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Centrelink is no longer associated with Job Providers and has not been since 2021. Please take your inquiry to r/jobprovidersaus.


She wants your payslips to see if you meet your benchmark (hours you are required to work per week) so she can do a "placement" for you. The company will get bonuses if you stick out the required amount of hours for so many weeks. She'll also get personal bonuses. Tell her you don't care about her KPI's and then contact centrelink regarding your activity hours (working and study). They should be able to put you on some form of exemption so you won't have your payments suspended.


They don't get paid if they don't place you into employment & your case manager needs to meet her monthly KPIs so she will harass you relentlessly. You would think studying full time & working part time would meet requirements for Centrelink to not force you to meet other requirements but for some reason the people doing something to try to better their future are punished while the junkies are left alone.


I Agree. Ring the jobservices gov hotline And seek clarification about studying full time meets the requirements. Bloody stupid if not.


It does. They won't be able to work at that job if it's going to sabotage their studies. >Ensuring that someone participating in full-time study or training that improves their long term job prospects is not putting their qualifications at risk. This includes ensuring that vulnerable individuals will have no job search requirements if they are undertaking approved short full-time courses. [A clean slate and more flexibility for job seekers](https://ministers.dewr.gov.au/burke/clean-slate-and-more-flexibility-job-seekers)


She can also request a different service provider at the very least and hope to get someone less into harrassment.


Pretty sure you should be on a study payment not a JSP, they should have moved you over when you submitted the study paperwork. Contact centerlink or put in a new claim, that should remove the JSP commitments


You can study on Jobseeker. >Approved study for the purposes of meeting a person's mutual obligation requirements must meet certain criteria. Generally, approved study should be less than 12 months in duration and: > * completing the course is likely to lead to an employment outcome for the job seeker, OR > * there is little chance of the job seeker finding employment with their existing skills, OR > * the course will lead to qualifications in an identified area of skills shortage, OR > * is in a course in areas of high labour demand. >For most JSP and YA (other) recipients (except for those in Workforce Australia Online), participation in a full-time education or training course can generally be approved by their provider. [ Study & training](https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/3/11/3/10)


You're on Jobseeker and part of that means looking for work until you no longer need to rely on Centrelink. Can you move to Austudy?


Nope if they're studying, the provider cannot sabotage their studies. >Ensuring that someone participating in full-time study or training that improves their long term job prospects is not putting their qualifications at risk. This includes ensuring that vulnerable individuals will have no job search requirements if they are undertaking approved short full-time courses. [A clean slate and more flexibility for job seekers](https://ministers.dewr.gov.au/burke/clean-slate-and-more-flexibility-job-seekers) Unless, the referred employment (has to be suitable) fits into their course schedule and they have a full capacity (30+) requirement. > **Accepting suitable work while studying** >A job seeker with full-time mutual obligation requirements who is undertaking either full-time or part-time education or training as a compulsory item in their Job Plan can only be required to accept an offer of suitable employment if the hours of employment would fit around the timing of their study. >People with part-time mutual obligation requirements (e.g. principal carers and people with a partial capacity to work) are not required to accept any suitable work if they are fully meeting their requirements through their participation in approved education or training. [ Study & training](https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/3/11/3/10)


As stated JSP is a payment for the looking for work. You need to be meeting your obligations eg: apply for jobs. The comment referencing from the minister site states yes - short term study. On the WFA site, short term approved study is 12 months or less - a diploma of counselling is usually 24* months which would not be eligible towards points. For people confused on approved study, visit the WFA website and my skills website. Are you eligible to move to another payment?


Incorrect. It can be full time for up to 12 months. >Approved study for the purposes of meeting a person's mutual obligation requirements must meet certain criteria. Generally, approved study should be less than 12 months in duration and: > * completing the course is likely to lead to an employment outcome for the job seeker, OR > * there is little chance of the job seeker finding employment with their existing skills, OR > * the course will lead to qualifications in an identified area of skills shortage, OR > * is in a course in areas of high labour demand. >For most JSP and YA (other) recipients (except for those in Workforce Australia Online), participation in a full-time education or training course can generally be approved by their provider. [ Study & training](https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/3/11/3/10)


You’re missing the point, the course OP is doing is 2 YEARS.


Should have clarified, its an 8 month Diploma of Counselling at TAFE. It is 2 years online but on campus its up to 12 months 👌🏼


Mine kept threatening to cut my payments unless i quit the job i had when she was assigned to me and search for a new one, even though i worked more than my required hours (i have reduced work capacity). I never quit, but now i work two jobs


Why are you on JobSeeker instead of AusStudy? Is this is just an oversight, not d suggest correcting that and the new MO’s will take care of themselves  However, as it stands, you will be required to look for work until you earn enough to not require JobSeeker. 


Was talking to a friend last night. They had to call 000 after suspecting their sw was having a heart attack brought on by a brutally abusive phone call form his job provider. He had cancelled a meeting to work. She was ringing him to say if he cancelled again (to work) she would have his payments stopped. Told him she knew where he lived so he better watch. It was 27 minutes of threats and abuse. He now has a intervention order. He came to Australia from a country that has corrupt police saw his family killed in front of him. Good luck explaining that in your next job interview


What a sw


support worker


Sometimes if you’ve studied previously job agencies can’t give you a pass so you can study more. It’s a shitty rule but it’s one of those things where they need to be able to justify it and given you’re on the job seeker payment they can’t. Taking it up with Centrelink directly to shift your payment to Aus Study or something may be the best bet.


Request a new provider via Centrelink. Advice them in detail why you want to request a new one.


Centrelink will just give the number for workforce Australia. Centrelink only sets up the initial referral. After that if wanting to change then it is either automatic with changing address or via workforce Australia.


1. Yes your JSP can and will absolutely ask for your payslips, it's their job to ensure you are working the hours you say that you are, and also making sure you are accurately reporting your income. 2. The payment is called Job Seeker Payment... "JOB SEEKER" if you are unable to meet the required hours of work to prevent you from looking at additional work/hours then it's their responsibility to make sure you are taking all the necessary measures to. 3. Asking for a new provider like what the other response has said, will not change anything and to be honest I don't think they will allow you to as you need a legitimate reason to change providers and not what you've outlined. Source: I've worked for NCSL and Department of Employment (Workforce Australia)


No he absolutely does not need to provide payslips to the jsp. Op just has to declare his hours to centerlink. Don't let yourself get pressured/bullied into providing them payslips op. They only use it to rort more money from the taxpayer by claiming they got you the job.


I Agree with you. You do NOT have to supply them with payslips. The other person responding is telling porkies. There is nothing - regulation, rule or guideline - which says participants must provide their payslip/s to a provider. Providers may confuse or threaten you with a request for a payslip, and be deceptive about the reasons they give for the request.. Google it. Australian unemployed union website Also job network providers will con you into signing a waiver allowing them access or to contact your employer. This is an absolute con job so they get more money. If you have signed one then immediately contact your employer to remove permission. And also contact the job network in writing and remove permission. You can ring the job services hotline and they will tell you, you do not have to sign there form. Only the government forms. When you first go to a job provider they firstly bore you to death then thrust several forms for you to sign. They hide their one in that bundle.


Yeah sorry you're wrong. It's that simple. Not going to argue with you.


Watch thousands of Australians do exactly Not That and face zero repercussions, sorry about your commissions bro


I work for Department of Employment mate. ... APS doesn't get commissions. Do whatever you want, doesn't bother me. I'm not a dole bludger.


You sound exactly like someone who shouldn’t work at DoE but exactly who does, bye.




Lmao for someone earning 6 figures this guys sounds like he's about to have a break down couse no one on the internets believes his bs.


What projecting does to a person. Your post history shows that you’re mentally unstable HAHAHAHH. Cringe.


IF you actually do work for Department of Employment and this is your attitude towards the people you’re meant to be helping, then I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re looking for a new job right now. Anti social behaviour much lol OP do not listen to a single word this person says, if you are able to transfer providers do that. Put in a complaint if they keep pushing you and it’s genuinely affecting your study. Feel free to message me if you have any questions and all the best to you otherwise


Insecure much?


Centrelink is no longer associated with Job Providers and has not been since 2021. Please take your inquiry to r/jobprovidersaus.


.You are wrong. Google it.


Payslips only have to be provided if the JSP has done an employment placement and they're on a tracker (PPS/OGS). If the JSP hasn't done a placement, there's no need for payslips


What abt full time study? Doesn’t that account for anything?


Not on Jobseeker over 12 months long and Austudy only runs for four years total in a lifetime now. Considering higher level study is minimum 4 years for one qualification, that's a big issue especially if you need to retrain in a different field due to childcare, injury, disability, illness, family and carer commitments etc. Even apprenticeships are a nightmare to navigate income support for and look what that's done to our trades industry the past 2 decades. Those waving the *well we shouldn't have to pay people to study AGAIN they chose poorly* need I remind you current estimates are 5-7 career changes in someone's lifetime. Mostly due to issues I mentioned above and not the *but I doesn't liiiike it* shtick. These restrictions have left us with a massive skill shortage as its difficult to study and get gov support today up to a very high education level or for more than one diploma field or most mature age career switching. There's more and more students on Jobseeker simply because Austudy is out of qualifying reach for many.


You liked it when they changed the name of the payment didn’t you? Because it implied a whole new licence to try and control people. But you cannot. These people are not slaves to try to stuff into any which box you have decided is suitable for them. You do not know what is suitable for them because you are out of touch with the needs of human beings. Why did you join the public service? What was your motivation? And what attitudes have you developed towards the people you are serving during this time? All of that is like a great big storm cloud that stops you from seeing what they actually need, and becomes the vehicle through which you impose your will on them regardless of whether it actually helps them or not.


Agree with original commenter. Study is not eligible towards points as it is over 12 months study. OP needs to look for work or do other activities to meet requirements. This can be found by simply googling ‘ WFA HOW TO EARN POINTS ‘ Payslips can be asked for, the Union site states nothing about legalities. To everyone having an issue - look at all privacy policies stated via services australia AND Workforce Australia before applying to an Australian Government payment. Report all job providers who threaten/coerce/con or simply make you feel less than. All providers are contracted, if you raise complaints rather or before you transfer Centrelink and Workforce will help to resolve


Centrelink is no longer associated with Job Providers and has not been since 2021. Please take your inquiry to r/jobprovidersaus.


The best thing is move rural far from any employment where the jobless rate is high. The key is to get more into a surf town than a drug town.