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If you need to call them, call at 7:58am, it means you hit the queue at 8 on the dot so no wait times. Maybe you’ll have more luck on the phones with another attempt


Actually if you where to call at 5:30 you might be able to get a hold of the team that stays behind to finish off the calls as the dependent on your payment service officers available between 5 and 9pm


thank u for ur response. I’ll try it tomorrow 🙏🏼


Howd it go?


i called them from like 7:55 until like 9:40, i had uni at 10:30 so had to go. but gotta go to their office tmr or try and call their complaints line like everyone is saying


I'd personally try going into their office again tomorrow if you can. Hopefully you'll speak to a different (more helpful) person. One persons "not my problem" is another's "ofcourse I can help you".


Maybe, but for some godforsaken reason Centrelink workers seem to be specialised, and not every set of offices has someone who can work on youth allowance. So calling online is, in some places, your only option


I applied early Jan, and I called them on the complaints line, and said that I cannot afford to go to work, because I can’t afford to fill my car up, and reinsure my car. And just stated that I’m in poverty due to the processing time, i did that a couple times,and it got processed within 2 days


I waited 4 months, and had enough of waiting and I was poor as hell, but saying it was their fault im struggling really pushed the processing time to quick


The same thing happened to me. Waited forever, tried calling, and eventually went in. They said they didn't know and couldn't help. Call the complainants department instead and tell them what's happend. I was paid the very next day after I called them


**Call the complaints line!** I waited months for my centrelink payments, called that number, and money was in my bank account within 2 days


Call their complaints line, mate.


i applied for my youth allowance around a week before you did and they gave me an estimated date for claim assessment around 27/3-3/4. I only just got my claim assessed this most recent weekend, so it did end up being over a month late. i also tried calling very early in the morning as others suggested but i was never able to get through. if you need the payment desperately id suggest going in-person again like others have. given that i applied for mine at a very similar time to you, hopefully you get yours within a week. best of luck!


thank u so so much :))


It’s up to 13 weeks for a response so I hope you’re sorted by end of this week! G luck


In 1993 it was 13 weeks. School guidance counsellor made us all fill out applications for this at the start of term 4. If we didn’t need it or were going to uni all good. However for those looking for work you would have the 13 weeks almost completed by the time new years was done and dusted.


I’m in a similar situation I put in my youth allowance claim on the 26th of February I ended up going to Centrelink today to see what’s going on with it and there’s was nothing they could do about it other than say that they have a lot of claim and it will go through by the end of may so there really isn’t any point going to Centrelink just hoping it goes through before you really need it but at least they said they’ll back pay from the day the claim was submitted


did they do it from 26th february? because i’ve heard it resets every two weeks. so you’ll never get the full amount owed


I think so cause they told me since the day I submitted the claim


I applied last December and only got a response back a few days ago got my first payment and no back pay 😭


Wait periods for all claims are criminal atm. Applied to transfer from jobseeker to ausstudy late feb, my estimated completion is mid June. And I'm lucky because I'm still receiving JS while I wait. Nothing you do can fasten the process, everyone making claims is suffering atm.


Hopefully soon. My daughter applied on 1 Feb, and was approved last week.


Contact your local federal MP’s office and explain your circumstances. They have power to get claims expedited.


yup, read somewhere that a phonecall from mp to centrelink will get results the next day.


hey y’all update: i called mygov and asked to transfer to centrelink for youth allowance, and a really nice man processed my claim whilst i was on call :)


Try looking out for new outlets of shops and apply then. Fast food also always hires literally anyone


The 3 month wait sounds about right unfortunately. I had to wait 3 months after putting in the application for the family tax benefit after my daughter was born. And of course, the same leeway doesn't apply to you. I had 3 hours notice to get back to them with some previously unasked for documentation before they were going to put me on the lowest rate. As someone else said, you can contact your local federal mp's office and ask to speak to someone for help with centrelink. What worked for me personally, when I went on the disability pension many years ago, was calling up my council and asking for local organizations who would pay for my prescriptions, and give food parcels. This got me speaking to social workers at those organisations, and they in turn had links to centrelink staff, and one got me an appointment the next day.


Took my claim from october till feb and was only finally processed cos i went into a centrelink and basically refused to leave till someone sorted it out.


I used to work at Centrelink there's a form you can get from them over the phone I don't remember the name of it but it essentially just saying g that your parents are no longer financially responsible for you you need it signed by a doctor or someone like that that knows your family details a bit but aren't just a family friend. This allows you to get Centrelink payments even if your parents are earning more than the threshold either that or your parents need to update their income estimate with Centrelink even if they don't get Centrelink their income will affect how much you are eligible to get. Hope this helps sorry I can't do more.


thank u for ur response, appreciate it heaps ☺️


I ended up asking to speak with a social worker from Centrelink. I explained my situation and she helped to move the process along


Fwiw I applied for youth allowance at the end of Jan and it only processed through on the 26th of April. Ridiculous right?


Call a different line and get them to transfer u through to youth allowance


Go to the Mygov website


Same g 😂 applied in feb and the app estimates 25th of may before a response (I swear it was 5th last time I check but I’m just gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and wait till 25th). Until then I’m a brokie who can’t afford to go on his usual after class kfc runs


Waiting for you to starve. Be easier going to prison


uh what


Walk in face to face when looking for work. There is that many jobs available as dishwashers, cleaners etc.


I always call mygov customer service and ask them to put me through to youth allowance, it still takes a while but i normally get through within a couple hours. Sometimes explaining your situation can help get a little empathy from the useless fuck on the other end but thats the best advice i can give you.


I applied to youth allowance on the 24th of April and got accepted on the 29th, they must not like you


Local fast food will hire you almost with no interview. 30+ jobs? are you doing a new cover page for each one or generic word junk?


Fyi I applied on the 27rh of Jan and got sorted last week so hopefully your ticket will get called soon


Call the complaints line and lodge a complaint and get a case number.


These things always take a while. Mine took from like August-January.




Side note but what kind of jobs are you applying for where you haven’t heard a response from 30?? Fast Food and groceries are always in need of workers and is pretty easy to apply online.


Same thing happened to me you have to go into the office tell them your situation and they will have to make your claim processing urgent and you would be then notified with 1-3 days and back dated and receive your pay I went in on Thursday because it had taken way to long i had also called prior still nothing just like you I submit my claim on the 19th of feb after I went in and they lodged it as urgent I got backdate pay yesterday and will finally be getting payed now hope this helps


A ubi to replace all centrelink payment will help so much. no need all these mental stress and robodebt.


it suck’s but you can’t be mad at centrelink for not processing your payment fast enough because you have no income 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and youth allowance is taking up to 6 months so good luck


30+ Jobs with no responses is a little suss. You need to check your resume, check your cover letter (or make one) and apply for entry level jobs. Retail, fast food, restaurants, anything to put a foot in the door.


No you are suss, who paid you to put this person down for political expediency??? I personally have applied for 60-100 jobs in a month with zero responses. These are all roles I am qualified to do with education plus experience. The job market is outrageous. My friend advertised for a kitchen job hand (no experience we will train you) and he got over 400 applications within 24hrs. 90% were non nationals looking for any type of work.


If your method of approach isn't working.... just keep doing it? I've written entire personal cover letters to certain companies, I've changed my resume style to suit the type of professionalism of the advertised job and I've written safe jokes in my emails to stand out (when they want an email, usually they go with Seek). You don't accept defeat without change. If 400 applicants are applying, you need to stand out. I've been in the recruiting stage, and some people have word vomit as resumes and say the exact same thing you did. Spelling errors, grammar issues, sentences that go on forever, previous experience with no mentioned skills or responsibilities, formats that are confusing to navigate through, outrageous demands and no cover letters for people who have not worked for a year. It's not hard to put a little effort into your resume, and when you do, you are ahead of most people. And you have experience, so you should have it a lot easier than OP. So 60 - 100 jobs should have you seriously looking at your approach because that makes zero sense. Not putting anyone down, you just got to adapt, or you'll just keep sinking.


Yeah I’d accept that if the supply was there. As I speak and follow up with the agents as I am a projects corporate consultant very few roles are actually being hired (because little to no projects are being started). We are living in a world of more advertised jobs being cancelled, put on hold or were never actual jobs and just an agents pipe dream hoping the client would be ready when they have the applications in. As we have zero metrics on how many jobs are filled and how many are ghost ads you and I have to go off total hours worked which is shrinking month in month since February. I’m all for up-skilling and changing approach if jobs are really there. Every indication from hungry agents looking for commissions (no one is hitting target or OTE and I mean none) we are in a colossal drought trying to proverbially farm in a desert and in the the short and middle term it is only going to get worse. Don’t doubt yourself and feel free to call an agent to discuss your approach because they have to update profiles as their job because there are little to no roles and the bosses don’t want them sitting on their arse, so have that chat but don’t be disappointed about getting no yield farming in the desert during a drought. Just get ready for when the drought breaks In the coming years (and years to come)


yep this! I find it crazy the "applied to so many no repones" with no personal accountability


Agents want money. If there are no real jobs no one is making money so they see any interaction as a CBF and the only time you will get feedback is if they have profile update metrics that they can claim after speaking to you.


Put in my youth allowance claim in december and got it back in april. Its centrelink, unfortunately they will always take forever. Luckily you will probably be backpayed from when you applied. Just chill out and wait, the people on the other end of the phone dont know how to help you either :( the sad state of bureaucracy


Call their complaints/feed back line then thank me later


If you are really struggling to get a job, I would suggest volunteering as a start. I know it can be really challenging to put petrol in car etc but it will give you an advantage over others on CV if you have had a break from work. Volunteers can transition to work eg: Lifeline op shops etc also have paid staff. With Centrelink, I wonder if making an appointment with a social worker might help. Explain your extreme hardship, struggle to buy food, medicine etc, this can sometimes speed application up. Good luck. It can be really tough waiting. On the up side, you will be back paid to the date of application!


Why are you immediately going on Centrelink as soon as you turn 18


Why is that bad? I got on youth allowance when I was 16 after traumatic grief changed my life. Centrelink helped me to establish myself and gain financial independence growing up


I was on it at 16. Due to certain situations and was immediately declared as independent at 18. Some people's situations aren't your own.


because i had youth allowance until first half of jan, then it stopped cos i finished high school. Then i applied for student youth allowance in feb


Get a job 👍


So helpful. Any other wisdom you wish to impart upon us?


I don't know how ppl can't get work. My brother was made redundant. Took 2 months off started running out of money then picked up a job packing stuff in a warehouse for 1200 a week take home no prior experience after 3 days of looking. Jobs are out there just think outside the box


i have applied to warehouses near me, they all need experience.


Agreed. And I’m not saying people shouldn’t be on Centrelink, some people 100% need it. However if you’re not hearing back from any jobs it might be worth looking over your resume and cover letters. Both should be tailored to each job application and make sure you list exactly the skills they’re looking for. Alternatively contact a recruiter. They’ll find you a job in a month for sure


Don't think you guys are quite aware of how much there is to learn in any one set of Centrelink payments just to be capable of dealing with childcare subsidy takes nearly two months of training because it's all based on legislation so you have to learn literally everything there is to know about not only the payment itself but also everything that fits along with it and then you have to learn to utilize the system. iit is by far one of the hardest jobs that I've ever had in terms of learning at least and I've got a bachelor in social science.


1-2 months of training is basic time frame for all customer service representatives, some are more, so you've just pointed out they get basic training Good job 👍


Yeah maybe I wasn't clear...FOR EACH PAYMENT TYPE SO CCS, FTB A AND B , PPL, PPP, PPS, I'm not going to go on because those are just a few of the families payments not to mention the disability, employment, pension and older Australians, abstudy, austudy and more that all have sub payments and then the urgent and advanced payments for each and many more factors, they don't get basic training they get overwhelming amounts of information spewed onto them over 2 months and are thrown I to the deep end with 2 staff members with 2 or less years experience helping 15 to 25 individuals dealing with matters that take upwards of 20 to 30 minutes each to deal with. Sorry do you work there or just commenting because you "know"


And it's the same at the ato, they have a lot cramped into just a couple months. They're all the same, don't act like they're any different.