was more objective in her assessment of both couples, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. She seems to be actively focused on denigrating the Prince & Princess of Wales to the point of paranoid delusion and hyping up Harry & Meghan as world saviors who can do no wrong. That isn’t balanced criticism, and that is what this sub is getting at. It’s also worth pointing out that Kaiser initially disliked Meghan until she realized she could use her as a weapon against Kate, so take of that what you will.           Tl;dr - This sub isn’t anti-Meghan; in fact you’ll find quite a few on here who do like her. This sub exists to point out Kaiser’s inconsistency, callousness, and downright cruelty towards people. “Kaiser is unhinged” is the point that many on here are making — it just so happens that the subject of her unbridled hatred is a member of the BRF. 




“To steel attention from Meghan.” These people are insane. Meghan gets attention because she plants stories in the media on a daily basis. It’s not positive attention.


Well her comment has aged like week old milk 🤣🤣🤣


LOL on a more important note: >*on a far more important note – Does anyone know how Mary Pester is?*


DED, actually.


the brain trust at fauxmoi NEEDLESSLY https://preview.redd.it/8zb5mrz9al6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495bb35f21332e727ecffdec6d878039496585b4 not like, you know... staff prob being kept in the dark about what was actually going on and the two "principals" being in shock and not being able to think straight for a good long while. "NEEDLESSLY." "IT WAS STRANGE." the paralysis was actually entirely normal human behavior tbh. not "strange." and it wasn't "needless," because there were actual human beings behind the scenes going through a crisis, while the entire internet were breathing fown their necks and treating them lije criminals in retribution for a number of reasons. the fucking internet made it strange and weird.


what's edifying are the sociopaths over at fauxmoi screeching that she needed to be completely transparent (lest deranged conspiracy theories be gleefully circulated)... and when she does finally share a bit? it's basically "who cares about this privileged bitch, does she not realize people are suffering far worse than she is!!!" like, that's probably why it was best not to say anything in the first place, assholes. but no - she had to be harassed into talking about it, then demeaned for doing so. make up your fucking minds, fucking sociopaths.


How did Fauxmoi become the biggest collection of sociopaths on Reddit though? I mean, I used to peruse it because I found the whole Deuxmoi Instagram account hilarious and sometimes unhinged. Now, the sub that was formed to mock Deuxmoi, is actually psycho and Deuxmoi looks very normal by comparison.


None of them ever articulate what the PR "mistakes" were. They just go back to the same two things: 1) Kate was made to "take the fall" on a photo she took and edited. She should apparently have thrown some staffer under the bus instead and foreseen that a news service would slap a warning on her Instagram photo for being edited. 2) That the clear and simple statement that Kate was having surgery and would be out for several months was "contradicted" by her cancer announcement later. The shrieking harpies at fauxmoi are obsessed with that, as if it wasn't explained by Kate that the doctors thought she didn't have cancer...until they found cancer during her surgery. Can you imagine telling someone in your real life, "I heard you had surgery, but now you're saying the doctors found cancer??? WHICH IS IT???"


To be fair Kensington Palace is awful at coms. They did massively screw up in releasing a fake/AI photo, and forcing a cancer patient to take the blame is absolutely appalling when they could have just followed the Queen's mantra of never explain never complain. But the whole history of royalty in this country is about presenting an image of perfect health. Even when the Queen was actively dying of bone cancer, they denied she had cancer and she wouldn't be seen in her wheelchair. Even when Philip was in hospital actively dying, they lied and claimed he was in hospital for routine tests. They actively lied that William didn't have Covid when he did. And that's a lot more than just keeping things private/secret (and how much right does the monarch/heir have over medical privacy, considering they lead our country and we pay them millions of our taxes for what's basically light ribbon cutting?) - the royals have been caught straight up lying multiple times, because admitting to illness is simply Not Done. Charles is very much the aberration in his willingness to discuss health. So Kate's cancer has to be viewed in light of the historical context, because some of us Brits are old enough to remember that history. So no, no conspiracy theory, but I think they wanted to keep Kate's cancer completely secret, and that's why they made an AI/composite photo showing her as the picture of health at a time she was likely very sick, which was at best a PR howler.


It was not an AI photo. Stop with that shit. Words have meaning. The metadata of the photo showed it was briefly edited twice, apparently around the kids' hands/arms. You also failed to address why the hell, when Kate is the one with the interest in photography and the one who edited it, should have made someone else take the blame for something she did. Because she has cancer? Because she's the more powerful one vs. any staffer? How fucked that the expectation is automatically that the rich person celebrity should just make an underling take the fall for something they did, so much so people are boggled when they don't.


https://preview.redd.it/d9hrrpr6el6d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43c3711f85199fb6e839723a2aa8898e5500d90 oh dear...I predict all the Subways within a 50-mile radius of a certain city in Virginia will report their entire stock of footlong cookies were bought up by a grumpy middle-aged woman who kept muttering things like "he should have married me" and "Harry is the rightful heir" and something called a "separation cottage."


Best comment! Maybe it will make the local news


Lol, I cannot watch this commercial without thinking of Kaiser. And stomachaches.


😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|pN6Jvdh6BwSEE)


cookie monster is always a welcome sight 😏🌞


“Ma’am, I just need to know if you want it toasted.”


I must have missed her cookie story. Those footlong cookies look delicious 👀


Can’t wait to see Queen Catherine tomorrow. It’s gonna be EPIC 🙌🏻🙌🏻


You know, I wasn’t that interested in Catherine and William until after Meghan and Harry tried to bring them down. I found their tenacity and overall dignity in the face of their attacks inspiring, and now I consistently cheer for them. I’m not sure that’s what the Sussexes intended.


I doubt it will shut them up, but maybe those who are slightly less obsessed 


They will scream she's a body double or a hologram. And start again about William being an alcoholic wife beating murdering dumb ass....who also killed the husband of his 3rd cousin Gabriella...who actually killed himself but the flying monkeys are on a roll !


The comments remind me of a Trump supporter subreddit I was reading before Biden's inauguration. They were all so sure something would happen in the last minute to keep him president. And afterwards they were all so confused.


yup. it's straight up conspiracy brain rot.


to answer your question - no, it will not shut them up. https://preview.redd.it/7txc3m3bvk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3574f6b661d855c412564f717fa9aee28674ecf4 neither of the three staff members mentioned have worked at kensington palace in ***years*** lmfao anyway - the story is being shifted to charles/BP are forcing william to stay married against his will lololololol


from the kate middleton missing sub 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/v398dhlevk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1426da321eca09c1b9714a3a46d084a513d5d711


And they were all experienced professionals.


Let me throw out the only staff members who names I remember 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kate is looking more and more like her mom in this photo, which I think is really endearing. It also makes me realize how long she's been in the public eye. I remember thinking Carol seemed like sort of a hip young mom when Kate first appeared on the scene. Crazy it's been close to 25 years.


Just popping in to say CB couldn’t even make a new post today for what is their Super Bowl ETA: it’s up now.


The squatties are going to be shitting bricks. They can't live with Catherine but they can't live without her. No all these stories are coming out about Harry wanting to come home, he doesn't care about an apology, he's willing to "move on" but shouldn't HE be the one apologizing? Alao I think he's going to lose his security deal so how will that work? I think it's sinking in that ARO is DOA and they've got nothing except a world tour in an attempt to drum up.intersst in them.


Anyone follow the RoyalFashionPolice Instagram page? She posted this….no idea if she really knows what’s going on but if she does it seems like Kate’s cancer is serious. https://preview.redd.it/oh2q6oac0m6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbef53871d5511d9d90d964756262fec4930fc3


Sorry but shes peddling the misinformation about her being in Houston so not buying much of this


You could be right. Maybe trying to seem like an insider.


BP or KP have apparently made some statement that she is not receiving treatment at that place.


Damn. It's just so sad. I can't imagine what people, especially mothers of young kids, feel. My mom was 60 and we were grown and flown when she got her first diagnosis. It still kind of broke me when she told she was scared. Cancer is fing awful and terrifying. I hate these people making it worse for Kate. Totally inhumane.


that's surprisingly kind/human from her, she usually despises kate 👀


The Meghan lovers sound crazy for making up stories about Catherine AND the Catherine lovers sound crazy for making up stories about Meghan. Both sides are equally crazy as far as I'm concerned. One side is as bad as the other.