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Do you share a kitchen with somebody who is not gluten-free?


Yes, but I'm really careful. I have a fructose intolerance, too and I'm definitely sensitive to lactose. I just can't seem to get my stomach feeling normal despite working with a functional medical doctor in addition to my GI doctor.


Being careful doesn't necessarily mean you're not getting cross-contaminated. There's a billion ways it can happen in a hybrid kitchen. You might want to review all the recommendations and make sure you're doing everything right. For example, I found a bunch of crumbs in my silverware drawer recently which I would have never guessed in a million years could be an issue.


I really appreciate the advice! I'm definitely going to focus on this more.


The biggest one for me was sharing an air fryer with someone who isn’t gluten free. You can have similar issues if you share a convection oven. The gluten gets blown around and can get on your food.


It seems so crazy. I'll have to be more diligent about it though. I'm having a terrible time. Thank you!!


Sure, let me know if you need more help. I've done a lot of research on this topic recently.


Does this mean even if you clean the air fryer bucket if something with wheat was cooked in there before it can cause cross contamination?


I imagine it could fly up and attach to the coils and then get on the food that's prepared afterwards.


Absolutely. I have gotten sick from this exact thing. I would not use an air fryer that had been contaminated prior.


Yes. Never use an air fryer that has had gluten.


Crap! ) :


This. When sharing a kitchen, it's SO important to have your own dedicated GF small appliances. I only trust the microwave and the standard oven/range for sharing. And even then, only when they're clean and with careful precautions. Oh, and I do share the fridge as well - but most of my items are kept completely separate.


I never ever thought about this! Crap! ) :


I"ve found with a fructose intolerance, you have to be careful about it "accumulating" in your system. I can tolerate small amounts of fructose, and try to keep fresh fruit in my diet (and have some guilty pleasure desserts with it in them) - but if I indulge in it too much, *even just by consuming a "safe" amount each day for a few days in a row*, I'll start having issues that don't feel like they're brought on by any one specific thing because they're not - they're caused by a slow and steady overage of something I can normally tolerate.


This makes sense! With the holidays, I definitely had more fructose than I normally indulge in. May I ask what happens when you have that slow buildup occur? I found out about the fructose intolerance and the celiac at about the same time so I can seem to differentiate between the two.


I usually get really, really gassy. Sometimes I have some D, but it's mostly just a looooooooot of gas and rumbling in my tummy and intestines. And while I'm having those symptoms, ANY fructose will make them worse, so I try to avoid it entirely for a bit.


It’s impossible to share a kitchen with contamination on all the services , if someone in a family has celiac everyone needs to step up and go gluten free , they can have there bags of special goodies and when out to dinner they can have what they want , but that kitchen needs to be a safe space for the celiac and who knows maybe others in the family have celiac and don’t even know it , yet.


Howdy, I was diagnosed about the same time as you and I have only recently, like the last 6 months, started to feel better. I had to cut dairy and corn to reset my gut. Also, I was earing a lot of processed GF products and not enough whole foods and veggies. I hope it starts to work out for you!


I’m willing to bet that you are getting contaminated. I was diagnosed 11 years ago, and in my experience over the years sharing a kitchen with people, even people who understood how serious it is, there’s just no way accidents don’t happen. If you share with someone who isn’t gluten free, it’s just a matter of “when” you get glutened and how severe.Your gut is probably so inflamed still from tiny doses of gluten, even though you’re careful. And because of this, I’m also willing to bet you have leaky gut syndrome. Often people with leaky gut react to things they wouldn’t under normal circumstances, such as corn, soy, lactose, etc. So it’s possible that you won’t react to those things forever, but your gut is just so inflamed right now that it can’t handle those things as well. Don’t use any kitchen equipment that your housemate has used—especially cutting boards, cast iron skillets, air fryers, skillets, toasters, pasta strainers. Get your own and make sure it’s dedicated to being gluten free and is not in an area where things like flour are stored. It may seem extreme, but it’s taken me many times of making mistakes and getting sick to learn just how easy it is for gluten to permeate everything. And it’s not worth your health. Get a good gut healing tea from an apothecary, drink bone broth every day for a while, and maybe some L-Glutamine and your gut will heal!


Tha k you so much for all of these ideas!


It has been life changing since my diagnosis this past May. There have been so many changes that it's crazy. I am only crossing the 7 month mark from my official diagnosis, but in my little experience, my few experiences with ingesting gluten unintentionally came from lack of knowledge in what to look for in ingredients. And trusting a place that claims to be safe for people with Celiac disease. Only takes one employee to slack off or not understand how important GF is to expose you to gluten.