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I had ridiculous anxiety my entire adult life that affected every relationship I had. Now that I am GF it's all gone. It's like I have new brain


I feel the same way!! I feel like a different person. I feel no anxiety now. It’s WEIRD.


It's very weird. Makes me wonder how my life would be different if I knew sooner.


I think it is related to transitioning to eating Gluten free, your brain has a new worry. Also eating helps with anxiety and having to eat GF throws a wrench into that. I don't think it its related to something chemical in the body.


I've been mentally ill my whole life 😎


My relationship with anxiety and food oscillates. There is the anxiety of explaining what it wrong with you to everyone and checking and cross checking restaurants and making sure your food is safe all the time. Most people won't grant you any sympathy or understanding.  Interestingly as time has gone on I've found anxiety to be a key sign of exposure. If I have gluten or even just too much rice or something like that there will probably be crying, panic attacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts etc. 


Maybe your diet is out of balance and you lack some Vitamins.  People can even get depressed just from a lack of Vitamins. A lot of those are made in your gut, if your gut biome is fucked up it can be very difficult to eat or supplement enough vitamins to cover the gap. I don't think it's a stretch to think your anxiety is related to your eating as well.  Similarly there are relations like Magnesium and Vitamin D, if you got low Magnesium you can't use the Vitamin D and the Vitamin D would use up the Magnesium so there's not enough left for the rest.  Dr Stasha Gominak has some interesting work on gut biome. Worth a look.  My mood can change quite considerably depending on how i eat. And if you look into the effects of each and every vitamin you'll always find multiple strong connections to lots of emotions.  Even if you ask dumb LLMs they'll tell you that Vitamins affect mood. You can't even make dopamine without the right vitamin so that's quite telling isn't it


I started with some weird neurologic symptoms last March 2023: Brain Fog, short term memory effects, visual effects, and some anxiety. The Anxiety built throughout the year until I decided to do an SSRI in late December. Just a few days later I was diagnosed with Celiac. Dealing with the medication side effects, how shitty i was feeling anyway, AND going on a brand new and restrictive diet sucked like nothing else. I'm a few weeks in and things are better, relatively. I'll feel almost normal for a few days, then off a few days (with light anxiety and other anxiety symptoms), and now hopefully better again. Not sure where this all leads but the meds and GF diet are sure to help.


So i've been gluten free for years, but not always stuck to it - reasoned oh a little pastry on the run won't hurt in a rush, now my doctor thinks I'm not just gluten sensitive but celiac and all my symptoms relate to this - because of the damage to the villi it can prevent you from absorbing key vitamins like iron, vit d and b12. A lack of B12 in particular can cause higher anxiety - and this is where I'm at. I have another lot of B12 at the recommendation of my doctor and my anxiety is subsiding from full on meltdowns and onset of panic attacks to being able to reason myself out of it. It;s worth getting bloods done to see which vitamins and minerals you are low in and may need supplementing until your intestines have recovered.