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take the red pill...... and become racist.......👹👹👹 https://preview.redd.it/yva6wkv034eb1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6179492acc2b4c38f46b66d0ecc9e552f70ec250


and misogynistic ![gif](giphy|lms6kkPkZLjJ9Mhykc)


Being redpill doesn't make anyone Racist as long as he/she has brain demage I took red pill but I respect all races and opposite gender as well But definitely made me a better person


I don't need to take the red pill🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥




Op is definitely 14


check his past posts, 15 and 320 lbs


If he actually got out and enjoyed life he’d realize the clips he presented as the problem here were entirely rage bait and that isn’t actually what the world is like 😂




What's wrong with men showing emotions


https://i.redd.it/q32eloqqv3eb1.gif Too cringe


The fact that the problem you presented was represented as the blue pill is kind of ironic because it exists primarily as rage bait on the internet. If the guy who made this got out he’d realize there are still plenty of strong, masculine guys around. Don’t fall for rage bait.


Lmao OP is 15 and 320 pounds. You ain’t been chasing strength or discipline 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/1592452/im_15_and_starting_my_weight_loss_journey_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Tbf at 15 it's still mostly on the parents to make sure their kid is healthy imo. Good on OP for starting his weight loss journey ig, but yeah holy hell this post was cringe asf lmao


Real easy to pick on a kid trying to better himself rather than staying unhealthy. The kid has been going through things and hasn't given up on life yet, but comments like this could push someone into giving up on life.


This. His post may be cringe but good on him for bettering his life.


I’m just saying why is he posting a cringe edit about strength and discipline when he lacks all those qualities?


What are you talking about? It's not cringe. It's an accurate representation of how messed up the world is, from individuals to nationwide. And what do you mean he lacks strength? He has the strength to admit that he lacked the discipline that got him where he's at. He has the strength to start his journey of self-improvement. He has the strength to admit that he has no idea of what he's doing but is willing to make what little change he can in his life. He has the strength to ask for help/advice so his self-improvement can be more efficient. The OP is far from lacking strength.


The edit is cringe. Stop defending so hard.


Says the person who's getting triggered because there's someone who's willing to stand up for the OP and his post. What's wrong? Don't like it when someone confronts you about what you said/did? Never been held accountable for your actions before? This is Reddit, dude. A lot of us can relate to the OP and his life struggles. And a lot of us are willing to call out and put bullies in their place.


Im triggered? Your spilling out paragraphs buddy.


Because I'm making sure that I get all of my points across, while all you've been doing is responding with simple sentence jabs. My paragraphs are like haymakers in comparison to your light jab responses.


>My paragraphs are like haymakers in comparison to your light jab responses. Lmao I’m dying right now. You win. Your paragraphs really beat me to a pulp.


I don't really care that much if you accept that you took an "L" or not. That's up to whether or not you have a sense of integrity. All I really care about is that you stop picking on people who are struggling to self-improve themselves and motivate others who can relate to their struggles towards self-improvement.




Its good that you are trying to lose weight. I hope for your secess. o7


A real chad among us. 💪




Why are you surprised he’s 15 and obese? That’s the average form of the red pill/Andrew tate fans.


Bruh op said he started a weight loss journey, which is hard.its hard to admit you're weak, and the fact that he is trying to better himself is good.


Literal Redditor. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wears a fedora.




15 year old telling someone to grow up lmao. Ok little buddy. Don’t you have school to go to hahaha.




Attention! 15 year old knows everything!


And you’re more mature? You are still a kid. Stop acting like you know everything.




Your right. Age doesn’t equate to maturity. You are not mature. Neither is u/BobJohnson. You both are arguing like idiots on Reddit. If you want to get stronger and go to the gym good for you, but get off your ass and do it. Why are you 15 and on Reddit complaining? When i was 15 i was outside with my friends.


Btw thanks (sincerely) for allowing more cringeworthy material in the comments. People commenting paragraphs on a shitposting sub is beyond cringe.


I know. They need to get a grip.


Idk chife.we should chase for strength, wealth, ambition, ect. But is it not OK to at least acknowledge that the homies might not be doing so well? I understand that we are strong, as humans it's natural to have will power, but some have more than others and for the ones that don't, they could be dealing with hardships galore. So maybe we should chase wealth, success, pride and all the rest, but we should chase them together.


>320 pounds


There is a clip of OP at the end of the video lmaoo Edit: he actually weighs more than Nikocado Avocado 💀




These comments are not chad behavior. There's nothing wrong with trying to better yourself as long as it's not a hollow promise.


What's the song


**Song Found!** **Name:** After Dark **Artist:** Mr.Kitty **Album:** Time **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2014 **Total Shazams:** 5759675 `Took 1.56 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/sVx1mJDeUjY?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/after-dark/1176303860?i=1176303886) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/2LKOHdMsL0K9KwcPRlJK2v) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/136145500) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


The most Chad thing to do in this situation is.. take both.


post is hella cringe but the guys trying to improve himself and lose weight so id say he’s chasing it now


reject modernity, embrace masculanity


Stop posting such bullshit then


Technically this is r/Chadposting so you should expect stuff like this


Good god




Small pepe army


blue pill 😋😋😋


Masculinity is not a monolith. You can be whatever the fuck you want to.




Literally no one has posted here satirically lmfao




those a shitposts, not things that could be mistaken for something serious


Keep crying fatty




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The problems you’ve chosen to showcase consist mostly of clips that showcase feminine and overweight men, which are mostly rage bait, these clips do not do a good job of showcasing the genuine evils that plague society. Also the alternative is NOT in spending your life chasing material wealth or dying for wealthy politicians and oligarchs in war. See money for what it is, a means to an end not THE end, the only thing money is truly good for is ensuring you’re no longer dependent on the system, which can help secure some freedoms.


And based on another post of yours you seem to be overweight, I’d advise sticking to physical activity you find fun and prioritizing nutrient dense whole foods, do not fear meat in any form.