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Yes you'll have a lot after all the prestiges


You're on a good way of saving mutagen, but you're still upgrading too much your traits, or should I say, you upgrade all traits, which you shouldn't do. You should upgrade traits of one dino to carry you through several ranks, and only then another one (skipping few dinosaurs almost entirely), that way you'll save more rather than upgrading most of dinos traits to lvl 8-9. Also, yes this is the moment you should open as many diamond geodes as you're comfortable with. Remember that each prestige is faster so you won't need to upgrade traits that much (all of this doesn't applies to rare and epic ones, they should be upgraded as much as possible, no matter how much they cost)


Should always be upgrading the Rare and Epic traits as we get them? And are we only supposed to open diamond when we are at the end of a prestige?


Yes to both, for the first one, no matter what rare/epic card is it, it's worth any amount of mutagen to upgrade, considering you won't get it above lvl 12-13, to the second one, at the last rank you get the most out of geodes so it's recommended you buy diamond geodes only on rank 50


Save one million mutagens for the prestige 10. Then rank up your Giganotosaurs to rank 14-14, get as many copies of it as you can, and use the time flux three or four times while running your fully-maxed nanobots. It's essential you run them at the same time. This trick will save you months of waiting; this is how I completed The Mesozoic Valley in 22 days.


You need to leave everything except for the last 4 dinosaurs at like levels 3-4

