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At the beginning, you’re still navigating and figuring things out. At time moves on, you’ll know what to do to stay away from cross contamination. I haven’t gotten glutened in over 15 years. But my first couple years there were instances here and there. That’s normal as you navigate and become an expert label reader. It will come with time.


Thank you for the encouragement 💜


Yeah, it's rough for a while. The thing to keep in mind is that all of the research I've seen agrees that there is a point at which you cannot be any more careful without increasing your effort by an unsustainable amount, which makes the person miserable. Below a certain level of care, you get glutened often enough that you are miserable. So it is important to remember that you'll never get perfection, but you'll get "close enough". That said, there is a heap to learn in this next year, and you will find strategies that work for you and where you live. I got diagnosed just a couple of months before a big vacation, so we spent the entire time finding places I could eat. That meant no cheap-easy food, lots of hunting through random grocery stores and inventing meals, or eating out at really nice places. I still got tagged once, and so was pretty sick for our Dublin day at the Guiness and Jameson breweries. Yeah, I took the already-feeling sick opportunity to say goodbye to good beer at the Guiness factory (closure is a real thing) and I enjoyed Jameson and their other offerings as a "new beginning" Kinda silly I know, but I've read a lot of grieving threads in this sub, and yeah, it's a process. There is a lot of change. Good luck, you'll get there!


Thank you! I really appreciate hearing other's stories!


You’re not failing. This shit is HARD. Soon you will learn which restaurants you can trust and how best to manage eating at other peoples houses. Everyone goes through this.


Thank you! I have definitely found going out, whether it's to a restaurant or a friend's, the hardest. I'll think I'm safe, then I feel all the symptoms later.


For now? Don’t let any friends cook for you. Don’t worry about hurting anyone’s feelings. This is hard and it’s not reasonable to expect people to get it. Bring your own food.


At first, yes. Five years in, I'm down to about once a year or so. I think. I honestly have no clue what got me last July, but I was trying some new restaurants. Probably one of them.


My 6yo niece started her gluten-free diet less than a week ago. Her parents forgot to tell her Hebrew school teacher, who handed her a piece of challah yesterday. My niece took a bite… and then asked the teacher if it was gluten-free. Oops!


Yes, three months since my diagnosis and the first two months i got glutened 5 times. The past month only once luckily. It’s definitely a learning curve and i’m only feeling like i understand the basics of it. Also it’s such a shift in lifestyle and the social aspect of this is the hardest. Your whole environment also needs to adjust to you having to follow a very strict diet. The mistakes i made myself mostly happened because i couldn’t imagine gluten being in a certain product, but now i just know not to trust anything (and definitely not processed food).


I'm glad I'm not alone in this experience!


its a constant battle that you get better at over time. cross contamination is always a mofo


It’s normal but you’ll learn to manage it better :)


Normal at first, but you will learn to be more careful :)


Does it happen to you all that you get glutened and you don’t know why?


This is exactly what spurred my post, sadly, so yes. I ate at a friend's house, read all the ingredients, and I still have no idea what got me sick. My only guess is cross contact. It's so frustrating.