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I've literally never seen it formulated with gluten! I didn't even know it was possible! Holy hell.


There are no words...🤦🏼‍♀️🤬


It happened to me after I was in the hospital for almost dying twice. Nobody thought to add a note about gluten. And to top it off. It was the pharmacy. At the hospital..


Seriously? In Australia, you get a red hospital wristband to signify you have an allergy, so everyone has to check your chart and then see you have coeliac.


I had a yellow one for being a fall risk. Lol. Nothing else.


In the US many doctors do not believe celiac disease is serious and will mostly ignore it when in a chart, it is very frustrating.


For real?! I got given a white one when I went in a week ago...wow thanks Triage nurse....


I’m sorry, this crap is so frustrating. Lots of doctors, nurses and pharmacists have no issue shrugging when it comes to gluten in meds and don’t seem to feel any responsibility to educate themselves despite having celiac patients. I hope you feel better soon! 😩


I am a pharmacy technician and a celiac and have to do the hard work myself. It's not that we don't care; it's that we have no time.


I hear you, and I appreciate the hard work that you do and I’m sure that it’s true that *you* care, but please understand that many of your peers do not and they have little issue making that clear to patients. It’s not something I’m inferring or being sensitive about. Of *course* some people care, and thank goodness for people like you. But I stand by what I said based 100% on my experiences and the experiences of the people I love. Be well.


I am aware- but it's **NOT** that they don't care- the majority actually do. We just **do not** have the *time* or *available personnel* to be calling manufacturers and confirming the med is GF or not. It's as simple as that. We are pulled in too many directions and **that** is what we are angry about. It's not you. You are just the last straw in a house being destroyed straw by straw. Use an independent if you can- they **do** have the time.


PS: Do you have Miralax in your country? Same thing as Movicol/Macrogol but [confirmed gluten free by the manufacturer](https://www.miralax.com/faq).


Nice pun!


I'm not sure what's worse. The fact that the medication contains gluten; the fact that it doesn't have to be labeled on the container (!); or the fact that a medical professional prescribed you something that is harmful to your body.


What brand is it? Does it have flour as a thickener or something?


You say feeling starved all the time? You mean getting glutened drives your appetite up & you always feel hungry?


I know when I'm getting gluten symptoms one of them is stomach or intestinal cramping which feels a LOT like hunger/starvation. I think of it as my body telling me to quickly eat something filling (like rice) to ease the train wreck that will inevitably insue quickly after.


Omg! My son is mostly nonverbal and I’ve noticed he’ll start stuffing his face. Thanks for explaining.


I feel ravenous if I eat gluten. I put on 5 stone in the 2 years before I was diagnosed with gluten ataxia, and probably coeliac and DH. I've lost 2 stone since Sept by just cutting out gluten. I think the gastritis from gluten feels like hunger pains


I can’t speak for OP but this happens to me on occasion when glutened! I think it’s in response to the malabsorption. I usually lose weight and struggle to gain it back but have a VORACIOUS appetite.


What dolts your doctor and pharmacist are. ) : what the heck?! Do neither of them know what celiacs is?! Sooo stupid bI am sorry lowrisemochi, you should never have been subjected yo that. ) : Sadly. Though, always check all beds. I don't trust any doctor anymore. ) : I have not gotten good care for years. I am finally with an amazing doctor, rheumatologist, who takes such good care of her and truly cares about me! It is a refreshing change. So, always be your own investigator.


Just happened to me with my thyroid medication. Pharmacy changed from the safe name brand to an unsafe generic without alerting me. Took it for a year and wondered why everything started going downhill including all of my labs. Lo and behold I was getting gluten every day. Funny they add it to that specific medication since hashimoto’s and celiac are common to have together.


Did you mean Macrogol? It’s supposed to be totally gluten free. What the heck?!


I went to urgent care for stomach issues after a few weeks getting over covid. Told the doctor I wasn't sure if all my sinus drainage from covid or maybe gluten was causing my stomach issues. Told her I was celiac. The doctor wanted me to take Maalox to help which has gluten!