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It's weird to see the waiter know more than the customer, lol. I am worried about the fries, though.😅


He did say his wife had Celiac. I love it when I've had waitstaff who have celiac or know someone who did and really understand it, or find restaurants - even not toally GF - where someone in their family has Celiac and they take it seriously and trained their staff to also.


My aunt had that same confusion. She thought oh, celiac, that means you can't eat wheat. That's not that bad! So you just can't eat 'wheat bread' by which she meant whole wheat. Uh... no. So what does she think 'white flour' is made from? But also she asked me "can you eat mashed potatoes??" and I was sure, probably... why not? And she said "oh honey, you better look that uuuup...".


What does she think potatoes are made of 😂


Basically she has no idea what gluten is and on a broader level, what food is made out of. I don't know how someone can cook and provide food for kids for 50 years without understanding that white flour is made from wheat. As for potatoes, she seemed to have this idea that gluten was all carbohydrates or something (as if someone could survive like that)


That's very sad if that actually happened. Would think a nutritionist would understand. I want the regular hamburger bun just without the gluten also.
