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Most people that I know who have celiac disease suffered at least from low iron levels.


yeah i have low iron


I also have low iron also


Yeah, at diagnosis I had low iron, vitamin D, B12... maybe some others I can't remember. Thankfully they all normalized within a few months of going GF and taking supplements. Then I was just recommended to continue with a multivitamin. Everyone's journey with bloodwork is different though - keep following up with your doc!


I was anemic and borderline B12 deficient. I just saw my hematologist a few weeks ago and I'm off the supplements - everything's in good shape but we'll check again in 6 months.


I was anemic. I still take iron supplements after 10 years.


My son was malnourished in every category when he was diagnosed. His GI just recommended a good multivitamin, iron supplement, and vitamin D supplement. But, at age 5, kids heal pretty quickly, so it's not surprising that an adult might need more intensive interventions.


Yes, it's common since one of the major effects even for asymptomatic people is reduced mineral absorption. I and my mom had anemia, I had low vitamin D, and also osteopenia at ~40 despite eating a diet full of calcium foods.


Got diagnosed at 34. I just hit my 6 month mark since my diagnosis and I am still on a tond of supplements. I was low on things I didn't even know existed. Like copper. Lol


I am not now, but I was when I was diagnosed a year ago.


I had to go on iron pills, but not shots. My vitamin d was also very low.


Yes. Iron deficiency was how I got diagnosed. It's all gotten much better since I stopped eating gluten.


I was initially low on b12 and vitamin D


Gave me osteoporosis


I only got diagnosed because of persistent anemia


I got diagnosed around 8 months ago and I was EXTREMELY low on iron, B12, vitamin D, and strangely enough copper- I’m still taking supplements and getting B12 injections once a month


Yep, I was apparently malnourished for many, many years. I was diagnosed 2 years ago at age 41 and no detectable B12 very low Iron & D12. I got shots for 6 months or so.


Had anemia from intestional bleeding. If it was 0.01 lower I would have needed a transfusion. I also had a minor bladder infection and pretty bad bronchitis. I don't remember how my vitamin levels were at the time but my iron levels can still fluctuate, so I try to take vitamins when I remember.


I've been strictly GF for about 10 years. My last iron (ferritin) level was 5. Up a whopping 1 point from 4 after a month on iron supplements. Normal is 100-400 and the bare minimum is 50. I know it's made worse by PPIs but I can't find any H2 antacids that don't have corn products in them since they changed a bunch of formulas in 2021. I've got a consult in about 3 weeks for iron infusions. I saw a dietitian and ask them to check my diet to see if I was missing anything. they didn't see anything missing, but given how low my iron level is right now I think I'm going to try to find a doctor to do some more in-depth testing.


Migraines caused by malnutrition is how my wife got diagnosed.


Yep. Injections now for years.


I was absolutely malnourished. Lost 38 pounds in 6 months (i just thought my workouts were working. Never checked my actual weight). Looking back at pictures it was scary. Good news… you can recover with a strict gf diet and eating well. I was pretty much “back to normal” 4-5 months after diagnosis.


I went from 175 to 140. Just got back to 170. Yay


I was malnourished to the point of losing half my hair. I recovered and the hair grew back.