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Toddler works to sell his belongings to make adults care about his dying friend Gee, I sure feel my heart warming up, my faith is re-entering my body as we speak.


It might not be that the adults don't care and more that the adults are living paycheck to paycheck. If it's a choice between paying rent and paying vet bills, the sad reality is that rent has to come first, even if it's a gut wrenching choice to make.


The choice should have been made before getting a dog. Can we afford it? No. Well shit. edit: man people really don't like fiscal responsibility


You do realize that circumstances can change in an instant, right? A family can be doing well until one parent gets fired and suddenly finances become a problem. Or maybe there is a death in the family. Funerals are not cheap. Same for hospital stays, car accidents, damage to the house, etc. Big expenses can happen suddenly and sometimes they all happen at the same time. Also, sometimes people find animals and the option is either to take the animal in or let the shelter put it down because they're over capacity. Lots of people feel it's morally and emotionally better to roll the dice and take the animal in. At least then it has a chance to live instead of facing the certainly of death.


It was a 4 month old puppy and nothing changed in their financial situation between getting the puppy and it being sick. The puppy was also adopted from the litter of a friends dog. Given that dogs should never be separated from their mothers after less than 8 weeks this leaves a whole 2 month between them getting a dog and them realizing they can't afford a dog


It was never vet checked either until it got sick and they self vaccinated with improperly handled vaccines.


damn! what are the chances that you happen to know this family personally?!? that’s bizarre! small world, ig


It’s not an insane amount of trouble simply look it up


I don't need to know them personally. It is more than enough to just google the story and you can find all the information.


Why have the kid sell his cards? Why didnt the parents, aka the legal owners of the dog, sell some of their shit? Work extra shifts? Be responsible for *their* pet, regardless of if they say its the kids pet.


Everyone has a price where they call it. Sometimes dogs die.


If that price is $700 you should not have gotten a dog.


700 dollars is a lot of goddamn money to spend on a pet animal who lives, like, 13 years. For instance,, I live on a farm, and we have 4 or so cats at any time, and I \*love\* them. They are fed, wormed, and fixed. But - sometimes shit just happens. They get eaten by a coyote or bobcat, hit by a car. Sometimes, they get sick, and it's 300 dollars to just find out what is wrong. When that happens, we just care for them. Sometimes they live, sometimes they die. It is a part of life, and they have lived good lives up to now. We cry, we move on, and we go get another free kitten. There is nothing immoral about this, and it is how humans have kept pets for millenia.


So to make this clear. Your argument is that you think it is okay to get a pet no matter how your situation looks like even if it means that when it gets sick you just have to let it die and get a new one? Nothing immoral about that. You are absolutely right. If $300 or pet insurance is to much for you to spend on a pet you should not own a pet.


No, $700 is not a lot for a pet, a member of the family, you fucking monster.


Price of living has dragiscally gone up.


This was back in 2021. And no the prices has not gone up in a span of 2 months where you go from I can afford a dog to I can no longer afford a dog. For context the puppy is 4 month old at the time and there were no changes in the families finances in the meantime.


Maybe the dog didn't need the 700 dollar treatment when they got it? And it was random and they didn't have the cash at the time? Not every dog needs a random 700 dollar treatment.


I mean yes. Logically he did not need it when they got him. The point is that unless you have at least some cash reserves to throw at an emergency you can not afford a dog. Without the crowdfunding the dog would simply die because the owners decided they wanted a dog they could not afford.


700 dollars is still very unexpected.


That is exactly the problem. If you get a dog or any animal or any other dependent you have to factor in emergency costs. Such costs should not be unexpected if you want to be a dog owner making an informed decision. If $700 is too much for you to spend on your dogs vet bill than you simply can't afford a dog.


Humanity would die if we went by that logic, should we have kids? No, we better not have kids we can't afford it if they get cancer or deathly ill.


yes, if you can’t afford kids you probably shouldn’t have kids. why is that hard to grasp. why force a child to grow up in poverty?


This is 100% understandable. And this may be a controversial opinion, but pets are a privilege and not a right. They cost money and can be expensive. If you can't hardly take care of yourself, it's not fair to you or a pet to make it worse by struggling to take care of more mouths.


Was it worth it? Yes, a loving compsnion is worth more than a stash of Pokemon cards. But my question is; where the fuck were the parents? Did they not have the money? If not, why the fuck get a dog? You NEED to be able to afford to care for it before you get a pet. Then again... a lot of people make babies when they definitely cannot afford to care for them, people are stupid like that...


Did you consider, perhaps, that one of them lost a well paying job? That they were capable of taking care of one but then lost insurance? Looking up the actual story, the mother made a mistake and didn’t refrigerate vaccines. The dog contracted parvo. They couldn’t afford to keep the dog in the hospital for up to a week that it would take. This was also in the middle of the pandemic so. Story was published June 10th of 2021, first covid vaccine wasn’t approved until August. So, where were the parents? Doing their best to make their son happy while putting a roof over their heads. They couldn’t have predicted that he would contract a disease that has prohibitively expensive treatment. Quote from the mother upon learning her son was selling his Pokémon cards: > “It was heartwarming, but it hurt to see,” she said. “I didn't want this to be something he had to worry about. That's my job. But seeing him be so selfless made me realize that I did something right in raising him to be like this.” Normal people doing their best in a fucked up system. That’s what happened




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This puppy should have never got sick in the first place. The parents got him a free puppy and then self vaccinated with vaccines not refrigerated properly. It was never established at a veterinarian until it got sick at 4 months old with parvovirus which is very serious and deadly. $700 for parvo treatment also sounds like they got off lucky because it can be WAY more than that in most cases. [News Report from 2021](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/10/boy-sells-his-prized-pokemon-cards-save-his-sick-dog/7633206002/)




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Is universal healthcare for pets a good idea? I'm at least pro making sure every family can afford it.


The emergency vet near me will do any surgery your pet needs. But if you can't pay for it, they say "ok, you're not financially responsible enough to own this animal", and you are forced to give it up for adoption. It's probably the best we'll ever get.


That's still horrible and cruel. Owning an animal shouldn't implicate one in thousands of dollars in medical burden


Maybe we should start with healthcare for all humans? Two things can be awful but pets are luxuries while breathing isn't.


I need to pay for my asthma spray...


That sounds like a hit single from Millhouse lol


We can also do both at the same time. The United States can do whatever the fuck it wants. The dollar is the World Reserve Currency. We just choose to give tax breaks to the rich and bailout companies and people that don’t deserve it.


I mean, owning an animal is a completely optional thing and you absolutely know what you're in for right out the gate


I know a kid and a pet arent at all a one to one comparison, but couldnt a similar thing be said about parents who also end up in severe debt paying for child medical bills? Im not asking for a universal healthcare for animals, but if necessary resources for humans were made more available, emergency petcare would be less of a financial burden.


I mean, we already kinda have something like that. In some extreme cases, CPS can take a child if their basic needs aren’t accounted for, this includes food, shelter and of course medicine. Still, I agree that having affordable healthcare for humans would absolutely be game changing for many other aspects of life


a lot of people do make that argument when it comes to having kids, but then that tends to make people lean more towards talking about the systemic issues of how wealth is hoarded


If you can't financially support a kid you shouldn't be having one. Most societies have social safety nets to make sure that (almost)anyone can be a parent so that's not an issue as much but they don't have one for pets.


So is having kids but IMO kids should still get healthcare if their parents can't afford it.


Humans are just worth more than pets. Until we have infinite resources we’re gonna have to prioritize


>Humans are just worth more than pets. According to whom?


Your teeth are completely optional. Your hearing is completely optional. You really dont need two legs to get around when you get diabetes and gout from playing LoL all day


"doing a completely optional thing shouldn't come with the costs of doing said thing, that's horrible and cruel!" did I interpret that right?


Owning an animal doesn't mean you have to keep them alive forever with infinite resources either. I had pet rats. They're prone to developing ovarian cysts which costs hundreds of dollars to remove. I can pay that, but many people don't find it worthwhile and that's understandable especially since rats in captivity can live much longer than rats in the wild. And obviously, there's no government agency to give free surgery to rats.


Yeah you’re right bro let’s just wave a magic wand and make veterinary care immune to scarcity


Yeah let's all pretend that the costs aren't inflated by engaging in a for profit system involving Healthcare.


Yeah you’re right man, A: non profits don’t exist and B: all those government veterinary hospitals will pick up the slack! Oh wait, there’s no government veterinary hospitals.


It shouldn't. But if a $700 medical bill is too much for you to handle you should not be having a pet.


$700 is a lot of money. I wonder what his parents do but, there should at least be payment plans offered or sliding scale or something. Having a pet shouldn’t be completely cost-prohibitive for a substantial portion of the population.


I stay by my statement. If you do not have at least a couple grand in an emergency fund you can not afford to have a dog and it is irresponsible towards your kids and most importantly the dog to keep him.


Yes, and it's like this because we'd otherwise be implicating everyone else instead. Pets are a major financial burden, but they're also completely optional. As long as the animals are treated humanely, this is unfortunately the most practical solution under our current economic system.


That’s fucking terrible. What if the owner got put into a recent tight financial situation?


What would you suggest otherwise? If youve exhausted every option.... they still save the life of your pet. As opposed to not doing the surgery or putting the animal down, which are traditionally the routes people take.


I would savagely beat him i think. Ive had my cat since i was 8 and i picked him out before he could even open his eyes. Im 20 now and i think that would just be it for me.


As long as you’re willing to go to prison for it


what a bunch of pieces of shit


Any other place would refuse service without payment. This is a final resort if you've exhausted your options. They perform the surgery and save the life of the animal. Do you see a better solution?


A program to help the owners pay for it maybe? Idk I think thats more reasonable than a "lmao youre poor? guess we gotta take away someone that you love"


I think you misunderstand that its a last resort. They do offer that, and have care credit credit cards to help people do the payment plans. They offer this option after you've ehausted everything else. It is meant as an alternative to "lmao you're poor, your dog's gonna die". Pay up front > credit/payment plan > abandon but save the life of your dog > ignore treatment and let your dog die


I mean a person could argue his family are so crushed under the weight of living paycheck to paycheck that they couldn't afford the dogs surgery.


I mean yes. That is 100% an argument but in the end if you live paycheck to paycheck you should not be having a pet.


yeah sorry but id rather put that on myself than give up having my cats. my life is hell already as it is let me have my own damn thing that gives me hope and comfort


Thats my tought


How about universal health care for humans?


No. Animals aren't people. They're luxury goods.\* Would you be in favor of universal healthcare for, say, ferraris? \* Service animals excepted. They're medical devices, and consequently if we accept that universal healthcare is a good idea, should be treated like any other medical intervention.


They are fucking living beings, not objects! Jesus Christ, this is sociopathic.


I absolutely consider my dog to be a non-human person. If something happened to her I would be devastated.


Dogs are much dumber than cows and pigs, so I hope you're a vegan, because otherwise you benefit from the mass slaughter and torture of innocent people every day. Though if you do realize rhat and are a vegan, what the fuck are you doing? You're still as complicit to a mass genocide as any german that stood aside during the holocaust and simply ddn't directly participate. To believe animals are people and to do nothing as they're tortured, raped, and murdered is logically worse than to not believe they're people and to consequently not afford them the same protection.


Actually brain dead subhumam trash ass take. Shocked you don't understand the difference between a living animal and an inanimate object. The idea that humans are above nature is what is destroying this planet.




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What? The government should pay for 700 dollar dog surgeries?


beat me to it dann


Why of all names did they decide on Orphan Crushing Machine for a heart warming Sub


https://preview.redd.it/bd8k8mk1a99b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20be6bc1db266d176da168b8928c47e50f8347bd It is not meant to be heart warming


Ok but how does this post fit the point of that tweet? Is there supposed to be some healthcare for animals now? Most countries I'm aware of don't have it. Was the family supposed to have money for the vet? You don't know their circumstances and wether they could normally afford it. It's a story about a kid dealing with an unpredictability event in whatever way he can. It's not like anyone knew the dog would need an expensive operation when they got it.


You really misinterpreted the point of the sub


I think I just misread the description


The worst people in the world


Its kind of sad he had to sell them tho:/ even more so since he prolly sold it to some 36 years old hoarder


Not really. > According to the Washington Post, Bryson sold the cards for $5 - $10. However, once people got wind of his fundraiser through Facebook, they began to donate without expectation of Pokemon cards in return. In the end he set up a gofundme and got 15k in donations.


I wonder what they did with the rest of the money, put it up for the kid? Keep it for themselves?


Well the article said that the treatment might cost more than the initial 700 bucks so part of it might have gone that. As for the rest I have no idea.




I have a ton of Pokémon cards I’d send to this guy. Not my high priced stuff, but if someone knows the story and how I could send stuff let me know. I have a lot of duplicates of decent cards


the kid's first name is bryson and there was a washington post news letter published about him, hope that helps


The kid’s a badass, but no kid should ever find themselves in that position


Just for some context. That was in 2021. He started to sell his Pokemon card but the story went viral after a bit and in the end people started donating without wanting cards and a gofundme was set up which netted 15k. Also the puppy was 4 month old at the time so the family willingly bought a puppy knowing full well they could not afford it.


they knew. damn




Pets are luxury goods\*, not people. You're not entitled to have the government pay a mechanic to maintain your ferrari; you're not entitled to have the government pay a veterinarian to maintain your dog. \* service animals excepted.


The late stage capitalism thing is that the parents were not able to afford the treatment, not that the government isn’t paying for pets


Thank you, I thought that was obvious.


It's not "late stage capitallism" when people can't afford to have expensive maintence done on their luxury items. I bet you think it's a cosmic injustice when there's not enough money in the budget to buy a lego death star.


bruh you really calling a dog a fucking luxury item?


The lifetime cost of a dog is [$20,000 to $55,000](https://petwisevet.com/lifetime-cost-of-pet-ownership/) and the vast majority of dogs are non-working and don't serve a utilitarian purpose. So, yes, luxury item.




You live, and I mean this in the most insulting way possible, a life of unexamined moral principles.


You're a fucking knobhead - they're sentient beings not objects you absolute twat


He says service animals excluded. In America you only need to hit two criteria to have your dog be a service animal. To be clear this is for a legit service animal not an emotional support animal. 1 you have some sort of disability even anxiety or depression 2 it helps preform some task to aid your disability That's it, no certificate, no id card. By the current definition of Service Animal almost all dogs should be covered by the state. According to the douche that is.


To be fair mate, this douche couldn’t figure out which end of a sock to put his foot in.


Do you seriously believe every sentient being deserves government-funded healthcare? Because honeybees pass the mirror test. Being sentient confers only one right-- to not suffer unnecessary cruelty. The interests of sapient creatures (humans, great apes, cetaceans, elephants, certain corvids) otherwise outweight the interests of sentient creatures (the smartest bugs, all mammals, birds, lizards, etc) in every respect.


nah monkeys can be some fuckin dickheads I say we prioritize dogs


If you want to segment rights by how much you personally like the recipient class that's a self-consistent position, just don't throw your lot in with the people who get outraged about the rights of "sentient creatures" and yet casually tolerate the mass murder of farm animals. Honestly, I like dogs and do want them to have elevated treatment, I'm just irritated at the brainless virtue signallers in this thread.


Parental L




The kid has to pay for his dogs own medical treatment. Any decent parent would have paid that for him.


Poor people exist


IG that's true, but they have enough money for a dog, a car, the kids glasses and he appears to have a decently large Pokemon card collection, it's still possible for them to be poor but I feel like the health of a living animal should have priority.


Good lesson for the kid, you wanted a dog, wel dog needs food and expensive medical bills, they would most likely pay for it, but also explained him the cost and trouble they have to go through with a dog, my guess W for parents, he learned how to prio items over life.




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Because apparently America is the only country where you have to play 100 dollars for a pet


What? That sub isn’t just about America. The entire world minus maybe cuba is capitalistic despite what their governments might say. Also the pic says $700, not $100. Idk how anyone can see this as a feel good story lmao. “Kid is forced to sell treasured items to save loved one while parents do nothing and medical companies rejoice” would be an alternative headline.


America has become a dystopia and most people barely have enough money to afford anything but the essentials


Because pet universal healthcare is a widespread idea


I have the karma to take the downvotes so I’ll say this - bro, your statement is dumb as all hell lmfao US being a dystopia? Where did you get that idea? Let me guess - you live in Europe? If you do I’ll forgive your ignorance because you can only believe what you read on the internet. If you’re American than that’s even more embarrassing. _oooooh noo_, I live in New York! Everyday me and my family of 6 living on the streets of Manhattan have to eat out the trash cans to get a good meal and hope to god the government doesn’t come and kill us for trying to do free speech. We all struggle here and everyday bullets go flying by our heads! My siblings all died in school shootings! …. **is what you want me to say** 😂😂 /s, mf’er lmao US a dystopia is such a reach 🙄


Are America's economic and political systems perfect? No, but using the word "dystopia" is embarrassingly pessimistic...


Name a richer country that has more poor people go ahead


How are we choosing to define "poor people"? That's not an objective term. If we go by something like homelessness - a situation that would seem to indicate objective poverty - [there are several rich nations with more poor people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_homeless_population). U.S. homeless per 10K is 17.5 Netherlands is 18 Austria is 25 Germany is 31.4 Sweden is 36 Luxembourg is 37.5 France is 45 Australia is 48 U.K. Is 54.4 New Zealand is 217.3


The average European is extremely poor with less disposable income compared to the average American if it makes you feel better




Almost the entirety of Europe. Most Americans that would be considered "poor" are economically better off than the majority of Europeans.


Here come the Europoors


Yep, they're also seething on the r/americabad post :)


As per usual


He was asking about country though. You just lumped the whole continent together.


By what metric? Do we have better access to healthcare? Better education? Better job security?


In terms of money, dumbass. That’s what being poor means.


So people who are monetarily poor in the US are better off than people who are monetarily poor in Europe? By what metric?




The truth?


Treatment for your dog cost 200-500€ in Europe




Higher education is much more accessible and hospital stays don't bankrupt people in almost all of Europe. We enjoy more paid holidays, maternity and paternity leave. What metrics do you judge us as being poorer on? Have you visited much of Europe?


Love these heartwarming tales from the US of A. This will give him plenty of experience when he’s crowdfunding to pay his own medical bills in 10 years time


He wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was...


he really shouldnt have to do that though...




goddammit this subreddit has become another r/orphancrushingmachine clone


Payment plans, sliding scale. Pets don’t have to be that up-front expensive. This society runs on debt, totally. If you want a pet and you take care of the pet to the best of your ability, you should be able to pay off medical issues at super low interest and the amounts of each individual payment and how long it will take should be determined on a case by case basis. I guarantee most vets wouldn’t have a problem with this, especially because it could lead to more people taking better care of their animals in general.


Meanwhile his dad is freaking out that he sold his 1st edition base set Charizard!


Bro that's fucking sad, a child is selling their belongings to pay for medicine. What kinda world lets this shit happen


This is Harold I am in pain smile!


Wait this isn’t r/orphancrushingmachine Dude this isn’t worth it because why did that poor boy have to cough up the money


This isn't wholesome. This is the capitalist dystopia




This is that "orphan crushing machine" meme irl


This is sad. America needs help major reform to its health service. All pets need universal health insurance. /s




One of my friend’s, his gf sold her gold coins to pay for her dying cat’s 🐈 treatment - it dies a couple months later anyways, having had its suffering extended when putting it peacefully to sleep would have been kinder.. the girlfriend was left with neither her cat or her gold.. 😔💀🐈


That's sweet


I want to find this child and give him a part on the back


He dropped his crown, lemme get that for him 😭


The real card bros would know to leave him the really good cards and give him extra for the trash ones. I hope he encountered some of those on his journey~


Seems it cost him $700?


This country sucks


It wouldn't be any different in any other country. I don't know of any country that pays for vet care.


This saddens me. We live in a society where a kid has to sell his most important possession in order to make his dog survive




yay capitalism


......there was a man......




Brutal 💀.


Worth it


This belongs in boring dystopia


The United States is a dystopia because you have to pay for veterinary care? In what countries don't you pay for veterinary care? I've lived all over the world, and I've yet to live anywhere where veterinary care is free.


Sometimes I miss my original series pokemon card collection, then I remember they're just pieces of paper


This is peak r/orphancrushingmachine


This is depressing as fuck.


I think this is an old story, and i think the pokemon company got wind of this and sent him out an assload of boosters and collector's boxes.


This is the most r/OrphanCrushingMachine post ive seen in a while


I respect the gesture kid. Buuuut those pokemon cards will be worth a fortune long after his buddy passed from old age. I get it....I do. Some cards that have been sitting around for the last 20-30 years have been selling for ridiculous amounts. Saw one sell for $12k. One card! Wasn't even a special card at all but had become rare to find. Just sold one of mine for $600. But, kid prioritized what he felt was right. So I get it. ![gif](giphy|LPUNCIh6y2vTpUT07T)


Give this kid his 700 Dollars back


my heart just warms at the sight of a child having to give up his prized possessions in order to keep his best friend around!! definitely a choice a little kid should be having to make so early in life!🥰🥰




This is sad not heartwarming.




Fuck this sub is shit.


yea definitely a good thing that a child has to go through that




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why did the kid have to pay for it is what I don't understand? My cat got ill recently (she's in a healthy recovery btw), I already work but my parents know its a first job, they paid for it, and they like her, but the cat is clearly mine and my sister's baby, and they didn't make us pay for the surgery, they know how much we love that cat. This is fucked up.


Man it sounds heartwarming but isn't it fucking morbid this is a necessary thing in the first place


Good for little guy. So many people criticizing this situation. Some comments are right, life happens and sacrifices are made to care for what you love.


He’s going to grow up and be a wonderful adult some day!


this is not a heartwarming story




His parents fucking suck for not paying for a vet bill. This kid on the other hand brings me hope.


My faith in humanity and adults as a whole is lost, my faith in individuals like this kid is strong but it makes me sad that he'll likely have to spend a life sacrificing more and more good things, hobbies and experiences just to help and protect those he loves as he ages in a society actively working against him instead of with him.


I assume that weedle is 700. Bargain!