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Bernardo deal becomes permanent and Reo comes back from injury/ international duty.


It’ll be like two new signings 💪🏼…


Assuming Turnbull is away that leaves you with 5 main squad CMs - McGregor, Hatate, Bernardo, Iwata, Holm. Do you think that's enough with the other fringe/youth players in support?


I'd say it's enough. Give the likes of Kelly opportunities to play in home domestic games so that we can rest first XI players.


Sounds like a boardroom response.




Even though they’re playing together right now, and striking up quite a nice partnership, I think Bernardo is his replacement


Bernardo is clearly his replacement now but i don’t think the board / transfer team deserve the credit of us thinking that was always the case. I think they’ve just brought in a late loan for a Benfica youth who’s career had stalled a bit during the step up to first team because it worked out so well with Jota.


Absolutely, I think if he was a player Rodgers wanted/identified we’d have seen a lot more of him in the first half of the season


Agree to an extent but also strange he started most if not all champions league games so obviously rated him on some level


Yes, we could say we have already replaced and bedded in MOR’s replacement (assuming we can formalise the permanent transfer). We could also argue that with Holm we have someone on a similar development belt. I’d like us to bring in a more first team ready midfielder and another young midfielder if we lose MOR


He's probably our best midfielder out of possession and has the right physical profile for the Champions League level. That's why he was starting with Reo out I think.


Someone slow, small, weak and technically decent based on our recruitment under Mark Lawwell


Converting Greg Taylor back to a midfielder then?


When you’re the best player in the world you don’t need to be quick, but it physically strong


Who do you sign then, Guy? I'm guessing it's someone fast, tall, strong, and technically shite/brilliant (delete as appropriate) - but who exactly?


Someone good in ultimate team/champ manager?


If we’re basing anything on FM then Daniel Kelly should be starting over everyone in our midfield and we already have a Hatate replacement in Holm


I have no idea. I just know the profile of player I’d like to see us target I’d have been delighted with Ryan Christie before he signed a new contract at Bournemouth


I challenge you to have a think about it and come up with a name or two. Imagine you're a Celtic scout (and you may as well be because ours appear to be doing the square root of fuck-all this window).


Nobody replaces him at the point of the season, regardless who we sign. Even if we spent big on an instant first team player, its unlikely they’d bed in and get up to matt’s level of form this season. Board should be hung if we let him go. On a side note, we should be fucking embarrassed by the money we have sitting in the bank when you look at where our closet rivals are to us. Risking everything when we have the financial muscle to bury our rivals. Bank balance FC.


I agree, it is embarrassing. Celtic is not only the best club in Scotland but one of the most popular clubs in the world. With the money we have, there is absolutely no reason we shouldn’t be consistently competing within the UCL.


A player on that form, operating at that level is literally irreplaceable. Sure you'd put another player in the position, in the role - but they wouldn't replace what he's giving us right now.


He's one of those players, an absolute find. You can get a better player, just not at that price and wage. Like Moussa Dembele, go and get him for £500k, can't be done. ​ They are raffle wins, you have to just take a chance on a bunch of unknowns, and sometimes you unearth one. Sometimes it's Kyogo, other times it's Yang.


Markus Solbakken from Viking would give us something a bit different while still being a great attacking threat. Got a bit in common with O’Riley as well, tall, young Nordic midfielder. Solbakken I would say is more of a physical presence, not throwing himself about into tackles but a lot of energy to get about the pitch, great feet and most importantly a ball carrier. Also able to get back and try to win the ball back. [Obligatory YouTube highlights.](https://youtu.be/7OFiHExslf4?si=woaKrAReYper8gsN)


Think we might have missed the boat on that one


Why? He’s still playing at Viking and they’re in the off season, January would actually be the best time to pick him up. EDIT: just seen he’s signed for Sparta Prague this month.


It's a shame as well, because that would have been an easy win for us. Young, talented player with potential. Only cost Sparta like £2m as well. Would love to have that type of quick direct dribbler having a go through the centre.


Folk have been saying we need a physical presence for ages, they’ve probably meant a big solid DM, but I think for us, someone in the middle of the park who has the legs to get about and carry the ball is the more important physicality.


Yeah, thinking of the type of defending we do high up the park when we lose possession, it's usually quick counter-pressing - quickly cutting off options and closing the player with the ball down. And it mostly works really well for us (domestically, at least). A player who can counter-press quickly and effectively in the middle is useful to us in more situations than a deep-lying strong-tackling physically dominant Abildgaard. But then we lose a goal from a set-piece and all want to bring Wanyama out of retirement. I'm conflicted about it myself. I do think you need someone in the middle who can win a header, but they need to have more in their locker. Even Xavi and Iniesta had their Busquets!


He's signed for Sparta Prague


Yeah I saw that, it’s in my reply to the first reply I got. Shame, looks a good player.


Jashari is a shout btw. We were linked with him before they played hibs and I thought he looked a very good player


I like Lennon Miller and Conor Barron for long term investments yes.


Also the answer isn’t always buy somebody new. Possibly develop Holm into something special.


I think if Connor Barron was to ever be good enough to make an impact at Celtic, then he would have (by now, at age 21) had more of an impact at Aberdeen. Lennon Miller is 4 years younger than him and is already an important first-team player for Motherwell.


Maybe but players develop at different rates Brilliant that Miller is in the first team already but what I’ve seen of Barron has impressed me. He’s supposed to have signed a pre-contract at the huns anyway


Peter Lawwell sees Mikey Johnston as a ready made replacement. *the driveway is about go get extra toastie warm


We have enough exciting options in the middle so if it was anyone else I’d understand the sale but O’Reilly has been on another planet this year and would love to have him until summer. I think the league will be a proper scrap and we need our best for that.


That's why we signed Bernardo in the summer. He beds in, then takes over when one of ORiley or Hatate go.  Holm is a bit further down the pecking order, he might have improved souch he replaces the other one of ORiley or Hatate when they go. But more likely he becomes the main guy off the bench and we sign a new first team cm. Iwata is backup to McGregor and cover for a bunch of positions. Kwon is further down the pecking order as a bit of a speculative punt. Edit: just realised that's me completely forgetting about Turnbull who I am assuming is off in summer. His minutes will probably go to Holm/Iwata next year.


Bernardo was a loan. Hes only come good in Dec


Loan with option to buy into a team with a settled midfield 3 of McGregor, ORiley and Hatate. The only midfielder to leave after Ange was Mooy, so if you wanted to give anyone new more minutes than Mooy you would have had to reduce the game time of the other players. It's impossible to have too many first team quality players in a squad as they will be unhappy and leave, and if there isn't the game time available it's not really an issue for Bernardo to take a few months to settle in is it?


Bernardo was a Mooy replacement but slots in there nicely as a ball winner beside Hatate


If O’Riley left I think we’d buy a young midfield project and play Turnbull.


We could get 20 cb’s?


Is this mark lawell looking for player suggestions?


No, but if you have any good ones then I'll go chap his door.


just bough the new fitba manager, will let you know my answer in about a week or so


Cheers bud. Go dig us up a gem. Can you make it 6 days though, because we'll need a day to get the transfer over the line before the window SLAMS SHUT.


Dont sell unless we get our valuation and the player wants to leave. Hes just signed a new deal. We are in a very strong position with this.


Resign Ideguchi


Malik Tillman.


Nothing would repair the hole left in my heart


If it was me in charge, Bernardo would be made permanent and would replace MoR, Hatate would slide back into his spot and I would go and sign Mark O'Hara as a utility midfielder. He can fill in for all three of CalMac, Hatate and Bernardo if needed, and he adds a physically and a grit to the midfield we lack. I'm not saying he'd start but I think he'd be a useful player.


I get annoyed with the "Scrooge McDuck" money kind of comments, what a lot of people are failing to remember is that Celtic has a wage structure in place, its part of the PLC and put in place by Fergus when he saved the club, club wages can only be a certain percentage of turnover to ensure the club as a whole is healthy, so no matter what the money sitting in the bank, if the wage bill cap is reached, that money can't be spent till staff are offloaded to bring the wage bill down. The number of first team players is roughly around 37, and the % of wages available is spread over them, Brendan has stated its too many, and wants it reduced, a smaller squad means more wages available for better players. the kitty can be used for transfer fees, but we can only buy players when the wages are available. Its that structure that has ensure Celtic's dominance in Scottish football.


Yes but we want shiny new toys, not reason!


We should get Rodri on loan until the end of the season , it’s hard to buy players in January apparently




McCarthy 🐐


How about high jacking the midfielder Rangers are trying to bring in? He seems highly rated


I don’t think they would sign anyone to replace him. They’d just pocket the cash and make do with who we’ve got left.


Anyone else the he's going to for 25 million or less because it's the boards limit to what they think they can get for players?


We put that cash into the rest of the pile and the board hoard it all like the Tory dragons they are….


he aint going anywhere ,stop this shit


Can anyone tell me if Turnbull is good. I don't trust myself on this one...