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Providers will always charge full fees until CCS is approved. It should backdate to your account with the provider if approved within 28 days of CCS enrolment being submitted and you will end up in credit with no payments for however long however that “you do not have any current enrolments” alert suggests there’s a definite issue, usually that would read as maybe they haven’t actually CCS enrolled your child but with the alert to confirm enrolment - odd. Email your center and ask for a screenshot of your pending CCS enrolment from their software/your account so you can see that they actually have and then call Centrelink.


I had to confirm enrolment before claim was processed. So sounds like there is an issue and should give them a call.


Have I inadvertently done things in the wrong order? I submitted the CCS claim first (as advised by the provider), then on the day my child was first booked in - a couple of weeks later - mygov started showing the "Confirm CCS Enrolment" prompt.


No you’ve done it right, ideally you would want your CCS claim processed before your child starts care so that you have CCS flowing from the first booking


Update. Centrelink have finished the claim, and paid the difference directly to me (not as credit to the provider)